Some news articles and web resources mentioning my work.
Image credit: Stephen Teeter
- Articles and blogs discussing my work on the moving sofa problem:
- Solving the Moving Sofa Problem. Andy Fell, UC Davis News, December 13, 2024.
- Moving Sofa Problem Solved?!?! Interview with Dan Romik. Art Kalb's YouTube channel, December 4, 2024.
- Move the Couch! Kyung-Hwan Kim. Donga Science, April 24, 2017. (In Korean)
- De wiskunde van een sofa in de bocht . Alex van den Brandhof. NRC Handelsblad, April 15, 2017. (In Dutch)
- Why Mathematicians Cannot Solve the Problem of Moving Your Sofa. Avery Thompson. Popular Mechanics, March 24, 2017.
- The Moving Sofa Problem - Numberphile (video). Brady Haran. March 23, 2017.
- 3D printing inspires UC Davis prof to tackle tricky 'moving sofa problem'. By Tess,, March 22, 2017.
- The science of sofas: Bizarre study reveals the most manoeuvrable couches for getting round tight corners (and says a DUMBELL shape is best). The Daily Mail, March 21, 2017.
- New twist on sofa problem that stumped mathematicians and furniture movers. Becky Oskin. (republished from the UC Davis research blog Egghead). March 20, 2017.
- Romik's Ambidextrous Sofa. John Baez. Visual Insight, American Mathematical Society Blogs, December 15, 2016.
- Hammersley Sofa. John Baez. Visual Insight, American Mathematical Society Blogs, January 15, 2015 (updated July, 2016).
- Other mentions of my work:
On Viazovska’s modular form inequalities by Dan Romik. Gil Kalai, Combinatorics and More, December 17, 2023.