Further Resources
Books: The book "
Riemannian Geometry" by M.P. Do Carmo contains significant parts of the material the we will use and cover, including curvature and Jacobi fields (in Chapters 4 and 5), variations on the energy functional and the index theorem (in Chapters 9 and 11). Nevertheless, it does not include the proof of Bott Periodicity, which we will cover. For Morse theory, in addition to J.W. Milnor's textbook, "
An Introduction to Morse Theory" by Y. Matsumoto is a good resource. The first half of "
Morse Theory and Floer Homology " by M. Audin and M. Damian is also a solid reference for finite-dimensional Morse theory. See also "
An Invitation to Morse Theory " by L. Nicolaescu. Further material on Morse homology can be found in "
Lectures on Morse Homology " by A. Banyaga and D. Hurtubise and "
Morse Homology" by M. Schwarz. Finally, for applications of Morse theory for smooth 4-manifolds see "
4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus" by A.I. Stipsicz and R.E. Gompf and "
4-Manifolds" by S. Akbulut.
Online resources:
The lectures on "
Morse Theory" by D. Gay are insightful. There are many available introductory talks online, such as "
this talk" or "
this short introduction".