

  1. Journal publications
  2. Books and book chapters
  3. Refereed Proceedings, Conference Publications
  4. Patents

Journal publications

  1. Shizhou Xu and Thomas Strohmer. Machine Unlearning via Information Theoretic Regularization. Preprint, 2025.
  2. Shizhou Xu and Thomas Strohmer. WHOMP: Optimizing Randomized Controlled Trials via Wasserstein Homogeneity. Preprint, 2024.
  3. Markus Faulhuber and Thomas Strohmer. Quantum paving: When sphere packings meet Gabor frames. Preprint, 2024.
  4. Xue Feng, Paul Laiu, and Thomas Strohmer. Convergence analysis of the Alternating Anderson-Picard method for nonlinear fixed-point problems. Preprint, 2024.
  5. March Boedihardjo, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. Metric geometry of the privacy-utility tradeoff. Preprint, 2024.
  6. Girish Kumar, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. An Algorithm for Streaming Differentially Private Data. Preprint, 2024.
  7. Yuan Ni and Thomas Strohmer. Auto-Calibration and Biconvex Compressive Sensing with Applications to Parallel MRI. Preprint, 2024.
  8. Shizhou Xu and Thomas Strohmer. On the (In)Compatibility between Group Fairness and Individual Fairness. Preprint, 2024.
  9. Yiyun He, Thomas Strohmer, Roman Vershynin, and Yizhe Zhu. Differentially private low-dimensional representation of high-dimensional data. Information and Inference, 2024, to appear.
  10. March Boedihardjo, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. Covariance loss, Szemeredi regularity, and differential privacy. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, to appear.
  11. Junda Sheng and Thomas Strohmer. Semi-Supervised Clustering of Sparse Graphs: Crossing the Information-Theoretic Threshold. Journal of Machine Learning, 3(1):64-106, 2024.
  12. March Boedihardjo, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. Private measures, random walks, and synthetic data. Probability Theory and Related Fields, to appear.
  13. Krystle L. Reagan, Shaofeng Deng, Junda Sheng, Jamie Sebastian, Zhe Wang, Sara N. Huebner, Louise A. Wenke, Sarah R. Michalak, Thomas Strohmer, and Jane E. Sykes. Use of machine learning algorithms to aid in the early detection of leptospirosis in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 34(4): 612-621, 2022.
  14. Shizhou Xu and Thomas Strohmer. Fair Data Representation for Machine Learning at the Pareto Frontier. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24(331):1–63, 2023.
  15. March Boedihardjo, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. Private sampling: a noiseless approach for generating differentially private synthetic data. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 4(3): 1082-1115, 2023.
  16. March Boedihardjo, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. Privacy of Synthetic Data: A Statistical Framework. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 69(1): 520-527, 2023.
  17. March Boedihardjo, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. Covariance's Loss is Privacy's Gain: Computationally Efficient, Private and Accurate Synthetic Data. Foundations of Comp. Math, Vol.24: 179--226, 2024.
  18. March Boedihardjo, Shaofeng Deng, and Thomas Strohmer. A Performance Guarantee for Spectral Clustering. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, Vol. 3(1): 369 - 387, 2021.
  19. S. Deng, S.Ling and T.Strohmer. Strong Consistency, Graph Laplacians, and the Stochastic Block Model. Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 22(117): 1-44, 2021.
  20. A. Fannjiang and T. Strohmer. The Numerics of Phase Retrieval. Acta Numerica, Vol.29: 125-228, 2020.
  21. Y. Li and T.Strohmer What Happens on the Edge, Stays on the Edge: Toward Compressive Deep Learning. Preprint, 2019.
  22. S.Ling and T.Strohmer. Certifying Global Optimality of Graph Cuts via Semidefinite Relaxation: A Performance Guarantee for Spectral Clustering. Foundations of Comp. Math., Vol.20: 367–421, 2020.
  23. X. Li, Y. Li, S. Ling, T.Strohmer and K. Wei. When Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? K-Means, Proximity, and Conic Programming. Mathematical Programming, Vol.179(1-2): 295-341, 2020.
  24. T.Strohmer and K. Wei. Painless Breakups - Efficient Demixing of Low Rank Matrices. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, Vol.25(1): 1-31, 2019.
  25. S.Ling and T.Strohmer. Regularized gradient descent: a nonconvex recipe for fast joint blind deconvolution and demixing. Information and Inference, Vol.8(1): 1-49, 2019.
  26. S.Ling and T.Strohmer. Self-Calibration and bilinear inverse problems via Linear Least Squares. SIAM Imag. Sci., Vol.11(1): 252-292, 2018.
  27. X.Li, S.Ling, T.Strohmer and K.Wei. Rapid, Robust, and Reliable Blind Deconvolution via Nonconvex Optimization. Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., Vol.47(3): 893-934, 2019.
  28. S.Ling and T.Strohmer. Blind Deconvolution Meets Blind Demixing: Algorithms and Performance Bounds. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol. 63(7): 4497-4520, 2017.
  29. D. Duncan and T. Strohmer. Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Using Unsupervised Diffusion Component Analysis. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 13(6): 1119-1130, 2016.
  30. S.Ling and T.Strohmer. Self-Calibration and Biconvex Compressive Sensing. Inverse Problems, Vol. 31(11): 115002, 2015.
  31. G. Wunder, H. Boche, T. Strohmer, and P. Jung.Sparse Signal Processing Concepts for Efficient 5G System Design. IEEE Access, 3: 195–208, 2015.
  32. I. Krishtal, T.Strohmer, and T.Wertz. Localization of Matrix Factorizations. Foundations of Comp. Math., Volume 15, Issue 4, pp 931-951, 2015.
  33. T.Strohmer and H.Wang. Accurate imaging of moving targets via random sensor arrays and Kerdock codes. Inverse Problems, 29:085001, 2013.
  34. M. Hügel, H. Rauhut, and T.Strohmer. Remote sensing via l_1 minimization. Foundations of Comp. Math., 14(1): pp.115--150, 2014.
  35. T. Strohmer and B. Friedlander. Analysis of Sparse MIMO Radar. Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal. vol.37, pp. 361-388, 2014.
  36. E. J. Candes, T. Strohmer and V. Voroninski. PhaseLift: Exact and Stable Signal Recovery from Magnitude Measurements via Convex Programming. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 66(8): 1241-1274, 2013.
  37. E. J. Candes, Y. Eldar, T. Strohmer and V. Voroninski. Phase retrieval via matrix completion. SIAM J. Imag. Sci., 6(1), pp.199-225, 2013.
  38. T.Strohmer. Measure what should be measured: Progress and Challenges in Compressive Sensing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.19(12): pp.887-893, 2012.
  39. J. Ilic and T. Strohmer. Sparsity-Enhanced Decision Feedback Equalization. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 60(5): pp.2422-2432, 2012.
  40. B. Hunter and T. Strohmer. Performance Analysis of Spectral Clustering on Compressed, Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements . Preprint, 2011.
  41. A. Fannjiang, P. Yan, and T. Strohmer. Compressed Remote Sensing of Sparse Objects. SIAM J. Imag. Sci. vol. 3(3), pp.596-618, 2010.
  42. M. Herman and T. Strohmer. General Deviants: An Analysis of Perturbations in Compressed Sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing: Special Issue on Compressive Sensing, vol.4(2): 342-349, 2010.
  43. T. Strohmer and R.Vershynin. Comments on the Randomized Kaczmarz Method. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, vol.15(4): 437-440, 2009.
  44. J. Ilic and T. Strohmer. Average Power Reduction for MSM Optical Signals via Sparsity and Uncertainty Principle. IEEE Trans. Communications , vol. 58(5): 1505-1513, 2010.
  45. A. Rushdi, J. Tuqan, and T. Strohmer. Map-Invariant Spectral Analysis for the Identification of DNA Periodicities. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Special issue on sequence and genome analysis, 2012:16. DOI: 10.1186/1687-4153-2012-16, 2012.
  46. B. Farrell and T. Strohmer. Eigenvalue Estimates and Mutual Information for the Linear Time-Varying Channel. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol.57(9): 5710-5719, 2011.
  47. T. Strohmer. A note on equiangular tight frames. Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 429(1): 326-330, 2008.
  48. M. Herman and T. Strohmer. High Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.57(6): 2275-2284, 2009.
  49. T. Strohmer and R.Vershynin. A randomized Kaczmarz algorithm with exponential convergence . Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, vol.15:1, pages 262-278, 2009.
  50. J.A. Tropp, I.S. Dhillon, R. Heath Jr., and T. Strohmer. Constructing Packings in Grassmannian Manifolds via Alternating Projection. Experimental Mathematics, vol. 17:1, pages 9-35, 2008.
  51. B. Farrell and T. Strohmer. Inverse-Closedness of a Banach Algebra of Integral Operators on the Heisenberg Group. Journal of Operator Theory, vol.64(1): 189-205, 2010.
  52. R. Guan and T. Strohmer. Krylov Subspace Algorithms and Circulant Embedding Method for Wideband Single-Carrier Equalization. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 56(6), pages 2483-2495, 2008.
  53. K. Gröchenig, Z. Rzeszotnik, and T.Strohmer. Convergence Analysis of the Finite Section Method and Banach Algebras of Matrices. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol. 67(2): 183-202, 2010.
  54. J. Xu and T. Strohmer. Efficient calibration of time-interleaved ADCs via separable nonlinear least squares. Preprint , submitted.
  55. K. Gröchenig and T.Strohmer. Pseudodifferential operators on locally compact abelian groups and Sjöstrand's symbol class. Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), vol. 613:121-146, 2007.
  56. J. Xu and T. Strohmer. Pulse construction in OFDM systems via convex optimization. IEEE Trans. Comm., vol.56(8):1225-1230, 2008.
  57. T. Strohmer. Pseudodifferential operators and Banach algebras for mobile communications. Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., vol.20(2): 237-249, 2006.
  58. T. Strohmer and J. Tanner. Fast reconstruction methods for bandlimited functions from periodic nonuniform sampling. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol.44(3):1073-1094, 2006.
  59. R. Heath Jr., T. Strohmer, and A. Paulraj. On quasi-orthogonal sequences for CDMA. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol.52(3):1217-1226, 2006.
  60. T. Strohmer and J. Tanner. Implementations of Shannon's sampling theorem, a time-frequency approach. Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, vol.4(1): 1--17, 2005.
  61. J.A. Tropp, I.S. Dhillon, R. Heath Jr., and T. Strohmer. Structured Tight Frames via an Alternating Projection Method. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol.51(1):188-209, 2005.
  62. G.Kutyniok and T.Strohmer. Wilson bases for general time-frequency lattices. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 37(3): 685-711, 2005.
  63. O.Christensen and T.Strohmer. The finite section method and problems in frame theory. Journal of Approximation Theory, 133(2):221--237, 2005
  64. D. Grishin and T. Strohmer. Fast multi-dimensional scattered data approximation with Neumann boundary conditions. Lin.Alg.Appl., vol.391:99--123, 2004.
  65. D. Love, R. Heath Jr., and T. Strohmer. Grassmannian beamforming for multiple-input multiple-output wireless systems. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol.49(10): 2735--2747, 2003.
  66. T. Strohmer, and R. Heath Jr. Grassmannian frames with applications to coding and communications. Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., vol.14(3): 257--275, 2003.
  67. T. Strohmer and S. Beaver. Optimal OFDM system design for time-frequency dispersive channels. IEEE Trans. Comm., vol.51(7): 1111-1122, 2003.
  68. A.J.E.M. Janssen and T. Strohmer. Hyperbolic secants yield Gabor frames. Appl.Comp.Harm.Anal., vol.12(2): 259--267, 2002.
  69. A.J.E.M. Janssen and T. Strohmer. Characterization and computation of canonical tight windows for Gabor frames. J.Four.Anal.Appl., vol.8(1):1-28, 2002.
  70. T. Strohmer. Four short stories about Toeplitz matrix calculations. Lin. Alg. Appl., 343/344:321-344, 2002
  71. T. Strohmer. Approximation of dual Gabor frames, window decay, and wireless communications. Appl.Comp.Harm.Anal., 11(2):243-262, 2001.
  72. T. Strohmer. Numerical analysis of the non-uniform sampling problem. J. Comp. Appl. Math., 112(1-2):297-316, 2000.
  73. R. Vio, T. Strohmer, and W. Wamsteker. On the reconstruction of irregularly sampled time series. Publ. Astronom. Soc. Pac. , 112:74-90, 2000. (A MATLAB toolbox can be obtained by request to the authors.)
  74. T. Strohmer. Rates of convergence for the approximation of dual shift-invariant systems in l_2(Z).J. Four. Anal. Appl. 5(6): 599-615, 2000.
  75. T. Strohmer. A Levinson-Galerkin algorithm for regularized trigonometric approximation. SIAM J.Sci.Comp., 22(4): 1160--1183, 2000.
  76. T. Binder, M.Süssner, D.Mörtl, T. Strohmer, H. Baumgartner, G. Maurer, and G. Porenta. Artificial neural networks and spatial temporal contour linking for automated endocardial contour detection on echocardiograms: a novel approach to determine left ventricular contractile function. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 25(7):1069-1076, 1999.
  77. O. Scherzer and T. Strohmer. A multi-level algorithm for the solution of moment problems. Numer. Func. Anal. Optimiz., 19(3&4):353--375, 1998.
  78. M.Rauth and T.Strohmer. Smooth approximation of potential fields from noisy scattered data. Geophysics ,63(1):85-94, 1998.
  79. T.Strohmer. Computationally Attractive Reconstruction of Band-Limited Images from Irregular Samples. IEEE Trans. Image Proc., 6/4:540-548, 1997.
  80. T. Strohmer. On discrete band-limited signal extrapolation. Contemp. Math. 190:323-337, 1995.
  81. H.G. Feichtinger, O. Christensen, and T. Strohmer. A Group-theoretical Approach to Gabor Analysis. Optical Engineering, 34:1697-1704, 1995.
  82. H.G. Feichtinger, K.Gröchenig, and T.Strohmer. Efficient Numerical Methods in Non-uniform Sampling Theory. Numerische Mathematik, 69:423-440, 1995.
  83. H.G. Feichtinger and T.Strohmer. Recovery of missing segments and lines in images. Optical Engineering, special issue on Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis, 33/10:3283-3289, 1994.

Books and book chapters

  1. T.Strohmer and T.Wertz. Almost Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Almost Mathieu Operators. Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 6: In Honor of John Benedetto’s 80th Birthday, Springer, 2021.
  2. T. Strohmer and H. Wang. Adventures in Compressive Sensing Based MIMO Radar. Bookchapter in Excursions in Harmonic Analysis. p. 285-326. Volume 3. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
  3. H.G. Feichtinger and T. Strohmer, Editors. Advances in Gabor Analysis. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2003.
  4. O.Christensen and T.Strohmer. Methods for approximation of the inverse (Gabor) frame operator. Chapter 8 in [1].
  5. H.G. Feichtinger and T. Strohmer. Numerical Harmonic Analysis and Image Processing. Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications , W. Kropatsch and H. Bischof, editors, Springer, pp. 7--47, 2001.
  6. K.Gröchenig and T.Strohmer. Numerical and Theoretical Aspects of Non-Uniform Sampling of Band-Limited Images. Chapter 6 in Nonuniform Sampling: Theory and Practice , F. Marvasti, editor, Kluwer, 2001.
  7. T. Strohmer. Finite and infinite-dimensional models for oversampled filter banks. Modern Sampling Theory: Mathematics and Applications J.J. Benedetto and P.J.S.G Ferreira, editors, Birkhäuser, Boston, pp. 297-320, 2000.
  8. H.G. Feichtinger and T. Strohmer, Editors. Gabor Analysis and Algorithms: Theory ans Applications. Birkhäuser, Boston. 1998.
  9. T. Strohmer. Numerical Algorithms for Discrete Gabor Expansions. Chapter 8 in [6], pp. 276-294.

Refereed proceedings, conference publications

  1. Xue Feng, M. Paul Laiu, and Thomas Strohmer. FedOSAA: Improving Federated Learning with One-Step Anderson Acceleration. Conference on Parsimony and Learning (CPAL), Stanford 2025.
  2. Girish Kumar, Thomas Strohmer, and Roman Vershynin. Differentially Private Synthetic High-dimensional Tabular Stream. Preprint, 2024.
  3. Justin Baker, Qingoson Wang, Martin Berzins, Thomas Strohmer, and Bao Wang. Monotone Operator Theory-Inspired Message Passing for Learning Long-Range Interaction on Graphs, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2233-2241, 2024.
  4. Matthew Thorpe, Tan Minh Nguyen, Hedi Xia, Thomas Strohmer, Andrea Bertozzi, Stanley Osher, and Bao Wang. GRAND++: Graph Neural Diffusion with A Source Term. ICLR 2022 Conference.
  5. Yang Li and Thomas Strohmer. A Hybrid Architecture for On-Device Compressive Machine Learning. NeuRIPS Deep Inverse Workshop, Vancouver, 2019.
  6. T. Strohmer and B. Friedlander. Some Theoretical Results for Compressed MIMO Radar. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, Computers, pp. 739 - 743, Asilomar, 2011.
  7. B. Hunter and T. Strohmer. Compressive Spectral Clustering. ICNAAM 2010: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1281, pp. 1720-1722, 2010.
  8. B. Hunter and T. Strohmer. Performance analysis of compressive spectral clustering. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Proceedings, Sparse Approximation and Compressed Sensing, 2010.
  9. J. Ilic and T. Strohmer. Decision feedback equalization with sparsity driven thresholding. Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Proceedings, pp.731-735, Asilomar, 2010.
  10. T. Strohmer and B. Friedlander. Compressed Sensing for MIMO radar - Algorithms and Performance. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, Computers,pp.464-469, Asilomar, 2009.
  11. M. Herman and T. Strohmer. General Perturbations of Sparse Signals in Compressed Sensing. International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Marseille, France, May, 2009.
  12. M. Herman and T. Strohmer. General Perturbations in Compressed Sensing. Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), Saint-Malo, France, April, 2009.
  13. J. Ilic and T. Strohmer. PAPR Reduction in OFDM using Kashin's representation. IEEE 10th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC '09) , pp. 444-448, Perugia, 2009.
  14. M. Herman and T. Strohmer. Compressed Sensing Radar. IEEE Radar Conference 2008, pp.1-6, Rome, 2008.
  15. M. Herman and T. Strohmer. Compressed Sensing Radar. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2008, pages 1509-1512, 2008.
  16. J. Xu and T. Strohmer. Fast Algorithms for Blind Calibration in Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters. In IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol.3, pages: 1225-1228, 2007.
  17. T. Strohmer and J. Tanner. Fast reconstruction algorithms for periodic nonuniform sampling with applications to time-interleaved ADCs. In IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol.3, pages: 881-884, 2007.
  18. T. Strohmer and R.Vershynin. A randomized solver for linear systems with exponential convergence . In Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.4110, pages 499-507, 2006.
  19. J. Xu and T. Strohmer. Adaptive and Robust Channel Estimation for pilot-aided OFDM Systems. In Proc. AusWireless, 2006.
  20. R. Guan and T. Strohmer. Efficient FFT-based Circulant Embedding Method and Subspace Algorithms for Wideband Single-carrier Equalization . In Proc. AusWireless, 2006.
  21. T. Strohmer, M. Emami, J. Hansen, G. Papanicolaou, and A. Paulraj. Application of Time-Reversal with MMSE Equalizer to UWB Communications . In IEEE GLOBECOM'04, vol.5:3123-3127, 2004.
  22. Robert Heath, Jr., Joel Tropp, Inderjit Dhillon, and Thomas Strohmer. Construction of Equiangular Signatures for Synchronous CDMA Systems. Proc. of IEEE Int. Sym. on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Sydney, Sept. 2004, pages 708 - 712, 2004.
  23. Robert Heath, Jr., Thomas Strohmer, and Arogyaswami Paulraj. Grassmannian Signatures for CDMA SystemsProc. of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf., San Francisco, Dec. 1-5, 2003, vol.3:1553 - 1557, 2003.
  24. Joel Tropp, Robert Heath, Jr., and Thomas Strohmer. Optimal CDMA Signature Sequences, Inverse Eigenvalue Problems And Alternating Minimization. Proc. of the International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 407, Yokohama, 2003.
  25. D. Love, R. Heath Jr., and T. Strohmer. Grassmannian beamforming for multiple-input multiple-output wireless systems. IEEE Internat. Conf. on Communications, vol.4: 2618-2622, 2003.
  26. Joel Tropp, Inderjit Dhillon, Robert Heath, Jr., and Thomas Strohmer. CDMA Signature Sequences With Low Peak-To-Average Ratio Via Alternating Minimization Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, Nov. 2003, vol.1:475 - 479, 2003.
  27. David Love, R. Heath Jr., and T. Strohmer. Codebook Design for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Quantized Antenna Weighting SystemsProc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, vol. 4, pp. 2618-2622, Anchorage, , 2003.
  28. David Love, R. Heath Jr., and T. Strohmer. Quantized Antenna Weighting Codebook Design for Multi-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Systems . Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing , Allerton, 2002.
  29. David Love, R. Heath Jr., and T. Strohmer. Quantized Maximum Ratio Transmission for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Systems . Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, Computers, vol.1, pp.531--535, Pacific Grove, 2002.
  30. T. Strohmer, R. Heath Jr., and A. Paulraj. On the design of optimal spreading sequences for CDMA Systems . In Proc. of IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, vol. 2, pp. 1434-1438, Pacific Grove, California, 2002.
  31. S. Beaver and T. Strohmer. Optimal OFDM pulse and lattice design for doubly dispersive channels. . Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, Computers, Pacific Grove, pages 1763-1767, 2001.
  32. T. Strohmer. Reduction of channel interference in OFDM systems through optimal phase space sampling. Proc. SPIE: Wavelets Applications in Signal and Image Processing IX , San Diego, Vol. 4478, pages 53-62, 2001.
  33. T. Strohmer and S. Beaver. Optimal OFDM system design through optimal sphere coverings. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol.4, pages 2373--2376, 2001.
  34. T. Strohmer. OFDM, Laurent operators, and time-frequency localization. Proc. SPIE: Wavelets Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII , San Diego, Vol. 4119, pages 48--57, 2000.
  35. T. Strohmer. Painless approximation of dual frames, with applications to shift-invariant systems. Proc. SPIE: Wavelets Applications in Signal and Image Processing VII , Denver, Vol. 3813, pages 637--647, 1999.
  36. T. Strohmer. On the estimation of the bandwidth of nonuniformly sampled signals IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol.4, pages 2047-2050, 1999.
  37. T. Strohmer. Computational frameworks for discrete Gabor analysis. In Proc. SPIE: Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations VI. San Diego, 1997.
  38. T. Strohmer.A unified approach to numerical algorithms for discrete Gabor expansions. pp 297-302 in Proc. SampTA - Sampling Theory and Applications. Aveiro/Portugal, 1997.
  39. M. Rauth and T. Strohmer. A frequency domain approach to the recovery of geophysical potentials. In Proc. SampTA - Sampling Theory and Applications. Aveiro/Portugal, 1997.
  40. W. Kozek, H.G. Feichtinger, P. Prinz, and T. Strohmer. On multidimensional nonseparable Gabor expansions. In M. Unser, A. Aldroubi, and A.F. Laine, editors, Proc. SPIE: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing IV, pages 163--174, 1996.
  41. T.Strohmer, T. Binder, and M. Süssner. How to recover smooth object boundaries in noisy medical images. In Proc. ICIP'96, pages 331-334, Lausanne, 1996.
  42. M. Süssner, M. Budil, T. Strohmer, M. Greher, G. Porenta, and T. Binder. Contour detection using artificial neuronal network presegmention.In Proc. Computers in Cardiology, Vienna, 1995.
  43. H.G. Feichtinger, W.Kozek and T.Strohmer. Reconstruction of signals from irregular samples of its Short-time Fourier transform. In Proc. SPIE95, San Diego, July 1995.
  44. T. Binder, M.Süssner, M. Budil, T. Strohmer, M. Greher, H. Baumgartner, G. Maurer, and G. Porenta. Endocardial contour recognition on echocardiograms using artificial neural networks and time-space transformation of contour points. Ciruclation , 92(8):1324, 1995.
  45. H.G. Feichtinger and T.Strohmer. A Kaczmarz-based approach to nonperiodic sampling on unions of rectangular lattices. In Proc. Conf. SampTA-95, pages 32-37, Riga/Latvia, 1995.
  46. W. Kozek, H.G. Feichtinger, and T. Strohmer. Time-Frequency Synthesis of Statistically Matched Weyl-Heisenberg Prototype Signals. In Proc. IEEE-SP Internat.Symp.on Time-Frequency and Time-scale Analysis, pages 21-24, Philadelphia/PA, Oct. 1994.
  47. H.G. Feichtinger, A. Türk and T. Strohmer. Hierarchical Parallel Matching Pursuit. In Proc. SPIE: Image Reconstruction and Restoration San Diego, 1994, pp.222-232.
  48. S.Qiu, H.G. Feichtinger, and T. Strohmer. Inexpensive Gabor Decompositions. In Proc. SPIE: Wavelets Applications in Signal and Image Processing pages 286-294, San Diego, 1994.
  49. H.G. Feichtinger and T. Strohmer. Fast Iterative Reconstruction of Band-Limited Images from Irregular Sampling Values. In D.Chetverikov and W.G. Kropatsch, editors, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns pages 82-91. Conf.CAIP Budapest 93, 1993.
  50. C.Cenker, H.G. Feichtinger, M.Mayer, H.Steier, and T.Strohmer. New variants of the POCS method using affine subspaces of finite codimension, with applications to irregular sampling. In Conf. SPIE 92 Boston pages 299-310, 1992.
  51. H.G. Feichtinger and T.Strohmer. IRSATOL - Irregular Sampling of Band-limited Signals Toolbox. In K.Dette, D.Haupt, and C.Polze, editors, Conf. Computers for Teaching, Berlin pages 277-284, 1992.


  1. T. Strohmer and A. Paulraj. Method for pulse shape design for OFDM US Patent no. 7656786 (2010). (Licensed by Samsung)