Eugene Gorsky


and preprints


and talks


  1. (with M. Gillespie and S. Griffin) A geometric interpretation of the Delta Conjecture. [ arXiv:2501.00197 ]
  2. (with M. Gillespie and S. Griffin) A combinatorial skewing formula for the Rise Delta Theorem. [ arXiv:2408.12543 ]
  3. (with T. Scroggin) Splicing positroid varieties. [ arXiv:2405.15112 ]
  4. (with A. Alishahi and B. Liu) Splitting maps in link Floer homology and integer points in permutahedra. [ arXiv:2307.07741 ]
  5. (with O. Kivinen and A. Oblomkov) The affine Springer fiber - sheaf correspondence. [ arXiv:2204.00303 ]
  6. (with R. Casals, M. Gorsky and J. Simental) Positroid Links and Braid varieties. [ arXiv:2105.13948 ]
  7. (with M. Gorsky) Distinguished bases for A_n root systems and parking functions. [ arXiv: 1112.0381 ]
  8. Seifert cohomology of trees. [ arXiv: 0901.1298 ]
  9. On the S_n-equivariant Euler characteristic of M_{2,n}. [ arXiv: 0707.2662 ]


  1. (with A. Neguț) Hecke categories, idempotents, and commuting stacks.
    Math. Z. 309 (2025), article 44. [ arXiv:2406.05215 ]
  2. (with A. Beliakova) Cyclotomic expansions for gl(N) knot invariants via interpolation Macdonald polynomials.
    Sel. Math. New Ser. 30 (2024), article 101. [ arXiv:2101.08243 ]
  3. (with R. Casals, M. Gorsky, I. Le, L. Shen and J. Simental) Cluster structures on braid varieties.
    Journal of Americal Mathematical Society 38 (2025), no.2, 369-479. [ arXiv:2207.11607 ]
  4. (with M. Mazin and A. Oblomkov) Generic curves and non-coprime Catalans.
    To appear in Algebraic Geometry. [ arXiv:2210.12569 ]
  5. (with R. Casals, M. Gorsky and J. Simental) Algebraic weaves and braid varieties.
    American Journal of Mathematics 146 (2024), no. 6, 1469-1576. [ arXiv:2012.06931 ]
  6. (with M. Hogancamp and A. Mellit) Tautological classes and symmetry in Khovanov-Rozansky homology.
    Duke Math. Journal 173(13), 2481-2561 (2024). [ arXiv:2103.01212 ]
  7. (with N. Gonzalez and J. Simental) Calibrated representations of the double Dyck path algebra.
    Mathematische Annalen 391, 1505-1590 (2025). [ arXiv:2311.17653 ]
  8. (with A. Chandler) Structures in HOMFLY-PT homology.
    Experimental Mathematics 33 (2024), no.4, 817--842. [ arXiv:2209.13058 ]
  9. (with J. Simental, M. Vazirani) Parabolic Hilbert schemes via the Dunkl-Opdam subalgebra.
    Transformation Groups 29, 1-70 (2024). [ arXiv:2004.14873 ]
  10. (with A. Neguț) The Trace of the affine Hecke category.
    Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 126 (2023), no. 6, 2013-2056. [ arXiv:2201.07144 ]
  11. (with P. Wedrich) Evaluations of annular Khovanov-Rozansky homology.
    Math. Z. 303 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 25, 57. [ arXiv:1904.04481 ]
  12. (with O. Kivinen and J. Simental) Algebra and geometry of link homology.
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 55 (2023), no. 2, 537-591 [ arXiv:2108.10356 ]
  13. (with T. Lidman, B. Liu, A. Moore) Triple linking numbers and Heegaard Floer homology.
    Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2023, no. 6, 4501-4554. [ arXiv:2006.15484 ]
  14. (with M. Hogancamp) Hilbert schemes and y-ification of Khovanov-Rozansky homology.
    Geometry & Topology 26 (2022) 587-678. [ arXiv:1712.03938 ]
  15. (with M. Hogancamp, P. Wedrich) Derived traces of Soergel categories.
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2022 (2022), no.15, 11304-11400. [ arXiv:2002.06110 ]
  16. (with A. Neguț and J. Rasmussen) Flag Hilbert schemes, colored projectors and Khovanov-Rozansky homology.
    Advances in Mathematics 378 (2021) 107542. [ arXiv:1608.07308 ]
  17. (with G. Hawkes, A. Schilling, J. Rainbolt) Generalized q,t-Catalan numbers.
    Algebraic Combinatorics 3 (2020) no. 4, 855-886. [ arXiv:1905.10973 ]
  18. (with B. Liu and A. Moore) Surgery on links of linking number zero and the Heegaard Floer d-invariant.
    Quantum Topology 11 (2020), 323-378.[ arXiv:1810.10178 ]
  19. (with Y. Bai and O. Kivinen) Quadratic ideals and Rogers-Ramanujan recursions.
    The Ramanujan Journal 52 (2020), 67-89. [ arXiv:1805.01593 ]
  20. (with E. Carlsson and A. Mellit) The A_{q,t} algebra and parabolic flag Hilbert schemes.
    Mathematische Annalen 376 (2020), 1303-1336. [ arXiv:1710.01407 ]
  21. (with M. Mazin and M. Vazirani) Recursions for rational q,t-Catalan numbers.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 173 (2020), Article 105237. [ arXiv:1908.11763 ]
  22. (with M. Hogancamp, A. Mellit and K. Nakagane) Serre duality for Khovanov-Rozansky homology.
    Selecta Mathematica, 25 (2019), no. 5, Article 79. [ arXiv:1902.08281 ]
  23. Introduction to Heegaard Floer homology.
    Russian Mathematical Surveys, 74:1 (2019), 1-35.
  24. (with M. Borodzik) Immersed concordances of links and Heegaard Floer homology.
    Indiana Univ. Math. J. 67 (2018), 1039-1083. [ arXiv:1601.07507 ]
  25. (with A. Némethi) On the set of L-space surgeries for links.
    Advances in Mathematics 333 (2018), 386-422. [ arXiv:1509.01170 ]
  26. (with S. M. Gusein-Zade) Homological indices of collections of 1-forms.
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 50 (2018), no.2, 261-273. [ arXiv:1704.08641 ]
  27. (with S. Gukov and M. Stošić) Quadruply-graded colored homology of knots.
    Fundamenta Mathematicae 243 (2018) , 209-299. [ arXiv: 1304.3481 ]
  28. Combinatorics of HOMFLY homology. Appendix to "The Hilbert scheme of a plane curve singularity
    and the HOMFLY homology of its link" by A. Oblomkov, J. Rasmussen and V. Shende.
    Geometry & Topology 22 (2018) 645-691. [ arXiv: 1201.2115 ]
  29. (with J. Hom) Cable links and L-space surgeries. [ arXiv:1502.05425 ].
    Quantum Topology 8 (2017), no.4, 629-666.
  30. (with M. Mazin and M. Vazirani) Rational Dyck Paths in the Non Relatively Prime Case.
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 24 (2017), no. 3, paper #P3.61 [ arXiv:1703.02668 ]
  31. (with A. Neguț) Infinitesimal change of stable basis.
    Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 23 (2017), no. 3, 1909-1930. [ arXiv:1510.07964 ]
  32. (with M. Mazin) Rational Parking Functions and LLT Polynomials.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 140 (2016), 123-140. [ arXiv:1503.04181 ]
  33. (with M. Mazin and M. Vazirani) Affine permutations and rational slope parking functions.
    Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), 8403-8445. [ arXiv: 1403.0303 ]
  34. (with A. Némethi) Links of plane curve singularities are L-space links.
    Algebraic and Geometric Topology 16 (2016) 1905-1912. [ arXiv: 1403.3143 ]
  35. (with P. Etingof and I. Losev) Representations of Rational Cherednik algebras with minimal
    support and torus knots. Advances in Mathematics 277 (2015), 124-180. [ arXiv: 1304.3412 ]
  36. (with A. Némethi) Lattice and Heegaard-Floer homologies of algebraic links.
    Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015, no. 23, 12737-12780. [ arXiv: 1301.7636 ]
  37. (with A. Neguț) Refined knot invariants and Hilbert schemes.
    Journal de Mathématiques Pures and Appliquées 104 (2015), 403-435.[ arXiv: 1304.3328 ]
  38. (with L. Lewark) On stable sl3-homology of torus knots.
    Experimental Mathematics 24 (2015), 162-174. [ arXiv: 1404.0623 ]
  39. (with A. Oblomkov, J. Rasmussen and V. Shende) Torus knots and the rational DAHA.
    Duke Math. J. 163 (2014), no. 14, 2709 2794. [ arXiv: 1207.4523 ]
  40. The equivariant Euler characteristic of moduli spaces of curves.
    Advances in Mathematics 250 (2014), 588-595. [ arXiv: 0906.0841 ]
  41. (with M. Mazin) Compactified Jacobians and q,t-Catalan numbers, II.
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 39 (2014), no. 1, 153-186. [ arXiv: 1204.5448 ]
  42. (with A. Oblomkov and J. Rasmussen) On stable Khovanov homology of torus knots.
    Experimental Mathematics, 22 (2013), 265-281. [ arXiv: 1206.2226 ]
  43. Arc spaces and DAHA representations.
    Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 19 (2013), no. 1, 125-140. [ arXiv: 1110.1674 ]
  44. (with M. Mazin) Compactified Jacobians and q,t-Catalan Numbers, I.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 120 (2013) 49-63 [ arXiv: 1105.1151 ]
  45. q,t-Catalan numbers and knot homology. Zeta Functions in Algebra and Geometry, 213-232.
    Contemp. Math. 566 , Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2012. [ arXiv: 1003.0916 ]
  46. Combinatorial computation of the motivic Poincaré series.
    Journal of Singularities, 3 (2011), 48-82 [ arXiv: 0807.0491 ]
  47. Adams Operations and Power Structures.
    Moscow Mathematical Journal, 9 (2009), no. 2, 305-323. [ arXiv: 0803.3118 ]
  48. On the S_n-equivariant Euler characteristic of moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves.
    Mathematical Research Letters, 16 (2009), no. 4, pp. 591-603. [ arXiv: 0804.2948 ]
  49. Symmetries of some motivic integrals.
    Russian Mathematical Surveys, 63 (2008), no. 4 (382), 179-180. [ arXiv: 0804.0844 ]
  50. On the motivic measure on the space of functions.
    Revista Matemática Complutense, 20 (2007), no. 2, 507-521. [ arXiv: 0701374 ]
  51. Motivic integration and functional equations.
    Algebra and Analysis (Journal of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society), 19 (2007), no. 4, 92-112. [ arXiv: 0606521 ]
  52. On divisorial filtrations on sheaves.
    Mathematical notes, 79 (2006), no. 6, 825-837. [ arXiv: 0502368 ]
  53. (joint with V. Gurovits, I. Mezhirov and E. Osmova). The Richman game.
    Matematicheskoe prosveshenie, 3 (2001), no. 5, 78-191. [ (in Russian) ]