MAT 108: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Fall 2018)

MAT 108: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Spring 2020)

Homework Assignments

Each assignment is due at 5pm. Turn them in on canvas. Use a scanner or smart phone app such as Adobe Scan to make a pdf file. Late homework will not be accepted. Solve the assigned problems in order. Assignments will be graded not only on correctness but also on the quality of writing; in particular, the reader is instructed to stop reading if a solution is incoherent.

In each section of the book, some problems are labeled by the star (*), which means that their answers are given in the back. For practice, do as many of these as you judge necessary. The problems listed below are those that you need to turn in (unless explicitly stated otherwise). If you are using an earlier edition of the book please make sure that you are working on the right problems.

Some solutions will be provided, but will not be carefully proofread, so check for mistakes!

Due Date Problems
HW1 Mon, April 13 Section 1.1: #3fh, 4d, 6be, 10af, 13
            Section 1.2: #3ce, 5bf, 6bf, 7ad, 12ef, 16bi
Section 1.3: #6c, 8c, 10c, 10e
HW2 Mon, Apr 20
Section 1.4: 2, 4b, 5fg, 6ef, 7k, 8a, 9ad, 11b
Section 1.5: 
3gd, 4c, 5ac, 6e, 7b, 10, 12
Section 1.6:
1f, 4bcg, 5a, 6i, 9h (7h Old ed.)
HW3 Mon, Apr 27
Section 2.1:  2, 3,  6acd( 4abfl Old ed.,) , 17bdfh, 18, 19afg
Section 2.2:
1j, 2ce (2df Old ed.), 3g, 9bc, 11bc, 12bc, 14 (changed from old ed.), 20e( 19 e Old ed.)
Section 2.3:
1a, 2, 10a( 9a Old Ed.)  , 16c ( 15c Old Ed.) , 17a(16a Old Ed), 18a (17a Old Ed.) , 19(18 Old Ed.)
Section 2.4: 2be, 4(6old) (g), 5( old7 ah)(aj),   6(old8h) j, 12(old13c)e
HW4 Mon, May 4
Section 2.5: 1ab, 2(old3), 4(old 5) bc, 14(old13)
Section 3.1:
2(old1)a, 3(old2) fg, 6(old 4)bd, 7( old5)fg, 8( old6) ce, 9( old 7) ef, 10(old 8)cd, 17 (old15)
HW5 Mon, May 11
Section 3.2: 1(b), 1(c), 1(f), 6( old 5)befh, 9 ( old 7) bd, 10( old 9) a, 12( old 10) , 15a( old12),  16(old 13) bc, 19(d)
Section 3.3:
2b, 7bcd(6bcd old)  , 8b(7b old),  11, 12, 13, 15b
HW6 Mon, May 18
Section 4.1: 1efi, 3abef, 4ad, 9(8old) , 13(10old), 14c(11e old), 17abc
Section 4.2:
1 ( 5 old), 4( 3 old) , 9, 11, 14, 16, 17
Section 4.3:
1( m,n added in 8th Ed) , 2, 4, 5, 6, 10(9 old) , 11(10 old) , 12(11 old) , 13(12)   ( ) = old Ed
HW7 Wed, May 27
Section 4.4: 1a, 2bc, 3d, 5b
Section 4.5:
1b, 2be, 5ab, 12ab(10ab), 13 New, 17ab (18ab)   ( ) = old Ed
HW8 Wed, June 3
Section 5.1: 1, 4(3), 5(4), 7(6), 8, 11, 12, 15
Section 5.2: 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11
Section 5.3: 2,9cef, 10abd, 14(13)a, 15(14)ab
Section 5.4: 4(5)ae, 6(8)ab