Tim Lewis : publications
GoogleScholar Profile
- T. Chartrand, M.S. Goldman, and T.J. Lewis (2019) Synchronization of electrically coupled resonate-and-fire neurons.
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 18(3): 1643-1693. PDF reprint.
- K.M. Lucas, J. Warrington, T.J. Lewis, J.E. Lewis (2019)
Neuronal dynamics underlying communication signals in a weakly electric fish: Implications for connectivity in a pacemaker network.
Neuroscience. 401: 21-34. PDF reprint.
- L.E. Spardy and T.J. Lewis (2018)
The role of long-range coupling in crayfish swimmeret phase-locking.
Biol. Cybern. 112(4):305-321. PDF reprint.
- C. Zhang and T.J. Lewis (2017)
Robust phase-waves in chains of half-center oscillators.
J. Math. Biol. 74(7): 1627-1656. PDF reprint.
- P.C. Yang, B. Boras, M.T. Jeng, S. Docken, T.J. Lewis, A. McCulloch, R. Harvey, and C.E. Clancy (2016) A computational modeling and simulation approach to investigate mechanisms of subcellular cAMP compartmentation. PLoS Computational Biology 12(7): e1005005. PDF reprint.
- J.D. Moreno, T.J. Lewis, and C.E. Clancy (2016) Parameterization for In-Silico Modeling of Ion Channel Interactions with Drugs. PloS one 11: e0150761. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0150761. PDF reprint, online.
- T.J. Lewis and M.A. Schwemmer (2015) Weak Coupling Theory.
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, 3151-3159.
- C. Zhang, R.D. Guy, B. Mulloney, Q. Zhang, and T.J. Lewis (2014)
Neural mechanism of optimal limb coordination in crustacean swimming.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111 (38), 13840-13845. PDF reprint .
- M. A. Schwemmer and T.J. Lewis (2014) The robustness of phase-locking in neurons with dendro-dendritic electrical coupling. J. Math. Biol. 68:303-340. DOI
10.1007/s00285-012-0635-5. PDF reprint.
- J. Zhang and T.J. Lewis (2013) Phase response properties of half-center oscillators. J.Comput.Neurosci. DOI 10.1007/s10827-013-0440-1. PDF reprint .
- M. A. Schwemmer, and T.J. Lewis (2012) Bistability in a leaky integrate-and-fire Neuron with a passive
dendrite. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 11(1): 507-530. PDF reprint.
- S. Trenholm, J. Borowska, J. Zhang, A. Hoggarth, K. Johnson, S. Barnes, T.J. Lewis, and G. Awatramani
(2012) Intrinsic oscillatory activity arising within the electrically-coupled AII amacrine/on cone bipolar cell network is driven by voltage-gated Na+ channels. J. Physiol. 590(10): 2501-2517. PDF reprint.
- M. A. Schwemmer and T.J. Lewis (2012) The theory of weakly coupled oscillators. In N.W. Schultheiss, A. Prinz, R.J. Butera (Eds.). PRCs in Neuroscience: Theory, Experiment and Analysis. Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 6. pp. 3-31.
PDF reprint.
- T.J. Lewis and F.K. Skinner (2012) Understanding activity in electrically coupled networks using PRCs and the theory of weakly coupled oscillators.
In N.W. Schultheiss, A. Prinz, R.J. Butera (Eds.). PRCs in Neuroscience: Theory, Experiment and Analysis. Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 6. pp. 329-359.
PDF reprint.
- T. Netoff, M.A. Schwemmer and T.J. Lewis (2012) Experimentally estimating phase response
curves of neurons: theoretical and practical issues.
In N.W. Schultheiss, A. Prinz, R.J. Butera (Eds.). PRCs in Neuroscience: Theory, Experiment and Analysis. Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 6. pp. 95-129.
PDF reprint.
- M. A. Schwemmer and T.J. Lewis (2011) Effects of dendritic load on the firing frequency of oscillating neurons. Phys. Rev. E 83: 031906-1-15.
PDF reprint.
- D.A. French, Z. Teymuroglu, T.J. Lewis, and R.J. Braun (2010)
An integro-differential model for the spread of alcohol abuse.
J. Integral Equations and Applications
22(3): 443-464.
PDF reprint.
- E.N. Cytrynbaum and T.J. Lewis (2009)
Global bifurcations and the appearance of a one-dimensional spiral wave in excitable media.
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 8(1): 348-370.
PDF reprint.
- S.J. Cruikshank, T.J. Lewis and B.W. Connors (2007)
Synaptic basis for intense thalamocortical activation of feedforward inhibitory cells in neocortex.
Nature Neurosci. 10: 462-468.
PDF reprint.
Faculty of 1000 Review .
- J.G. Mancilla, T.J. Lewis, D.J. Pinto, J. Rinzel and B.W. Connors (2007)
Synchronization of electrically coupled pairs of inhibitory interneurons in neocortex.
J. Neurosci. 27: 2058-2073.
PDF reprint.
- A.R. Schneider, T.J. Lewis and J. Rinzel (2006)
Effects of correlated input and electrical coupling on synchrony in fast-spiking cell networks.
Neurocomput. 69: 1125-1129.
PDF reprint.
- C.P. Fall, T.J. Lewis and J.Rinzel (2005) Background activity dependent properties of
a network model forworking memory that incorporates cellular bistability. Biol. Cybern. 93:109-118.
PDF reprint.
- A. Bose, T.J. Lewis and R.J.A. Wilson (2005) Two-oscillator model of ventilatory rhythmogenesis in the frog. Neurocomput. 65:751-757. PDF reprint.
- R. Jolivet, T.J. Lewis and W. Gerstner (2004) Generalized integrate-and-fire models of neuronal activity approximate spike trains of a detailed model to a high degree of accuracy. J. Neurophysiol. 92:959-976. PDF reprint.
- T.J. Lewis and J. Rinzel (2004) Dendritic effects in networks of fast-spiking interneurons connected by electrical coupling. Neurocomput. 58:145-150. PDF reprint.
- R. Jolivet, T.J. Lewis and W. Gerstner (2003) The spike response model: a framework to predict neuronal spike train with high reliability, In O. Kaynak, E. Alpaydin, E. Oja and L. Xu Eds.: Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing - ICANN/ICONIP 2003 , LNCS 2714, Springer-Verlag, pp. 846-853.
- T.J. Lewis (2003)Phase-locking in electrically coupled non-leaky integrate-and-fire neurons.Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B Supplement Vol.: 554-562. PDF reprint.
- T.J. Lewis and J. Rinzel (2003)Dynamics of spiking neurons connected by both inhibitory and electricalcoupling. J.Comput.Neurosci. 14: 283-309. PDF reprint. Faculty of 1000 Review .
- T.J. Lewis and J. Rinzel (2001) Topological target patterns andpopulation oscillations in a network with random gap junctional coupling. Neurocomput. 38: 763-761. PDF reprint. (non-reviewed).
- T.J. Lewis and J. Rinzel (2000) Self-organized synchronous oscillations in a network of excitable cells coupled by gap junctions.Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 11: 299-320.PDF reprint.
- T.J. Lewis and J.P. Keener (2000)Wave-block in excitable media due to regions of depressed excitability. SIAM J.Appl.Math. 61: 293-316.PDF reprint.
- J. P. Keener and T.J. Lewis (1999) The biphasic mystery: Why a biphasic shock is more effective thana monophsic shock for defibrillation. J.Theor.Biol. 200(1): 1-17.PDF reprint.
- T.T. Harkins, T.J. Lewis and J.E. Lindsley (1998) Pre-steady analysis of ATP hydrolysis by DNA topoisomerase II. Biochemistry. 37: 7299-7312.PDF reprint.
- P. Rohani, T.J. Lewis, D. Grunbaum and G.D. Ruxton (1997) Spatial self-organization in ecology: pretty pictures or robust reality? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 70-74.
- M.R. Guevara and T.J. Lewis (1995) A minimal single-channel model for the regularity of beating in the sinoatrial node. Chaos 5: 174-183.PDF reprint.
- T.J. Lewis and M.R. Guevara (1991). 1/f^a power spectrumdoes not imply fractal activation of the ventricles. Biophys.J.60: 1297-1300. PDF reprint.
- T.J. Lewis and M.R. Guevara (1990) Chaotic dynamics in a modelof the propagated cardiac action potential. J.theor.Biol. 142:407-432.
- T.J. Lewis, The Effects of Nonexcitable Regions on Signal Propagation in ExcitableMedia: Propagation Failure and Reflection. Ph.D. thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. December 1998.PDF.