Poster session
Call for posters (closed)
In addition to the invited talks, there will be a poster session for which we invite all participants to submit an abstract.
To submit an abstract, please email a 2 page PDF containing your abstract to by April 15. Space for posters may be limited, and we may not be able to accommodate all posters; we expect to send out notifications by April 25.
Thanks to the generous support by our sponsors, registration is free, and travel support is available for students and postdocs presenting posters. If you would like to apply for travel support please note this in your abstract submission. We expect to make funding decisions by April 30.
Note that this year we will have a best poster award given at the workshop. Barring conflicts of interest, all presented posters will be automatically eligible for the award.
Information for poster presenters
- Easels and poster boards will be provided. The dimensions of the poster boards will be 36 inches by 48 inches.
- Please send your poster to the program committee at before the start of the workshop. It will be posted online to make it widely available.
- Reception of the poster before the deadline is a condition for being eligible for the Best Poster Award. You may request that your poster be not put online or not be entered in the Best Poster Award competition (or both) by a statement to that effect in the submission email.
- Posters can be brought over Gallagher Hall any time during the day on Monday, July 16 and can be stored there for the poster session later in the day. Gallagher Hall is right next to the conference venue of the Mondavi center. Poster setup time is 4:30-5:00pm on Monday.
Accepted posters
Posters are listed by alphabetical order of the presenter's last name.- S. Ahmed, G. Angulo, S. S. Dey, Improved optimality cuts for the integer L-shaped method.
- D. Bergman, A. Cire, J.N. Hooker, W.-J. van Hoeve, Bounds from Binary Decision Diagrams.
- A. Atamturk, A. Bhardwaj, On network design under uncertain arc capacities.
- V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, P. Toth, Fixed task scheduling on single-thread processors.
- J. A. De Loera, B. Dutra, M. Koeppe, S. Moreinis, G. Pinto, J. Wu, Software for Exact Integration of Polynomials over Polyhedra.
- E. van Eikenhorst, Exact solution approaches to the capacitated lot sizing problems with sequence dependent setups.
- N. Fan, J.-P. Watson, Connectivity Constraints for Subgraphs by Integer Programming.
- M. Hamzeei, J. Luedtke, Linearization-based Algorithms for Quasiconvex MINLPs.
- K. Aardal, F. von Heymann, The structure of LLL-reduced kernel lattice bases: Abstract for a poster presentation.
- A. Basu, R. Hildebrand, M. Koeppe, M. Molinaro, A (k + 1)-Slope Theorem for the k-Dimensional Infinite Group Relaxation.
- Y. Khodadadegan, W. Pavlicek, M. Zhang, Radiation Dose Reduction for Critical Organs in Interventional Radiology Procedures.
- L. Liberti, MINLP, colourful graphs and symmetry.
- M. R. Kilinc, S. Modaresi, J. P. Vielma, Split cuts for conic programming.
- S.S. Dey, D.A. Moran R., Closedness of mixed integer hulls of Second Order Conic Programming problems.
- E. Balas, F. Margot, S. Nadarajah, A Polynomial Procedure For Generating Generalized Intersection Cuts.
- C. Mouli, V. Narayanan, Boundedness of convex integer programs.
- K. Franke, H.T. Nguyen, An Unified Framework of Machine Learning via Mixed 0-1 Linear Programming. (withdrawn)
- A. Caprara, A. Frangioni, T. Parriani, An Analysis of Natural Approaches for Solving Multicommodity-Flow Problems.
- M. Poremba, A. Torielli, Computing Bounds and Solutions to the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Approximate Linear Programming.
- J. Luedtke, S. Kucukyavuz, Y. Song, A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Chance-Constrained Knapsack Problem.
- J. Linderoth, J. Luedtke, S. Sridhar, MIP Relaxations of a Nonconvex MINLP Arising in Production Planning Problems with Increasing Byproducts. (not posted online)
- K. Kianfar, S. Sujeevraja, Mixed n-step MIR Inequalities: Facets for the n-mixing Set.
- A. Tomazic, A branch & cut based hybrid method for the multi-depot ring star problem.
- D. Woodruff, W. E. Hart, J.-P. Watson, Pyomo: modeling and solving mathematical programs in Python.
- D. Woodruff, W. E. Hart, J.-P. Watson, PySP: Modeling and Solving Stochastic Programs in Python.
- C.T. Maravelias, S. Zenner, Valid Inequalities for Chemical Production Scheduling.
- S. Kucukyavuz, M. Zhang, On Continuous Mixing Set with a Cardinality Constraint.