Section 1.1 LAB 1: (July 6)
What would we like to happen today?
- Charge the battery for your robot or have new batteries available for your robot
- Build a 3 wheels or 4 wheels robot (use instruction in Mindstorm booklet)
- Install RobotC in your computer
- Connect your Robot to your computer using the USBB. cord.
Update the LEGO EV3's Kernel to version 1.07X or higher :
a.) Connect Robot to computer using a USB cord
b.) Select "Robot Menu"-->"Download EV3 Linux Kernel"
c.) After updating EV3 Linux Kernel, Update RobotC firmware from inside of RobotC
On the top menu Click on
Robot --> Platform Type --> LEGO Mindstorm. EV3
On the top menu Click on Open File then navigate to
Sample Programs --> EV3--> Basic Movements --> Modifying Values.c
- Save the file on your robot
- Click on Compile the program
- Click on Download to the robot
- Disconnect your robot from your computer
- Using the buttons on robot navigate to the file you just to downloaded
- Run your program on the Robot by pushing the middle square button
Here is a picture of the sample program