consider the following directed graph.
a) Find the vertex matrix of g.
b) Find the number of all paths of length 3.
c) Is the graph connected?
d) Find all paths of length 6 from
e) Find the number of all 4 step connections from to
f) Find all cliques of the graph g.
g) Is g a tournament graph?
Solution to Problem 1
a) The vertex matrix of g is
b) All the paths of lengths 3 are listed below:
List of all paths of length 3.
Number of paths of length 3
Compute the sum of entries for each row and then add them to obtain
c) Is the graph connected?
The answer is NO, because there is no path from to any other point. Another way to check the connectivity of the graph is to compute the matrices
. Graph is connected if and
only if C has no zero entry.
Since has one row of zero,namely the fifth row, the graph is not connected.
d)Find all paths of length 6 from
The entry is 2. Therefore, there is two connections from
, and they are:
e) Find the number of all 4 step connections from to
By investigation of the graph we can list all 4-step connections from to
We can also look at the (1,3) entry of which is equal to 3.
So the number of all 4 step connections from to
is 3.
f) Find all cliques of the graph g.
Use the graph to find the matrix
Then compute the matrix
Therefore there is only one clique which is
g) Is g a tournament graph?
The answer is No, because there are pair of points
holds, for example