Graduate Coursework (UC Davis)
Spring 2022
Dissertation Research (Math 299D)
Winter 2022
Dissertation Research (Math 299D)
Fall 2021
Dissertation Research (Math 299D)
Spring 2021
Topological Recursion and related topics (Reading Course/Research) (Math 299)
Vehicle Stability (Mechanical Engineering 134) (audited)
Winter 2021
Topological Recursion and related topics (Reading Course/Research) (Math 299)
Analysis, Simulation, and Design of Mechatronic Systems (Mechanical Engineering 171) (audited)
Fall 2020
Topological Recursion and related topics (Reading Course/Research) (Math 299)
Spring 2020
Topological Recursion and related topics (Reading Course/Research) (Math 299)
Winter 2020
Topological Recursion and related topics (Reading Course/Research) (Math 299)
Spring 2019
Variation of Hodge Structure, Non-Abelian Hodge Theory, and Gaiotto's Conjecture (Reading Course/Research) (Math 299)
Winter 2019
Higgs Bundles, Opers, and Moduli Spaces (Reading Course/Research) (Math 299)
Fall 2018:
Lie groups and geometry (Reading Course) (Math 299)
PDEs on Riemannian manifolds (Reading Course) (Math 299)
Symplectic geometry (Reading Group) (Math 299)
Partial Differential Equations, first semester (Math 222A, UC Berkeley) (audited)
Spring 2018:
Differential Geometry, second quarter (Math 240B)
Einstein Manifolds (Reading Course) (Math 299)
Minimal Surfaces (Reading Course) (Math 299)
Winter 2018:
Complex Analysis, first quarter (Math 205A)
Topology, second quarter (Math 215B)
Differential Geometry, first quarter (Math 240A)
Fall 2017:
Problem Solving in Analysis (Math 200)
Topology, first quarter (Math 215A)
Complex Manifolds (Math 241, UC Berkeley (Intercampus Exchange program))
Spring 2017:
Graduate Analysis, third quarter (Math 201C)
Complex Analysis, second quarter (Math 205B)
Differential Topology (Math 239)
Hyperbolic Manifolds (Reading Group) (Math 290)
Winter 2017:
Graduate Analysis, second quarter (Math 201B)
Graduate Algebra, second quarter (Math 250B)
Differential Geometry and General Relativity (Topics Class) (Math 280)
Fall 2016:
Graduate Analysis, first quarter (Math 201A)
Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology (Reading Course) (Math 299)
Teaching Assistantship Training (Math 390)
Graduate Algebra, first quarter (Math 250A) (audited)
Riemannian Geometry (Math 240, UC Berkeley) (audited)
Undergraduate Coursework (UC Berkeley)
Spring 2016:
Experimental Math (Introduction to Research Via Knot Theory) (Math 191)
Supervised Independent Study (Manifold Theory) (Math 199)
Electromagnetism and Optics, first semester (Physics 110A)
Elementary Differential Topology (Math 141) (audited)
Fall 2015:
Cryptography (Math 116)
Metric Differential Geometry (Math 140)
Groups, Rings, and Fields (Math 250A)
Summer 2015:
Complex Analysis (Math 185)
Spring 2015:
Abstract Algebra II (Math 114)
Numerical Analysis (Math 128A)
Incompleteness and Undecidability (Math 136)
Experimental Math (Combinatorial Topology) (Math 191)
Fall 2014:
Introduction to Analysis (Math 104)
Linear Algebra (Math 110)
Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Math 113)