Cooper Kauri Jacob

Lecturer of Mathematics, University of California at Davis

cooperjacob [AT] math [DOT] ucdavis [DOT] edu
(If you are a student, please contact me at this email address, not through Canvas.)


Current Teaching (Fall 2023)
Math 17A Honors, Fall 2023
Math 21B, Fall 2023

Teaching Spring 2023
Math 16B, Spring 2023, class webpage
Math 22A, Spring 2023, class webpage

Teaching Winter 2023
Math 16A, Winter 2023, class webpage
Math 17B, Winter 2023, class webpage

Teaching Fall 2022
Math 21C, Fall 2022, class webpage
Math 22A, Fall 2022, class webpage

Please click on the class webpage to view the course syllabus, calendar, and homework assignments. (More information will be available on the Canvas course pages closer to the start of the quarter!)

Important Information Regarding PTA Codes
Please be aware that I cannot give PTA codes to students on the waitlist. Please do not email me to request a PTA code if you are on the waitlist for either of my classes.
Please read the information on the UC Davis Math Department's webpage, linked here, regarding when it is appropriate to request a PTA code.
Since students often sign up for more classes than they plan to take, and/or rearrange their schedules after the start of the quarter, it's likely (but of course not guaranteed) that some student(s) will drop the class and students on the waitlist will be able to enroll. If you're still on the waitlist at the beginning of the quarter, you are welcome to attend class up until the last day to add/drop in case seats open up in the class if currently enrolled student(s) decide to drop the class; but I cannot otherwise accept students off the waitlist.

Past Teaching and Other Notes
Here is a list of classes for which I was a TA or Associate Instructor as a graduate student.
Here are some notes on recording lectures for remote instruction.


Current Research Interests
Differential Geometry, Complex Geometry, Combinatorics, Topological Recursion.

Curriculum Vitae
CV (March 2023)

PhD Dissertation
Topological Recursion for Generalized bc-Motzkin Numbers and Some Related Results. (PDF)

Topological Recursion for Generalized bc-Motzkin Numbers. (2021) arXiv:2111.12839


Here is a list of (graduate and undergraduate) classes I've taken.
Here is a list of conferences and summer schools I've attended.

My hiking webpage.
Here is a collection of some of my favorite quotes.
