All Publications (PDF files)
- Expected extremal area of facets of random polytopes. (Brett Leroux, Carsten Schütt, Elisabeth M. Werner)
- Euclidean distance compression via deep random features. (Brett Leroux)
NeurIPS 2024.
- On the Nystrom Approximation for Preconditioning in Kernel Machines. (Amirhesam Abedsoltan, Mikhail Belkin, Parthe Pandit)
AISTATS 2024. Arxiv.
- Estranged facets and k-facets of Gaussian random point sets. (Brett Leroux)
To appear in Journal of Applied Probability.
- Expansion of random 0/1 polytopes. (Brett Leroux)
Random Structures & Algorithms, Arxiv, 2023.
- Improved bounds for the expected number of k-sets. (Brett Leroux)
Discrete and Computational Geometry, Arxiv, 2023.
- The smoothed complexity of Frank-Wolfe methods via conditioning of random matrices and polytopes. (Chang Shu)
Mathematical Statistics and Learning., 2022.
- Overcomplete order-3 tensor decomposition, blind deconvolution and Gaussian mixture models. (Haolin Chen)
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2022.
- Algebraic k-sets and generally neighborly embeddings. (Brett Leroux)
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2022.
- Efficiency of the floating body as a robust measure of dispersion. (Joseph Anderson)
SODA 2020.
- The Minimum Euclidean-Norm Point in a Convex Polytope: Wolfe's Combinatorial Algorithm is Exponential. (Jesús De Loera, Jamie Haddock)
SIAM Journal on Computing, 2020.
STOC 2018, Arxiv.
- Eigenvectors of Orthogonally Decomposable Functions. (formerly "Basis learning as an algorithmic primitive") (Mikhail Belkin, James Voss)
SIAM Journal on Computing, 2018.
COLT 2016. Video
and slides of talk
at Simons Institute.
- Heavy-tailed analogues of the covariance matrix for ICA. (Joseph Anderson, Navin Goyal, Anupama Nandi)
AAAI 2017.
- The hidden convexity of
spectral clustering. (James Voss, Mikhail Belkin)
AAAI 2016. Video
and slides of talk at Simons Institute.
- On packing and covering polyhedra
in infinite dimensions. (Alejandro Toriello, Juan Pablo Vielma)
Research Letters, 2016.
- A
Pseudo-Euclidean Iteration for Optimal Recovery in Noisy ICA.
(James Voss, Mikhail Belkin)
NIPS 2015.
- Heavy-tailed Independent
Component Analysis. (Joseph Anderson, Navin Goyal, Anupama Nandi)
FOCS 2015.
- A simplicial polytope that maximizes the isotropic constant must be a
2015. Arxiv.
- Efficient volume sampling for row/column subset selection. (Amit
Deshpande, Abhisek Kundu)
In preparation, 2014.
- Expanders via random spanning trees.
(Alan Frieze, Navin Goyal, Santosh Vempala)
SIAM Journal on Computing, 2014.
SODA 2009. Video
of workshop talk.
- Lower
bounds for the average and smoothed number of Pareto-optima.
(Tobias Brunsch, Navin Goyal, Heiko Röglin)
Theory of Computing, 2014.
- The more, the merrier: the
blessing of dimensionality for learning large Gaussian mixtures.
(Joseph Anderson, Mikhail Belkin, Navin Goyal, James Voss)
COLT 2014. Video
and slides of talk (by J. Anderson).
- Query complexity of sampling and small
geometric partitions. (Navin Goyal, Santosh Vempala)
Probability and Computing. Arxiv.
- Fast
algorithms for Gaussian noise invariant Independent Component Analysis.
(Mikhail Belkin, James Voss)
implementation of GI-ICA.
- Efficient learning of
simplices. (Joseph Anderson, Navin Goyal)
COLT 2013. Video
and slides of talk.
- Blind signal separation in the presence of Gaussian noise. (Mikhail
Belkin, James Voss)
COLT 2013.
Arxiv. Video
and slides of talk (by J. Voss).
- Lower bounds for the average and smoothed number of Pareto optima.
(Navin Goyal)
FSTTCS 2012.
- On the monotonicity of the expected volume of a random simplex.
2012. Arxiv. Presentation
at Oberwolfach: PPTX, PDF.
Computational experiments for the
3-dimensional case.
- Efficient volume sampling
for row/column subset selection. (Amit Deshpande)
FOCS 2010. Video
of talk.
- Partitioning
a planar graph of girth 10 into a forest and a matching. (A.
Bassa, J. Burns, J. Campbell, A. Deshpande, J. Farley, M. Halsey, S.-Y.
Ho, D. Kleitman, S. Michalakis, P.-O. Persson, P. Pylyavskyy, A. Riehl,
M. Rios, J. Samuel, B. E. Tenner, A. Vijayasarathy, L. Zhao)
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2010.
- Optimization of a convex program with a
polynomial perturbation. (Ravi Kannan)
Operations Research Letters, 2009.
- Learning convex bodies is hard. (Navin
COLT 2009. Video
of workshop talk (by N. Goyal).
- Minimal Partitioning into Product Sets.
(Xuancheng Shao) In preparation.
- Approximating the Centroid is Hard. PDF
SOCG 2007.
- Dispersion of Mass and the Complexity of
Geometric Problems.
PhD thesis, Department of Mathematics, MIT, 2007. Advisor: Santosh
- Dispersion of Mass and the Complexity of
Randomized Geometric Algorithms. (Santosh Vempala)
Advances in Mathematics and FOCS 2006.
PDF presentation of the volume lower bound.
- Computing Equilibrium Prices in Exchange
Economies with Tax Distortions. (Bruno Codenotti, Kasturi
ICALP 2006.
- Matrix
and Projective Clustering via Volume Sampling. (Amit Deshpande,
Santosh Vempala, Grant Wang)
Theory of Computing and SODA 2006. Short
- Testing geometric convexity. (Santosh
FSTTCS 2004. Short PDF presentation.
The Cross-Polytope with Peaks (java applet).
- Computation and Stability of Nash Equilibria
and Applications to the Modeling of the Electrical Energy Generation
Market (in Spanish).
Math. Eng. Thesis, Department of Mathematical Engineering, University of
Chile, Santiago, Chile, August 2002.