MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Max Wenqiang Xu, NYU and SLMath |
| Thu, Feb 27 2025, 1:10PM | Distribution of Random multiplicative functions and character sums |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daniel Altman -- postponed, Stanford University |
| Thu, Feb 20 2025, 1:10PM | Nilsequences on general patterns |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Ray Chou, UCSD |
| Thu, Feb 13 2025, 1:10PM | Equivariant cohomology of Grassmannian spanning lines |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Xin Zhang, University of Hong Kong |
| Thu, Feb 6 2025, 1:10PM | Super Approximation for subgroups of $\text{SL}_d(\mathbb Z)$ |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Eoin Mackall, University of California, Santa Cruz |
| Thu, Jan 30 2025, 1:10PM | On obstructions to deforming quadric bundles |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Brendon Rhoades, UCSD |
| Thu, Jan 23 2025, 2:49PM | TBD |
923 5325 1402 zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Brendon Rhoades, UCSD |
| Thu, Jan 23 2025, 1:10PM | Superspace coinvariants and hyperplane arrangements |
QMAP 3204 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Jennifer Brown, Edinburgh |
| Tue, Jan 21 2025, 4:10PM | Skein Categories and Factorization Homology |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Elena Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 16 2025, 1:10PM | Apollonian packings: the rise and fall of the local to global conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sneha Chaubey, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi |
| Tue, Jan 7 2025, 1:00PM | On distribution of polynomial farey points |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Nikolay Bogachev, University of Toronto Scarborough |
| Tue, Dec 3 2024, 1:10PM | Arithmeticity and commensurability classes of hyperbolic reflection groups |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Ruofan Jiang, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 26 2024, 1:10PM | p-adic monodromy and mod p unlikely intersections |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daniel Flores, Purdue University |
| Tue, Nov 19 2024, 1:10PM | $K$-multimagic squares and magic squares of $k$th powers via the circle method |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Alexandre de Faveri, Stanford |
| Tue, Nov 12 2024, 1:10PM | Non-vanishing for cubic Hecke L-functions |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Kiseok Yeon, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 5 2024, 1:10PM | Local solubility for homogeneous polynomials with random coefficients over thin sets |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Julia Stadlmann, Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 29 2024, 1:10PM | Primes in arithmetic progressions to smooth moduli |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Yuze Luan, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 24 2024, 1:10PM | Components of the nested Hilbert scheme of points on non-reduced curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Colby Brown, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 15 2024, 1:10PM | Navigating the Markoff graph computationally |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Danielle Wang, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Oct 8 2024, 1:10PM | Twisted GGP conjecture in the unramified case |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Hannah Larson |
| Wed, May 29 2024, 3:10PM | The Chow ring of the universal Picard stack over the hyperelliptic locus |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Haihan Wu, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 22 2024, 3:10PM | Webs and pockets in SL(4) affine building |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | James Rickards, University of Colorado |
| Wed, May 15 2024, 3:10PM | The not-so-local-global conjecture |
939 7121 2537 zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peter Samuelson, UC Riverside |
| Wed, May 8 2024, 3:10PM | The Weyl algebra and Temperley-Lieb category |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Tom Gannon, UCLA |
| Fri, May 3 2024, 3:10PM | Proof of the Ginzburg-Kazhdan conjecture (note unusual time/day) |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peter Haine, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 17 2024, 3:10PM | Exodromy in topology and applications |
939 7121 2537 Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Yaping Yang, U. of Melbourne |
| Wed, Apr 10 2024, 3:10PM | Higher spin representations of the Yangian of sl2 and R-matrices |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Bernd Sturmfels, MPI Leipzig |
| Wed, Apr 3 2024, 3:10PM | Minimal Kinematics on $M_{0,n}$ |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Wenyuan Li, University of Southern California |
| Wed, Mar 13 2024, 2:10PM | Relative Calabi-Yau structures for microlocal sheaves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peter Zenz, Stanford |
| Wed, Mar 6 2024, 2:10PM | Sign Changes of Cusp Forms and Geodesic Restrictions |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Yunqing Tang, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Feb 29 2024, 3:10PM | The arithmetic of power series and applications |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Scott Neville, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Feb 21 2024, 2:10PM | Long mutation cycles |
Zoom (see e-mail for link) Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Semon Rezchikov, Princeton University & IAS |
| Wed, Feb 14 2024, 2:10PM | Fueter Maps and Complex Symplectic Geometry |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peng Zhou, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Feb 7 2024, 2:10PM | Homological Mirror Symmetry for Cluster Variety of type A |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Christopher Kuo, USC |
| Wed, Jan 31 2024, 2:10PM | Globalizing the microlocal Riemann-Hilbert correspondence |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Shanon Rubin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 24 2024, 2:10PM | Homotopic aspects of a microlocal sheaf invariant for Weinstein surfaces. |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Kayla Wright, University of Minnesota |
| Wed, Jan 17 2024, 2:10PM | Higher Dimers, Webs and Grassmannian Cluster Algebras |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daping Weng, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 10 2024, 2:10PM | Cluster Structures on Flag Moduli Spaces |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sameera Vemulapalli, Stanford |
| Wed, Dec 6 2023, 3:10PM | Counting low degree number fields with almost prescribed successive minima |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Max Wenqiang Xu, Stanford |
| Wed, Nov 29 2023, 3:10PM | Positive definite quadratic characters |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sean Griffin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 22 2023, 3:10PM | Partial resolutions of the nilpotent cone and the Delta Conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Nathaniel Gallup |
| Wed, Nov 15 2023, 3:10PM | The Grothendieck Ring of Certain Non-Noetherian Group-Graded Algebras via Hilbert Series |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Eugene Gorsky, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 8 2023, 3:10PM | Generic curves and non-coprime Catalans |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Jackson Morrow, University of North Texas |
| Wed, Nov 1 2023, 3:10PM | Boundedness of hyperbolic varieties |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Lea Beneish, University of North Texas |
| Wed, Oct 25 2023, 3:10PM | Degree $d$ points on plane curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sridip Pal, Caltech |
| Wed, Oct 11 2023, 3:10PM | Associativity and Spectral bounds on Hyperbolic manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Kendric Schefers, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 4 2023, 3:10PM | Microlocal homology and the singular support of coherent sheaves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Alexei Oblomkov, UMass |
| Thu, Jun 8 2023, 3:10PM | A unified perspective on knot homology |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | David Treumann, Boston College |
| Wed, May 31 2023, 4:10PM | G Spectra of cyclic defect |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Logan Crew, Waterloo |
| Wed, May 24 2023, 4:10PM | The Kromatic symmetric function |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Svetlana Makarova, University of Pennsylvania |
| Wed, May 10 2023, 4:10PM | Moduli problems in abelian categories |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Maria Angelica Cueto, Ohio State University |
| Wed, May 3 2023, 4:10PM | Splice type surface singularities and their local tropicalizations |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Denis Nesterov, University of Vienna |
| Wed, Apr 26 2023, 4:10PM | Maps, quasimaps, sheaves and covers |
| Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sam Payne, UT Austin |
| Wed, Apr 19 2023, 4:10PM | K-rings of wonderful varieties and matroids |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Eric Larson, Brown University |
| Wed, Apr 12 2023, 4:10PM | Interpolation for Bill-Noether curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Joshua Wang, Harvard University |
| Wed, Mar 1 2023, 4:10PM | Colored sl(N) homology and SU(N) representations |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Steven Rayan, University of Saskatchewan |
| Wed, Feb 22 2023, 4:10PM | Hyperpolygon spaces, Hitchin systems, and resolutions of finite quotient singularities |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Wenjun Niu, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 15 2023, 4:10PM | Sheaf of VOA associated to hypertoric varieties |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Alexander Goncharov, Yale University/MSRI |
| Wed, Feb 8 2023, 4:10PM | Non-commutative cluster varieties |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Siddarth Kannan, Brown University |
| Wed, Feb 1 2023, 4:10PM | Cohomology of heavy/light moduli spaces of curves |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sheel Ganatra, USC |
| Wed, Nov 30 2022, 12:10PM | Sectorial descent for wrapped Fukaya categories and applications to mirror symmetry |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Louis Esser, UCLA |
| Tue, Nov 22 2022, 12:10PM | Quotient singularities in the Grothendieck ring of varieties |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Rachel Webb, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 16 2022, 12:10PM | Hasset moduli stacks of twisted curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Leonid Rybnikov, Harvard University |
| Mon, Nov 14 2022, 3:10PM | Kashiwara crystals from maximal commutative subalgebras. |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Tudor Padurariu, Columbia University |
| Wed, Nov 9 2022, 12:00PM | Donaldson-Thomas theory of C^3 via matrix factorizations |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Jose Simental, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
| Wed, Oct 12 2022, 3:10PM | Semistandard parking functions, higher rank (q,t)-Catalan numbers and DAHA |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Oscar Kivinen, EPFL |
| Wed, Oct 12 2022, 12:10PM | Invariant distributions for p-adic GL_n and symmetric functions |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Milen Yakimov, Northeastern University |
| Wed, Jun 1 2022, 11:00AM | Root of unity quantum cluster algebras: discriminants, Cayley-Hamilton algebras, and Poisson orders |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Brian Hwang, Cornell University |
| Wed, May 25 2022, 11:00AM | Hidden symmetries of polygons in flag varieties and their mirrors |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Megumi Harada, McMaster University |
| Wed, May 18 2022, 11:00AM | Hessenberg patch ideals, geometric vertex decomposition, and Grobner bases |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Lara Bossinger, Instituto de Matemáticas |
| Wed, May 11 2022, 2:10PM | Families of Gröbner degenerations |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Han-Bom Moon, Fordham University |
| Wed, May 4 2022, 11:00AM | Compatibility of skein algebra and cluster algebra |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Jiuzu Hong, University of North Carolina |
| Wed, Apr 27 2022, 11:00AM | Beilinson-Drinfeld Schubert varieties of parahoric group schemes and global Demazure modules of twisted current algebras |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Benjamin Gammage, Harvard University |
| Wed, Apr 20 2022, 11:00AM | The mirror to an affine blow-up |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Michael Gekhtman, University of Notre Dame |
| Wed, Apr 13 2022, 11:00AM | Generalized cluster structures and periodic difference operators |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peng Zhou, University of California, Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 6 2022, 11:00AM | Variation of GIT quotients and Variation of Lagrangian skeletons |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dylan Allegretti, Tsinghua University |
| Wed, Mar 30 2022, 4:10PM | Stability conditions and hyperbolic geometry |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Roger Casals |
| Wed, Mar 9 2022, 11:00AM | Legendrian knots & Cluster algebras |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Rob Silversmith, Warwick |
| Wed, Mar 2 2022, 11:00AM | Tropical geometry and Hilbert schemes |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Tarig Abdelgadir |
| Wed, Feb 23 2022, 11:00AM | The McKay correspondence via VGIT |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Graham Denham |
| Wed, Feb 9 2022, 11:00AM | The Morgan model of a matroid |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Izzet Coskun, UIC |
| Wed, Feb 2 2022, 1:00PM | Clustered families and applications to Lang-type Conjectures |
977 8744 1758 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Mark de Cataldo |
| Wed, Jan 26 2022, 11:00AM | Some things I know and some I don’t about moduli spaces of Higgs bundles. |
977 8744 1758 Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Joe Kileel, UT Austin |
| Wed, Jan 19 2022, 11:00AM | Decomposing low-rank symmetric tensors |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Robert Crumplin |
| Mon, Jan 10 2022, 11:00AM | Mirror symmetry of Fano orbifolds |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Allen Knutson, Cornell University |
| Tue, Nov 30 2021, 11:00AM | The commuting scheme and generic pipe dreams |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Hunter Dinkins, University of North Carolina |
| Tue, Nov 23 2021, 11:00AM | 3d mirror symmetry and vertex functions |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Erik Carlsson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 16 2021, 11:00AM | GKM spaces and the nabla operator |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Angela Gibney, University of Pennsylvania |
| Tue, Nov 9 2021, 11:00AM | Vector bundles on the moduli space of curves from vertex operator algebras |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daping Weng, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 2 2021, 11:00AM | Cyclic Sieving and Cluster Duality for Grassmannian |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Timothy Logvinenko, Cardiff University |
| Tue, Oct 26 2021, 11:00AM | The Heisenberg category of a category |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Joel Kamntitzer, University of Toronto |
| Tue, Oct 12 2021, 11:00AM | Reverse plane partitions and components of quiver Grassmannians |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | James Hughes, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 5 2021, 11:00AM | Lagrangian fillings of A-type and their Kalman Loop Orbits |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | various, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 5 2021, 10:30AM | ADM+AG seminar meet and greet |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Ivan Danilenko, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Sep 28 2021, 11:00AM | Quantum Differential Equation for Slices in the Affine Grassmannian |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Francesco Sala, University of Pisa |
| Tue, Jun 1 2021, 11:00AM | Two-dimensional cohomological Hall algebras of curves and surfaces, and their categorification |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Melissa Sherman-Bennett, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, May 27 2021, 11:00AM | Cluster structures on subvarieties of the Grassmannian |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Kenny Ascher, Princeton University |
| Tue, May 25 2021, 11:00AM | Birational geometry of moduli spaces of low degree K3 surfaces |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sebastian Torres, University of Massachusetts |
| Tue, May 11 2021, 11:00AM | Bott vanishing using GIT and quantization |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Melody Chan, Brown University |
| Tue, May 4 2021, 11:00AM | The top-weight rational cohomology of A_g |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Giulia Sacca, Columbia University |
| Tue, Apr 27 2021, 11:00AM | Fano manifolds associated to hyperkahler manifolds |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Alexei Oblomkov, University of Massachusetts |
| Tue, Apr 20 2021, 11:00AM | Soergel bimodules and sheaves on the Hilbert scheme of points on plane |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Laura Rider, University of Georgia |
| Tue, Apr 13 2021, 11:00AM | Modular Perverse Sheaves on the Affine Flag Variety |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Richárd Rimányi, University of North Carolina |
| Tue, Apr 6 2021, 11:00AM | Stable envelopes, 3d mirror symmetry, bow varieties |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Andrei Negut, MIT |
| Tue, Mar 30 2021, 11:00AM | On the Beauville-Voisin conjecture for Hilb(K3) |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Davesh Maulik |
| Thu, Mar 11 2021, 1:10PM | Intersection cohomology of the moduli of of 1-dimensional sheaves and the moduli of Higgs bundles |
zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sean Griffin, UCSD |
| Tue, Mar 2 2021, 11:00AM | The Delta conjecture and Springer fibers |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Thomas Lam, U. Mich. |
| Tue, Feb 23 2021, 11:00AM | Positroids, clusters, and Catalan numbers |
zoom: 914 6333 6569 zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Julianna Tymoczko, Smith College |
| Wed, Feb 17 2021, 12:10PM | Comparing different bases of symmetric group representations |
914 6333 6569 Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dan Rutherford, BSU |
| Tue, Feb 9 2021, 11:00AM | Augmentations and immersed Lagrangian fillings |
914 6333 6569 Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Eunjeong Lee, IBS |
| Tue, Feb 2 2021, 4:00PM | Flag varieties and their associated polytopes |
914 6333 6569 Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Ben Bakker, Georgia Tech |
| Tue, Jan 26 2021, 11:00AM | Hodge theory and o-minimality |
Zoom 914 6333 6569 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Andrey Smirnov, UNC |
| Tue, Jan 19 2021, 11:00AM | Elliptic stable envelope for Hilbert scheme of points in the complex plane and 3D mirror symmetry. |
zoom: 914 6333 6569 Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Martha Precup |
| Tue, Jan 12 2021, 11:00AM | The cohomology of nilpotent Hessenberg varieties and the dot action representation |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Robert Crumpin |
| Sun, Jan 10 2021, 11:00AM | TBA |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Caitlyn Booms, University of Wisconsin |
| Wed, Dec 9 2020, 11:00AM | Characteristic dependence of syzygies of random monomial ideals |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Pavlo Pylyavskyy, University of Minnesota |
| Wed, Dec 2 2020, 11:00AM | Morsifications and mutations |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | |
| Wed, Nov 25 2020, 11:00AM | Thanksgiving Week |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daping Weng, Michigan State University |
| Wed, Nov 18 2020, 11:00AM | Augmentations, Fillings, and Clusters |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | |
| Wed, Nov 11 2020, 11:00AM | Veterans Day: No Seminar |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Iva Halacheva, Northeastern University |
| Wed, Nov 4 2020, 12:00PM | Schubert calculus and Lagrangian correspondences |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Ben Wormleighton, Washington University in St. Louis |
| Wed, Oct 28 2020, 11:00PM | Symplectic embeddings via algebraic positivity |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Laura Escobar, Washington University in St. Louis |
| Wed, Oct 21 2020, 11:00AM | Wall-crossing phenomena for Newton-Okounkov bodies |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | José Simental Rodríguez, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 14 2020, 11:00AM | Parabolic Hilbert schemes and representation theory |
Virtual MSB AG Zoom Link | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Man-Wai Mandy Cheung, Harvard University |
| Wed, Oct 7 2020, 11:00AM | Polytopes, wall crossings, and cluster varieties |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Pablo Boixeda Álvarez, MIT |
| Wed, Jun 3 2020, 1:10PM | On the center of the small quantum group |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Gurbir Dhillon, Stanford University |
| Wed, May 27 2020, 1:10PM | Steinberg-Whittaker localization and affine Harish--Chandra bimodules |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sean Griffin, University of Washington |
| Wed, May 20 2020, 1:10PM | Springer fibers, rank varieties, and generalized coinvariant rings |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Maria Angelica Cueto, OSU |
| Wed, May 6 2020, 1:10PM | Combinatorics and real lifts of bitangents to tropical quartic curves |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peter Crooks, Northeastern University |
| Wed, Apr 29 2020, 1:10PM | Poisson slices and Hessenberg varieties |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Bernd Sturmfels, UC Berkeley and MPI Leipzig |
| Wed, Apr 22 2020, 1:10PM | Theta surfaces |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Vasily Krylov, MIT |
| Wed, Apr 8 2020, 1:10PM | Generalized slices in the affine Grassmanian for minuscule cocharacters and applications |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Niklas Garner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 1 2020, 1:10PM | Coulomb branches and plane curve singularities |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Laura Escobar, Washington University in St. Louis |
| Wed, Mar 11 2020, 12:10PM | Postponed to a later date |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Matej Penciak, Northeastern University |
| Wed, Mar 4 2020, 12:10PM | Geometric Action-Angle Coordinates for Calogero-Moser type systems |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Isabel Vogt, Stanford University |
| Wed, Feb 26 2020, 12:10PM | Stability of normal bundles of space curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Kostya Tolmachov, University of Toronto |
| Wed, Feb 19 2020, 12:10PM | Symmetric braiding on the derived category of character sheaves on GL(n) |
Virtual MSB | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Pavlo Pylyavskyy, University of Minnesota |
| Wed, Feb 12 2020, 11:00AM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Anne Dranowski, University of Toronto |
| Wed, Feb 5 2020, 12:10PM | Measuring bases |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Matteo Altavilla, University of Utah |
| Wed, Jan 29 2020, 12:10PM | Moduli spaces on the Kuznetsov component of Fano threefolds of index 2 |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Svetlana Makarova, MIT |
| Wed, Jan 22 2020, 12:10PM | Generalizing the Strange Duality for K3 surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Jose Simental Rodriguez, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 15 2020, 12:10PM | Representations of quantized Gieseker varieties with minimal support |
Zoom | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Martha Precup |
| Wed, Jan 15 2020, 11:00AM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dragos Oprea, UCSD |
| Tue, Nov 19 2019, 3:10PM | Virtual invariants of Quot schemes of surfaces |
MSB 3106 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peter Koroteev, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Nov 14 2019, 1:10PM | q-Opers, QQ-Systems and Bethe Ansatz |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Hannah Larson, Stanford University |
| Wed, Nov 6 2019, 11:00AM | A refined Brill-Noether theory over Hurwitz spaces |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Roger Casals, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 30 2019, 11:30AM | Flag Moduli and Microlocal Sheaves |
MSB 3106 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Oscar Kivinen, Caltech |
| Thu, Oct 17 2019, 2:00PM | Rational Cherednik algebras and generalized affine Springer fibers |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Steven Bradlow |
| Wed, Oct 16 2019, 11:00AM | Exotic components of surface group representation varieties, and their Higgs bundle avatars |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dustin Ross, USF |
| Thu, Oct 10 2019, 3:10PM | Pseudo-stable Hodge integrals |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dori Bejleri, Harvard University |
| Wed, Oct 2 2019, 11:00AM | Compact moduli of higher dimensional varieties and wall-crossing |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dun Qiu, UCSD |
| Wed, May 29 2019, 1:10PM | Some conjectures about column LLT polynomials |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dmitry Vaintrob, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 22 2019, 1:10PM | On a program of Kontsevich and framed logarithmic curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Andras Lorincz, Purdue University |
| Wed, May 8 2019, 1:10PM | Equivariant D-modules on varieties with finitely many orbits |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sam Grushevsky, Stony Brook University |
| Wed, May 1 2019, 1:10PM | Cohomology of compactifications of moduli of cubic threefolds |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Laure Flapan, Northeastern University |
| Wed, Apr 24 2019, 1:10PM | Monodromy of Kodaira fibrations |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Kristin DeVleming, UCSD |
| Wed, Apr 17 2019, 1:10PM | Comparing compactifications of the moduli space of plane curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Sam Payne, UT Austin |
| Wed, Apr 10 2019, 1:10PM | Top weight cohomology of M_{g,n} |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dima Arinkin, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
| Wed, Apr 3 2019, 1:10PM | Cameral covers and Higgs bundles: additive, multiplicative, and elliptic. |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Claus Scheiderer, Universität Konstanz |
| Wed, Mar 20 2019, 1:10PM | Spectrahedra and their geometry |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Hiro Lee Tanaka, Harvard |
| Wed, Mar 13 2019, 1:10PM | A stack of broken lines, associativity, and Morse theory of a point |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | David Nadler, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 6 2019, 1:10PM | Real and symmetric matrices |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Alex Perry, Columbia |
| Wed, Feb 27 2019, 1:10PM | Stability conditions and cubic fourfolds |
msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Nick Addington, U of Oregon |
| Wed, Feb 20 2019, 1:10PM | Exoflops |
msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Wei Ho, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Feb 13 2019, 1:10PM | Splitting Brauer classes with the universal Albanese |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Yun Shi, University of Illinois |
| Wed, Feb 6 2019, 1:10PM | Orientation data for coherent sheaves on local P2 |
msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Aaron Landesman, Stanford |
| Wed, Jan 30 2019, 1:10PM | The geometric average size of Selmer groups over function fields |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Ben Lim, Stanford |
| Wed, Jan 23 2019, 1:10PM | Algebraization theorems for coherent sheaves on stacks |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Tudor Dimofte, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 22 2019, 11:00AM | 3d Mirror Symmetry and HOMFLY-PT Homology |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Pablo Solis, Stanford University |
| Wed, Jan 9 2019, 1:10PM | Natural Cohomology on P^1 x P^1 |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | David Stapleton, UC San Diego |
| Wed, Dec 5 2018, 1:10PM | Tautological bundles on Hilbert schemes of points |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Oscar Kivinen, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 28 2018, 1:10PM | Lusztig-Yun theory in type A |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Minh-Tam Trinh, University of Chicago |
| Wed, Nov 14 2018, 1:10PM | Algebraic braids and the topology of Hitchin maps |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Jose Gonzalez, UC Riverside |
| Wed, Nov 7 2018, 1:10PM | Cox rings and two families of negative curves |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Emily Clader, San Francisco State University |
| Tue, Oct 30 2018, 2:30PM | Wall-crossing in Gromov-Witten theory |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Adrian Zahaiuc, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 24 2018, 1:30PM | The Severi problem for abelian surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Cheng-Chiang Tsai, Stanford University |
| Wed, Oct 17 2018, 1:10PM | Local compactified Jacobians of planar curve singularities and harmonic analysis |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Tina Kanstrup, University of Bonn |
| Thu, Oct 11 2018, 1:00PM | The Oblomkov-Rozansky link invariant and the Gorsky-Negut-Rasmussen conjecture. |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Madeline Brandt, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 10 2018, 1:10PM | Slack Realization Space of a Matroid |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Rahul Singh, Northeastern University |
| Wed, Sep 26 2018, 1:10PM | The Conormal Variety of a Schubert Variety |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 31 2018, 1:10PM | Arthur and Merlin encounter Hilbert's Nullstellensatz |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Zev Rosengarten, Stanford University |
| Thu, May 24 2018, 1:10PM | Tamagawa numbers of linear algebraic groups |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Peter Koroteev, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 17 2018, 1:10PM | A-type Quiver Varieties and ADHM Moduli Spaces |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Song Sun, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, May 10 2018, 1:10PM | Singularities of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections and reflexive sheaves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Eric Larson, MIT |
| Tue, May 8 2018, 1:10PM | The maximal rank conjecture |
MSB 1147 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Isabel Vogt, MIT |
| Mon, May 7 2018, 4:10PM | Interpolation problems for curves in projective space |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Yoav Len, University of Waterloo |
| Thu, May 3 2018, 1:10PM | Tropical dual varieties |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Tom Bridgeland, University of Sheffield |
| Thu, Apr 26 2018, 1:10PM | Riemann-Hilbert problems from Donaldson-Thomas theory |
MSB 3106 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Alina Marian, Northeastern University |
| Thu, Apr 19 2018, 1:10PM | Segre integrals over Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces |
MSB 3106 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Arthur Ogus, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Apr 12 2018, 1:10PM | Monodromy and log geometry |
MSB 3106 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Zhengyu Zong, Tsinghua University |
| Thu, Apr 5 2018, 1:10PM | Torus knots, open Gromov-Witten invariants, and topological recursion |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Cornell University |
| Wed, Mar 14 2018, 11:00AM | Beyond geometric invariant theory |
msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Columbia University |
| Wed, Mar 14 2018, 11:00AM | Beyond geometric invariant theory |
msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Erik Carlsson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 7 2018, 11:00AM | diagonal coinvariants and affine Schubert calculus |
Msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Alexei Oblomkov, UMass Amherst |
| Wed, Feb 28 2018, 11:00AM | Virasoro constraints for PT theory |
Msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Andrei Negut |
| Wed, Feb 21 2018, 11:00AM | Hecke correspondences for a general surfac3 |
Msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Ben Bakker, University of Georgia |
| Wed, Feb 14 2018, 11:00AM | Transcendence of period maps |
Msb 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Michael Kemeny, Stanford |
| Wed, Feb 7 2018, 11:00AM | On the possible Betti numbers of a canonical curve |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Andrew Snowden, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Jan 31 2018, 11:00AM | Bounding ideal invariants |
| Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Jose Simental Rodríguez, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 24 2018, 11:00AM | Fully supported Harish-Chandra bimodules for rational Cherednik algebras |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Eugene Gorsky, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 17 2018, 11:00AM | Khovanov-Rozansky homology and Hilbert schemes of points. |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Andrew Snowden, University of Michigan |
| Mon, Jan 15 2018, 11:00AM | TBA |
MPS 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | David Treumann, Boston College |
| Wed, Jan 10 2018, 11:00AM | F fields |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Philip Engel, Harvard University |
| Wed, Dec 6 2017, 11:00AM | Tilings and Hurwitz theory |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Daniel Litt, Columbia University |
| Wed, Nov 29 2017, 11:00AM | Arithmetic representations of fundamental groups |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | John Calabrese, Rice University |
| Wed, Nov 15 2017, 4:10PM | Comparison Formulae for Donaldson-Thomas curve counts |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Adrian Zahariuc, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 8 2017, 11:00AM | The irreducibility of the generalized Severi varieties |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Dmitry Zakharov, Central Michigan University |
| Wed, Nov 1 2017, 11:00AM | Effective calculations in the tautological ring of curves |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Nick Proudfoot, University of Oregon |
| Wed, Oct 25 2017, 4:10PM | The quantum Hikita conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Adam Gyenge, University of British Columbia |
| Wed, Oct 18 2017, 11:00AM | Euler characteristics of Hilbert schemes of simple surface singularities |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Maria Angelica Cueto, Ohio State University |
| Wed, Oct 11 2017, 11:00AM | Anticanonical tropical del Pezzo cubic surfaces contain exactly 27 lines. |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Erik Carlsson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 4 2017, 11:00AM | Geometry and the Dyck path algebra |
MSB 2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | Andrey Smirnov, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Sep 27 2017, 11:00AM | Quantum K-theory of Nakajima varieties |
2112 | Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | |
| Wed, Dec 31 1969, 1:00PM | q-Opers, QQ-Systems and Bethe Ansatz |