Mathematics Readings

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Recommended titles are denoted by a cute cube . I consider a good textbook to be well-written, motivated, and to contain quality exercises. I consider a book motivated if you can glean the big picture from reading the text. I consider a text well-written if it is rigorous with a good flow, and has good style. I consider exercises to be of high quality if they force the reader to apply the material learned, progress from easy to very difficult, and are realistically solvable by the intended audience. Additionally, a good exercise will make the reader see the material in a new light, and form connections between different areas of the subject.

For non-fiction books, I look for good prose and exposition for the intended audience. General population mathematics books should be accessible to a reader with a high-school mathematics education. Books intended for a more mathematically inclined audience should not spend too much time covering basics, and should explain the concepts in an approachable manner.


Books For Mathematicians

General Mathematics

Millennium Problems


These are books that I have direct experience with, either used in classes or for self-study.


Analysis (Real and Functional)

My advice: Read Rudin's Principles and Real and Complex, then read Lieb and Loss. These three books cover pretty much everything you need to know for analysis (specifically PDE analysis). Read Stein and Shakarchi for fun since I think it is worth reading. If you're teaching a course you should probably use Royden. If you are serious about PDE you should probably also read Brezis.

Analysis (Complex)

Analysis (Other)

Applied Math (General)


Partial Differential Equations

Proof Writing and Logic

Numerical Analysis

Other Textbooks

The poor textbooks which didn't fall into any of the other categories.


The Three Greatest Textbooks of All Time

Honorary Mentions