Informal algebraic geometry seminar
This is an informal seminar on algebraic geometry. In Winter 2021 we will discuss some key notions following
R. Vakil's book "The Rising Sea" ,
starting with Chapter 3.
1/7 Introduction notes
1/14 Affine schemes (3.2) notes
1/21 Examples of schemes, morphisms (3.2.J-3.2.10) notes
1/28 Zariski topology (3.4) notes
2/4 ICERM workshop
2/11 Distinguished open subsets (3.5) notes
2/18 The projective space (4.4.6-4.4.9) notes
2/25 The projective space II: line bundles (14.1) notes
3/4 Sheaves (2.2) notes
3/11 General definition of a scheme (4.3) notes