Spring Seminars

DRP is organizing Spring Seminars to take place during Spring quarter 2025. Fourteen graduate students in our math department have created 11 informal seminars to run weekly during the spring quarter. "Informal" here is indicating that these seminars will not count towards units or have any grade associated to them, and also hints that the group sizes will be small, about 8-12 students per seminar.

The goal of these seminars is to create a welcoming space for studying fun and exciting math with a small group under the guidance of a mentor. Participants will also gain experience communicating math and collaborating with their peers. Many of the seminars are well designed for calculus students, and will be nice demonstrations that not all mathematical thinking is computing derivatives and integrals. If you are interested in exploring some new mathematics by working with a small group and collaborating with a mentor, check out the descriptions below and consider applying.

Applications are now open through Monday, March 31st (the start of Spring quarter). 2024 Spring Seminar Application form for Undergraduates

Here are this year's spring seminar offerings. Seminars will typically meet once a week for 60-90 minutes. Exact times will be determined, but each seminar has listed a range of possible times.