Homework structure
This book was designed to be used with three types of homework assignments:
- Reading homework assignments consist of 1-3 problems per Chapter. These problems are simple comprehension-based multiple-choice or numerical-answer questions, available through and submitted via WeBWorK. Links to these problems occur throughout the textbook. We suggest making the reading assignment on lecture n due at the beginning of lecture n+1.
- Skills homework assignments consist of about 1-10 computational problems per Chapter. These problems are about standard techniques for dealing with linear systems, matrices, and vectors, and are available through and submitted via WeBWorK. Most of these problems were obtained through WeBWorK's National Problem Library. We suggest making these assignments due weekly.
- Ideas homework assignments consist of about 1-8 conceptual problems per Chapter. These problems range from simple tests of understanding of the lecture material to more difficult problems involving a substantial amount of thought and hard work, and can be found at the end of each Chapter. We suggest collecting these assignments once every two weeks.
Accessing homework assignments
- To try out the reading and skills assignments login to http://webwork.math.ucdavis.edu/webwork2/LinearAlgebra/ (login: guest1, guest2,...,guest10; password: guest1, guest2,...,guest10). You may also download a pdf file of the reading assignments, automatically generated by the WeBWorK system.
- To learn more about and get started using WeBWorK, please visit http://webwork.maa.org.
- To view the idea assignments, scroll to the end of each chapter of the textbook.
Linking to your own WeBWorK course
The version of the textbook available from the home page contains links to reading problems in a model linear algebra WeBWorK course hosted at UC Davis. If you are running your own course, you will want to change the links to point to your own WeBWorK course. To do so, download the source and edit line 81 of linear.tex before compiling.