Mutant gene explains some HIV resistance Building upon recent discoveries of how the AIDS virus enters cells, scientists have now found that some people, perhaps 1 percent of the white population, harbor genetic mutations that make them resistant to HIV infection. The defects occur in a gene for an immune cell protein known as CC-CKR-5. The most common strains of HIV commandeer that protein in order to infect cells. The mutations appear to explain some puzzling cases in which people exposed to the deadly virus remain uninfected. The discovery also strengthens the hypothesis that drugs which interfere with the interaction between HIV and CC-CKR-5 can safely slow the spread of the virus in infected individuals. One research group, headed by Nathaniel R. Landau of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York, uncovered the mutant genes while studying HIV-negative people who had been repeatedly exposed to the virus. In test-tube experiments, the investigators found that the immune cells of two such people resisted infection with the HIV strains often transmitted sexually. The two people have a mutation in each of their two copies of the CC-CKR-5 gene, the researchers report in the Aug. 9 Cell. The defect, the same in both instances, is a large gap in the gene's DNA sequence. It results in a shortened protein that the virus can't use. The investigators speculate that the two people inherited one mutant copy of the gene from each parent. When the scientists examined 144 people of Western European origin, they found that 24 had one copy of the mutant gene. Of 44 Venezuelans tested, however, none did. The mutation "is common in some human populations but rarer in others. These findings suggest a rather recent evolutionary origin of the mutation," concludes Landau's team. A research group headed by Marc Parmentier of the Free University of Brussels found the same CC-CKR-5 gene mutation when they screened 704 white people from France and Belgium. The investigators will report in the Aug. 22 Nature that 8 of the people have two copies of the mutant gene and 114 have one copy. Among more than 350 people from Africa and Japan, none has the mutation, the group found. While it seems reasonable that having mutations in both copies of the CC-CKR-5 gene offers considerable protection from infection with HIV, scientists caution that several HIV strains use molecules other than CC-CKR-5 to infect cells. Investigators do not yet know whether heterozygotes, people with one mutant copy and one normal copy, also have a lowered risk of infection. Some preliminary evidence suggests that they do, says Robert W. Doms of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, a coauthor of the Nature report. Even if heterozygotes do not enjoy resistance to infection, HIV may spread more slowly in their bodies. "It is conceivable that one might get infected and not progress as rapidly [to AIDS]," notes Doms. Researchers are increasingly excited about preventing or treating many HIV infections with compounds that bind to CC-CKR-5 and thus stop the virus from using the protein to infect cells. Since CC-CKR-5 normally helps immune cells respond to infections, investigators have worried that drugs interfering with it would cause harmful side effects. Such drugs may be safe, however, since people lacking a functional CC-CKR-5 protein seem to be healthy. "The body doesn't appear to need [CC-CKR-5], but the virus does need it to infect cells. This tips the balance in favor of being able to interfere with that interaction without harming the host," says Anthony S. Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md.