MATH 16C, course information

Meetings: MWF 12:10pm-1:00pm, Lectures take place at Social Sci. 1100.

Instructor: Jesús A. De Loera.
Phone: (530)-554 97 02

Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 1:10am-2:00pm or by appointment. My office is 3228 Mathematical Science Building (MSB). The Lead TA for this class is Mr. Edward Kim (he can also help with special questions about grades, etc if I am not available). You can consult any TA at the calculus room (3118 MSB). It is open from 11am to 6pm from March 30th to June 3rd 2010 (may close on university holidays). We will be glad to help you with any questions, problems or concerns you may have!

Text: I will follow Larson and Edwards' Calculus: An Applied Approach . In lecture I will supplement the text with examples and exercises

Grading policy: There are 100 points possible in the course:

I am here to help you, I will be very happy to talk to you about any question or idea you had and I hope you will enjoy learning this beautiful topic!


Homework 1 Due April 5

Homework 2 Due April 14

Lecture about Sec C.4

Lectures about 7.1, 7.2

Homework 3 Due April 23

Lectures about 7.3, 7.4, 7.5

The FIRST MIDTERM will take place April 26th.
It will include all material covered in homeworks 1,2,3.

Here are the the solutions to Midterm 1 . Here is the grading key. Please make sure to check this before asking for a regrade. Write and staple a note with the grading issue to your exam if you want to request a regrade.

Homework 4 Due May 10

Homework 5 Due May 19

Homework 6 Due May 26

SECOND MIDTERM will take place May 28th.
It will cover all material present in homeworks 4,5,6.
Here are some review problems we will solve on Wednesday May 26th during class.

The homework 7 will help you review for the final. Due Wednesday June 2nd.

Here are the the solutions to Midterm 2 . A grading key is included, so Please make sure to check this before asking for a regrade. Write and staple a note with the grading issue to your exam if you want to request a regrade.

The last homework 7 will help you review for the final. Due Wednesday June 2nd.

The final was graded. Highest score final: 42/45 (3 students achieved this) Mean value: 21 and the standard dev: 8.5. The solutions and grading key for the final are here .


We collected the final grade, all the homeworks, midterms (dropping the lowest grade), webwork grades. Using all the collected data (EXCEPT webwork because it for was bonus points) we set up the following grade curve:

A+ >=95.01
A >=90.01
A- >=85.01
B+ >=80.01
B >=75.01
C+ >=65.01 <---Roughly the mean
C >=59.9
C- >=54.5
D+ >=50.1

Then for those students that did bonus webwork they were awarded as many points as they successfully completed assignments.