Fall '10 · UCDavis

Notable Dates

  1. First Class

  1. Quiz

  2. Add Deadline

  3. Midterm

  4. Drop Deadline

  5. Quiz

  1. Midterm

  2. Veteran's Day - Holiday

  3. Quiz

  4. Thanksgiving Holiday

  1. Last Class

  2. Final Exam

General Course Information

Course Name MAT-21A Sections A01-A05
(CRN: 68623, 68624, 68625, 68626, 82628, 83567 )
Prerequisites Satisfaction of Math Placement Requirement
MWF 5:10–6:00pm GIEDT 1001
Instructor Anne Schilling
Office: 3222 Math. Sci. Bldg.
Phone: (530) 554 - 2623
Office hours: Mondays 2-4pm or talk to me before or after class! Office hours during finals week: Thursday 3-4pm
A01 T 16:10–17:00 BAINER 1130 Naizhen Zhang
A02 T 18:10–19:00 BAINER 1130 David Stein
A03 T 19:10–20:00 BAINER 1130 David Stein
A04 T 17:10–18:00 BAINER 1130 Mark Lydon
A05 T 20:10–21:00 BAINER 1060 Jeff Bronson
A06 T 19:10–20:00 GIEDT 1007 Jonathan Cave
Lead TA: Jeff Ferreira (all organizational questions, grading issues, technical WebWork questions)
Office: 3129 Math. Sci. Bldg.
Office hours: Thursdays 2-3pm

Section TA: Naizhen Zhang (section, help with homeworks/material)
Office: 2137 Math. Sci. Bldg.
Office hours: Tuesdays 3-4pm, during finals week Thursday 12/9 3-4pm

Section TA: David Stein (section, help with homeworks/material)
Office: 2232 Math. Sci. Bldg.
Office hours: Mondays, Wednesdays 2:10-3:10pm

Section TA: Mark Lydon (section, help with homeworks/material)
Office: 3204 Math. Sci. Bldg.
Office hours: Wednesdays 11am-12pm, during finals week Friday 12/10 9:15-10:15am

Section TA: Jeff Bronson (section, help with homeworks/material)
Office: 2232 Math. Sci. Bldg.
Office hours: Fridays 10-11am, Office hours during finals week: Friday 8:30-10:15am

Section TA: Jonathan Cave (section, help with homeworks/material)
Office: 2117 Math. Sci. Bldg.
Office hours: Mondays 9-11am. During finals week office hours on Monday 3-4pm.

Resources WeBWorK - online homework system
For technical questions, please contact our lead TA Jeff Ferreira

Learning Skill Center
Textbook "Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 12th Edition" by Weir/Hass (ISBN #978-0-321-58876-0).
The department decided to switch to the 12th edition of the book! It is different from the 11th edition and the international edition. Since homework will be assigned from the book, it is advisable to use the 12th edition.
We will cover most of Chapters 2,3,4. Chapter 1 should already be familiar.
Other Textbooks Calculus Textbook by Gilbert Strang. The entire content of this book is available free of charge in the pdf format. The chapters we cover in MAT21A roughly corresponds to Chapters 1 - 4 of Strang. It is quite handy to carry the whole calculus textbook in your smartphone or iPod.
Calculus on the Web by Gerardo Mendoza and Dan Reich. Their "Calculus Book I" corresponds to our MAT 21A.
Course Grade The course grade will be determined on an absolute scale with slight modifications using the normal distribution curve if appropriate. An approximate guideline is
  • 85% - 100% = A-, A, A+
  • 70% - 85% = B-, B, B+
  • 55% - 70% = C-, C, C+
  • 45% - 55% = D-, D, D+
  • Less than 45% = F
Final Exam Friday, December 10 at 10:30-12:30pm

Course Links

Course Handouts: Homework Sets and Quizzes:
  • Homework 1: due Sept. 28
    Read sections 1.1-1.6, 2.1
    Problems section 1.1 #2,7,23,63
    section 1.2 #21,22
    section 1.5 #23,26,29,33,35
    section 1.6 #23,38,45,63
    section 2.1 #1,7,10,11,15,21
  • WebWork 1: (TestHomework) due Sept. 29
  • Homework 2: due Oct. 5
    Read sections 2.2, 2.3
    Problems section 2.2 #1,2,5,9,10,21,22,38,40,52,54,57,61,63
    section 2.3 #1,2,9,10,17,19,24,25,30,31,33,36,40,42,43,57
  • Quiz 1: Oct. 5 in your section, covers Homeworks 1,2
  • WebWork 2: due Oct. 6
  • Homework 3: due Oct. 12
    Read sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
    Problems section 2.4 #1,5,6,21,25,36,37,47,48
    section 2.5 #1,13,18,23,37,41,43,46,55,59,61,67
    section 2.6 #13,20,23,39,68,89
  • WebWork 3: due Oct. 13
  • Midterm 1: Oct. 15
  • Homework 4: due Oct. 19
    Read sections 3.1, 3.2
    Problems section 3.1 #11,18,21,26,27,29,30
    section 3.2 #9,11,16,31,34,54,58
  • WebWork 4: due Oct. 20
  • Homework 5: due Oct. 26
    Read sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
    Problems section 3.3 #33,36,40,53,76
    section 3.4 #7,8,10,26
    section 3.5 #9,10,22,57,59
    section 3.6 #7,15,83,97,99,102
  • Quiz 2: Oct. 26 in your section, covers Homeworks 3,4,5
  • WebWork 5: due Oct. 27
  • Homework 6: due Nov. 2
    Read sections 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
    Problems section 3.7 #1,5,16,23,25,34,42,46,48
    section 3.8 #7,14,25,36,41,61,64,65,97
    section 3.9 #1,13,21,33,45,52
  • WebWork 6: due Nov. 3
  • Midterm 2: Nov. 5
  • Homework 7: due Nov. 9
    Read sections 3.10, 3.11
    Problems section 3.10 #1,3,13,14,17,21,23,33
    section 3.11 #2,3,15,16abc,33,35,38,39,45,49,54
  • WebWork 7: due Nov. 10
  • Homework 8: due Nov. 16
    Read sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
    Problems section 4.1 #1,3,16,18,32,37,51,65,77,80,81
    section 4.2 #5,16,47,56,57
    section 4.3 #7,11,31,41,78
  • Quiz 3: Nov. 16 in your section, covers Homeworks 6,7,8 (not 4.3)
  • WebWork 8: due Nov. 17
  • Homework 9: due Nov. 23
    Read sections 4.4, 4.5
    Problems section 4.4 #1,6,18,55,59,88,102,105,114
    section 4.5 #2,16,34,51,74,75,79
  • WebWork 9: due Nov. 24
  • Homework 10: due Nov. 30
    Read sections 4.6, 4.7, 4.8
    Problems section 4.6 #8,12,39,56
    section 4.7 #1,7,9,10,20
    section 4.8 #11,14,27,73,96,120
  • WebWork 10: due Dec. 1
  • WebWork 11: due Dec. 7
  • WebWork Review: These are voluntary review problems if you want to practice for the final exam! They are not included in the homework grade.

All information on this page is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

This document was last edited on December 8, 2010.