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Sunday, March 22, 1998

Bergez, seniors all end
careers with souvenirs

Fate: Six seniors each get a net
after three tournament victories

Enterprise staff writer

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Net draped around neck, J.P. Bergez looked the part of the hero. His UC Davis men's basketball team had just won its first NCAA title, and Bergez had perhaps the biggest honor of all.

But the body trophy was hardly given to Bergez for his play in the NCAA championship game. While he came off the bench to score eight points, including two key 3-pointers, Bergez did not play in the second half.

The net was given to Bergez as a symbol. It was his reward for keeping the faith.

In addition to being the only member of this year's national champions to have gone through a losing season while at UCD -- Bergez was a redshirt on the 11-15 team in 1994 -- the fifth-year senior was the driving force to win an NCAA title.

Bergez sealed his fate in the moments following the Western Regional, when he was given the net after the players and coaching staff helped to cut it down. Bergez immediately walked over to teammate Jonathan Surface, also a senior, and wrapped the net around his neck.

``I'm going to wait for the one in Louisville,'' the triumphant Bergez announced.

From that day on, the Aggies' dream turned into a mission.

``After we won the (conference tournament), we took down two nets and we started thinking, `We've got a chance for six nets and there's six seniors on this team,' '' said senior Justis Durkee, who along with Chris Vlasic received the first two nets.

``J.P. made a statement. He was offered one of the nets from the (regional) tournament, and he said he wanted the one in Louisville. That kind of laid the groundwork for our journey. And it worked out perfectly. We've got six nets and six seniors. I think there's a little bit of destiny involved with all this.''

Surface and Travon Dugar each took home a net after the regional, while Bergez and Rick Gonzales completed the puzzle.

Afterward, Bergez thought back to the lean year in 1993-94.

``There was no cohesion,'' said Bergez, who won a school-record 95 games in his four years after redshirting. ``There was dissension among the team.

``... I was sitting in the locker room for at least 20 minutes (after Saturday's game), still trying to understand how we got here. There are some very, very talented players on the team, but the thing that separates us has to be our work ethic and the expectations that we have for ourselves.''

That work ethic could be traced to the six seniors, who never gave up on their dream to win a national title.

``I just can't believe we're here,'' Surface said. ``It's the biggest dream to win it. I don't even know if it's set in yet. It's a crazy atmosphere.''

Vlasic, who replaced Bergez in the starting lineup this season after starting as a sophomore, was also stunned.

``Slowly, but surely it's setting in,'' Vlasic said. ``I just keep thinking about when Coach recruited me to come to Davis. How it started and how it's ended is just storybook.''

Bergez has no regrets about losing his starting position, as long as he has nylon around his neck.

``We won a national championship, so big deal,'' he said. ``That's the thing about our team. Last year, Chris was struggling, and I was put in the starting role. I had never played more than maybe five or six minutes in a game, and now I was expected to start and perform. Now, Chris is playing great, and I'm back in the role that I pretty much should be in on a team like this -- just being a role player.

``... You talk about my role, I'll be the one who will suck it up and do what I have to do and not worry about anything else. I want the team to be successful. For me to be successful would be for me to walk out of here with the net around my neck. And it might stay here for a good week. I'm going to be taking my finals with this thing around my neck.''


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