Registration Link: (if you are an invited speaker, session organizer, or otherwise affiliated with organization, you will receive a different registration link by email).
Financial Support: During registration you will have the option to apply for financial support. To get full consideration, please register by June 24. We will then let you know by July 1 how much support we can offer. If any funds remain, we will continue to distribute financial support to applications submitted after June 24.
Contributed Talks: During registration you will have the option to propose a contributed talk. We expect contributed talks to be around 25 minutes long, but the exact length will be determined based on the amount of proposals in each particular session. To get full consideration for contributed talks, please register by June 24.
Conference Fee: Registration fees are optional. The recommended standard registration fee is $100. If, for whatever reason, you are not able to or choose not to pay the standard fee, you are most welcome to pay a discounted fee of $30, or no fee at all. The link to pay the conference appears at the end of registration.
Invitation Letter: If you require an official invitation letter, please write to Martin Fraas ( If the invitation letter needs to contain any specific information, please make that clear in your email request.