My research centers around Langlands dualities, dualities of quantum field theories, and their interrelation.
Publications and Preprints:
- Normal forms of Heisenberg connections
- Kirillov polynomials for the exceptional Lie algebra g_2
Arnold Math. Journal. Link.
- Iterated integrals on affine curves , (with Albert Schwarz)
- Rigidity of Kac-Schwarz operators Letters in Math. Phys. 110 (2020), 911-924. Link.
- Spectral Curve Duality beyond the Two-Matrix Model J. Math. Phys. 60 (2019). Link.
- Feigin-Frenkel Image of Witten-Kontsevich Points
- Drinfeld-Sokolov Flows and the Local Geometric Langlands Correspondence Preprint.
- Langlands Parameters of Quivers in the Sato Grassmannian , (with Matej Penciak) Commun. Math. Phys. 357 (2018), 775-789. Link.
- KP Flows and Quantization J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016). Link.
- Local Langlands Duality and a Duality of Conformal Field Theories Commun. Number Theory Phys. 10 (2016), 1-22. Link.
- Fourier Duality of Quantum Curves , (with Albert Schwarz) Math. Res. Lett. 23 (2016), 1111-1137. Link.
- Duality of 2D Gravity as a Local Fourier Duality Commun. Math. Phys. 338 (2015), 251-265. Link.
- Crystalline Cohomology of Superschemes J. Geom. Phys. 121 (2017), 83-92. Link.
- Deformation Theory and Local-Global Compatibility of Langlands Correspondences Memoirs of the AMS 1123 (2015). Link.