AUGUST 14, 2023 - AUGUST 25, 2023

The workshop will run for 2 weeks.

Each week 3 lectures are conducted on ZOOM (click on "ZOOM" for the link)

Time: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 9:30AM Eastern Standard Time


Confirmed Speakers:

Charles Fefferman, Princeton University, USA

Arie Israel, University of Texas, Austin, USA

Fushuai (Black) Jiang, University of Maryland, USA

Kevin Luli, University of California, Davis, USA

Andreea Nicoara, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Pavel Shvartsman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Kevin O'Neill, Yale University, USA


The schedule for the talks can be downloaded by clicking HERE

Conference registration: Here

List of Participants: Here


Organization Committee

Charles Fefferman, Princeton University

Fushuai (Black) Jiang, University of Maryland, USA

Kevin Luli, University of California, Davis, USA

Pavel Shvartsman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Kevin O'Neill, Yale University, USA