Disclaimer: This course webpage is a subset of my course information for the purpose of dissemination of the course material to the public, and is different from the actual official course webpages under "canvas" system that only the enrolled students can access. Hence some of the links such as the link to the homeworks are not listed here.
Course: MAT 167 Applied Linear Algebra
CRN: 78139
Credit Units: 4
Class: MWF 3:10pm-4:00pm, ART 217
Instructor: Naoki Saito
Office: 2142 Math. Sci. Building
Email: saito@math.ucdavis.edu
Office Hours: MW 4:10pm-5:30pm
TA1: Bohan Zhou (for students whose last name starts from A to J)
Office: 3131 Math. Sci. Building
Email: bhzhou@ucdavis.edu
Office Hours: F 2pm-3pm
TA2: Yunshen Zhou (for students whose last name starts from K to Z)
Office: 3131 Math. Sci. Building
Email: yszhou@math.ucdavis.edu
Office Hours: R 3pm-4pm