1. Room 2118
Open 8-5 week days. Some times lab is used for other courses as a
If the lab is not open Go to the main office at first floor
Math Department office at MSB and ask for help.
Your scheduled class time of the lab is reserved for you. If you go on the scheduled time for
your section, you will not face a sign that says: " Class
scheduled, Do not enter."
2. Any computer lab on campus. You need to learn how to use ssh to connect to our Computers ( point or tangent ) at Math Department.
3. Your computer at home. :
Using Windows OS:You
need to know how to connect to MATH dept Computers using ssh (Click here to visit
the download site)
Use SSH to connect to one of these computers.
If you are using your own Student version of the MATLAB, you may FTP your file to your Home directory at point, then use submitm22al command to submit your lab.