MSB 3106 | Probability | Peter Winkler, Dartmouth / SLMath |
| Thu, Mar 6 2025, 2:10PM | The Math Puzzle that Spawned 100 Philosophy Papers |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Dana Randall, Georgia Tech |
| Thu, Feb 27 2025, 2:10PM | Programmable Matter and Emergent Computation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Corrine Yap, Georgia Tech / SLMath |
| Thu, Feb 20 2025, 3:10PM | Dynamical Thresholds for the Fixed-Magnetization Ising Model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | David Wu, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Nov 7 2024, 12:10PM | Locally stationary distributions: inference and optimization beyond rapid mixing |
Zoom | Probability | Timo Seppalainen, University of Wisconsin |
| Mon, Jun 3 2024, 11:00AM | Busemann processes in directed polymers and in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation |
zoom | Probability | Russell Lyons, Indiana University |
| Mon, May 20 2024, 11:00AM | Ideal Voronoi Tessellations in Hyperbolic Space |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, UC Davis |
| Mon, May 13 2024, 11:00AM | Gaussian random field approximation for wide neural networks |
Zoom | Probability | Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, University of Toronto |
| Mon, May 6 2024, 11:00AM | Speeding up Metropolis using Theorems |
zoom | Probability | Ioana Dumitriu, UC San Diego |
| Mon, Apr 29 2024, 1:10PM | Exact and optimal recovery in non-uniform hypergraph stochastic block model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 22 2024, 11:00AM | Mixing time of the torus shuffle |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Larry Goldstein, USC |
| Thu, Apr 18 2024, 4:10PM | Classical and Free Zero Bias for Infinite Divisibility |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jun Yin, UCLA |
| Mon, Apr 1 2024, 11:00AM | Non-mean-field random matrices related to quantum chaos and Anderson conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Benson Au, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Feb 26 2024, 1:10PM | Outlier phenomena for deformed random band matrices |
2112 MSB | Probability | Alan Hammond, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 13 2024, 1:10PM | The Trail Of Lost Pennies: random turn games governed by stakes |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jacopo Borga, Stanford |
| Mon, Feb 12 2024, 1:10PM | Long increasing subsequences in Brownian-type permutations |
2112 MSB | Probability | Janko Gravner, UC Davis Mathematics Department |
| Mon, Jan 22 2024, 1:10PM | Long-range Nucleation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nikhil Srivastava, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Dec 8 2023, 1:10PM | On Random Perturbations of Nonnormal Matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Roozbeh Gharakhloo, University of California Santa Cruz |
| Fri, Nov 17 2023, 1:10PM | Riemann-Hilbert problems and structured determinants in random matrix theory and statistical mechanics |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Theo McKenzie, Stanford University |
| Fri, Nov 3 2023, 1:10PM | The spectral edge of constant degree Erdős-Rényi graphs |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Hans Oberschelp, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 27 2023, 1:10PM | Bounds on cryptographic advantage from statistical distances |
Zoom | Probability | David Levin, University of Oregon |
| Fri, Oct 20 2023, 1:10PM | Speeding up mixing via deterministic transformations |
MSB; Zoom 2112 | Probability | Kevin Yang, Harvard |
| Fri, Oct 13 2023, 1:10PM | Some progress on universality of the open KPZ equation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Steven N Evans, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Sep 29 2023, 1:10PM | Mean-field limits for multi-type birth and death process with a view to applications in phylodynamics |
MSB 2112 | Probability | David Levin, University of Oregon |
| Wed, Sep 20 2023, 12:53PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Promit Ghosal, MIT |
| Tue, Jun 6 2023, 1:10PM | Entropic Optimal Transport: Geometry, large deviation & Rate |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Mina Karzand, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 30 2023, 1:10PM | Information-theoretically Optimal Sequential Recommendations |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Subhabrata Sen, Harvard |
| Tue, May 23 2023, 1:10PM | Mean-field approximations for high-dimensional bayesian regression |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Dan Mikulincer, MIT |
| Tue, May 16 2023, 1:10PM | A stochastic approach for noise stability on the hypercube |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jonathan Niles-Weed, NYU |
| Tue, May 9 2023, 1:10PM | Strong recovery of geometric planted matchings |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Sophie Yu, Duke |
| Tue, May 2 2023, 1:10PM | Random graph matching at Otter's tree-counting threshold via counting chandeliers |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Afonso Bandeira, ETH Zurich |
| Tue, Apr 25 2023, 1:10PM | Expander graphs are globally synchronising |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Elisabetta Candellero, Roma Tre University |
| Tue, Apr 18 2023, 1:10PM | Competition processes on hyperbolic non-amenable graphs |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Julia Gaudio, Northwestern |
| Tue, Apr 11 2023, 1:10PM | Average-case and smoothed analysis of graph isomorphism |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nike Sun, MIT |
| Tue, Apr 4 2023, 1:10PM | On the second Kahn-Kalai conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nikita Zhivotovskiy, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 15 2023, 10:00AM | Estimating Gaussian Means under Heteroscedasticity and Anisotropy |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Sebastian Hummel, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 8 2023, 10:00AM | Boundary behavior of the Λ-Wright--Fisher process with selection |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Daniel Raban, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 1 2023, 10:00AM | Doob-Martin Boundaries and Growing Ballot Sequences |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Adrian Gonzalez Casanova Soberon, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 22 2023, 10:00AM | Sampling Duality |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Vadim Gorin, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 15 2023, 10:00AM | Cointegration, S&P, and random matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Shuangping Li, Stanford University |
| Wed, Feb 8 2023, 10:00AM | Strong freezing of the binary perceptron model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jacopo Borga, Stanford University |
| Wed, Feb 1 2023, 10:00AM | Meanders and Meandric Systems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Lingfu Zhang, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 25 2023, 10:00AM | Cutoff profile of the colored ASEP: GOE Tracy-Widom |
MSB 2112 | Probability | David Renfrew, Binghamton University |
| Wed, Jan 18 2023, 10:00AM | Singularities in the spectrum of random block matrices |
MSB 2112/zoom | Probability | Arka Adhikari, Stanford University |
| Wed, Jan 11 2023, 10:00AM | Spectral Gap Estimates for Mixed $p$-Spin Models at High Temperature |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Sophie Yu, Duke |
| Tue, Nov 29 2022, 1:10PM | (CANCELLED) Random graph matching at Otter's tree-counting threshold via counting chandeliers |
MSB 2112 / Zoom | Probability | Laure Marêché, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée |
| Tue, Nov 15 2022, 1:10PM | Critical Kinetically Constrained Models Have Seven Universality Classes |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Simona Diaconu, Stanford |
| Tue, Nov 8 2022, 1:10PM | Method of Moments and Edge Eigenvalues |
MSB 2112 / Zoom | Probability | Zhou Fan, Yale |
| Tue, Nov 1 2022, 1:10PM | Universality of Approximate Message Passing algorithms and tensor networks |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ilias Zadik, MIT |
| Fri, Oct 28 2022, 1:10PM | On the second Kahn-Kalai conjecture and statistical connections |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Kabir Chandrasekher, Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 25 2022, 1:10PM | Sharp global convergence guarantees for iterative nonconvex optimization with random data |
MSB 2112 / Zoom | Probability | Ivailo Hartarsky, CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine, PSL |
| Tue, Oct 18 2022, 1:10PM | Bootstrap percolation and cellular automata with death |
MSB 2112 | Probability | David Gamarnik, MIT |
| Tue, Oct 11 2022, 1:10PM | A curious case of symmetric binary perceptron model. Algorithms and algorithmic barriers. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Tselil Schramm, Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 4 2022, 1:10PM | Higher-dimensional expansion of random geometric complexes |
MSB 2112 / Zoom | Probability | Dylan Altschuler, Courant Institute, NYU |
| Tue, Sep 27 2022, 1:10PM | Critical window of the symmetric perceptron |
MSB / Zoom 2112 | Probability | Yuting Wei, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania |
| Tue, Sep 20 2022, 1:10PM | Beyond o(log n/ log log n) Iterations: Non-asymptotic Framework for Approximate Message Passing |
zoom | Probability | Gerardo Barrera Vargas, University of Helsinki, Finland |
| Wed, May 25 2022, 1:10PM | A coupling approach to quantify the Wasserstein path-distance between Brownian motion and the Goldstein-Kac telegraph process |
zoom | Probability | Roberto I. Oliveira, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
| Wed, May 11 2022, 1:10PM | The contact process over a switching random d-regular graph |
Zoom | Probability | Laure Marêché, Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée |
| Thu, May 5 2022, 10:00AM | The universality classification of critical kinetically constrained models |
Zoom | Probability | Conrado Da-Costa, Durham University |
| Wed, Apr 27 2022, 1:10PM | Stochastic Billiards with Markovian reflection in generalized parabolic domains |
Zoom | Probability | CdC |
| Wed, Apr 27 2022, 1:10PM | N/A |
Zoom | Probability | Augusto Teixeira, IMPA |
| Wed, Apr 20 2022, 1:10PM | Percolation on Randomly Stretched Lattices |
Zoom | Probability | Camilo Arias, National University of Colombia, Medellín |
| Wed, Apr 13 2022, 4:10PM | Chern's conjecture on the Euler Characteristic of affine manifolds |
Zoom | Probability | Reka Szabo, Université Paris-Dauphine |
| Wed, Apr 6 2022, 10:00AM | Peierls bounds from Toom contours |
Zoom | Probability | Nikhil Srivastava, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 30 2022, 4:10PM | Many Nodal Domains in Random Regular Graphs |
Zoom | Probability | Aernout van Enter, University of Groningen |
| Wed, Mar 9 2022, 1:10PM | One-sided versus two-sided regularity properties |
Zoom | Probability | Zhiyi You, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Mar 3 2022, 1:10PM | The range of a self-similar additive gamma process is a scale invariant Poisson point process |
Zoom | Probability | Tiecheng Xu, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) |
| Wed, Mar 2 2022, 1:10PM | Occupation time of one-dimensional exclusion processes out of equilibrium |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alan Hammond, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 23 2022, 1:10PM | Stability and chaos in dynamical last passage percolation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jacopo Borga, Stanford University |
| Wed, Feb 16 2022, 1:10PM | The skew Brownian permuton: a new universal limit for random constrained permutations and its connections with Liouville quantum gravity |
Zoom | Probability | Zhiyi You, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 9 2022, 1:10PM | The range of a self-similar additive gamma process is a scale invariant Poisson point process |
Zoom | Probability | Benson Au, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 2 2022, 4:10PM | Spectral asymptotics for contracted tensor ensembles |
Zoom | Probability | Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 26 2022, 1:10PM | Random Tessellations and Gibbsian Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations |
Zoom | Probability | Guram Mikaberidze, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 19 2022, 1:10PM | Cascading and oscillatory dynamics on networks |
Zoom | Probability | Persi Diaconis, Stanford University |
| Wed, Jan 12 2022, 1:10PM | Random walk and Gaussian elimination |
Zoom | Probability | Sourav Chatterjee, Stanford University |
| Wed, Jan 5 2022, 1:10PM | Some progress on 3D Yang-Mills |
MSB Alder room | Probability | Mathematical Physics and Probability Faculty, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 1 2021, 5:10PM | Meet and Greet |
MSB 2112 | Probability | A state space for the 3D Yang-Mills measure, Stanford University |
| Wed, Dec 1 2021, 4:10PM | Sky Cao |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Amir Dembo, Stanford |
| Wed, Nov 17 2021, 4:10PM | Sparse random graphs with unusually large subgraph counts |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Konstantin Matetski, Columbia University |
| Wed, Nov 10 2021, 4:10PM | KPZ universality of random growing interfaces |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Percy Deift, NYU |
| Wed, Nov 3 2021, 4:10PM | On the open Toda chain with external forcing |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Greta Panova, University of Southern California |
| Wed, Oct 27 2021, 4:10PM | Sorting probabilities and random walks |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Evgeny Dimitrov, Columbia University |
| Wed, Oct 20 2021, 4:10PM | Gibbsian line ensembles and beta-corners processes |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Reza Gheissari, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 13 2021, 4:10PM | Cutoff for the Glauber dynamics of the discrete Gaussian free field |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Leo Petrov, University of Virginia |
| Wed, Oct 6 2021, 4:10PM | Random domino tilings with many parameters |
MSB 2112 | Probability | P. Di Francesco, University of Illinois |
| Wed, Sep 29 2021, 4:10PM | Triangular Ice: Combinatorics and Limit Shapes |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Kevin Yang, Stanford University |
| Wed, Sep 22 2021, 4:10PM | KPZ equation from non-integrable and non-stationary interacting particle systems |
zoom | Probability | Vadim Gorin, University of Wisconsin |
| Wed, Jun 2 2021, 4:10PM | Infinite beta random matrix theory |
zoom | Probability | Peter Winkler, Dartmouth College |
| Wed, May 26 2021, 4:10PM | On Playing Golf With Two Balls |
zoom | Probability | Evita Nestoridi, Princeton University |
| Wed, May 19 2021, 4:10PM | Bounded window cutoff for random walks on Ramanujan graphs |
zoom | Probability | Shirshendu Ganguly, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 12 2021, 4:10PM | Stability and chaos in dynamical last passage percolation |
zoom | Probability | Balint Virag, University of Toronto |
| Wed, May 5 2021, 4:10PM | Introduction to random plane geometry |
zoom | Probability | Igor Pak, UCLA |
| Wed, Apr 28 2021, 4:10PM | Random linear extensions of posets |
zoom | Probability | Alexander E Holroyd, University of Bristol |
| Wed, Apr 21 2021, 11:00AM | Random matching and fairness |
zoom | Probability | Mike Steel, University of Canterbury |
| Wed, Apr 14 2021, 4:10PM | Phylogeny: Discrete and random processes in evolution |
zoom | Probability | Sebastian Roch, University of Wisconsin |
| Wed, Apr 7 2021, 4:10PM | Phylogenomics: Inverting Random Trees |
Zoom | Probability | Søren Fournais, Aarhus University |
| Wed, Mar 31 2021, 4:10PM | The ground state energy of dilute Bose gases |
Zoom | Probability | Gang Zhou, Binghamton University |
| Wed, Mar 10 2021, 4:10PM | On the evolution of hypersurfaces by the mean curvature flow |
Zoom | Probability | Natalia Cardona-Tobón, CIMAT |
| Wed, Mar 3 2021, 4:10PM | Yaglom's limit for critical Galton-Watson processes in varying environment: A probabilistic approach |
Zoom | Probability | Benjamin Landon, MIT |
| Wed, Feb 24 2021, 4:10PM | Fluctuations of the 2-spin spherical Sherrington Kirkpatrick model |
Zoom | Probability | Lior Alon, IAS |
| Wed, Feb 17 2021, 4:10PM | Neumann domains and count on metric (quantum) graphs |
Zoom | Probability | Tatyana Shcherbina, UW-Madison |
| Wed, Feb 10 2021, 4:10PM | Universality for random band matrices |
Zoom | Probability | Estelle Basor, American Institute of Mathematics |
| Wed, Feb 3 2021, 4:10PM | Computing Widom's Constant |
Zoom | Probability | Lukasz Fidkowski, University of Washington |
| Wed, Jan 27 2021, 4:10PM | A quantum information theoretic characterization of beyond cohomology symmetry protected topological phases |
Cancelled | Probability | Michael Aizenman, Princeton |
| Wed, Jan 20 2021, 4:10PM | A 2D system of random loops with projections onto different classical and quantum spin chain models |
Zoom | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, UCD |
| Wed, Jan 20 2021, 4:10PM | Gapped ground state phases of lattice systems --- Stability of the bulk gap |
Zoom lecture | Probability | Karl Liechty, DePaul University |
| Wed, Dec 2 2020, 4:10PM | Airy process with wanderers, KPZ, and random matrices |
Zoom lecture | Probability | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 18 2020, 4:10PM | The very hungry caterpillar graph |
Zoom lecture-Postponed | Probability | Estelle Basor, American Institute of Mathematics |
| Wed, Nov 11 2020, 4:10PM | Computing Widom's Constant |
Zoom lecture | Probability | Nalini Joshi, University of Sydney |
| Wed, Nov 4 2020, 4:10PM | Discrete Painleve Equations |
Zoom lecture | Probability | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 29 2020, 4:10PM | Pair Dependent Linear Statistics for Circular Beta Ensemble |
Zoom lecture | Probability | Janko Gravner, Bruno Nachtergaele, and Blake Temple, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 21 2020, 4:10PM | Meet some UC Davis faculty |
Zoom lecture | Probability | Alexander R. Its, IUPUI |
| Wed, Oct 14 2020, 4:10PM | On the asymptotic analysis of the Calogero-Painleve systems and the Tracy-Widom$_\beta$ distribution for $\beta=6$ |
Zoom lecture | Probability | Martin Fraas, Dan Romik, Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 7 2020, 4:10PM | Meet some UC Davis faculty |
Zoom (online) | Probability | Per von Soosten, Harvard University |
| Wed, May 27 2020, 2:10PM | Localization and delocalization for ultrametric random matrices |
Zoom (online) | Probability | Maximilian Pechmann, University of Tennessee Knoxvile |
| Wed, May 13 2020, 2:10PM | On a condition for type-I Bose–Einstein condensation in random potentials |
Zoom (online) | Probability | Shannon Starr, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
| Wed, May 6 2020, 2:10PM | Mathematical physics gives a tool back to probability theory |
Zoom (online) | Probability | Markus Lange, UBC Vancouver |
| Wed, Apr 29 2020, 2:10PM | Exactness of Kubo's formula in gapped many- body quantum systems |
Zoom (online) | Probability | Daniel R. Blanquicett Tordecilla, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 15 2020, 2:10PM | Anisotropic bootstrap percolation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Axel Saenz |
| Wed, Mar 11 2020, 4:10PM | Moment Formula for the Stochastic Heat Equation (SHE) with Multiplicative Noise. on a Ring |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ruth Schulte, University of Munich |
| Wed, Mar 4 2020, 4:10PM | A Lower bound to the entanglement entropy of droplet states in the XXZ spin chain |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Eitan Tadmor, University of Maryland |
| Wed, Feb 26 2020, 4:10PM | Emergent Behavior in Collective Dynamics |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Brian Rider, Temple University |
| Wed, Feb 19 2020, 4:10PM | A general beta crossover ensemble |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Dan Romik, UC Davis |
| Fri, Feb 14 2020, 2:10PM | Random sorting networks and last passage percolation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ian Jauslin, Princeton University |
| Thu, Feb 6 2020, 4:10PM | A simplified approach to interacting Bose gases |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Oanh Nguyen, Princeton University |
| Wed, Jan 8 2020, 4:10PM | Real roots of random functions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Amanda Young, Technical University of Munich |
| Wed, Jan 8 2020, 1:10PM | A non-vanishing spectral gap for a $\nu=1/3$ fractional quantum Hall spin chain. |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sven Bachmann, University of British Columbia |
| Wed, Nov 13 2019, 3:10PM | Quantized transport and Abelian anyons |
MSB XXXX | Probability | Dan Romik-POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE, UCDavis |
| Wed, Nov 6 2019, 11:59PM | Random sorting networks and last passage percolation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Yuval Peres |
| Wed, Nov 6 2019, 3:10PM | Rigidity and tolerance for perturbed lattices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Kyeongsik Nam |
| Wed, Oct 23 2019, 3:09PM | Concentration of measure in Exponential random graphs |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Kyeongsik Nam |
| Wed, Oct 23 2019, 3:09PM | Concentration of measure in Exponential random graphs |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Lior Alon, Technion |
| Wed, Oct 16 2019, 3:10PM | On a universal limit conjecture for the nodal count statistics of quantum graphs |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Motohico Mulase, Department of Mathematics |
| Wed, Oct 9 2019, 3:10PM | Quantization and a conjecture of Gaiotto on opers |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Steve Shkoller, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 2 2019, 3:10PM | Shock formation for 2d Euler |
Mathematical Sciences Building | Probability | TBA, TBA |
| Sun, Sep 1 2019, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Chaim Even-Zohar, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 29 2019, 2:10PM | Patterns in Random Permutations |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Moritz Reintjes |
| Wed, May 22 2019, 4:10PM | How to smooth crinkles in spacetime |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 15 2019, 4:10PM | Parabolic Geometry and Physics |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Martin Fraas, Virginia Tech |
| Thu, May 9 2019, 2:10PM | Integers in gapped quantum lattice systems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Boguslaw Zegarlinski, Imperial College London |
| Wed, May 1 2019, 2:00PM | Perturbation of Dirichlet Forms |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nick Sherman, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 17 2019, 4:10PM | Anyons in a Dynamical Toric Code Model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alvin Moon, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 10 2019, 4:00PM | Automorphic equivalence preserves the split property |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Evgeny Mozgunov, USC |
| Wed, Apr 3 2019, 4:10PM | Area law in Imbrie's Many-Body Localization and its generalization |
2112 MSB | Probability | Luis Rademacher, UC-Davis |
| Wed, Mar 13 2019, 4:10PM | Efficiency of the floating body as a robust measure of dispersion |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Arthur Krener, Naval Academy, Monterey |
| Wed, Mar 6 2019, 4:10PM | Stochastic Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations and Regular Singular Points |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Veronica Hubeny, UC Davis Physics |
| Wed, Feb 20 2019, 4:10PM | Holographic entropy relations |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Martin Gebert, UC-Davis |
| Wed, Feb 13 2019, 4:05PM | Truncated random orthogonal matrices and Hankel determinants |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Niels Gronbech-Jensen, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 6 2019, 4:10PM | Precise Thermal Statistics in Discrete-Time Langevin Systems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 30 2019, 4:10PM | A family of two-dimensional AKLT models with a spectral gap above the ground state |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Brett Kolesnik, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 23 2019, 4:10PM | Two probabilistic proofs of Moon’s Theorem and the Bradley-Terry model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Prof. Janko Gravner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 16 2019, 4:10PM | Protection of an unstable equilibrium by inert obstacles |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Kevin Yang, Stanford University |
| Wed, Dec 5 2018, 3:10PM | Non-Equilibrium KPZ from Long-Range Interactions |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Andre Kornell, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 29 2018, 4:10PM | Quantum Extensions of Ordinary Maps |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Aaron Schild, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 28 2018, 3:10PM | An almost-linear time algorithms for random spanning tree generation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Aaron Schild, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 14 2018, 3:10PM | An almost-linear time algorithms for random spanning tree generation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Sourav Sarkar, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 7 2018, 3:10PM | Last Passage percolation: modulus of continuity and the slow bond problem |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Axel Saenz, University of Virginia |
| Wed, Oct 31 2018, 3:10PM | Generalizations of TASEP in discrete and continuous inhomogeneous space |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Li-Cheng Tsai, Columbia University |
| Wed, Oct 17 2018, 3:10PM | Lower-tail large deviations of the KPZ equation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Erik Bates, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 10 2018, 3:10PM | Low-temperature localization of directed polymers |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alexander Dunlap, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 3 2018, 3:10PM | Constructing (2+1)-dimensional KPZ evolutions |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jingcheng Liu, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Sep 26 2018, 3:10PM | Uniform Sampling through the Lovász Local Lemma |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alexander Dunlap, Stanford University |
| Mon, Sep 24 2018, 3:10PM | Constructing (2+1)-dimensional KPZ evolutions |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Martin Gebert, King's College London |
| Fri, Apr 27 2018, 12:10PM | A bound on the averaged spectral shift function and a lower bound on the density of states for random Schrödinger operators on R^d |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Brett Kolesnik, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 18 2018, 4:10PM | Large deviations for bootstrap percolation on the random graph |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Fabrizo Nieri, Uppsala University |
| Wed, Mar 14 2018, 3:10PM | Localization on compact spaces, q-W algebras and modularity |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Shamil Shakirov, Harvard University |
| Wed, Mar 7 2018, 3:10PM | Algebras of Wilson loops on genus g surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Leonid Petrov, University of Virginia |
| Wed, Feb 14 2018, 3:10PM | Nonequilibrium particle systems in inhomogeneous space |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nathan Haouzi, University of California, Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 7 2018, 3:10PM | The ABCDEFG of Little Strings (and defects) |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Yuanyuan Xu, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 31 2018, 3:10PM | Gaussian Approximation of the Distribution of Strongly Repelling Particles on the Unit Circle |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alexander Holroyd, UW&UBC |
| Wed, Jan 17 2018, 3:10PM | Random Games |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 6 2017, 4:10PM | Mixing time for the top swap shuffle |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Vadim Gorin, MIT |
| Wed, Nov 29 2017, 4:10PM | Gaussian Free Field in Random Tilings |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Tom Trogdon, UC Irvine |
| Wed, Nov 15 2017, 4:10PM | Numerical analysis and random matrix theory |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jeffrey Kuan, Columbia University |
| Mon, Nov 6 2017, 4:10PM | Algebraic constructions of Markov duality functions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Dan Romik, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 1 2017, 4:10PM | Fractal patterns and congruence relations in the Taylor expansion of the Jacobi theta function at x=1 |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Asad Lodhia, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Oct 25 2017, 4:10PM | Marcenko-Pastur Law for Kendall's Tau |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ivan Corwin, Columbia University |
| Mon, Oct 16 2017, 4:10PM | Transversal fluctuations for ASEP and Hall-Littlewood processes |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Le Chen, University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
| Wed, Oct 11 2017, 4:10PM | Stochastic heat equation: intermittency and densities |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Craig A. Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 4 2017, 4:10PM | Blocks in the asymmetric simple exclusion process |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Matthew Cha, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 7 2017, 4:10PM | Informal PhD Exit Seminar: On the stability of charges in infinite quantum spin systems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Naomi Feldheim, Stanford University |
| Wed, May 31 2017, 4:10PM | Persistence of Gaussian Stationary Processes |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Riddhi Basu, Stanford University |
| Wed, May 24 2017, 4:10PM | Longest Increasing Subsequence under Area Constraint |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 17 2017, 4:10PM | Dimerization in quantum spin chains. Magical and non-magical results. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Tyler Helmuth, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 10 2017, 4:10PM | The continuous-time lace expansion and its applications |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alan Hammond, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 26 2017, 4:10PM | The weight, geometry and coalescence of scaled polymers in Brownian last passage percolation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nick Cook, Stanford |
| Wed, Apr 19 2017, 4:10PM | Inhomogeneous circular laws for random matrices with non-identically distributed entries |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ruojun Huang, Stanford University |
| Wed, Apr 12 2017, 4:10PM | Random walk on growing domains |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Yoav Kallus, Santa Fe Institute |
| Wed, Apr 5 2017, 4:10PM | Numerical search methods for dense sphere packings in higher dimensions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sam Miner, Pomona College |
| Wed, Mar 15 2017, 4:10PM | When does a pattern-avoiding permutation avoid additional patterns? |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Michael Walter, Stanford |
| Wed, Mar 8 2017, 4:10PM | Stabilizer quantum states: Higher moments from finite geometries |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Martin Fraas, KU Leuven |
| Wed, Mar 1 2017, 4:10PM | The Adiabatic Theorem for Many-Body Quantum Systems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Marcel Bischoff, Vanderbilt |
| Thu, Feb 23 2017, 2:10PM | Defects in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Erik Slivken, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 15 2017, 4:10PM | Local Limit of the Fixed Point Forest |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Michele Schiavina, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 8 2017, 4:10PM | A geometrical perspective on the quantum Fisher Information index |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Rui Han, UC Irvine |
| Wed, Feb 1 2017, 4:10PM | Spectral theory of the extended Harper's model |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Robin Reuvers, University of Copenhagen |
| Wed, Jan 25 2017, 4:10PM | Analysis of the Bogoliubov free energy functional |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Marius Lemm, Caltech |
| Tue, Jan 17 2017, 3:10PM | Information-theoretic bounds on approximate cloning of quantum states |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jonathan Hermon, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 11 2017, 4:10PM | A characterization of L2 mixing and hypercontractivity via hitting times and maximal inequalities |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Tyler Helmuth, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 30 2016, 4:30PM | Dimensional Reduction for Generalized Continuum Polymers |
MSB 1147 | Probability | |
| Wed, Nov 23 2016, 4:30PM | No seminar |
MSB 1147 | Probability | J. Blake Temple, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 16 2016, 4:30PM | A relativistic version of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for pure radiation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Steve Shkoller, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 9 2016, 4:30PM | Modeling Rayleigh-Taylor mixing and interface turn-over |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Insuk Seo, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 2 2016, 4:30PM | Metastable behavior of non-reversible dynamics |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Alexander R. Its, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis |
| Wed, Oct 26 2016, 4:30PM | On the Tracy-Widom β-distribution for β=6 |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Christian Mendl, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 19 2016, 4:30PM | Searching for the Tracy-Widom distribution in nonequilibrium processes |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Albert Fannjiang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 12 2016, 4:30PM | Phase Retrieval |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Janko Gravner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 5 2016, 4:30PM | Neighborhood growth dynamics on the Hamming plane |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, Sep 28 2016, 4:30PM | Stability of Frustration-Free Ground States of Quantum Spin Systems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Tyler Helmuth, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jun 1 2016, 3:10PM | Dimensional Reduction for Generalized Continuum Polymers |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alexander Gorsky, IITP |
| Wed, May 18 2016, 3:10PM | New critical phenomena in the random networks |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nathan Haouzi, Berkeley |
| Wed, May 11 2016, 3:10PM | ADE little string theory on a Riemann surface and conformal blocks of q-deformed W-algebras |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Peter Koroteev, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 4 2016, 3:10PM | Integrable Many-Body Systems and Dualities |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Stephen DeSalvo, UCLA |
| Wed, Apr 20 2016, 3:10PM | Limit shapes of restricted integer partitions under non-multiplicative conditions |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Andre Kornell, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 13 2016, 4:10PM | Analysis when every set is measurable |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Leo Petrov, University of Virginia |
| Wed, Mar 9 2016, 4:10PM | The quantum integrable particle system on the line |
MSB 2105 | Probability | Pietro Caputo, University of Rome 3 |
| Wed, Mar 2 2016, 4:10PM | Dynamics of lattice triangulations |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Valentin A. Zagrebnov, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (UMR 7373) and Université d'Aix-Marseille, France |
| Wed, Feb 24 2016, 4:10PM | (Non-)Autonomous Cauchy Problems and Product Formula Approximation for Propagators |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Daniel Ueltschi, University of Warwick |
| Wed, Feb 17 2016, 4:10PM | Phase diagram of quantum spin systems with S=1 and SU(2)-invariant interactions |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Fabio Martinelli, University of Rome 3 |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Johan Jonasson, Chalmers Institute of Technology |
| Wed, Feb 3 2016, 4:10PM | Card-cyclic-to-random shuffling with relabeling |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jeff Kuan, Columbia University |
| Wed, Jan 27 2016, 4:10PM | Stochastic duality of two-component ASEP via symmetry of quantum groups of rank two |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Helmut Pitters, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 20 2016, 4:10PM | The hydrodynamic limit of beta coalescents that come down from infinity |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Steven N Evans, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 13 2016, 4:10PM | The fundamental theorem of arithmetic for metric measure spaces |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nathan Ross, University of Melbourne |
| Wed, Jan 6 2016, 4:10PM | Limit behavior of some Polya urn models associated to preferential attachment graphs and random trees |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jan Wehr, University of Arizona |
| Wed, Dec 2 2015, 4:10PM | Equation of motion of a Brownian particle |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jeremy Quastel, University of Toronto |
| Wed, Nov 25 2015, 4:10PM | The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation and universality class |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Shannon Starr, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
| Tue, Nov 24 2015, 2:10PM | Phase Uniqueness for the Mallows Model |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Naomi Feldheim, Stanford University |
| Wed, Nov 18 2015, 4:10PM | New results on zeroes of stationary Gaussian functions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Diane Holcomb, University of Arizona |
| Wed, Nov 4 2015, 4:10PM | Rare events for the Sine_beta process |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ohad Feldheim, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 28 2015, 4:10PM | Long range order in random three-colorings of Z^d |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Pieter Naaijkens, UC Davis - RWTH Aachen |
| Wed, Oct 21 2015, 4:10PM | Operator-algebraic approach to topological phases |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Benjamin Schlein, University of Zurich |
| Fri, Oct 16 2015, 4:10PM | CANCELED |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Guillaume Barraquand, Columbia University |
| Tue, Oct 13 2015, 4:10PM | Random walks in Beta random environment |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alexander Turbiner, UNAM, Mexico City |
| Tue, Oct 6 2015, 4:10PM | Energy gap in quantum mechanics: double well potential |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Mukund Rangamani, UC Davis |
| Wed, Sep 30 2015, 4:10PM | Emergent topological symmetries, hydrodynamics, and black holes |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Stefan Adams, University of Warwick |
| Wed, Sep 16 2015, 4:10PM | Sample path large deviations and scaling limits for weakly pinned integrated random walks |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Emily Redelmeier |
| Fri, Jun 5 2015, 3:00PM | Cumulant-Topological Approaches to Random Matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Benjamin Fineman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 3 2015, 3:10PM | The Shape of Monotone and Skew-Monotone pattern avoiding permutations. |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Douglas Rizzolo, University of Washington |
| Wed, May 27 2015, 4:30PM | The structure of random Young tableaux with bounded height |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nicholas Witte, University of Melbourne |
| Wed, May 20 2015, 4:30PM | Singular Values of Products of Ginibre Random Matrices and a generalisation of Painlev\'e III. |
MSB 1147 | Probability | David Sivakoff, The Ohio State University |
| Wed, May 13 2015, 4:30PM | Phase transitions in bootstrap percolation |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Toby Johnson, University of Southern California |
| Wed, May 6 2015, 4:30PM | The frog model on trees |
MSB 1147 | Probability | David Aldous, University of California Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 29 2015, 4:30PM | Spatial Networks and Probability |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sebastian Schreiber, University of California Davis |
| Wed, Apr 22 2015, 4:30PM | Species coexistence in the face of demographic and environmental uncertainty |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Christopher Hoffman, University of Washington |
| Wed, Apr 15 2015, 4:10PM | Oil and Water |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Matt Junge, University of Washington |
| Wed, Apr 8 2015, 4:10PM | Splitting hairs (with choice) |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Pierre-André Noel, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 1 2015, 4:10PM | Understanding complex systems through not-so-random graphs. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ravi Kannan, Microsoft Research |
| Wed, Mar 4 2015, 2:10PM | Topic Modeling: A Provable Algorithm |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 25 2015, 4:10PM | Invariants of Random Knots |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sven Bachmann, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich |
| Wed, Feb 18 2015, 4:10PM | On the classification of gapped phases in one dimension |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Wenpin Tang, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 11 2015, 4:10PM | Continuous paths in Brownian motion |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Yumeng Zhang, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 4 2015, 4:10PM | Glauber Dynamics of colorings on trees |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Riddhipratim Basu, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 21 2015, 4:10PM | Increasing subsequences on the plane and the Slow Bond Problem |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Pieter Naaijkens, Leibniz U Hannover |
| Wed, Jan 14 2015, 4:10PM | Lieb-Robinson bounds and Haag-Ruelle scattering theory for gapped quantum spin systems |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Gunter Stolz, U Alabama at Birmingham |
| Wed, Jan 7 2015, 4:10PM | Entanglement in the disordered XY spin chain |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Amanda Young, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 3 2014, 4:10PM | Geometry dependent spectral properties of a family of quantum spin systems |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Gautam Sachin, Columbia U |
| Wed, Nov 19 2014, 4:10PM | Yangians, Quantum Loop Algebras and Elliptic Quantum Groups |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Tyler Helmuth, University of British Columbia |
| Mon, Nov 17 2014, 2:10PM | Loop-weighted walk |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Robert Sims, U Arizona |
| Wed, Nov 12 2014, 4:10PM | On dynamical localization for the disordered xy-spin chain |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Miklos Racz, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 5 2014, 4:10PM | From trees to seeds: on the inference of the seed from large random trees |
MSB 1147 | Probability | David Penneys, UCLA |
| Wed, Oct 29 2014, 4:10PM | Applications of subfactors to mathematical physics |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 22 2014, 4:10PM | Eigenvalue Statistics of Large Random Matrices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Alexander Turbiner |
| Wed, Oct 15 2014, 4:10PM | Planar quantum elliptic dynamics: integrability, solvability, discrete symmetry |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Benjamin Young, U Oregon |
| Wed, Oct 8 2014, 4:10PM | A bijective proof and a Markov growth process for Macdonald's identity |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Saidakhmat Lakaev, Samarkand State University |
| Wed, Jun 4 2014, 4:10PM | Threshold effects for systems of two and three particles on lattices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Antar Bandyopadhyay, Indian Statistical Institute |
| Wed, May 28 2014, 4:10PM | Polya-Eggenberger-Friedman Urn Models: A New Approach |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Sören Petrat, LMU Munich |
| Wed, May 21 2014, 4:10PM | Derivation of Mean-field Dynamics for Fermions |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Hoi Nguyen, Ohio State University |
| Wed, May 14 2014, 4:10PM | On real roots of random Bernoulli polynomials |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Lea Popovic, Concordia University |
| Wed, May 7 2014, 12:00AM | Ancestral Features of Multitype Branching Trees |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Piyush Srivastava, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 30 2014, 4:10PM | Zeros of Polynomials and the Computational Complexity of Problems in Statistical Physics |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Sebastien Roch, University of Wisconsin |
| Wed, Apr 16 2014, 4:10PM | Maximum likelihood in phylogenetics: Relating combinatorial and variational distances on trees |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 9 2014, 4:10PM | Rapid mixing of dealer shuffles and clumpy shuffles |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Benjamin Dodson, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 2 2014, 4:10PM | The defocusing mass critical generalized KdV problem |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Vladislav Kargin |
| Wed, Mar 12 2014, 2:10PM | Ihara's graph zeta and random matrices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Nayantara Bhatnagar, University of Delaware |
| Wed, Mar 5 2014, 2:10PM | Lengths of monotone subsequences in a Mallows permutation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Erik Slivken, University of Washington |
| Wed, Feb 26 2014, 2:10PM | Pattern avoiding permutations and Brownian excursion |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Jan Baetens, Ghent University |
| Tue, Feb 25 2014, 4:10PM | Unravelling cellular automaton dynamics |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Rafael Benguria, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile |
| Wed, Feb 19 2014, 2:10PM | Lieb-Oxford bounds with gradient corrections |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Gregory Berkolaiko, Texas A&M University |
| Wed, Feb 12 2014, 2:10PM | Nodal count of eigenfunctions as an index of instability |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Dirk Deckert, University of California, Davis |
| Wed, Jan 15 2014, 2:10PM | Dynamics of Sound Waves in Interacting Bose Gases |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jonathan Hermon, University of California, Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 8 2014, 2:10PM | A characterization of cut-off in terms of smoothness and concentration of the hitting times of huge and tiny sets |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Benjamin Dodson, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Jan 2 2014, 4:10PM | The defocusing mass critical generalized KdV problem |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Michael Bishop, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 20 2013, 4:10PM | Localization of the Ground State of Mean Field Models with Random Bernoulli Potentials |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 13 2013, 4:10PM | Gapped ground state phases of quantum lattice systems |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Roman Riser , ETH-Zurich |
| Wed, Oct 30 2013, 4:10PM | Universality in Normal Matrix Models |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ernesto Nurgessen, KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY |
| Wed, Oct 23 2013, 4:10PM | Late-time behavior of cosmological solutions to the Einstein-Vlasov system |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Robert Sims, University of Arizona |
| Wed, Oct 16 2013, 4:10PM | Localization for Disordered Quantum Harmonic Oscillators |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Robert McCann, Toronto University |
| Wed, Oct 9 2013, 2:10PM | Academic wages and pyramid schemes: a mathematical model |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 2 2013, 4:10PM | Symplectic Geometry and Navier-Stokes Equations |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ivan Corwin, Columbia, Clay Mathematics Institute, MIT |
| Mon, Sep 23 2013, 4:10PM | Spectral theory for the q-Boson particle system |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Pierluigi Falco, California State University Northridge |
| Wed, May 29 2013, 4:10PM | Universality of one dimensional Fermi gas. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, University of Vienna |
| Wed, May 22 2013, 4:00PM | Spectral minimal partitions |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Nathan Ross, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 15 2013, 4:10PM | Some old and new urn models and fixed points of distributional transformations |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Allan Sly, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 8 2013, 4:10PM | Maximum independent sets in random d-regular graphs |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Dan Romik, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 1 2013, 3:10PM | Connectivity patterns in loop percolation and constant term identities |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Arvind Ayyer, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 24 2013, 4:10PM | Nonabelian Sandpile Models on Trees |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Shirshendu Chatterjee, NYU |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nick Travers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 3 2013, 4:10PM | Bounds on convergence of the entropy rate block estimates for exact hidden Markov models. |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Frank Verstraete, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of Vienna |
| Wed, Mar 13 2013, 4:10PM | Entanglement based variational methods for strongly correlated quantum many-body systems |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Fridtjof Brauns, LMU Munich |
| Mon, Mar 11 2013, 4:10PM | Pauli exclusion in the theory of superconductivity |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Peter Pickl, LMU Munich |
| Wed, Mar 6 2013, 4:10PM | Adiabatic Pair Creation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Nayantara Bhatnagar, University of Delaware |
| Tue, Feb 26 2013, 2:10PM | TBA |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Prof. Alexander Turbiner, Nuclear Science Institute, UNAM, Mexico City |
| Wed, Feb 13 2013, 4:10PM | A new family of planar solvable and integrable Schroedinger operators |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Xuwen Chen, Brown University |
| Wed, Feb 6 2013, 4:10PM | On the Rigorous Derivation of the 3D Cubic Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation with A Quadratic Trap |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Krzysztof Bogdan, Stanford University |
| Wed, Jan 30 2013, 4:10PM | Eigenvalues of the fractional Laplacian with drift |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Pierluigi Falco, California State University Northridge |
| Wed, Jan 16 2013, 4:10PM | Statistical Mechanics of the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Michael Kiessling, Rutgers University |
| Mon, Jan 14 2013, 4:10PM | Nonlinear electromagnetism and the problem of point charge motion |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jürg Fröhlich, ETH Zürich |
| Wed, Jan 9 2013, 4:10PM | Do we understand Quantum Mechanics? |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Noah Forman, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Dec 5 2012, 4:10PM | The quantile rearrangement of random walk increments |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sven Bachmann, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 28 2012, 4:10PM | The diffusive regime of disordered quantum wires |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jogia Bandyopadhyay, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 21 2012, 4:10PM | Return to Equilibrium in Homogeneous Bosonic Boltzmann-Nordheim
Equation with Condensate |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Miklos Racz, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 14 2012, 4:10PM | Modeling Flocks and Prices: Jumping Particles with an Attractive
Interaction |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Joe Neeman, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 7 2012, 4:10PM | Robust Gaussian noise stability |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 31 2012, 4:10PM | Mixing time of the card-cyclic to random shuffle |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Eric Rowland, LaCIM |
| Wed, Oct 24 2012, 4:10PM | Column sequences of cellular automata |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Riddhipratim Basu, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 17 2012, 4:10PM | Lipschitz embeddings of random sequences. |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Nathan Ross, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 10 2012, 4:10PM | Vertex degrees in preferential attachment random graphs |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Subhro Ghosh, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 3 2012, 4:10PM | What does a Point Process Outside a Domain tell us about What's Inside? |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Miguel Ballesteros, Technische Universit ̈at Braunschweig |
| Wed, Jun 6 2012, 4:10PM | Existence and Construction of Resonances for Atoms Coupled to the Quantized Radiation Field |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Svetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Irvine |
| Wed, May 23 2012, 4:10PM | Eigenvalue statistics for ergodic localization |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Abdelmalek Abdesselam, University of Virginia |
| Wed, May 16 2012, 4:10PM | Rigorous quantum field theory functional integrals over the p-adics |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Tom Kennedy, University of Arizona |
| Wed, May 9 2012, 5:10PM | Self-avoiding walk ensembles that should converge to SLE |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Douglas Abraham, University of Oxford |
| Wed, Apr 25 2012, 4:10PM | Generalised Wick Theorem and Fredholm Integral Equations in the Planar Ising Ferromagnet. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Christian Jaekel, Cardiff University |
| Thu, Apr 19 2012, 4:10PM | Mass Gap at Positive Temperature |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Michael Loss, Georgia Institute of Technology |
| Wed, Apr 18 2012, 4:10PM | Localization for the random displacement model |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Steffen Rohde, University of Washington |
| Wed, Apr 11 2012, 4:10PM | SLE and Random Maps |
MSB 1147 | Probability | James Propp, UMass Lowell (currently visiting MSRI and UC Berkeley) |
| Wed, Mar 14 2012, 4:10PM | Rotor-routing, smoothing kernels, and reduction of variance: breaking the O(1/n) barrier |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Thomas Strohmer, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 29 2012, 4:10PM | Phase Retrieval, Random Matrices, and Convex Optimization |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Paul Zinn-Justin, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie |
| Wed, Feb 15 2012, 4:10PM | Combinatorics and loop models: a review |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Steven Duplij, Rutgers University and Kharkov National University, Ukraine |
| Wed, Feb 8 2012, 4:10PM | A new Hamiltonian formulation of singular theories based on the generalized duality and the Clairaut equation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Vadim Gorin, MSRI (Berkeley) and IITP (Moscow) |
| Wed, Feb 1 2012, 4:10PM | Infinitely many non-intersecting random walks |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Eric Nordenstam, University of Vienna / MSRI |
| Fri, Jan 27 2012, 3:10PM | Interlaced particles in tilings and random matrices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sevak Mkrtchyan, Rice University / MSRI |
| Wed, Jan 11 2012, 4:10PM | The entropy of Schur-Weyl measures |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Christian Korff, University of Glasgow. |
| Thu, Dec 1 2011, 11:00AM | Cylindric Macdonald functions and a deformation of the Verlinde algebra |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Dan Romik, University of California, Davis |
| Wed, Nov 30 2011, 4:10PM | Second class particles in the Plancherel Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process and "jeu de taquin" |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Raissa D'Souza, University of California, Davis |
| Wed, Nov 23 2011, 4:10PM | Percolation and cascades in interdependent networks |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Tonci Antunovic, University of California, Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 16 2011, 4:10PM | Tug-of-war and the Infinity Laplace equation with Neumann boundary conditions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Svante Linusson, KTH Stockholm |
| Wed, Nov 9 2011, 4:10PM | The Bunkbed conjecture and correlations in randomly oriented graphs |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Spyridon Michalakis, Institute for Quantum Information, Caltech |
| Wed, Nov 2 2011, 4:10PM | Stability of Frustration-Free Hamiltonians |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Wojciech Dybalski, Technical University, Munich |
| Wed, Oct 26 2011, 4:10PM | Infraparticles with superselected velocity in conformal field theory |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Janko Gravner, University of California, Davis |
| Wed, Oct 19 2011, 4:10PM | Evolution from seeds in one-dimensional cellular automata |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Dirk Deckert, University of California, Davis |
| Wed, Oct 12 2011, 4:10PM | Mathematical Questions in Classical Electrodynamics |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Lauren Williams, University of California, Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 5 2011, 4:10PM | Combinatorics of KP solitons |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Peter Pickl, Mathematisches Institut der Universität München |
| Wed, Sep 28 2011, 4:10PM | Derivation of Maxwell's equations using mean field limits |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Gunter Stolz, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
| Wed, Sep 21 2011, 4:10PM | Bubbles tend to the boundary |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Stephen Ng, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 1 2011, 4:10PM | Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Tasia Raymer, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 25 2011, 4:10PM | Mixing time of the 15 Puzzle |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Arvind Ayyer, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 18 2011, 4:10PM | The Stationary Distribution for Totally Asymmetric Multispecies Exclusion Processes |
MSB 2112 | Probability | David Aldous, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 11 2011, 4:10PM | Modeling interaction and information updating in networks |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Omer Angel, University of British Columbia |
| Wed, May 4 2011, 4:10PM | Percolation on infinite random planar maps |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Peter Pickl, LMU-Munich |
| Thu, Apr 28 2011, 4:10PM | Mean field limits for quantum systems |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Jian Ding, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Apr 26 2011, 2:10PM | Asymptotics of cover times via Gaussian free fields: bounded-degree graphs and general trees |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Oleg Zaboronski, University of Warwick |
| Wed, Apr 20 2011, 4:10PM | Statistics of occupation numbers for one-dimensional annihilating/coalescing Brownian motions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Dan Romik, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 13 2011, 4:10PM | Fully packed loops and the Razumov-Stroganov-Cantini-Sportiello theorem |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Kanehisa Takasaki, Kyoto University |
| Wed, Mar 30 2011, 4:10PM | Toda tau functions with quantum torus symmetries |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Alexander E. Holroyd, Microsoft Research |
| Wed, Mar 16 2011, 1:10PM | Multi-dimensional percolation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Elchanan Mossel, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 9 2011, 4:10PM | Quantitative social choice |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 2 2011, 4:10PM | Fluctuations of Matrix Entries of Lipschitz Functions of Wigner
Matrices and Outliers in the Spectrum of Finite Rank Deformations |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Robert Seiringer, McGill University |
| Wed, Feb 23 2011, 4:10PM | The Excitation Spectrum for Weakly Interacting Bosons |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Wojciech Dybalski, TU Munich |
| Thu, Feb 17 2011, 4:10PM | Scattering theory in relativistic and non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Wojciech De Roeck, Heidelberg University |
| Wed, Feb 16 2011, 4:10PM | Diffusion in Hamiltonian systems |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Valentin Zagrebnov, Marseille |
| Wed, Feb 9 2011, 4:10PM | BEC in random and exotic potentials : last news |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sean O'Rourke, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 2 2011, 4:10PM | Products of Independent Non-Hermitian Random Matrices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 26 2011, 4:10PM | Linear cover time is exponentially unlikely |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 19 2011, 4:10PM | Frustration-free Ground States of Quantum Spin Systems |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Philip Matchett Wood, Stanford |
| Wed, Jan 12 2011, 4:10PM | Random tridiagonal doubly stochastic matrices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sven Bachmann, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 5 2011, 4:10PM | Unitary equivalence within gapped phases and locality estimates |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Karl kliechty, IUPUI |
| Wed, Dec 1 2010, 4:10PM | Exact solutions to the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Philippe Di Francesco, Institut de Physique Theorique,CEA Saclay |
| Tue, Nov 23 2010, 4:10PM | Proof of the ASM-DPP conjecture |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Andrea Montanari, Stanford University |
| Wed, Nov 17 2010, 4:10PM | Large-scale inference, random convex problems, and the risk of the LASSO |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Vladislav Kargin, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 27 2010, 4:10PM | Large deviations from freeness |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Ivan Corwin, Courant Institute |
| Wed, Oct 20 2010, 4:10PM | How to solve the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang stochastic PDE |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Dirk Deckert, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 6 2010, 4:10PM | Wheeler-Feynman Electrodynamics as an Initial Value Problem |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Hillel Raz, Cardiff University |
| Wed, Jun 9 2010, 2:10PM | Minimal Partitions of Quantum Graphs |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Arvind Ayyer, Institut de Physique Theorique CEA Saclay |
| Wed, Jun 2 2010, 4:10PM | An exact solution for a simple reaction-diffusion lattice model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Christian Sadel, UC Irvine |
| Thu, May 27 2010, 4:30PM | The random phase hypothesis for random Schr\"odinger operators on strips |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Antti Knowles, Harvard University |
| Wed, May 26 2010, 4:10PM | Quantum Diffusion and Eigenvector Delocalization for Random Band Matrices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Alexander Engström, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 19 2010, 4:10PM | The algebraic statistics of rhombus tilings and alternating sign |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Paolo Lorenzoni, Universita' di Milano Bicocca |
| Wed, Apr 14 2010, 4:10PM | F-manifolds and integrable systems of hydrodynamic type |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Daniel Ueltschi, Warwick University |
| Wed, Apr 7 2010, 4:10PM | The Critical Temperature of Dilute Bose Gases |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Shannon Starr, University of Rochester |
| Wed, Mar 10 2010, 4:10PM | A weak law of large numbers for the lengths of longest increasing subsequences in Mallows random permutations |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Yoshiko Ogata, University of Tokyo |
| Wed, Feb 17 2010, 4:10PM | Large Deviations in Quantum Spin Chains |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Igor Rumanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 27 2010, 4:10PM | PDE for spectral gap probabilities of random single and coupled matrices and Toda lattice. |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Lauren Williams, UC Berkeley and Harvard University |
| Wed, Jan 20 2010, 4:10PM | Tableaux combinatorics for the asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) |
MSB 2118 | Probability | Spiros Michalakis, UC Davis |
| Fri, Dec 11 2009, 4:10PM | A rigorous proof of quantization for the quantum hall effect |
MSB 1147 | Probability | David Sivakoff, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 2 2009, 4:10PM | Random Site Subgraphs of the Hamming Torus |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sigurd Assing, UC Berkeley |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Arnab Sen, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 4 2009, 4:10PM | Spectra of Large Random Trees |
MSB 3106 | Probability | Marybeth Ruskai, Tufts University |
| Tue, Nov 3 2009, 4:10PM | A Unified Treatment of Convexity of Relative Entropy and Related Trace Functions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Dan Romik, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 28 2009, 4:10PM | Arctic circles, domino tilings and random square Young tableaux |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Atilla Yilmaz, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 21 2009, 4:10PM | Comparing the quenched and averaged large deviation rate functions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sven Bachman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Sep 30 2009, 4:10PM | Mathematical aspects of quantum charge transport and current
fluctuations |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Noureddine El Karoui, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jun 3 2009, 4:10PM | An application of random matrix theory to optimization and "finance": risk underestimation in the high-dimensional Markowitz problem |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Motohisa Fukuda, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 27 2009, 4:10PM | On Hasting's additivity counterexample |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Dimitris Achlioptas, UC Santa Cruz |
| Fri, May 22 2009, 4:10PM | Algorithmic Phase Transitions in Constraint Satisfaction Problems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Roman Vershynin, University of Michigan |
| Mon, Apr 27 2009, 4:10PM | Sums of independent random matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ioana Dumitriu, University of Washington |
| Fri, Apr 24 2009, 4:10PM | Anti-symmetric tridiagonal Gaussian $\beta$ ensembles or Again with the $\beta$s?! =) |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Lenya Ryzhik, University of Chicago |
| Wed, Apr 22 2009, 4:10PM | Waves and particles in random media with slowly decaying correlations |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Friedrich Goetze, Bielefeld University |
| Wed, Apr 15 2009, 4:10PM | Correlation of characteristic polynomials in random matrix ensembles |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Riccardo Adami, University of Milano Bicocca |
| Wed, Apr 1 2009, 4:10PM | Decoherence in the kinetic regime |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Shannon Star, University of Rochester |
| Wed, Mar 11 2009, 4:10PM | A Quenched Central Limit Theorem in the Annealed Region of the
Viana-Bray Model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Wojciech De Roeck, ETH-Zurich |
| Wed, Mar 4 2009, 4:10PM | Quantum Brownian Motion in a simple model system (second part) |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Wojciech De Roeck, ETH Zurich |
| Wed, Feb 25 2009, 4:10PM | Quantum Brownian Motion in a simple model system (first part) |
MSB 2112 | Probability | S. Michalakis, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
| Wed, Feb 18 2009, 4:10PM | The Quantum Hall Effect Revisited |
MSB 3106 | Probability | F. Rezakhanlou, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 17 2009, 4:10PM | The Evolution of a Tagged Particle in the Boltzmann--Grad Limit |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Serban Nacu, TBA |
| Wed, Feb 4 2009, 4:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Craig Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 3 2008, 4:10PM | The asymmetric simple exclusion process:
Integrable structure and limit theorems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ori Gurel-Gurevich, Microsoft Research |
| Wed, Nov 26 2008, 4:10PM | Recurrence of the Simple Random Walk Path |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Xin Guo, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 19 2008, 4:10PM | Multi-dimensional impulse/singular controls and their regularity properties |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Gabor Pete, University of Toronto and MSRI |
| Wed, Nov 12 2008, 4:10PM | The exact noise and dynamical sensitivity of critical percolation, via the Fourier spectrum |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Steve Evans, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 5 2008, 4:10PM | Simultaneous zeros of random polynomials, with variations on |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nick Crawford, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 29 2008, 4:10PM | On a generalization of the Switching Lemma for the Transverse Ising Model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jason Miller, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 22 2008, 4:10PM | Thick Points of the Gaussian Free Field |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jessica Zuniga, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 15 2008, 4:10PM | Merging of time inhomogeneous finite Markov chains |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Sourav Chatterjee, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 8 2008, 4:10PM | A rigorous theory of chaos in disordered systems |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Vladislav Kargin, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 1 2008, 4:10PM | Spectrum of random Toeplitz operators with band structure |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Kshitij Khare, Stanford University |
| Wed, Sep 24 2008, 4:10PM | Rates of convergence for some classes of Markov chains with polynomial eigenfunctions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Horng-Tzer Yau, Harvard University |
| Wed, Jun 4 2008, 4:10PM | Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensate |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Valentin Zagrebnov, Université de la Méditerranée & Centre de Physique Théorique |
| Wed, May 28 2008, 4:10PM | Quasi-Sectorial Contractions |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Ken McLaughlin, University of Arizona |
| Wed, May 21 2008, 4:10PM | Asymptotic analysis of Riemann--Hilbert problems, d-bar problems,
and a few applications |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Valentin Zagrebnov, Université de la Méditerranée & Centre de Physique Théorique |
| Wed, May 14 2008, 4:10PM | Bose-Condensation in External Potentials |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Nick Crawford, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 7 2008, 4:10PM | Central Limit Theorems for the Energy Density in the High Temperature
phase of the Sherrington Kirkpatrick Model |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Andrew Holroyd, University of British Columbia |
| Wed, Apr 30 2008, 4:10PM | Random Sorting Networks |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Roman Vershynin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 23 2008, 4:10PM | Small ball probability, arithmetic structure and random matrices |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Janko Gravner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 16 2008, 4:10PM | Digital Snowflakes |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Daniel Ueltschi, University of Warwick |
| Wed, Apr 9 2008, 4:10PM | Spatial random permutations and infinite cycles |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Nayantara Bhatnagar, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 2 2008, 4:10PM | Extremality of Gibbs Measure for Colorings on Trees |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jacob Christiansen, Caltech |
| Thu, Mar 20 2008, 12:00AM | Finite gap Jacobi matrices: Szegö's theorem and Szegö asymptotics |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Abel Klein, UC Irvine |
| Wed, Mar 12 2008, 4:10PM | Universal occurrence of localization in continuum random Schrodinger
operators |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ron Peled, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 5 2008, 4:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ron Peled, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 5 2008, 4:10PM | Gravitational Allocation to Poisson Points |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Allan Sly, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 27 2008, 4:10PM | Mixing on Random Graphs |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Nick Crawford, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 20 2008, 4:10PM | Thermodynamics for Mean Field Quantum Spin Glasses |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Kirill Vaninsky, Michigan State University |
| Wed, Feb 13 2008, 4:10PM | Poisson formalism for integrable systems and Riemann surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Probability | James Mingo, Queen's University |
| Wed, Feb 6 2008, 4:10PM | Free Cumulants: First and Second Order |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Yuri Suhov |
| Wed, Jan 23 2008, 4:10PM | Suhov Wegner-type estimates for multi-particle Anderson tight binding models |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Mirjana Vuletic, California Institute of Technology |
| Wed, Dec 5 2007, 4:10PM | Asymptotics of large random strict plane partitions and generalized MacMahon's formula |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Noureddine El Karoui, UC Berkeley Statistics Department |
| Wed, Nov 28 2007, 4:10PM | Some random matrix problems in high-dimensional Statistics |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Federico Bonetto, Georgia Institute of Technology |
| Wed, Nov 21 2007, 4:10PM | Perturbative methods for Dynamical Systems Theory and Statistical Mechanics |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Michael Nathanson, Saint Mary's College |
| Wed, Nov 14 2007, 4:10PM | Distinguishing quantum states using LOCC |
MSB 0 | Probability | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 7 2007, 4:10PM | Spectral properties of large Wigner random matrices with non-symmetrically distributed entries |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sasha Sodin, Tel Aviv University |
| Wed, Oct 24 2007, 4:10PM | Random matrices on graphs and orthogonal polynomials |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Motohisa Fukuda, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 17 2007, 4:10PM | Reduction of additivity conjectures in quantum information theory |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Roman Vershynin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 3 2007, 4:10PM | Invertibility of random matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Spiros Michalakis, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 5 2007, 2:10PM | Multiplicativity of the 2-norm: The case of the depolarized Werner-Holevo maps |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Tom Schmitz, UCLA |
| Tue, May 29 2007, 2:10PM | Diffusions in random environment and ballistic behavior |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Janos Englander, UC Santa Barbara |
| Tue, May 22 2007, 2:10PM | Branching population in random media |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Christian Hainzl, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
| Tue, May 15 2007, 2:10PM | The B-C-S model for general pair interactions and its critical temperature |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Craig Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 9 2007, 3:10PM | Integral Formulas for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Andrew Childs, Caltech |
| Tue, May 1 2007, 2:10PM | Quantum algorithms for hidden nonlinear structures |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 24 2007, 2:10PM | The Multi-Dimensional Lieb-Schultzs-Mattis Theorem |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Eman Hamza, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
| Tue, Apr 10 2007, 2:10PM | Lyapunov Exponents for Unitary Anderson Models |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 6 2007, 2:10PM | Improved mixing time bounds for the L-reversal chain and Thorp shuffle. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Noam Berger, UCLA |
| Tue, Feb 27 2007, 2:10PM | Quenched invariance principle for high dimensional random walk in random environment |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alice Guionnet, Ecole Normale Lyon and UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 13 2007, 2:10PM | Convergence of the spectral measure of Levy matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Shannon Starr, University of Rochester |
| Tue, Jan 9 2007, 2:10PM | A ``Thinning'' Analogue of de Finetti's Theorem |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Marek Biskup, UCLA |
| Tue, Dec 5 2006, 2:10PM | Random walk driven by arbitrary small random conductances |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Fabio Martinelli, Universita' di Roma 3 |
| Fri, Dec 1 2006, 2:10PM | Kinetically constrained models |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Rupert Frank, KTH Stockholm |
| Tue, Nov 28 2006, 2:10PM | Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequalities and the stability of relativistic matter in magnetic fields |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Jason Metcalfe, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 21 2006, 2:10PM | Global Strichartz and smoothing estimates for rough Schrodinger equations |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Christof Kuelske, University of Groningen |
| Wed, Nov 15 2006, 2:10PM | Non-Gibbsian measures on the lattice, in mean-field and in between |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Brian Rider, University of Colorado at Boulder |
| Tue, Nov 14 2006, 2:10PM | Beta ensembles and diffusion |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Huzihiro Araki, UC Davis and RIMS, Kyoto University |
| Tue, Oct 31 2006, 2:10PM | Equivalence of various characterizations of equilibrium states for quantum lattice systems of spins and Fermions. |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Benjamin Schlein, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 24 2006, 2:10PM | Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Lincoln Chayes, UCLA |
| Tue, Oct 17 2006, 2:10PM | On the Absence of Ferromagnetism in Typical 2D Ferromagnets |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Oct 9 2006, 3:10PM | Moments bounds for Smoluchowski's equation |
MSB 1147 | Probability | Sandrine Peche, UC Davis and Institut Fourier Grenoble |
| Tue, Oct 3 2006, 2:10PM | The largest eigenvalue of deformed Wigner random matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Helmut Linde, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |
| Thu, Jun 1 2006, 3:10PM | Isoperimetric Inequalities for Laplace Eigenvalues |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Tom Michoel, University of Leuven, Belgium |
| Thu, May 25 2006, 12:00AM | Transport of one-dimensional interfaces in the Heisenberg model |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Manfred Salmhofer, University of Leipzig (Germany) |
| Thu, May 18 2006, 3:10PM | Fermi surfaces, their renormalization group flows, and Fermi liquid theory in two dimensions. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Yoshiko Ogata, UC Davis (University of Tokyo) |
| Thu, May 11 2006, 3:10PM | Linear response theory in quantum statistical mechanics |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Gabor Pete, The University of California |
| Thu, May 4 2006, 3:10PM | Corner percolation and the square root of 17. |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Alain Messager, Centre de Physique Theorique, Luminy |
| Thu, Apr 27 2006, 3:10PM | From Classical to Quantum Interfaces |
MSB 0 | Probability | Shannon Starr, University of California Los Angeles |
| Thu, Apr 20 2006, 3:10PM | Quantum Spin Systems at Positive Temperature |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Jonathan Taylor, Stanford University |
| Thu, Apr 13 2006, 3:10PM | Critical values of smooth random fields and eigenvalues of random matrices |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Christopher King, Northeastern University |
| Thu, Apr 6 2006, 3:10PM | Additivity questions in quantum information theory |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Mark Huber, Duke University |
| Tue, Mar 14 2006, 3:10PM | Advanced acceptance/rejection methods for Monte Carlo algorithms |
MSB 0 | Probability | Lionel Levine, University of California (Berkeley) |
| Tue, Mar 7 2006, 3:00PM | The limiting shape of the rotor-router and related models |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Osya Polterovich, Universite de Montreal |
| Tue, Feb 28 2006, 3:00PM | The spectral function and the remainder in local Weyl's law: View from below |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Mark Huber, Duke University |
| Sat, Jan 14 2006, 3:00PM | Advanced acceptance/rejection methods for Monte Carlo algorithms |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Toufic Suidan, University of California at Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Dec 6 2005, 3:10PM | Universality for Last Passage Percolation in Thin Rectangles |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Frank Verstrae, Caltech |
| Tue, Nov 29 2005, 3:10PM | Variational numerical renormalization group methods in one and higher dimensions |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dan Romik, University of California at Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 22 2005, 3:10PM | Random sorting networks, permutohedron random walks, exclusion processes and sphere geodesics. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexander Figotin, University of California at Irvine |
| Tue, Nov 15 2005, 3:10PM | Principle of linear superposition in nonlinear wave dynamics |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Evans Harrell, Georgia Institute of Technology |
| Tue, Nov 8 2005, 3:10PM | Isoperimetric problems arising in nanophysics |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Evgeny Strahov, Caltech |
| Tue, Nov 1 2005, 3:10PM | Giambelli compatible point processes. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Christian Hainzl, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
| Tue, Oct 25 2005, 3:10PM | The mean-field approximation to Quantum Electrodynamics. The no-photon case. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexander Pushnitski, King's College London (visiting Caltech) |
| Tue, Oct 18 2005, 3:10PM | The spectrum of the weakly perturbed Landau Hamiltonian and orthogonal polynomials in the complex domain |
Kerr 693 | Probability | David Damanik, Caltech |
| Tue, Oct 11 2005, 3:10PM | Applications of Kato's formula to quantum dynamics |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Yuri Suhov |
| Tue, Oct 4 2005, 3:10PM | Hausdorff dimension of the limiting set for a branching diffusion on the hyperbolic space |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Oleg Gleizer, UCLA |
| Tue, Jun 7 2005, 3:10PM | Symmetries of the generalized hypergeometric function mFm-1 |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Shannon Starr, UCLA |
| Tue, May 31 2005, 3:10PM | Droplet Energies in the XXZ Model |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dmitry Yarotsky, Dublin |
| Fri, May 20 2005, 4:10PM | The AKLT model and perturbations of lattice spin systems |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Daniel Ueltschi, University of Arizona |
| Tue, May 17 2005, 3:10PM | Hund's rule and metallic ferromagnetism |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Noureddine El Karoui, Stanford University |
| Tue, May 10 2005, 3:10PM | Recent results about the largest eigenvalue of large complex Wishart
matrices and statistical applications |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Senya Shlosman, Centre de Physique Theorique, Marseille (visiting Berkeley) |
| Tue, May 3 2005, 3:10PM | The process of growth of the crystal in the Ising model in 3D |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Marek Biskup, UCLA |
| Tue, Apr 26 2005, 3:10PM | Scaling limit of simple random walk on supercritical percolation
Kerr 693 | Probability | Manjunath Krishnapur, UC Berkeley, Dept of Statistics |
| Tue, Apr 19 2005, 3:10PM | Counting points in Determinantal and Permanental processes II |
Kerr 693 | Probability | J. Ben Hough, UC Berkeley, Department of Mathematics |
| Tue, Apr 12 2005, 3:10PM | Counting points in determinantal processes I |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Yakov Sinai, Princeton University |
| Fri, Mar 18 2005, 3:10PM | Power series for solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes system |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Dr. Takashi Imamura, University of Tokyo, Department of Physics |
| Tue, Mar 15 2005, 3:10PM | Polynuclear growth model and random matrix with
an external source |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Dr Robert Sims, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 8 2005, 4:10PM | A variational principle for spin glass models |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Dr. Simone Warzel, Princeton University |
| Thu, Feb 24 2005, 3:10PM | Stability of the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Random
Schroedinger Operators on Tree Graphs |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Estelle Basor, Cal Poly |
| Tue, Jan 25 2005, 3:10PM | Wiener-Hopf Determinants with Fisher-Hartwig Symbols |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexander Its, IUPUI |
| Tue, Dec 7 2004, 3:10PM | Entanglement in XY Spin Chain |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alex Gamburd, Stanford University and UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Nov 30 2004, 3:10PM | Poisson-Dirichlet distribution for random Belyi surfaces |
Kerr 0 | Probability | No Seminar this Thanksgiving week. |
| Tue, Nov 23 2004, 3:10PM | |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Roman Vershynin, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 16 2004, 3:10PM | The Small Ball Probability |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Tom Liggett, UCLA |
| Tue, Nov 9 2004, 3:10PM | Which Product Measures are Dominated by a Given Random Field? |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 2 2004, 3:10PM | Janossy Densities in Coupled Random Matrices and Polynuclear Growth |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Serban Nacu, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Oct 26 2004, 3:10PM | Fast Coin Simulation |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Noam Berger, Caltech |
| Tue, Oct 19 2004, 3:10PM | Non-uniqueness for specifications in $\ell^{2+\epsilon}$ |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Momar Dieng, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 12 2004, 3:10PM | Distribution Functions for Edge Eigenvalues in Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles: Painleve Representations |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Scott Sheffield, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Oct 5 2004, 3:10PM | Hiking on the Gaussian free field with an altimeter and a compass |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Joe Pule, UCD' = University College Dublin |
| Tue, Jun 22 2004, 3:10PM | Some results in random Schroedinger operators |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Andre Verbeure, Leuven |
| Tue, Jun 15 2004, 3:10PM | A microscopic model for Josephon currents |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Christian Maes, Leuven |
| Tue, Jun 8 2004, 3:10PM | Quantum nonequilibrium: problems to start |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Jan Philip Solovej, U Copenhagen |
| Tue, May 25 2004, 3:10PM | A model with a Bose-Einstein Quantum Phase Transition. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Shannon Starr, McGill |
| Tue, May 18 2004, 3:10PM | Some recent results about the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 11 2004, 3:10PM | Coadjoint Orbits, Membranes and the Wavefunction of the Universe |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Dimitri Gioev, U. Penn |
| Tue, May 4 2004, 3:10PM | Universality in Random Matrix Theory for
Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Tom Michoel, Leuven |
| Tue, Apr 27 2004, 3:10PM | Quantum Fluctuations and Low-Energy Excitations |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Ilya Goldsheid, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 20 2004, 3:10PM | Towards a constructive approach to Lyapunov exponents. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Marcus Spradlin, KITP Santa Barbara |
| Tue, Apr 6 2004, 3:10PM | Yang-Mills Amplitudes from String Theory |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Douglas Abraham, Theoretical Physics,
University of Oxford. |
| Tue, Mar 9 2004, 3:10PM | Phase Transitions in Restricted Geometries and at Grain
Boundaries: Wetting, Filling and All That. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Sergei Gukov, Harvard |
| Thu, Mar 4 2004, 4:10PM | Quantum Geometry of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Dr. Simone Warzel, Princeton University |
| Tue, Feb 24 2004, 3:10PM | Stability of the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Random
Schroedinger Operators on Tree Graphs |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Robert Seiringer, Princeton |
| Fri, Jan 23 2004, 4:10PM | One-dimensional behavior of dilute, trapped Bose gases |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Ioana Dumitriu, MIT |
| Tue, Dec 2 2003, 3:10PM | Central Limit Theorems for the beta-Hermite and beta-Laguerre ensembles of arbitrary beta |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Alexei Rybkin, Alaska Fairbanks |
| Wed, Nov 26 2003, 12:00PM | The scattering and spectral theory for 1D Schroedinger operators
with non-smooth L2-type potentials: the spectrum, scattering matrix,
Lieb-Thirring bounds, Faddeev-Zhakharov type sum rules and reflectioness
potentials |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Joseph Wolf, Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 25 2003, 3:10PM | Geometric Quantization on Lie Groups |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Stephon Alexander, Stanford |
| Tue, Nov 18 2003, 3:10PM | Inflation and Quantum Gravity |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alain Messager, CNRS Luminy |
| Fri, Nov 14 2003, 3:10PM | On a model with simultaneous first and second order phase transitions. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Pierluigi Contucci, Bologna |
| Tue, Nov 4 2003, 3:10PM | Interpolation in Spin Glasses |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Danny Birmingham, Dublin |
| Tue, Oct 21 2003, 3:10PM | Relaxation in Conformal Field Theory and Black Hole Quasinormal Modes |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Serguei Dennisov, Caltech |
| Tue, Oct 14 2003, 3:10PM | A PDE version of the Szego case for polynomials orthogonal on the circle |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Ben Morris, Indiana |
| Tue, Oct 7 2003, 3:10PM | The mixing time for simple exclusion. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Misha Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Sep 30 2003, 3:10PM | An existence theorem for conformally-flat metrics on 4-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Laszlo Erdoes, Muenich |
| Tue, Sep 23 2003, 3:10PM | Quantum dynamics of many degrees of freedom |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Janko Gravner, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 3 2003, 3:10PM | Nucleation in bootstrap percolation |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Stephen Miller, Rutgers University |
| Tue, May 27 2003, 3:10PM | Modular forms for SL(3,Z) |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Steve Zelditch, John Hopkins University and MSRI |
| Tue, May 20 2003, 3:10PM | Asymptotic geometry of random algebraic varieties (Joint Colloquim/ Math Phys seminar meeting) |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Paul Zinn-Justin, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay |
| Tue, May 13 2003, 3:10PM | Virtual Alternating Links |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Taku Matsui, Kyushu University |
| Tue, May 13 2003, 12:10PM | On non-equilibrium steady states of quantum spin models |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Bernardo Uribe, Max Planck Institut fuer Mathematik Bonn |
| Wed, May 7 2003, 12:10PM | Gerbes over orbifolds and twisted K-theory |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Jan Philip Solovej, U Copenhagen |
| Tue, May 6 2003, 3:10PM | Spectral estimates for Pauli and Dirac operators |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Jens Marklof, University of Bristol, UK |
| Tue, Apr 29 2003, 3:10PM | Energy level statistics, lattice point problems, and almost modular forms |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 24 2003, 4:10PM | Quantum Fields in de Sitter Space |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 22 2003, 3:10PM | Janossy densities in random matrix ensembles |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Robert Seiringer, Princeton University |
| Tue, Apr 15 2003, 3:10PM | Rigorous results on the interacting Bose gas |
Kerr 0 | Probability | No talk today |
| Tue, Apr 8 2003, 12:00AM | Elliot Lieb (Princeton University ) gives a talk at MSRI |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Benny Sudakov, Princeton University |
| Tue, Apr 1 2003, 3:10PM | Connectivity of random subgraphs of "nice" graphs |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Fabio Martinelli, U. Roma III / UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Mar 11 2003, 3:10PM | Asymmetric diffusions and the spectral gap of XXZ quantum Heisenberg models |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Lewis Bowen, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 4 2003, 3:10PM | Couplings of Uniform Spanning Forests |
Kerr 693 | Probability | S. Jitomirskaya, UC Irvine & MSRI |
| Tue, Mar 4 2003, 12:10PM | Delocalization in random polymer models |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 25 2003, 3:10PM | Quantum algorithms for hidden subgroup problems. Part II. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 18 2003, 3:10PM | Quantum algorithms for hidden subgroup problems |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Prof. Mary Beth Ruskai, University of Massachusetts, Lowell & MSRI |
| Tue, Dec 3 2002, 3:10PM | Capacity of Noisy Channels |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Dr. Chris Hughes, American Institute of Mathematics |
| Tue, Nov 26 2002, 3:10PM | Mock-Gaussian behavior in the classical compact groups and number theory |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Prof. Jussi Timonen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland |
| Tue, Nov 19 2002, 3:10PM | Scaling properties of interfaces: Can one measure the evolution equation |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Dr. Marek Biskup, UCLA |
| Tue, Nov 12 2002, 3:10PM | Critical scale for droplet formation in the 2D Ising model |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Dr. Misha Hitrik, UC Berkeley & UCLA |
| Tue, Nov 5 2002, 3:10PM | Spectral asymptotics for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension two |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Dr. Ben Morris, UC Berkeley, Statistics Department |
| Thu, Oct 31 2002, 3:10PM | Evolving sets and mixing |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Dr. Daniel Ueltschi, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 29 2002, 3:10PM | Non-equilibrium stationary states in quantum systems |
Kerr 493 | Probability | Dr.Alexander Holroyd, UC Berkeley Math. Dept. & UBC |
| Tue, Oct 22 2002, 3:10PM | Two-dimensional bootstrap percolation |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Prof. Motohico Mulase, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 15 2002, 3:10PM | Matrix Integrals and Chern-Simons gauge theory |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Noam Berger, UC Berkeley, Statistics Dept |
| Tue, Oct 8 2002, 3:10PM | Biased Random Walk on Percolation Clusters |
Kerr 693 | Probability | D. Hundertmark, Caltech |
| Tue, Jun 4 2002, 3:10PM | A simple variational bound for eigenvalues of discrete Schroedinger operators with potentials of arbitrary sign |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Thomas Chen, Courant Institute, New York |
| Tue, May 21 2002, 3:10PM | Operator-theoretic renormalization group analysis of infraparticle states and spectrum in non-relativistic QED |
Kerr 693 | Probability | D. Gioev, University of Pennsylvania |
| Thu, May 9 2002, 3:10PM | Lower order terms in Szego type asymptotic formulas, and combinatorial identities describing the maximum of a random walk |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Giovanni Felder, ETH Zurich |
| Tue, May 7 2002, 3:10PM | Fedosov connections on jet bundles and deformation quantization |
Kerr 693 | Probability | M. Movshev, UCDavis |
| Tue, Apr 30 2002, 12:00AM | Deformations of supersymmetric gauge theories |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Albert Schwarz, UCDavis |
| Tue, Apr 23 2002, 3:10PM | Maximally supersymmetric gauge theories. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexander Turbiner, UNAM, Mexico and ITEP, Moscow |
| Tue, Mar 5 2002, 3:10PM | Canonical Discretization (discretization as a canonical transformation) |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Ruth Williams, UC San Diego |
| Tue, Feb 26 2002, 3:10PM | Fluid and Diffusion Approximations for a
Heavily Loaded Processor Sharing Queue |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Mitchell Rothstein, MSRI |
| Tue, Feb 19 2002, 3:10PM | The Fourier-Mukai Transform and Equations of KP-type in Several Variables |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Barry McCoy, UC Berkeley/SUNY Stony Brook |
| Thu, Feb 14 2002, 2:10PM | Loop Algebra Symmetry in Solvable Lattice Models. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Kenneth Alexander, University of Southern California |
| Tue, Feb 5 2002, 3:10PM | Mixing Properties and Exponential Decay for Lattice Systems in Finite
Volumes |
Kerr 693 | Probability | I. Zakharevich, MSRI |
| Tue, Jan 29 2002, 3:10PM | Algebraic Geometry for Infinite Genus: Foam Curves |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Maury Bramson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 22 2002, 3:10PM | Stationary Measures for One Dimensional Exclusion Processes, II |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Maury Bramson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 15 2002, 3:10PM | Stationary Measures for One Dimensional Exclusion Processes, I |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Michael Kleber, Brandeis University |
| Tue, Jan 8 2002, 3:10PM | Symmetric Functions and Quantum Affine Algebras |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Manny Knill, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
| Tue, Nov 27 2001, 4:10PM | On Models of Quantum Computation |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Mark van Raamsdonk, Stanford University |
| Tue, Nov 20 2001, 4:10PM | Quantum Hall Physics from Noncommutative Field Theory |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 13 2001, 4:10PM | On the Largest Eigenvalue of a Sparse Random Subgraph of the n-cube |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Tom Coates, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 7 2001, 4:10PM | A New Proof of the Mirror Theorem |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Janko Gravner, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 5 2001, 3:10PM | A Disordered Growth Model |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Anne Schilling, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 30 2001, 3:10PM | Virtual Crystals: Crystal Theory and Beyond |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Daniel Ueltschi, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 23 2001, 4:10PM | The Discrete Dirichlet Problem |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Peter Schupp, University of Munich |
| Tue, Oct 16 2001, 4:10PM | Noncommutative Gauge Theory, Seiberg-Witten Map and Morita Equivalence |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 10 2001, 4:10PM | Supermembranes and Exceptional Theta Series |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Mikhail Shubin, Northeastern University |
| Tue, May 1 2001, 4:10PM | Criteria of discreteness of spectrum and strict positivity for magnetic Schr\"odinger operators |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Igor Pak, MIT & MSRI |
| Tue, Apr 24 2001, 4:10PM | Everything you always wanted to know about RSK |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Timo Seppalainen, Iowa State University |
| Tue, Apr 3 2001, 4:10PM | Law of large numbers for the interface in ballistic deposition |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Shannon Starr, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 13 2001, 4:10PM | Properties of non-translation invariant states for the XXZ model |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Vera Serganova, University of California, Berkeley |
| Mon, Mar 5 2001, 3:10PM | D-modules on supermanifolds and localization
theorems for Lie superalgebras |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Marek Biskup, Microsoft Research |
| Tue, Jan 16 2001, 4:10PM | A general theory of partition function zeros for lattice models with a convergent contour expansion |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Marek Biskup, Microsoft Research |
| Mon, Jan 15 2001, 4:10PM | Long-time tails for diffusions in random media: parabolic |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dr. Michael Anshelevich, MSRI |
| Tue, Jan 9 2001, 4:10PM | Fluctuations around the semicircle law in free probability theory |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Dec 5 2000, 3:10PM | Symmetry classes
of alternating-sign matrices and square ice |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Roberto Schonmann, UCLA. |
| Tue, Nov 28 2000, 3:10PM | Percolation on graphs. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Wolfang Spitzer, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Nov 21 2000, 3:10PM | The ground state energy of large molecules |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 14 2000, 3:10PM | Stochastic Growths Models and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dr. Michael Hitrik, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 7 2000, 3:10PM | Some spectral results for damped wave equations on Zoll manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dr. Dirk Hundertmark, California Institute of Technology |
| Tue, Oct 31 2000, 3:10PM | An optimal $L^p$ bound on the Krein spectral shift function. |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Martin Loebl, Charles University, Prague & Georgia Tech, Atlanta |
| Thu, Oct 19 2000, 2:10PM | Pfaffian method for solving dimer and Ising problems for finite lattice graphs |
Kerr 693 | Probability | M. Movshev, SUNY |
| Tue, May 23 2000, 3:10PM | Quantization on K3 surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Albert Schwarz, Mathematics, UC Davis |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Oleg Zaboronski, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick |
| Tue, Apr 18 2000, 4:10PM | Burgers Turbulence: An Exactly Solvable
Example of an Intermittent Turbulent System |
Kerr 551 | Probability | Philippe Biane, Ecole Normale Superiore |
| Tue, Mar 21 2000, 4:10PM | Free probability and combinatorics |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Alexei Borodin, Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania |
| Tue, Mar 14 2000, 4:10PM | Random Young diagrams and random matrices |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Professor Oleg Ryzhov, Dept of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 8 2000, 4:10PM | Recent Advances in the Theory of Hydrodynamic Instabilities |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Gadi Fibich, Tel Aviv University |
| Tue, Feb 1 2000, 1:10PM | Self-focusing and singularity formation in the nonlinear Schrodinger equation |
Kerr 693 | Probability | John A. Burns, Center for Optimal Design and Control, Virginia Tech |
| Mon, Jan 10 2000, 2:10PM | Sensitivity Computations for Optimal Design and Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Mark Alber, n/a |
| Sun, Jan 9 2000, 4:10PM | Fluctuations around the semicircle law in free probability theory. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Bruno Nachtergaele, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Tue, Dec 7 1999, 4:10PM | Derivation of the Euler equations from quantum dynamics |
Kerr Hall 693 | Probability | David J. Aldous, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 30 1999, 4:10PM | Stochastic Coalescence |
Kerr 693 | Probability | John Hunter, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 23 1999, 4:10PM | Nonlinear hyperbolic surface waves
Kerr 693 | Probability | Pieter Collins, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 16 1999, 4:10PM | Dynamical Systems with Homoclinic Tangles |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Greg Kuperberg, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 9 1999, 4:10PM | From random words to random matrices by quantum statistics |
Kerr Hall 693 | Probability | Janko Gravner, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 26 1999, 4:10PM | Asymptotics for critical threshold growth |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Andrei Okounkov, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Oct 19 1999, 4:10PM | Random partitions, ramified coverings of
a torus and applications |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Craig A. Tracy, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 12 1999, 4:10PM | Recent Work relating Combinatorics and Random Matrix Theory |
Kerr 693 | Probability | V.A. Zagrebnov, University Aix-Marseille II |
kerr 693 | Probability | Dr. MingQing Xiao, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 8 1999, 4:10PM | Center Manifold of a Nonlinear PDE That Models Compressor Systems |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dr. Wang-Sang Koon, CalTech |
| Tue, Jun 1 1999, 4:10PM | Comets, Nonlinear Dynamics and Space Mission Design |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Professor Tai-Ping Liu, Stanford University |
| Tue, May 25 1999, 4:10PM | Well-posedness Theory for General System of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Yu. Suhov, University of Cambridge |
| Tue, May 18 1999, 4:10PM | Quantum hydrodynamic limit for a model of hard rods. |
Kerr 593 | Probability | Dr. Alexei Novikov, Stanford Univeristy |
| Tue, May 11 1999, 3:10PM | Negative eddy viscosity of cat's-eye flows. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Prof. Jean-Pierre Aubin, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 27 1999, 4:10PM | Mutational and Morphological Analysis: An Introduction |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dr. Jean-Marie Aubry, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 13 1999, 4:10PM | Wavelet Analysis of Multifractal Functions - Oscillating Singularities |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Dr. Jean-Marie Aubry, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 12 1999, 4:10PM | Wavelet Analysis of Multifractal Functions - Thermodynamic Formalism |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Professor Rodney Baxter, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Apr 8 1999, 4:10PM | The hard hexagon model in statistical mechanics |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Professor Pierre van Moerbeke, Mathematical Science Reseach Institute |
| Tue, Mar 23 1999, 4:10PM | Random matrices, integrable systems and vertex operators. |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Shi Jin, Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology |
| Tue, Mar 16 1999, 4:10PM | Relaxation Approximations and Relaxation Schemes for PDEs |
Kerr 693 | Probability | Michael Ward, University of British Columbia. |
| Fri, Jan 29 1999, 4:10PM | Spike Dynamics for a Reaction-Diffusion System |
MSB 2112 | Probability | Moritz Reintjes |
| Wed, Dec 31 1969, 4:00PM | TBA |