E-mail: egorskiy AT math.ucdavis.edu
Research interests:
Theory of singularities, algebraic geometry, motivic integration,
low-dimensional topology, representation theory
CV, List of publications, Research Statement (as of August 2022).
NSF grant DMS-2302305
Past support: DMS-1559338 , DMS-1403560 , DMS-1700814 ,
DMS-1760329 .
Winter 2024:
MAT 248A (Algebraic Geometry) , Reading group on characteristic classes
Office hours: Fridays 1-2pm in Math 2113.
Graduate students:
Beibei Liu (PhD 2019), Oscar Kivinen (PhD 2019), Wenjun Niu (PhD 2023)
Yuze Luan (PhD 2024), Soyeon Kim , Tonie Scroggin , Ian Sullivan , Joshua Turner.
Undergraduate advising:
Christian Smith (2015/16),
Yu Wang (2016/17),
Yuzhe Bai (2017/18),
Shirley Wang (2019/20),
Alexandra Vizcarra (2021/22).
Jose Simental Rodriguez (2018-20), Alex Chandler (2021-23),
Melissa Zhang (2023-24).