use std::ops::*;
use crate::numbers::*;
use libbgs_util::*;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct FpNum<const P: u128>(u128);
impl<const P: u128> FpNum<P> {
pub const ZERO: FpNum<P> = FpNum::from_u128(0);
pub const TWO_INV: FpNum<P> = FpNum::from_u128(2).const_pow(P - 2);
pub const fn legendre(&self) -> FpNum<P> {
self.const_pow((P - 1) / 2)
pub const fn int_sqrt(&self) -> Option<FpNum<P>> {
if self.0 == FpNum::<P>::from_u128(0).0 {
return Some(FpNum::ZERO);
let mut s = 0;
let mut q = P - 1;
while q % 2 == 0 {
s += 1;
q /= 2;
let mut i = 1;
let z = loop {
let z = FpNum::from_u128(standard_affine_shift(P, i));
if z.legendre().0 == FpNum::<P>::from_u128(P - 1).0 {
break z;
i += 1;
let mut c = z.const_pow(q);
let mut r = self.const_pow((q + 1) / 2);
let mut t = self.const_pow(q);
let mut m = s;
while t.0 != FpNum::<P>::ONE.0 {
let mut temp = t;
let mut i = 0;
while temp.0 != FpNum::<P>::ONE.0 {
temp = temp.const_mul(&temp);
i += 1;
if i == m {
return None;
let b = c.const_pow(1 << (m - i - 1));
r = r.const_mul(&b);
c = b.const_mul(&b);
t = t.const_mul(&c);
m = i;
pub const fn find_nonresidue() -> FpNum<P> {
if P % 4 == 3 {
FpNum::<P>::from_u128(P - 1)
} else if P % 8 == 3 || P % 8 == 5 {
} else {
let mut i = 0;
let res = loop {
let a = standard_affine_shift(P, i);
if intpow::<P>(a, (P - 1) / 2) == P - 1 {
break a;
i += 1;
pub const fn raw(&self) -> u128 {
pub(crate) const fn from_u128(src: u128) -> FpNum<P> {
let r2 = long_multiply::<P>(Self::R, Self::R);
FpNum::<P>::redc2(carrying_mul(src, r2))
const R: u128 = {
let mut n = P.next_power_of_two();
while n.ilog2() % 4 != 0 {
n <<= 1;
const MASK: u128 = Self::R - 1;
const SHIFT: u32 = Self::R.ilog2();
const MAGIC: u128 = {
let mut r0 = Self::R;
let mut r1 = P;
let mut t0: i128 = 0;
let mut t1: i128 = 1;
let mut s0: i128 = 1;
let mut s1: i128 = 0;
while r1 != 0 {
let q = r0 / r1;
(r0, r1) = (r1, r0 - q * r1);
(t0, t1) = (t1, t0 - (q as i128) * t1);
(s0, s1) = (s1, s0 - (q as i128) * s1);
if t0 < 0 {
(-t0) as u128
} else {
Self::R - (t0 as u128)
const fn redc(x: u128) -> FpNum<P> {
let m = ((x & Self::MASK) * Self::MAGIC) & Self::MASK;
let t = (x + m * P) >> Self::SHIFT;
if t >= P {
FpNum(t - P)
} else {
const fn redc2((hi, lo): (u128, u128)) -> FpNum<P> {
let (_, m) = carrying_mul(lo & Self::MASK, Self::MAGIC);
let m = m & Self::MASK;
let (c1, t) = carrying_mul(m, P);
let (c2, t) = carrying_add(t, lo);
let t = shrd(t, c1 + c2 + hi, Self::SHIFT as usize);
if t >= P {
FpNum(t - P)
} else {
pub(crate) const fn const_mul(&self, rhs: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
let (hi, lo) = carrying_mul(self.0, rhs.0);
FpNum::<P>::redc2((hi, lo))
pub(crate) const fn const_pow(self, mut n: u128) -> FpNum<P> {
let mut x = self;
let mut y = FpNum::<P>::from_u128(1);
if n == 0 {
return y;
while n > 1 {
if n % 2 == 1 {
y = y.const_mul(&x);
x = x.const_mul(&x);
n >>= 1;
impl<S, const P: u128> SylowDecomposable<S> for FpNum<P>
FpNum<P>: Factor<S>,
fn find_sylow_generator(i: usize) -> FpNum<P> {
match Self::FACTORS[i] {
(2, 1) => FpNum::from(FpNum::<P>::SIZE),
(p, t) => (1..FpNum::<P>::SIZE)
.map(|j| FpNum::from(standard_affine_shift(P, j)))
.filter(|c| *c != FpNum::ZERO)
.find_map(|c| <FpNum<P> as SylowDecomposable<S>>::is_sylow_generator(&c, (p, t)))
impl<const P: u128> GroupElem for FpNum<P> {
const ONE: Self = FpNum::from_u128(1);
const SIZE: u128 = P - 1;
fn multiply(&self, other: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
*self * *other
fn inverse(&self) -> FpNum<P> {
if *self == Self::ZERO {
panic!("Attempted to take the multiplicative inverse of zero.");
self.pow(Self::SIZE - 1)
impl<const P: u128> From<u128> for FpNum<P> {
fn from(src: u128) -> FpNum<P> {
impl<const P: u128> From<FpNum<P>> for u128 {
fn from(src: FpNum<P>) -> u128 {
FpNum::<P>::redc2((0, src.0)).0
impl<const P: u128> std::fmt::Debug for FpNum<P> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl<const P: u128> Add<FpNum<P>> for FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn add(self, rhs: FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
let sum = self.0 + rhs.0;
if sum >= P {
FpNum(sum - P)
} else {
impl<const P: u128> Add<FpNum<P>> for &FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn add(self, rhs: FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
let sum = self.0 + rhs.0;
if sum >= P {
FpNum(sum - P)
} else {
impl<const P: u128> Add<&FpNum<P>> for FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn add(self, rhs: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
let sum = self.0 + rhs.0;
if sum >= P {
FpNum(sum - P)
} else {
impl<const P: u128> Add<&FpNum<P>> for &FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn add(self, rhs: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
let sum = self.0 + rhs.0;
if sum >= P {
FpNum(sum - P)
} else {
impl<const P: u128> Sub<FpNum<P>> for FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn sub(self, rhs: FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
if self.0 >= rhs.0 {
FpNum(self.0 - rhs.0)
} else {
FpNum(P + self.0 - rhs.0)
impl<const P: u128> Sub<FpNum<P>> for &FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn sub(self, rhs: FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
if self.0 >= rhs.0 {
FpNum(self.0 - rhs.0)
} else {
FpNum(P + self.0 - rhs.0)
impl<const P: u128> Sub<&FpNum<P>> for FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn sub(self, rhs: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
if self.0 >= rhs.0 {
FpNum(self.0 - rhs.0)
} else {
FpNum(P + self.0 - rhs.0)
impl<const P: u128> Sub<&FpNum<P>> for &FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn sub(self, rhs: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
if self.0 >= rhs.0 {
FpNum(self.0 - rhs.0)
} else {
FpNum(P + self.0 - rhs.0)
impl<const P: u128> Mul<FpNum<P>> for FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn mul(self, rhs: FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
impl<const P: u128> Mul<FpNum<P>> for &FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn mul(self, rhs: FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
impl<const P: u128> Mul<&FpNum<P>> for FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn mul(self, rhs: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
impl<const P: u128> Mul<&FpNum<P>> for &FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn mul(self, rhs: &FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
impl<const P: u128> Mul<FpNum<P>> for u128 {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn mul(self, rhs: FpNum<P>) -> FpNum<P> {
impl<const P: u128> MulAssign<FpNum<P>> for FpNum<P> {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: FpNum<P>) {
*self = self.const_mul(&rhs);
impl<const P: u128> Neg for FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn neg(self) -> FpNum<P> {
if self.0 == 0 {
} else {
FpNum(P - self.0)
impl<const P: u128> Neg for &FpNum<P> {
type Output = FpNum<P>;
fn neg(self) -> FpNum<P> {
if self.0 == 0 {
} else {
FpNum(P - self.0)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::numbers::sylow::tests::*;
const BIG_P: u128 = 1_000_000_000_000_000_124_399;
impl Factor<Phantom> for FpNum<13> {
const FACTORS: Factorization = Factorization::new(&[(2, 2), (3, 1)]);
impl Factor<Phantom> for FpNum<29> {
const FACTORS: Factorization = Factorization::new(&[(2, 2), (7, 1)]);
impl Factor<Phantom> for FpNum<BIG_P> {
const FACTORS: Factorization = Factorization::new(&[
(2, 1),
(7, 1),
(13, 1),
(29, 2),
(43, 1),
(705737, 1),
(215288719, 1),
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Phantom {}
fn multiplies() {
let mut x = FpNum::<7>::from(3);
let five = FpNum::<7>::from(5);
x = x.multiply(&five);
assert_eq!(FpNum::ONE, x);
fn squares() {
let mut x = FpNum::<7>::from(3);
x *= x;
assert_eq!(FpNum::from(2), x);
let mut x = FpNum::<7>::from(2);
x *= x;
assert_eq!(FpNum::from(4), x);
fn powers_up() {
let mut x = FpNum::<7>::from(2);
x = x.pow(5);
assert_eq!(FpNum::from(4), x);
let mut x = FpNum::<7>::from(3);
x = x.pow(3);
assert_eq!(FpNum::from(6), x);
let mut x = FpNum::<7>::from(5);
x = x.pow(6);
assert!(x == FpNum::ONE);
fn powers_up_big() {
let mut x = FpNum::<BIG_P>::from(3);
x = x.pow(BIG_P - 1);
assert!(x == FpNum::ONE);
fn sylow_one_is_one() {
let one = SylowElem::<Phantom, 2, FpNum<13>>::ONE;
assert!(one == SylowElem::ONE);
fn sylow_finds_generators() {
let g = SylowDecomp::<Phantom, 2, FpNum<29>>::new();
for i in 0..2 {
let gen = g.generator(i);
let d = SylowElem::<Phantom, 2, FpNum<29>>::FACTORS.factor(i);
test_is_generator_small::<Phantom, 2, FpNum<29>>(gen, d as usize);
fn sylow_finds_generators_big() {
let g = SylowDecomp::<Phantom, 7, FpNum<BIG_P>>::new();
for i in 0..7 {
let gen = g.generator(i);
let d = SylowElem::<Phantom, 7, FpNum<BIG_P>>::FACTORS[i];
test_is_generator_big::<Phantom, 7, FpNum<BIG_P>>(gen, d);
fn sylow_order() {
for i in 1..13 {
let mut x = SylowElem::<Phantom, 2, FpNum<13>>::new([i % 4, i % 3]);
x = x.pow(x.order());
assert!(x == SylowElem::ONE);
fn sylow_order_big() {
let n = 123456789;
let mut x = SylowElem::<Phantom, 7, FpNum<BIG_P>>::new(
SylowElem::<Phantom, 7, FpNum<BIG_P>>::FACTORS
.map(|(p, d)| n % intpow::<0>(*p, *d as u128))
let or = x.order();
x = x.pow(or);
assert!(x == SylowElem::ONE);
fn calculates_square_roots() {
let mut nonresidues = 0;
for x in (1..13).map(|i| FpNum::<13>::from(i)) {
match x.int_sqrt() {
None => {
nonresidues += 1;
Some(mut y) => {
y = y.pow(2);
assert_eq!(x, y);
assert_eq!(nonresidues, 6);
fn inverses() {
for i in 2..13 {
let mut x = FpNum::<13>::from(i);
let y = x.clone();
x = x.inverse();
assert!(x != FpNum::ONE);
x = x.multiply(&y);
assert!(x == FpNum::ONE);
fn finds_magic() {
assert_eq!(FpNum::<13>::MAGIC, 11);
fn test_multiply() {
let five = FpNum::<13>::from(5);
let six = FpNum::<13>::from(6);
let thirty = &five * &six;
assert_eq!(u128::from(thirty), 30 % 13);
fn test_multiply_big() {
let a = 0xABCDEF0123456789;
let b = 0x9876543210ABCDEF;
let am = FpNum::<BIG_P>::from(a);
let bm = FpNum::<BIG_P>::from(b);
let res = am * bm;
assert_eq!(u128::from(res), (a * b) % BIG_P);
fn test_pow() {
let a = 0xABCDEF;
let n = 0xFEDCBA;
let res = FpNum::<BIG_P>::from(a).const_pow(n);
assert_eq!(u128::from(res), intpow::<BIG_P>(a, n));