Abigail Thompson

Distinguished Professor, Mathematics


Knots generated by KnotPlot .

General Area of Interest: Knot Theory; 3-Manifolds

Year Joining the Davis Faculty: 1988

Degree: Ph.D. 1986, Rutgers University

Teaching Winter 2024:
Calculus, Math 21B
All information for this class is available on Canvas.

Click here to see some of my papers on Math. Reviews.

The ``thompscharbyfest'' was excellent, thanks to all the organizers.

An occasionally updated CV is here.

I am one of the founders of the Association for Mathematical Research.

Here is a pdf of my paper Thin position and the recognition problem for S^3.

Here's information about the COSMOS program at UC Davis. This is a 4-week residential
summer program in mathematics and science for talented high school students.

Pictures of nudibranchs taken at Dillon Beach are here.

Diaphoreolis lagunae
Diaphoreolis lagunae

Triopha catalinae
Triopha catalinae

Aldisa sanguinae
Aldisa sanguinae

Department of Mathematics Home Page