Syllabus MAT 245: Enumerative Combinatorics
Fall 2004

Lectures: TR 1:40-3:00pm in Wellman 211
Office hours: Tuesday after class, Friday 2-3pm
Instructor: Anne Schilling, Kerr Hall 578, phone: 754-9371,
Text: Richard P. Stanley, "Enumerative Combinatorics, Volume I" Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 49, Cambridge University Press 1997.
Prerequisites: MAT 145, 150 or equivalent; or permission by instructor
Grading: Homework 50%; Final 50%
Homework assignment (due on November 4)
Final exam: Wednesday December 15, 10:30-12:30
Problems will be assigned regularly in class. Students are expected to work on these problems, though they are not collected for grading. Instead, some of the assigned problems will be on the final exam (the exam will also contain new problems). Whereas students are encouraged to work together on the assigned problems, it is expected that each student works independently on the graded homework assignment.

Course description

Introduction to combinatorics at the graduate level, covering the following main topics:
I. Introduction to counting (permutation statistics, twelvefold way)
II. Inclusion-Exclusion
III. Order (posets, lattices, Moebius inversion)
IV. Generating functions

The sequel to this course MAT 246 will cover symmetric functions and polytopes.

Lecture topics


This homework is due November 4 in class and will be graded: postscript file


Solutions/hints to the final