Abigail Thompson

Distinguished Professor, Mathematics

Fax: (530) 752-6635


Knots generated by KnotPlot .

General Area of Interest: Knot Theory; 3-Manifolds

Year Joining the Davis Faculty: 1988

Degree: Ph.D. 1986, Rutgers University

Office Hours Fall 2020: TBA:

Teaching Fall 2020:
145, Combinatorics.

Click here to see some of my papers on Math. Reviews.

The ``thompscharbyfest'' was excellent, thanks to all the organizers.

You can see a general description of my research on my department profiles page.

A brief biography is available here.

An occasionally updated CV is here.

Pictures of nudibranchs taken at Dillon Beach are here.

Dendronotus subramosuskelp-encrusting bryozoan
Fractal nudibranch (Dendronotus subramosus) ; kelp-encrusting bryozoan

Here is a pdf of my paper Thin position and the recognition problem for S^3.

Here's information about the COSMOS program at UC Davis. This is a 4-week residential
summer program in mathematics and science for talented high school students.

Department of Mathematics Home Page