Energy Functions on Affine Crystals
It has been shown that for trivial tensor products and for tensors of two crystals of rectangular tableaux, there is an (almost) unique promotion operator, equal to the canonical promotion operator. The 'almost' is because of the existence of other promotion operators obtained by the interchange of equivalent connected components of the underlying classical crystal; these other promotions give rise to the same affine structure as the classical promotion.
The KR crystals admit an energy function H, which is defined up to choice of a constant by two axioms. First, H is constant on all classical components, and second, for b in the crystal and f the affine lowering operator, then H(fb)=H(b)+-1 or H(fb)=H(b), determined by the underlying tensor product structure. The idea presented was to define a 1-energy function, where energy changes according to the 1-arrows in the crystal and is constant on all 0 and 2..n arrows. Such a 1-energy function is determined up to the choice of a constant for each classical component of the crystal; if one requires that a promotion operator respect this energy function, then it is easy to show that the 1-energy will determine the usual energy function in the case of two-tensors of A_2 crystals, and possibly for more general A_n crystals.
However, the existence of an energy function is already a strong assumption; one needs to go back to the representation theory to determine whether energy functions are actually an inherent feature of the crystal basis theory.