Course Information
Lectures: MWF at 9am in Art 204 by Prof. Casals. Attendance not mandatory. Facilities did not provide this lecture room with video capturing technology, so lectures cannot be video recorded. The Math Diaries below will contain precise details on the content of each lecture, which textbook section is reading assigned to each lecture and, when possible, lecture notes.
Recitations: T at 4:10pm (Section 1) and 5:10pm (Section 2) in Bainer Hall 1128 by TA Scroggin. Attendance not mandatory.
Textbook: Linear Algebra As An Introduction To Abstract Mathematics by I. Lankham, B. Nachtergaele and A. Schilling. If you want to start reading before the course starts, please try reading Chapters 1 and 4.
Syllabus: The course syllabus for course guidelines. Please do read the syllabus carefully, many questions you might have are answered in the syllabus.
Office Hours and Contact Information: The office hours of Professor Casals ( are Mondays 2-3pm and Wednesday 2-3pm at MSB 3214. Always feel free to ask after class. The office hours for Tonie Scroggin will be available soon.
Piazza: The Piazza for this course is "MAT 067 A01-A02 SQ 2024" ( You can access the Piazza forum through the UC Davis Canvas MAT-67 course.
Important Dates: First Day (Apr 1), First Midterm Test (Apr 26), Second Midterm Test (May 31), Final Exam (June 13).
Additional dates: Add Date (Apr 16), Drop Date (Apr 26), Last Day of Instruction (June 6).
Problem Sets: Weekly assignments due on Fridays at 9am through Gradescope.