Face to Face Help
If you learn best with face-to-face interaction, these resources may help.
- STEM Cafe
- Math Tutors
- Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society - free tutoring in lower division math
- Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers
Study with Classmates
Your classmates are perhaps the least used and arguably your best resource. Try to find at least one or two other students from your calculus class with whom you can regularly do homework and prepare for exams. An efficient and effective study group will streamline homework and study time, reduce the need for attendance at office hours, and greatly improve your written and spoken communication.
Excerpt from Duane Kouba's Calculus Assistance.
Whether in a group or alone, give a peek at these Math Study Tips for some good suggestions on how to approach studying.

Help me! Calculus!
For specifically Calculus help or information, visit these suggested links:
- The Calculus Room - During the academic year, this is a gathering place for students in Math 17, 19, and 21 series to study in groups or individually with Teaching Assistants available to answer questions. The Calculus Room is closed during summer.
- Doing Well in Calculus - Tips on how to improve your understanding in math day to day
- The Calculus Page - calculus.org, a resource for calculus students
- Galois Group Matlab Tutorial - A tutorial for students just learning Matlab, software used in MAT22AL
Math to Read or Study
For self-directed learning, here are some online math resources.
We also have a page of study tips and tricks that might be helpful for cementing that knowledge.
Other Assistance? Try These Resources.
UC Davis provides these other resources which may help.