Undergraduate Forms Online

We have compiled some lists so you can find forms useful for Math undergraduates.

Math Department Forms

Credit by Examination:

The Mathematics Department is now offering credit by exam for upper-division math courses ONLY. Forms submitted will be considered by the UPC (Undergraduate Program Committee) and if approved, forwarded to the faculty member instructing the course during the particular quarter for approval. Please note the credit by exam is a comprehensive exam that encompasses content for the whole quarter and is not just the final exam. The instructor must agree to compose a special exam. Exam grade is the grade for the entire course. Reason for taking the course is considered by the committee and Vice Chair. NOTE: This form is only one part of the process for credit by exam procedure.

Office of the Registrar

Check with the Registrar if you need to:

  • Request for Official Transcript
  • Petition for a Change of Major, or
  • access the online Graduation Application.

The Office of the Registrar has the forms you need.

College of Letters & Sciences

Math is part of the College of L&S. Check on the L&S Dean's Office website if you need to:

  • Declare a Minor
  • Late Drop Petition
  • Multiple (Double) Major Petition or
  • Excess Unit Petition.

L&S has a special web page for all their forms.