Eugene Gorsky


and preprints


and talks

Department of Mathematics,
UC Davis

E-mail: egorskiy AT

Research interests: Theory of singularities, algebraic geometry, motivic integration,
low-dimensional topology, representation theory

CV, List of publications, Research Statement (as of August 2022).

Support: NSF grant DMS-2302305
Past support: DMS-1559338 , DMS-1403560 , DMS-1700814 , DMS-1760329 .

Winter 2024: MAT 248A (Algebraic Geometry) , Reading group on characteristic classes
Office hours: Fridays 1-2pm in Math 2113.

Graduate students:

Beibei Liu (PhD 2019), Oscar Kivinen (PhD 2019), Wenjun Niu (PhD 2023)
Yuze Luan (PhD 2024), Soyeon Kim , Tonie Scroggin , Ian Sullivan , Joshua Turner.

Undergraduate advising:

Christian Smith (2015/16), Yu Wang (2016/17), Yuzhe Bai (2017/18), Shirley Wang (2019/20),
Alexandra Vizcarra (2021/22).


Jose Simental Rodriguez (2018-20), Alex Chandler (2021-23), Melissa Zhang (2023-24).

My brother is also a mathematician.


WARTHOG: Cluster algebras and braid varieties, University of Oregon, August 18-22, 2025.

Past conferences:

Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium, UC Davis, April 27-28 2024.

AIM Research community on link homology

Focused Research Group: Algebra and Geometry Behind Link Homology

AIM workshop
July 31 to August 4, 2023 at the American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena, California

FRG workshop
QUAntum groups, Categorification, Knot invariants, and Soergel bimodules II (QUACKS II)
August 8-12, 2022, University of Oregon

FRG workshop Categorical braid group actions and categorical representation theory.
June 14-18, 2021, University of Massachusetts

Seminar on homology of torus (and other) links

FRG workshop QUAntum groups, Categorification, Knot invariants, and Soergel bimodules (QUACKS)
August 10-14, 2020, University of Oregon

ICERM workshop Soergel Bimodules and Categorification of the Braid Group: February 28-March 1, 2020

FRG workshop Hilbert schemes, categorification and combinatorics: June 19-23, 2019, UC Davis

AIM workshop Categorified Hecke algebras, link homology, and Hilbert schemes: October 1-5, 2018 .

SCGP workshop Categorification in mathematical physics: April 9-13, 2018 .

Conference at UC Davis: Singularities and motivic integration, November 7-10, 2016.

SCGP workshop Physics and mathematics of knot homologies: June 1-5, 2015 .