Selected Presentations
- On the smoothed complexity of Frank-Wolfe methods.
Information theory and applications, 2020. PDF
- Efficiency of the floating body as a robust measure of dispersion.
Department of Mathematics, UC Davis, 2019. PDF
- Avoiding the curse of dimensionality: Computational efficiency in high dimensional inference.
Department of Mathematics, UC Davis, 2016. PDF
- The centroid body: algorithms and statistical estimation for
heavy-tailed distributions.
AMS Sectional Meeting, University of Georgia, March 2016. PDF
Oberwolfach, December 2015.
- The more the merrier: the blessing of dimensionality for learning
large Gaussian mixtures
Banff International Research Station. Banff, Canada, 2014. PDF
- Sections of convex bodies, statistical estimation and (in)stability.
Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto CA, 2013: PDF
- Simplicial polytopes that maximize the isotropic constant are highly
AMS Sectional Meeting, Akron OH, 2012: PDF
- Randomized algorithms for the approximation of matrices
FoCM 2011, Learning theory workshop: PDF
IMA, High dimensional phenomena: PDF