News for 2004
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October 2004
Freund Receives IEEE/ACM Best Paper Award
Roland Freund, was selected to receive the IEEE/ACM William J. McCalla
ICCAD Best Paper Award for SPRIM: Structure-Preserving Reduced-Order Interconnect
Macromodeling. He will receive the award at the IEEE/ACM International Conference
on Computer Aided Design in San Jose, California in November, 2004.
September 2004
De Loera Awarded Humboldt Research Fellowship
Jesus De Loera, Associate Professor of Mathematics, was nominated for and
awarded a research fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation. Fellows are chosen based on the quality and feasibility of
their research projects as well as their international publications.
Professor DeLoera will live in Germany for a year while conducting
research on recent developments in discrete mathematics. Only the most
highly qualified scholars receive Humboldt Research Fellowships--500 are
awarded per year.
August 2004
Krener Elected Chair For SIAM Activity Group
Arthur Krener has been elected to the position
of Chair for the SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory
(CST) for a three-year term running from January 1, 2005, through
December 31, 2007.
June 2004
Cheer Selected For Mentoring Distinction
Angela Cheer has earned the
2004 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research.
June 2004
Krener Receives Reid Prize
Arthur Krener was awarded the 2004 W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize from the Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) for his contributions to control and estimation of nonlinear
dynamical systems and stochastic processes.
May 2004
Grad Dieng Honored For Contributions To Community
Momar Dieng earned a Chancellor's Achievement Award for
Diversity and Community (Graduate/Professional Student category). The
Chancellor's Achievement Awards for Diversity and Community were
established to honor achievements that contribute in substantial ways to
the development and well-being of our diverse and evolving community.
Momar's award was for his leadership qualities in promoting the
cohesiveness of his fellow students in Mathematics in addition to his
volunteer tutoring of undergraduates in Davis.
February 2004
Grad Larripa Awarded Fulbright Grant.
Kamila Larripa was awarded a Fulbright grant to work with Alexander
Verkhovsky, a collaborator of Alex Mogilner, at the Ecole Polytechnique
Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland starting July 2004. She'll be modeling
actin dynamics in the leading edge of a crawling cell.