MATH 21B, course information

Meetings: MWF 12:10-1:00 PM, Wellman 2.

Instructor: Prof. Jesús A. De Loera.



Phone: (530)-754 70 29

Office hours: MF 1-2:20pm or by appointment. My office is 580 Kerr Hall.

TA's office hours: You can attend office hours of any TA for the course (not only the person responsible for your section). You can also use professor Spitzer's office hours! Here are the office hours listed below:

Prof. Wolfgang Spitzer: Monday and Wednesday 9-10am Kerr Hall 677.

Claudio Crisostomo Wednesday 2:20-3:30pm Kerr hall 461

Bradley Boone Wednesday 1-2pm Kerr hall 472

Max McCoskey, Wednesday 3-4pm Kerr hall 468

Denis Grishin, Monday and Tuesday 2-3pm Kerr hall 475.

Cheryl Sershen, Monday and Tuesday 1-2pm Kerr hall 462.

Text: Calculus and Analytic Geometry (5th Edition) by S.K. Stein and A. Barcellos

Description: This course is an introduction to integral calculus and its applications. Calculus is the study of functions and it finds numerous applications in science and engineering. Some of the main topics are: approximating sums, fundamental thm. of calculus, integration techniques (substitutions, by parts, partial fractions, special techniques), areas, volumes, centroids, improper integrals, polar coordinates (graphing, areas), parametric equations, arc length. Sections 5.1-5.7, 6.7, 7.1-7.7, 8.1-8.6, 8.8, 9.1-9.4 will be covered.

Grading policy: There are 100 points possible in the course

Important rules:

Prerequisites and Expectations: MAT 21A or equivalent are a pre-requisite. If in doubt, ask me.

You are expected to work intensively outside the classroom solving exercises, reading the book, thinking about the theorems, etc. I estimate a minimum of 3 hours work at home per lecture. The most important thing is what YOU learn.

Make sure to work-out regularly (on your math that is), Don't fall behind and if you do, seek help early (from me, your TA, the Learning Skills center, etc).

FIRST HOMEWORK SET: Due Oct 4. 5.1: 7, 9, 21(b). 5.2: 3(c), 6(c), 9(c), 13, 14, 19(b), 26, 34. 5.3: 1(c), 7, 13, 23.

SECOND HOMEWORK SET: Due Oct 11 5.3: 25,27,31. 5.4: 7,11,12,16 5.5: 11,17,24. 5.6: 3, 13. 5.7: 3, 4, 7, 11, 13

THIRD HOMEWORK SET: Due Oct 19 5.7: 26, 39, 44. 6.7 2,8,10,18,22,30,38 7.1: 16, 18, 24, 30, 32, 7.2 2,4.

FOURTH HOMEWORK SET: Due Oct 26 7.2: 14, 18, 34, 42, 48 7.3: 6, 14,24, 34, 7.4: 16, 28, 7.5: 16,20, 34, 36, 50 52, 58

FIFTH HOMEWORK SET: Due Nov 2 7.6 6, 14, 16, 22, 30 (b), 42, 44, 50 7.7 20, 30, 40, 50.

Another good way to practice is to solve as many exercises as you can from the review exercises in pages 457-461.

NO HOMEWORK DUE on November 9th

SIXTH HOMEWORK SET: Due Nov 16 (8.1) 4,12,18,26,33, (8.2) 1,6,8,9, 11,12, (8.3) 5,7,8,9

SEVENTH HOMEWORK SET (LAST ONE!): Due Dec 5th (8.4) 3,4,10,11,21,22,24 (8.5) 7,9,14,21,23 (8.6) 4,6,16,20 (8.8)4,11, 16,24,30 (9.1) 1,4,6,14,16 (9.2) 8,10,14,17,21

IMPORTANT NEWS: Following sections are now optional and you will receive an extra point if you finish them. (9.3) 2,8,10,25 (9.4) 2,4,10,15,22.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Final exam will take place Monday December 10 at 10:30AM in 1100 SocSci.

For students taking TWO exams: First exam will begin at 10:30am in 216 Wellman. You will get a 15 minute break at the end of the exam (12:30pm). The next exam will begin at 12:45pm. Students will be required to stay in the building during the break. 21AC are given first then 21B will be given last.

SOLUTIONS for second midterm are at HERE

The record of all grades (homeworks plus 2 midterms) is not available at the web due to a technical problem, but it will be available early tomorrow from me at my office (since 9:00am). After the final I will distribute the midterm exams and show you all your grades. Please check for correctness.

The FINAL GRADES will be posted outside my door by the last 5 digits of the student id and by section number on FRIDAY The statistical information is as follows: Out of 103 possible points the mean was 46.8, the standard deviation was 23.5. The maximal score in the class was 92.5. These were the numbers by which I assigned letter grades. The final itself had a mean of 14.6 and a standard deviation of 6.3 out of 30 points. Maximum score 29 points. Final grades were assigned according with the following ranges:

75 or higher A(-+).
52 to 74 B(-+)
30 to 51 C(-+)
24 to 29 D
less than 24 F

Obviously from this information you can estimate your performance in the final. If you wish to know your exact note, wish to see your final, or think there is need of a correction please send me email to make an appointment. Please bring homeworks/midterms when making a claim of error.

Jesus De Loera 2001-09-26