Meetings: MWF 2:10-3:00 PM, Social Science 1110.
Instructor: Prof. Jesús A. De Loera.
my website:
Phone: (530)-754 05 02
My office hours will be at Dutton 2258, not far from our lecture hall.
My Office hours: I have 4 hours of office hours per week. In person office hours are MW 3-4:00pm (or by appointment).
The in person meetings are in Dutton hall 2258.
I will also have office hours over ZOOM (link through CANVAS), MW 5-6pm.
Teaching Assistants and their office hours:
The 4 TAs will have special office hours (they will also be at the calculus room)
Felix Almendra Hernandez,, Thursdays 5-6pm Zoom through CANVAS
Sanchayan Dutta,, Thursdays 1pm-2pm instead, at MSB 3219
Chen Qian,, Wednesdays 10:00 am to 11:00 am in MSB 2202
Regina Zhou,, Thursday 10:00 am to 11:00 am in MSB 2123 or ZOOM
Co-Class for MAT 21B This is a way to receive extra help for this class.
Tue/Thu 12:10 - 1:30 p.m.
Remote on Zoom
Math Specialist: Claire Davis
What is co-class? Co-class is a way to get additional clarification on topics in your MAT 21B lecture.
Co-class is a helpful, friendly environment where you are encouraged to ask questions as we work through
practice problems and reviews. Co-21B is remote this quarter - the sessions will happen live on Zoom and
will be recorded if that time doesn't work for you.
How to participate: If you would like to participate in co-class, you can enroll for one workload unit
on Schedule Builder (graded P/NP mainly on attendance) by searching for CRN 41384. Alternatively, you
can be added to Canvas without enrolling by completing the AATC Request Form. If you have any questions,
please email Claire at
Grading policy: There are 100 points possible in the course that will be obtained through
Weekly homeworks (30 points), Midterm Exams (30 points), and the Final Exam (40 points).
first midterm Monday January 27, 2025
second midterm Monday February 17, 2025
third midterm Wednesday March 12, 2025
Each midterm counts 30 points (3 questions each).
Very important: There will be NO MAKE UP EXAMS, instead I will drop your lowest two scores.
This allows for flexibility or any possible emergencies, or accidental bad performances.
Important rules: (this page!)
What is the content of this course?: This course is an introduction to integral calculus and its applications. Calculus is the study of functions and it finds numerous important applications in science and engineering. Some of the main topics include: antiderivatives, approximating sums, fundamental theorem of calculus, integration techniques (substitutions, by parts, partial fractions, special techniques), calculation of areas, volumes, centroids, improper integrals, polar coordinates (graphing, areas), parametric equations, arc length.
The material of this course is available in multiple books and I encourage you to read other sources but the textbook I will use is
Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals, latest Edition by Hass et al; Pearson Publishers.
Prerequisites and Expectations: MAT 21A or equivalent are a pre-requisite. If in doubt, ask me.
You are expected to work regularly and diligently outside the classroom solving
exercises, reading the book, thinking about the theorems and lectures, etc.
I estimate a minimum of 3 hours work at home per lecture. The most
important thing is what YOU learn and that can only happen with your work!!
Mathematics is not an spectator sport, you must do to learn!!
Make sure to work-out regularly (on your math that is), Don't fall behind and if you do, seek help early (from me, your TA, the Learning Skills center, etc).