QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Ranard, Caltech |
| Mon, Mar 10 2025, 4:10PM | Working toward a classification of 2D topological phases |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Spiegel, UC Davis |
| Mon, Feb 24 2025, 4:10PM | A Classifying Space for Phases of Matrix Product States |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Oliver Siebert, UC Davis |
| Mon, Feb 10 2025, 4:10PM | Lieb-Robinson bounds for a class of continuum fermions |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Svetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Feb 3 2025, 4:10PM | Dual Lyapunov exponents and the robust ten martini problem |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Dan-Virgil Voiculescu, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Jan 13 2025, 4:10PM | A hydrodynamic exercise in free probability: free Euler equations |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sam Blitz, Brno |
| Mon, Dec 9 2024, 3:10PM | Higher Fundamental Forms and Warped Products |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Abi Gopal, UC Davis |
| Mon, Dec 2 2024, 3:10PM | A numerical procedure for computing Wannier functions for one-dimensional crystalline systems |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Chen, Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
| Mon, Nov 25 2024, 3:10PM | The Yamabe flow on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 18 2024, 3:10PM | The charge gap is greater than the neutral gap in fractional quantum Hall systems |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, Davis |
| Mon, Nov 4 2024, 3:10PM | Renormalized Yang-Mills Energy |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Stephen McKeown, UT Dallas |
| Mon, Oct 28 2024, 2:30PM | Volume renormalization of higher-dimensional singular Yamabe metrics |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anton Kapustin, Caltech |
| Mon, Oct 21 2024, 3:10PM | An anomaly index for locality-preserving symmetries of spin chains |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Atakan Hilmi Firat, UC Davis |
| Mon, Sep 30 2024, 2:10PM | String Field Theory: An Introduction |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alex Elgart, Virginia Tech |
| Thu, Sep 19 2024, 11:00AM | Localization properties of the random XXZ spin chain |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jess Riedel, NTT Research |
| Mon, Jun 3 2024, 4:10PM | The $\hbar\to 0$ limit of open quantum systems with general Lindbladians: vanishing noise ensures classicality beyond the Ehrenfest time |
PSEL/QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Maciej Kolanowski, UCSB |
| Mon, May 20 2024, 4:10PM | Breakdown of effective field theory near cool black holes |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Gang Zhou, Binghamton |
| Mon, May 13 2024, 4:10PM | ETH approach of quantum measurement |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Israel Michael Sigal, University of Toronto |
| Mon, May 6 2024, 3:10PM | TBA |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Israel Klich, University of Virginia |
| Fri, May 3 2024, 2:10PM | Quantum wakes, stirring by staring and other non-equilibrium problems. |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Lin Lin, Berkeley |
| Mon, Apr 22 2024, 4:10PM | Exact ground state of interacting electrons in magic angle graphene |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Spiegel, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 15 2024, 4:10PM | Contracting Families of Pure States on an Infinite Lattice |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tzu-Mo Kuo, Santa Cruz |
| Mon, Apr 8 2024, 4:10PM | Conformal circles, local diffeomorphisms, and their holographic interpretation |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Markus Pflaum, University of Colorado Boulder |
| Mon, Mar 11 2024, 3:10PM | Deformation Quantization and Homological Reduction of a Lattice Gauge Model |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Chen, Berkeley |
| Mon, Mar 4 2024, 3:00PM | The CR Neumann problem on the domain in S^3 bounded by the Clifford torus |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Colleen Delaney, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Feb 26 2024, 3:10PM | On the classification of (2+1)D topological order via modular fusion categories |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Christian Ferko, U.C. Davis |
| Mon, Feb 12 2024, 3:10PM | Duality-Invariant Non-linear Electrodynamics and Stress Tensor Flows |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Constantin Teleman, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Feb 5 2024, 3:10PM | Quantization commutes with reduction again |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, U.C. Davis |
| Mon, Jan 29 2024, 3:10PM | Quantum mechanics from classical mechanics with restricted set of observables |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Subho Chatterjee, UC Davis |
| Mon, Jan 22 2024, 3:10PM | Probabilities and Supergeometry: Measurement theory for dynamical discrete systems |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jared Marx-Kuo, Stanford |
| Mon, Dec 11 2023, 3:10PM | An Inverse Problem for Renormalized Area/Entanglement Entropy |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nilin Abrahamsen, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Nov 27 2023, 3:10PM | Anti-symmetric Barron functions and their approximation with sums of determinants |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Adam Artymowicz, Caltech |
| Mon, Nov 20 2023, 3:10PM | Results on some invariants of parametrized quantum systems |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Siddharth Vadnerkar, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 13 2023, 3:10PM | Quantum double models in the infinite volume have finitely many anyon types |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sven Bachmann, University of British Columbia |
| Mon, Nov 6 2023, 3:10PM | Classifying loops of symmetry-protected states |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Mukund Rangamani, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 30 2023, 3:10PM | Thermal correlators and Fuchsian ODEs |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Colleen Delaney, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Oct 23 2023, 3:10PM | On the classification of (2+1)D topological order via modular fusion categories |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Petr Vlachopolus, Brno |
| Mon, Oct 9 2023, 3:10PM | Eigenvalue flow on minimal hypersurfaces in S^n |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Otis Chodosh, Stanford |
| Mon, Oct 2 2023, 3:10PM | The p-widths of a surface |
QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Mon, Sep 25 2023, 3:10PM | Conformally Compact Yang--Mills |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alex Thomson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 6 2023, 4:10PM | The dramatic effect of spin-orbit coupling in correlated graphene |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Angelo Lucia, U Complutense de Madrid |
| Wed, May 31 2023, 3:10PM | Spectral gap of decorated AKLT models |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ian Jauslin, Rutgers U |
| Tue, May 30 2023, 4:10PM | Non-perturbative behavior of interacting Bosons at intermediate densities |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Spiegel, U Colorado, Boulder |
| Tue, May 23 2023, 4:10PM | Phases of Parametrized Quantum Spin Systems in One Spatial Dimension |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ilya Kachkovskiy, Michigan State U |
| Tue, May 16 2023, 4:10PM | Anderson localization for quasiperiodic operators with monotone potentials: perturbative and non-perturbative methods |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sandy Irani, UC Irvine and Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing |
| Tue, May 9 2023, 4:10PM | Computational Complexity of Quantum Systems |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nikita Sopenko, Caltech |
| Tue, May 2 2023, 4:10PM | Chiral topologically ordered states on a lattice from vertex operator algebra |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Yasha Naiman, OIST |
| Fri, Apr 28 2023, 12:10PM | Locality of higher-spin gravity in de Sitter vs. Anti-de Sitter space. |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nicholas Sherman, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Apr 25 2023, 4:10PM | *CANCELED* Dynamical signatures for triangular lattice quantum spin liquids |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alex Bols, Caltech |
| Tue, Apr 18 2023, 4:10PM | The double semion state in infinite volume |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Martin Fraas, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 11 2023, 4:10PM | A classification of G-charge Thouless pumps in 1D invertible states |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sanjay Moudgalya, Caltech |
| Tue, Apr 4 2023, 4:10PM | Unconventional Symmetries in Quantum Many-Body Physics |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Joel Fine, ULB |
| Fri, Mar 17 2023, 12:00PM | Knots, minimal surfaces and J-holomorphic curves |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tristan Benoist, Institute of Mathematics Toulouse |
| Fri, Mar 10 2023, 12:10PM | Repeated quantum measurements: Vanishing of entropy production and quantum detailed balance |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Penelope Gehring |
QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Yonah Borns-Weil, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Feb 17 2023, 12:00PM | Observable Trotter error bounds in the semiclassical regime |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Aaron Tyrell, Texas Tech. |
| Fri, Feb 10 2023, 12:10PM | Renormalized Area for Minimal Hypersurfaes of 5-dimensional Poincare--Einstein Manifolds |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jared Marx-Kuo, Stanford |
| Fri, Oct 7 2022, 11:00AM | Variations of Renormalized Volume for Minimal Submanifolds of Poincare-Einstein Spaces |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | George Zahariade, Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
| Fri, Sep 16 2022, 12:10PM | Quantum formation of topological defects |
THE INTERNET ZOOM | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vasileio Lestos, York University |
| Fri, Aug 12 2022, 11:00AM | The gravitino field theory in N-dimensional de Sitter space is not unitary unless N=4 |
PSEL/QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Victor Py, U.C. Davis |
| Fri, May 27 2022, 12:10PM | 2D T\bar{T}-deformed Conformal Field Theories from 4D Chern-Simons Theory |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Amir Sagiv, Colombia University |
| Fri, May 20 2022, 12:10PM | Floquet Hamiltonians - effective gaps and resonant decay |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jacob Shapiro, Princeton University |
| Fri, May 13 2022, 12:10PM | Monotonicity theorems for integer-valued fields and delocalization in two-dimensions |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Cem Yetişmişoğlu, Koç University |
| Fri, Apr 22 2022, 12:10PM | Scale covariant theories of gravity and three dimensional examples |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jaroslav Kopinski, Warsaw |
| Fri, Apr 15 2022, 12:10PM | Conformal fundamental forms and asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes |
PSEL/QMAP + ZOOM 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Emanuele Latini, Bologna |
| Fri, Apr 8 2022, 12:10PM | Quantum principal bundles and non commutative differential calculus |
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Thomas Weber, Bologna |
| Fri, Apr 1 2022, 12:10PM | Star products induced by Drinfel'd twists |
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Emanuele Latini, Bologna |
| Wed, Mar 30 2022, 12:07PM | Quantum principal bundles and non commutative differential calculus |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Simone Warzel, Technical University Munich |
| Fri, Mar 25 2022, 11:00AM | POSTPONED |
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Thomas Weber, University of Bologna |
| Fri, Mar 11 2022, 11:00AM | POSTPONED -- Star products induced by Drinfel'd twists |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Thomas Weber, University of Bologna |
| Fri, Mar 11 2022, 11:00AM | Star products induced by Drinfel'd twists |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Maciej Zworski, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Feb 25 2022, 11:00AM | Magic angles for a model of twisted bilayer graphene |
QMAP/PSEL 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Svetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Irvine |
| Fri, Feb 25 2022, 11:00AM | POSTPONED |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jie Qing, Santa Cruz |
| Fri, Feb 18 2022, 11:00PM | Asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein manifolds and conformal geometry |
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roberto Bonezzi, Humboldt University, Berlin |
| Fri, Feb 11 2022, 11:00AM | The quantum O(D,D) string and its anomalies |
ZOOM | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Benjamin McMillan, University of Adelaide |
| Fri, Jan 28 2022, 3:00PM | Calabi operators for locally symmetric spaces |
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Thomas Weber, Bologna |
| Mon, Jan 24 2022, 11:00AM | TBA |
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andreas Cap, Vienna |
| Fri, Jan 14 2022, 11:00AM | Tractors and AH-mass |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jie Qing, Santa Cruz |
| Thu, Jan 13 2022, 11:00PM | TBA |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jie Qing, Santa Cruz |
| Thu, Jan 13 2022, 11:00PM | TBA |
PSEL/QMAP 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jie Qing, Santa Cruz |
| Wed, Jan 12 2022, 11:00AM | TBA |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sourav Chatterjee, Stanford University |
| Wed, Jan 5 2022, 1:10PM | Some progress on 3D Yang-Mills |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Michele Schiavina, ETH Zurich |
| Fri, Dec 3 2021, 11:00AM | BV-BFV approach to General Relativity |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Martin Fraas, UC Davis |
| Fri, Nov 19 2021, 11:00AM | Stability against large perturbations of invertible, frustration-free ground states |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Fri, Nov 12 2021, 11:00AM | Quantization of Contact Structures |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roger Casals, UC Davis |
| Fri, Nov 5 2021, 11:00AM | An overview on h-principles: what was, is and might be |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Gabriel Herzceg, Brown |
| Fri, Oct 29 2021, 11:00AM | The Newman-Penrose Map and the Classical Double Copy |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Isaac Kim, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 22 2021, 11:00AM | Entropy scaling law and the quantum marginal problem |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sam Blitz, Davis |
| Fri, Oct 15 2021, 11:00AM | Conformal Fundamental Forms |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Amanda Young, Technical University Munich |
| Fri, Oct 8 2021, 11:00AM | A bulk gap in the presence of edge states for a Haldane pseudopotential |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tudor Dimofte, UC Davis - U Edinburgh |
| Fri, Oct 1 2021, 11:00AM | QFT's for non-semisimple TQFT's |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anton Kapustin, Caltech |
| Fri, Sep 24 2021, 11:00AM | Local Noether theorem for quantum lattice systems and applications |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Yves de Verdiere, Grenoble |
| Fri, Jun 4 2021, 11:10AM | Spirally Reebs--postponed |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Michael Entov, Technion |
| Thu, May 27 2021, 9:00AM | Contact topology and non-equilibrium thermodynamics |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sean Curry, Oklahoma State |
| Fri, May 21 2021, 11:00AM | Obstruction Flat Rigidity of the CR 3-Sphere |
Zoom o verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Kirill Krasnov, Nottingham |
| Fri, May 14 2021, 11:00AM | Chiral connection formalism for GR and a new local rigidity result for Einstein 4-manifolds |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Stephen McKeown, UT Dallas |
| Fri, Apr 30 2021, 11:00AM | Renormalized volume of half-bounded regions in Einstein spaces |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tatsuki Kuwagaki, Osaka University |
| Fri, Apr 23 2021, 4:10PM | Sheaf quantization and exact WKB analysis |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Fei Yan, Rutgers |
| Fri, Apr 16 2021, 11:00AM | Networks and the quantum trace map |
Zoom 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Spyros Alexakis, University of Toronto |
| Fri, Apr 2 2021, 11:00AM | Metric reconstruction from minimal surface areas |
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258 Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jennifer Brown, UC Davis |
| Fri, Mar 12 2021, 11:00AM | Racks and Quantum Invariants |
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Laura Fredrickson, University of Oregon |
| Fri, Mar 5 2021, 11:00AM | ALG Gravitational Instantons and Hitchin Moduli Spaces |
9 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | |
| Tue, Mar 2 2021, 9:18PM | TBA |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tatsuki Kuwagaki |
| Tue, Mar 2 2021, 9:18PM | TBA |
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Fei Yan, Rutgers |
| Tue, Mar 2 2021, 11:00AM | TBA |
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anne Schilling, UC Davis |
| Fri, Feb 26 2021, 11:00AM | Crystals: Inspiration from physics to mathematics ... and vice versa |
PSEL/QMAP 3024 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Svetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Irvine |
| Thu, Feb 25 2021, 11:00AM | TBA |
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roger Casals, UC Davis |
| Fri, Feb 19 2021, 11:00AM | Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian links--how learning some physics paid off for me |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Renata Picciotto, Columbia University |
| Fri, Feb 12 2021, 11:00AM | Stable maps with fields |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Lara B. Anderson, Virginia Tech |
| Fri, Feb 5 2021, 11:00AM | String Compactifications and Hitchin Systems |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vincent Bouchard, University of Alberta |
| Fri, Jan 29 2021, 11:00AM | The topological recursion/quantum curve correspondence for spectral curves with essential singularities |
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Chiara Esposito, University of Salerno |
| Fri, Dec 4 2020, 11:00AM | Formality and Twisting |
Zoom-o-sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pierre Bieliavsky, Universite Catholique de Louvain |
| Fri, Nov 20 2020, 11:00AM | Higher spin algebras, Drinfel'd twists and Rankin-Cohen brackets |
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Niklas Garner, U.C. Davis |
| Fri, Nov 13 2020, 11:00AM | Twisting 3d Gauge Theories |
Zoom o sphere Zoom room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Michele Schiavina, ETH Zurich |
| Fri, Nov 6 2020, 11:00AM | Ruelle zeta function from field theory |
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Matt Gursky, Notre Dame |
| Fri, Oct 30 2020, 11:00AM | Renormalized volume in dimension four |
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nathan Haouzi, Simons Center |
| Fri, Oct 23 2020, 11:00AM | On the Quantization of Seiberg-Witten Geometry |
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Various, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 16 2020, 11:00AM | Meet and Greet |
Zoom-o-sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pavel Mnev, Notre Dame |
| Fri, Oct 9 2020, 11:00AM | Two-dimensional perturbative scalar field theory with polynomial potential and cutting-gluing |
Zoom o sphere Zoom room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pavel Mnev, Notre Dame |
| Fri, Oct 9 2020, 11:00AM | Two-dimensional perturbative scalar field theory with polynomial potential and cutting-gluing |
Zoom Room 975 4218 6104 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Matt Gursky, Notre Dame |
| Mon, Oct 5 2020, 11:00AM | TBA |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eugene Skvortsov, AEI Potsdam |
| Fri, Oct 2 2020, 11:00AM | Quantum Higher Spin Gravity and three-dimensional bosonization duality |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roberto Bonezzi, Humboldt University, Berlin |
| Fri, May 29 2020, 11:00AM | A worldline theory for gravity |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Minhyong Kim, Warwick |
| Fri, May 22 2020, 11:00AM | Arithmetic topological quantum field theory: some examples and speculations |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anton Mellit, Vienna |
| Fri, May 15 2020, 11:00AM | Cell decompositions of character varieties and motivification of knot invariants |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Melissa Sherman-Bennett, UC Berkeley & Harvard University |
| Fri, May 8 2020, 11:00AM | Many cluster structures on Schubert varieties in the Grassmannian |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ori Ganor, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, May 1 2020, 11:00AM | Six-dimensional Curvepoles - Conjectures and Challenges |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Sharpe, U. Virginia |
| Fri, Apr 24 2020, 11:00AM | Developments in the Bagger-Witten and Hodge line bundles |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Miroslav Rapcak, Berkeley |
| Fri, Apr 17 2020, 11:00AM | Extensions of Kac-Moody Algebras and Calabi-Yau Singularities |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Adrien Brochier -- postponed, Jussieu |
| Fri, Apr 10 2020, 1:10PM | TBA |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David Jordan, Edinburgh |
| Fri, Apr 10 2020, 11:00AM | Cluster quantization from stratified factorization homology |
Zoom | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Thomas Creutzig, Univ. of Alberta |
| Fri, Apr 3 2020, 11:00AM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Azat Gainutdinov, Institut Denis Poisson |
| Fri, Mar 13 2020, 12:00PM | 3-Dimensional Topological QFTs from Non-Semisimple Modular Categories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | James Tener, Australian National University |
| Fri, Mar 6 2020, 12:00PM | Thin cobordisms in conformal field theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ivan Losev, Yale University |
| Fri, Feb 21 2020, 12:10PM | Harish-Chandra bimodules over quantized symplectic singularities |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Chris Fraser, University of Minnesota |
| Fri, Feb 14 2020, 12:00PM | Braiding for Grassmannian cluster algebras |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pavel Etingof, MIT |
| Tue, Feb 4 2020, 4:10PM | Short star-products for filtered quantizations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tudor Dimofte, UC Davis |
| Fri, Jan 31 2020, 12:00PM | Boundary chiral algebras |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Harold Williams, UC Davis |
| Fri, Jan 24 2020, 12:00PM | Canonical Bases for Coulomb Branches |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jie Qing, UC Santa Cruz |
| Fri, Jan 17 2020, 12:00PM | On asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Constantin Teleman, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Jan 10 2020, 12:00PM | Coulomb branches for quaternionic representations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pietro Longhi, ETH |
| Fri, Dec 13 2019, 11:00AM | Physics and geometry of the knots-quivers correspondence |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Neitzke, Yale University and University of Texas, Austin |
| Fri, Dec 6 2019, 11:00AM | Abelianization and its $q$-deformation |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Douglas, University of Southern California |
| Fri, Nov 22 2019, 11:00AM | Classical and quantum traces coming from SL_n(C) and U_q(sl_n) |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vladimir Fock, Université de Strasbourg and CNRS |
| Fri, Nov 15 2019, 11:10AM | Tau-function on Riemann surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anna Wienhard, Universität Heidelberg |
| Fri, Nov 8 2019, 11:00AM | Higher Teichmüller spaces and positivity |
MAB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Richard A. Wentworth, University of Maryland |
| Fri, Nov 1 2019, 11:00AM | WKB, Opers, and Limiting Configurations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David R. Morrison, UC Santa Barbara |
| Fri, Oct 25 2019, 11:00AM | The Kähler Cone of the Mirror Quintic |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sara Venkatesh, Stanford University |
| Fri, Oct 18 2019, 11:00AM | Closed-string mirror symmetry for subdomains |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Peter Merkx, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 11 2019, 11:00AM | $F$-theory and a duality in the string landscape |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roger Casals, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 4 2019, 11:10AM | Spectral Legendrians and the Non-Abelianization Map |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alexander Goncharov, Yale University and MSRI |
| Fri, Sep 27 2019, 11:00AM | Quantum geometry of moduli spaces of flat connections and representation theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Thomas Dumitrescu, UCLA |
| Fri, May 31 2019, 12:10PM | Aspects of Adjoint QCD in Four Dimensions (joint FSG/QMAP seminar) |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Stephen Shenker, Stanford |
| Fri, May 24 2019, 3:10PM | Colloquium: Black holes, random matrices, topological recursion and D-branes |
| Mathematical Physics Seminar | |
| Fri, May 24 2019, 12:10PM | ~moved: see 3pm colloquium~ |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eugene Rabinovich, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, May 10 2019, 12:10PM | Renormalization of Gauge Theories on Manifolds with Boundary |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Fri, May 3 2019, 12:10PM | Geometric approach to quantum theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Benjamin Gammage, Berkeley |
| Thu, May 2 2019, 3:30PM | Mirror symmetry and K-theoretic Coulomb branches |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roland van der Veen, Groningen |
| Fri, Apr 26 2019, 12:10PM | From rec-tangles to Gaussians |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Natalie Paquette, Caltech |
| Fri, Apr 12 2019, 12:10PM | Duality Interfaces and the 4-simplex |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Curtis Porter, North Carolina State |
| Fri, Mar 15 2019, 11:00AM | Spinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sakura Schaefer-Nameki, Oxford |
| Fri, Mar 8 2019, 11:00AM | --Rescheduled!-- |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Dan Berwick-Evans, UI Urbana-Champagn |
| Mon, Mar 4 2019, 2:10PM | Elliptic cohomology and quantum field theory |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nathan Seiberg, IAS |
| Fri, Mar 1 2019, 4:10PM | QMAP Colloquium: Symmetries, Duality, and the Unity of Physics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nathan Haouzi, Simons Center |
| Fri, Mar 1 2019, 11:00AM | Wilson Lines, Instantons, and Deformed W-algebras |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vivek Shende, Berkeley |
| Fri, Feb 22 2019, 11:00AM | Skeins on Branes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Junya Yagi, Perimeter Institute |
| Fri, Feb 15 2019, 11:00AM | Unification of integrability in supersymmetric gauge theories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Justin Hilburn, U Penn |
| Fri, Feb 1 2019, 11:00AM | Symplectic duality is mirror symmetry of loop spaces |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nathan Geer, Utah State |
| Tue, Jan 22 2019, 12:30PM | Re-normalized Link invariants |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nezhla Aghaei, Universitaet Bern |
| Fri, Jan 11 2019, 11:00AM | Quantisation of Chern Simons theory with super gauge group |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Constantin Teleman, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Jan 10 2019, 2:11AM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Martin Luu, UC Davis |
| Fri, Dec 7 2018, 12:00PM | Feigin-Frenkel image of the generalized Witten-Kontsevich point |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Martin Luu, U.C. Davis |
| Fri, Dec 7 2018, 12:00PM | TBA |
| Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vladimir Chernov, Dartmouth |
| Fri, Nov 30 2018, 12:00PM | Causality and Legendrian linking |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Xiaomeng Xu, MIT |
| Fri, Nov 16 2018, 12:00AM | Stokes phenomenon, Yang-Baxter equations and Frobenius manifolds. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Peter Koroteev, Davis |
| Fri, Nov 9 2018, 12:00PM | Q-opers and Quantum/Classical duality |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Azeem Hasan, CUNY |
| Fri, Nov 2 2018, 12:00PM | Graded Quivers, Toric Calabi Yaus and B-Branes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Steve Carlip, U.C. Davis |
| Fri, Oct 26 2018, 12:00PM | A Crazy Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Saebyeok Jeong, SUNY Stony Brook/Simons Center |
| Fri, Oct 19 2018, 12:00PM | Opers, surface defects, and Yang-Yang functional |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Curtis Porter, NCSU |
| Fri, Oct 12 2018, 12:00PM | Spinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Dmitri Galakhov, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Oct 5 2018, 12:00AM | Knot invariants from A-branes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pavel Mnev, Chicago |
| Fri, May 25 2018, 12:10PM | 2d Yang-Mills on surfaces with corners in BV formalism |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anindya Dey, Rutgers University |
| Fri, May 18 2018, 12:10PM | 't Hooft Defects, Monopole Bubbling and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Martin Gebert, King's College London |
| Fri, Apr 27 2018, 12:10AM | A bound on the averaged spectral shift function and a lower bound on the density of states for random Schrödinger operators on R^d |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Yoshihiko Matsumoto, Osaka |
| Fri, Apr 13 2018, 12:10PM | CR geometry and ACH-Einstein metrics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anton Zeitlin, Louisiana State University |
| Fri, Apr 6 2018, 12:10PM | Super-Teichmueller Theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Dongmin Gang, IPMU |
| Fri, Mar 16 2018, 11:00AM | The 3d Index and Compact 3-Manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ben Davison, Glasgow & Edinburgh |
| Fri, Mar 9 2018, 11:00AM | BPS cohomology and Yangians |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Stephen McKeown, Princeton |
| Fri, Mar 2 2018, 11:00AM | Cornered Asymptotically Hyperbolic Einstein Metrics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Stephen McKeown, Princeton |
| Fri, Mar 2 2018, 11:00AM | Cornered Asymptotically Hyperbolic Einstein Metrics |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sergei Gukov, Caltech |
| Tue, Feb 27 2018, 3:10PM | Colloquium: Conformal symmetry and 4-manifiolds |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Shlomo Razamat, Technion |
| Wed, Feb 21 2018, 11:00AM | The Eight field way |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Theo Johnson-Freyd, Perimeter Institute |
| Fri, Feb 9 2018, 11:00AM | Moonshine Anomalies |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Dylan Butson, Perimeter Institute |
| Fri, Feb 2 2018, 11:00AM | Boundary Chiral Algebras for 3d N=4 Theories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | VIctor Mikhaylov, Simons Center |
| Fri, Jan 26 2018, 11:00AM | Teichmuller TQFT vs Chern-Simons Theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Laura Fredrickson, Stanford |
| Fri, Jan 19 2018, 11:00AM | The ends of the Hitchin moduli space |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ryan Thorngren, Berkeley |
| Fri, Jan 12 2018, 11:00AM | Time Reversal Anomalies and Topological Phase transitions in the Gauged Linear Sigma Models |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alex Postnikov, MIT |
| Fri, Dec 8 2017, 1:30PM | Polypositroids and membranes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Fri, Dec 1 2017, 1:30PM | Quantum deformation of planar amplitudes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Arnav Tripathy, Harvard |
| Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:30PM | Special cycles and BPS jumping loci |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Miroslav Rapcak, Perimeter Institute |
| Fri, Nov 10 2017, 1:30PM | Vertex Operator Algebras via Topological Vertex Like Construction |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ingmar Saberi, Heidelberg |
| Fri, Nov 3 2017, 1:30PM | Lattice field theories, hierarchy, and holography |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Dmitry Tonkonog, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Oct 27 2017, 1:30PM | Lagrangian mutations and enumerative geometry |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | James Dilts, San Diego |
| Fri, Oct 20 2017, 1:30PM | When do spacetimes have constant mean curvature slices? |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nima Arkani-Hamed, IAS |
| Tue, Oct 17 2017, 2:00PM | Spacetime, Quantum Mechanics and Positive Geometry Continued |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, Davis |
| Fri, Oct 13 2017, 1:30PM | Contact Geometry and Quantum Mechanics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Richard Derryberry, UT Austin |
| Fri, Oct 6 2017, 1:30PM | Self-Dual Hitchin Systems from Theories of Class S |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Shawn Cui, Stanford |
| Fri, Sep 29 2017, 1:30PM | Higher Categories and Topological Quantum Field Theories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | A. Turbiner, UNAM |
| Tue, Jul 11 2017, 4:10PM | 3-body problem: ground state. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Christos Mantoulidis, Stanford |
| Fri, May 26 2017, 1:15PM | Fill-ins, extensions, scalar curvature, and quasi-local mass |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Mykola Dedushenko, Caltech |
| Fri, May 19 2017, 1:15PM | 4-manifold invariants and 2d CFT |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Michele Schiavina, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Apr 28 2017, 12:15PM | BV-BFV formalism and General Relativity |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Clay Córdova, IAS |
| Fri, Apr 21 2017, 1:00PM | BPS States and Chiral Algebras |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sean Curry, UCSD |
| Fri, Apr 14 2017, 1:15PM | The geometry of CR submanifolds in CR manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anton Zeitlin, Columbia |
| Fri, Mar 17 2017, 12:15PM | Quantum equivariant K-theory and quantum spin chains |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ian Anderson, Utah State |
| Fri, Mar 10 2017, 12:15PM | The Many Faces Of the Exceptional Lie Algebra G_2 |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Stephan Stolz, Notre Dame |
| Fri, Feb 24 2017, 12:15PM | From factorization algebras to functorial field theories |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nicolai Reshetikhin |
| Tue, Feb 21 2017, 12:00PM | Limit shapes and correlation functions in dimer models |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Zaslow, Northwestern |
| Fri, Feb 17 2017, 12:15PM | Open Gromov-Witten invariants via cluster theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Erik Carlsson, UC Davis |
| Fri, Feb 10 2017, 12:15PM | AGT and the Segal-Sugawara construction |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Piotr Sulkowski, University of Warsaw |
| Tue, Jan 31 2017, 12:30PM | Knots and quivers |
1147 MSB | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pieter Naaijkens, UCD |
| Fri, Jan 27 2017, 12:15PM | The mathematics of topologically ordered phases |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | John Francis, Northwestern |
| Fri, Jan 13 2017, 12:15PM | Factorization Homology |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Harold Williams, UT Austin |
| Fri, Dec 9 2016, 12:15PM | The Affine Grassmannian and 4d N=2 Gauge Theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David Jordan, Edinburgh |
| Fri, Dec 2 2016, 12:15PM | The quantum character topological field theory |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Philsang Yoo, Northwestern |
| Thu, Nov 17 2016, 11:00AM | Physics of Langlands Dualities |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Maxim Grigoriev, Lebedev |
| Wed, Nov 9 2016, 4:10PM | Supergeometry of gauge PDE and (presymplectic) AKSZ models |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Callum Quigley, Toronto |
| Fri, Nov 4 2016, 12:15PM | Second quantized MSW strings on K3 fibrations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jacob Bourjailly, Neils Bohr |
| Fri, Oct 28 2016, 12:15PM | Stratifying On-Shell Cluster Varieties |
MSB 2112 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ian Anderson, Utah State |
| Mon, Oct 24 2016, 12:00AM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Lev Rozansky, UNC, Chapel Hill |
| Fri, Oct 21 2016, 12:15PM | Flag varieties, Gukov-Witten defect and HOMFLY-PT link homology II |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Lotte Hollands, Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh) |
| Fri, Oct 14 2016, 12:15PM | Spectral networks, Strebel differentials, and non-Lagrangian QFT's |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ori Ganor, Berkeley |
| Fri, Oct 7 2016, 12:15PM | Ray Operators in 5d Super Conformal Field Theories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Arnab Rudra, Davis |
| Fri, Sep 30 2016, 12:15PM | Mass renormalization in string theory and decomposition of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Natalie Paquette, Stanford |
| Fri, Sep 23 2016, 12:15PM | Moonshine, Automorphy, and String Theory |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sebastian Franco, City College of New York, CUNY |
| Thu, Jun 9 2016, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniele Galloni, University of Durham, UK |
| Thu, Jun 2 2016, 3:10PM | TBA |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Laura Fredirickson, University of Texas, Austin |
| Thu, May 26 2016, 3:10PM | From the Hitchin component to opers |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Peter Koroteev, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 19 2016, 3:10PM | On Elliptic Algebras and Large-n Supersymmetric Gauge Theories |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Felix Haehl, University of Durham, UK |
| Thu, May 12 2016, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Chi-Ming Chang, Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, May 5 2016, 3:10PM | TBA |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nima Lashkari, Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT |
| Thu, Apr 28 2016, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Michael Gutperle, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA |
| Thu, Apr 21 2016, 3:10PM | Holographic entanglement entropy for surface operators and defects |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Kohei Iwaki, Nagoya University and the University of Toronto |
| Thu, Apr 14 2016, 3:10PM | Exact WKB analysis and spectral networks |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Erik Tonni, SISSA |
| Fri, Apr 8 2016, 1:10PM | Some geometrical aspects of entanglement in CFT & Holography |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Aleksey Cherman, University of Washington |
| Thu, Apr 7 2016, 3:10PM | Large N emergent symmetries in confining gauge theories |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Arnab Rudra, University of Cambridge |
| Thu, Mar 31 2016, 3:10PM | Type I/Heterotic Duality and M-theory amplitudes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sasha Zhiboedov, Harvard Univ |
| Thu, Mar 24 2016, 3:10PM | The S-matrix bootstrap and leading Regge trajectory |
Phys Dept 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ahmed Almheiri, Stanford Univ |
| Thu, Mar 17 2016, 3:10PM | Linearity of Holographic Entanglement Entropy |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ning Bao, Caltech |
| Wed, Mar 9 2016, 2:30PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ning Bao, Caltech |
| Wed, Mar 9 2016, 2:30PM | Holographic Entanglement Inequalities |
Phys Dept 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vyacheslav Lysov, Caltech |
| Thu, Mar 3 2016, 3:10PM | Asymptotic Fermionic Symmetry From Soft Gravitino Theorem |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Perlmutter, IAS |
| Thu, Feb 25 2016, 3:10PM | Bounding the Space of Holographic CFTs with Chaos |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Steve Carlip, UC Davis, Phys. Dept |
| Thu, Feb 11 2016, 3:10PM | Four-dimensional entropy from three-dimensional gravity |
Phys Dept 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Xi Dong, IAS |
| Thu, Feb 4 2016, 3:10PM | Entanglement, Spacetime, and Quantum Error Correction |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eugene Gorsky, UC Davis, Math Dept |
| Thu, Jan 28 2016, 3:10PM | Refined Chern-Simons theory and invariants of torus knots |
Phys Dept 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David Poland, Yale Univ |
| Thu, Jan 21 2016, 3:10PM | Mysteries in the Bootstrap |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UC Davis, Math. Dept |
| Thu, Jan 14 2016, 3:10PM | Quantization of Hitchin's spectral curves and "opers" |
Phys Dept 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Adam Jacob, UC Davis, Math. Dept |
| Thu, Jan 7 2016, 3:10PM | Special Lagrangians, deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills, and stability. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Shamil Shakirov, Harvard |
| Thu, Dec 10 2015, 3:10PM | Refined Chern-Simons theory in genus two |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Shamit Kachru, Stanford |
| Thu, Dec 3 2015, 3:10PM | Which quantum field theories have emergent gravity? |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Swapnamay Mondal, HRI |
| Thu, Nov 19 2015, 3:10PM | Black Hole microstate counting using pure D brane systems |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Robin Graham, University of Washington, Seattle |
| Thu, Nov 12 2015, 3:10PM | Higher-dimensional Willmore energies via minimal submanifold asymptotics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | John Fuini, University of Washington, Seattle |
| Thu, Nov 5 2015, 3:10PM | Far-from-equilibrium dynamics of a strongly coupled non-Abelian plasma with non-zero charge density or external magnetic field |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Various, U.C. Davis |
| Fri, Oct 30 2015, 10:30AM | Quantum Mathematics and Physics |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Various, U.C. Davis |
| Thu, Oct 29 2015, 3:00PM | Quantum Mathematics and Physics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ramalingam Loganayagam, Princeton |
| Thu, Oct 22 2015, 3:10PM | The Fluid Manifesto: Schwinger Keldysh and the emergence of fluid dynamics |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford |
| Thu, Oct 15 2015, 3:10PM | The Kapustin-Witten equations with Nahm pole boundary conditions |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 8 2015, 3:10PM | Axiomatic conformal field theory and AdS/ CFT correspondence. |
Physics 432 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 1 2015, 3:10PM | The Singular Yamabe Problem and Conformal Hypersurface Invariants |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Sharpe, Virginia Tech |
| Mon, May 11 2015, 4:10PM | Some recent developments in 2d (0,2) theories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Peter Koroteev |
| Thu, Apr 9 2015, 3:10PM | Defects and Quantum Seiberg-Witten Geometry |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tudor Dimofte, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
| Fri, Dec 12 2014, 4:10PM | Boundary conditions and symplectic duality in 3d N=4 theories |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Derek Wise, University of Erlangen |
| Thu, Nov 20 2014, 4:10PM | The Erlangen Program and General Relativity: Spacetime, Geometrodynamics, and Observers. |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alexander Turbiner, UNAM |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, Math Dept UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 9 2014, 4:10PM | Is Quantum Gravity a Chern-Simons Theory? |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anton Zeitlin, Colombia |
| Tue, May 27 2014, 1:10PM | Sigma models and Beltrami-Courant differentials |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Hovhannes KHUDAVERDIAN, Manchester |
| Thu, May 22 2014, 4:10PM | Differential operators on the extended manifolds and operator pencils on the algebra of densities. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pavel Putrov, Caltech |
| Thu, May 15 2014, 4:10PM | Exact Solutions of 2d SQCDs |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sebastian Franco, Durham |
| Thu, Apr 17 2014, 4:10PM | A New Class of QFTs: from D-branes to the Geometry of Scattering Amplitudes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vasilisa Shramchenko, Sherbrooke, Canada |
| Thu, Apr 3 2014, 4:10PM | Poncelet theorem and Painlevé VI |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Markus Luty, UC Davis, Phys Dept |
| Thu, Mar 6 2014, 4:10PM | Scale without Conformal Invariance: Destructive Quantum Field Theory? |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vincent Bouchard, University of Alberta |
| Thu, Feb 20 2014, 4:10PM | Quantum curves and Hitchin systems |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ekaterina Amerik, HSE, Moscow |
| Thu, Feb 13 2014, 4:10PM | Rational curves on hyperkahler manifolds. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anatoly Preygel, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Feb 6 2014, 4:10PM | The "microlocalization" of coherent sheaves |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alexei Oblomkov, University of Massachusetts |
| Thu, Jan 30 2014, 4:10PM | Topological vertex, colored knot invariants and plane curve singularities. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Laura Schaposnik, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
| Thu, Jan 16 2014, 4:10PM | Real slices of the moduli space of Higgs bundles |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 9 2014, 4:10PM | The quantum curve for CP^1 |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Thu, Dec 5 2013, 4:10PM | A von Neumann approach to quantum metrics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 21 2013, 4:10PM | Infinite-dimensional determinants, tau and theta |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Rakibur Rahman, Université Libre de Bruxelles |
| Thu, Nov 14 2013, 4:10PM | Gravitational Interactions of Higher-Spin Fermions |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Rod Gover, University of Auckland, New Zealand |
| Tue, Nov 12 2013, 4:10PM | Compactification and Einstein metrics (joint meeting with Geometry/Topology seminar) |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Nigel Higson, Penn State |
| Mon, Oct 28 2013, 4:10PM | On the Dirac operator approach to the quantization commutes with reduction problem |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roberto Bonezzi, University of Bologna, Italy |
| Thu, Oct 17 2013, 4:10PM | Worldline approach to noncommutative field theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 10 2013, 4:10PM | Discrete quantum curves |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 3 2013, 4:10PM | Quantum curves, Hitchin fibrations, and the Eynard-Orantin theory |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Thu, May 30 2013, 3:10PM | Massive gravity? |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Johannes Walcher, McHill University (Toronto, Canada) |
| Thu, May 16 2013, 3:10PM | Mirror symmetry for open strings, geometry and arithmetic |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCDavis |
| Thu, May 9 2013, 3:10PM | Quantization and holomorphic anomaly |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCDavis |
| Tue, Apr 16 2013, 4:10PM | Quantum curves. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UCDavis |
| Tue, Apr 9 2013, 4:10PM | Topological recursion |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCDavis |
| Thu, Mar 7 2013, 4:10PM | Algebraic K-theory and integrality in the theory of topological strings. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Darren Shih, UCBerkeley |
| Thu, Feb 28 2013, 4:10PM | Freudenthal gauge theories |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Prof. Alexander Turbiner, UNAM, Mexico City |
| Wed, Feb 13 2013, 4:10PM | A new family of planar solvable and integrable Schroedinger operators |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Krefl, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Feb 7 2013, 4:10PM | Orbifolded vs. refined partition functions |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jerry Kaminker, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 31 2013, 4:10PM | Algebraic K-theory, regulators and the volume conjecture in knot theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UCDavis |
| Thu, Jan 17 2013, 3:10PM | The Borot-Eynard-Orantin theory and the Bloch regulators in K-theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Omid Saremi, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Dec 6 2012, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Liam Fitzpatrick, Stanford |
| Thu, Nov 29 2012, 3:10PM | AdS Locality and Conformal Field Theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Liam Fitzpatrick, Stanford |
| Thu, Nov 29 2012, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Renjung Xu, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 15 2012, 3:10PM | Integral invariants in flat superspace |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Bergshoeff, Groningen |
| Thu, Nov 1 2012, 3:10PM | A Different Look at Massive Gravity |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alessandro Vichi, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Oct 25 2012, 3:10PM | Solving the 3D Ising model with conformal bootstrap |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Krefl, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Oct 18 2012, 3:10PM | The deformation space of topological string theories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 4 2012, 3:10PM | Higher Form Problems and Almost Riemannian Geometry |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Bergshoeff, Groningen |
| Mon, Oct 1 2012, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric ergshoeff, Groningen |
| Mon, Oct 1 2012, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pasha Mnev, MSB |
| Tue, Jun 12 2012, 4:10PM | Topological quantum field theory on triangulated manifolds coming from BV integrals |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roberto Bonezzi, Bologna University |
| Tue, Jun 5 2012, 4:10PM | Quantum theories of (p,q)-forms |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Antonino Marciano, Haverford Coll. & Princeton U. |
| Tue, May 29 2012, 4:10PM | Towards a spin-foam unification of gravity and Yang-Mills interactions. |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Massimo Porrati, New York U., CCPP |
| Wed, May 23 2012, 5:10PM | On the Unitarity of Critical Gravity, Other Higher-Derivative Theories, and High Spin Randall-Sundrum Theories. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Stephen Kwok, UCLA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Hai Siong Tan, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, May 8 2012, 4:10PM | Aspects of Three-dimensional Higher-Spin Gravity |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Douglas Stanford, Stanford |
| Tue, May 1 2012, 4:10PM | Bubbles and Fractal Flows |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Bianca Letizia Cerchiai, Milano University |
| Tue, Apr 24 2012, 4:10PM | Magic coset decompositions for groups of type E7 |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Joshua Cooperman, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 17 2012, 4:10PM | Exploring quantum Horava-Lifshitz gravity with causal dynamical triangulations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jeremie Bouttier, Saclay |
| Tue, Apr 10 2012, 4:10PM | The nested loop approach to the O(n) model on random lattices |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anton Khoroshkin, stony brook |
| Tue, Apr 3 2012, 4:10PM | Inclusion-exclusion principle in homological algebra |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UCDavis, Math. Dept |
| Tue, Mar 13 2012, 4:10PM | From topological string theory to algebraic geometry |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCDavis, Math Dept |
| Tue, Mar 6 2012, 4:10PM | Closed string field theory and its generalizations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCDavis, Math.Dept |
| Tue, Feb 28 2012, 4:10PM | Equivariant cohomology of Sato Grassmannian and shifted symmetric functions. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Henrique Gomes, Phys Dept, UCDavis |
| Tue, Feb 21 2012, 4:10PM | An introduction to Shape Dynamics |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Rita Fioresi, University of Bologna, Italy |
| Tue, Feb 14 2012, 4:10PM | The Minkowski and conformal superspaces |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Steven Duplij, Karazin Kharkov National University, Ukraine |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Bruno Nachtergaele, UCDavis, Math. Dept |
| Tue, Jan 31 2012, 12:00AM | Automorphic equivalence of gapped ground states and the classification of gapped phases |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andreas Albrecht, Physics Dept, UCDavis |
| Tue, Jan 24 2012, 4:10PM | Cosmological puzzles for mathematicians |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Misha Kapovich, UCDavis, Math.Dept |
| Tue, Jan 17 2012, 4:10PM | Affine Buildings |
Physics 416 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jorge Santos, Santa Barbara |
| Wed, Nov 16 2011, 3:10PM | Gravitational turbulent instability of Anti-de Sitter space |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Misha Kapovich, Davis |
| Wed, Nov 9 2011, 3:10PM | What are buildings? |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Berwick-Evans, UCBerkeley |
| Wed, Nov 2 2011, 3:10PM | Supersymmetric field theories and topology |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David Cherney, U.C. Davis |
| Wed, Oct 26 2011, 3:10PM | Cosmological Bubble Correlations and p-adic Conformal Symmetree. |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Daniel Harlow, Stanford |
| Wed, Oct 19 2011, 3:10PM | Eternal Symmetree |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Charles Melby-Thompson, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 12 2011, 3:10PM | Gauge Symmetry and Dynamics in Anisotropic Gravity |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrade, Santa Barbara |
| Wed, Oct 5 2011, 3:10PM | Beyond the unitarity bound in AdS/CFT |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jeffrey Case, UCSB |
| Wed, May 18 2011, 3:10PM | Quasi-Einstein Metrics and Conformal Geometry |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UCDavis, Math.Dept |
| Wed, May 11 2011, 3:10PM | Tractors, Gravity, Two Times and Higher Spins |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Johannes Broedel, Physics Dept, Stanford University |
| Wed, Apr 27 2011, 3:10PM | Maximally supersymmetric path integrals |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Kevin Schaeffer, UCBerkeley |
| Wed, Apr 13 2011, 3:10PM | Wall Crossing, Quivers, and Dimers |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Frank Liou, UCDavis, Math.Dept |
| Wed, Apr 6 2011, 3:10PM | Infinite-dimensional Grassmannian and moduli spaces. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ori Ganor, UCBerkeley |
| Wed, Mar 2 2011, 3:10PM | S-duality-a new twist |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UCDavis |
| Wed, Feb 23 2011, 3:10PM | Introduction to super Yang-Mills theory and S-duality |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Patrick Dragon, Math Dept, UCDavis |
| Wed, Feb 16 2011, 3:10PM | Integrality in Kac-Moody algebras. |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jian Zhou, Tsinghua University, Beijing |
| Wed, Feb 9 2011, 3:10PM | Integrality properties of local mirror maps |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Steve Carlip, Phys Dept, UCDavis |
| Wed, Jan 26 2011, 3:10PM | Extremal and Nonextremal Kerr/CFT Correspondences |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Steve Carlip, Phys Dept, UCDavis |
| Wed, Jan 26 2011, 3:10PM | Extremal and Nonextremal Kerr/CFT Correspondences |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCDavis |
| Wed, Jan 19 2011, 3:10PM | Infinite-dimensional Grassmannian and string theory |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Renjun XU, Dept of Physics, UCDavis |
| Wed, Dec 1 2010, 4:10PM | Homology of Lie algebra of supersymmetries |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Emanuele Latini, UCDavis |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Roberto Bonezzi, Bologna Univ (Italy) |
| Wed, Oct 20 2010, 4:10PM | U(N) spinning particles and higher spin fields on Kaehler backgrounds |
MSB 2240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Giuseppe Torri, Imperial College, London |
| Thu, May 27 2010, 3:10PM | Brane tilings, M2-branes and Chern-Simons Theories |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Derek Wise, UCD |
| Wed, Apr 21 2010, 3:10PM | Extended Topological Gauge Theory |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David Cherney, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 7 2010, 3:10PM | Detour Quantization of a SUGRA Minisuperspace Model |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Karl Hallowell |
| Wed, Mar 3 2010, 4:10PM | Discussion of an information-theoretic model of gravity, derived by Erik Verlinde |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Karl Hallowell |
| Wed, Mar 3 2010, 4:10PM | Discussion of an information-theoretic model of gravity, derived by Erik Verlinde |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sergey Cherkis, Dublin |
| Thu, Jan 7 2010, 12:10PM | Yang-Mills Instantons in Curved Backgrounds from String Theory |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Pat Dragon, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 25 2009, 4:10PM | Twisted de Rham Cohomology and Physics Over a Ring |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Guido Festuccia, uc santa cruz |
| Wed, Nov 18 2009, 4:10PM | a bound on the Superpotential |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Guido Festuccia, Santa Cruz California University |
| Wed, Nov 11 2009, 4:10PM | A Bound on the Superpotential |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 4 2009, 4:10PM | Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, L-infinity and A-infinity algebras, and deformations |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 28 2009, 4:10PM | Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, L-infinity and A-infinity algebras, and deformations |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Frank Liou, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 21 2009, 4:10PM | The topology of Sato-Grassmannian |
MSB 2106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Emanuele Orazi, Turin polytechnic institute and INFN, italy |
| Wed, Oct 7 2009, 4:10PM | introduction to FDA |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Catherine Meusburger, Hamburg |
| Tue, Jun 9 2009, 2:10PM | Observables in Three Dimensional Quantum Gravity |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Catherine Meusburger, Hamburg |
| Mon, Jun 8 2009, 2:10PM | Introduction to Observables in Three Dimensional Quantum Gravity |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Chris Rogers, UC Riverside |
| Thu, May 28 2009, 3:10PM | Lie 2-algebras from 2-plectic geometry |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Rajesh Kommu, UCD Physics |
| Thu, May 21 2009, 3:10PM | Causal Dynamical Triangulations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ori Ganor, Berkeley |
| Thu, Apr 30 2009, 3:10PM | From S-Duality to Chern-Simons via Minimal Strings |
MSB 2240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Marcus Afshar, UCD Physics |
| Tue, Apr 21 2009, 3:10PM | Quasilocal Energy in FRW Cosmology |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Marc Rieffel, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Apr 2 2009, 3:10PM | Dirac operators for compact coadjoint orbits (and for matrix algebras that converge to them?) |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Hans Jockers, SITP, Stanford |
| Thu, Mar 12 2009, 3:10PM | Towards open-string mirror symmetry for compact Calabi-Yau geometries |
MSB 1147 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Vincent Bouchard, Harvard University |
| Tue, Mar 3 2009, 3:10PM | An algebraic geometry perspective on heterotic string phenomenology |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCD |
| Thu, Feb 19 2009, 3:30PM | Quantum mechanics and homological algebra |
MSB 2122 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Bianca Cerchiai, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Feb 12 2009, 3:10PM | Mapping the geometry of exceptional Lie groups |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 5 2009, 3:10PM | Space and Time From Translation Symmetry |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Catherine Williams, Stanford |
| Thu, Jan 29 2009, 3:10PM | Asymptotic behavior of marginally trapped tubes |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Derek Wise, UCD |
| Thu, Jan 22 2009, 12:00AM | 2-groups and their representations (II) |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Derek Wise, UCD |
| Thu, Jan 15 2009, 3:00PM | 2-groups and their representations |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | |
| Thu, Jan 8 2009, 3:10PM | Quantum Geometry Organizational Meeting |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Dmitri Fuchs, UCD |
| Thu, Dec 4 2008, 3:10PM | A Lie Algebra Cohomology Primer |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Mithat Unsal, Stanford |
| Tue, Nov 18 2008, 2:30PM | Deformed Type IIB matrix models, lattice supersymmetry and twisting |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | A. Waldron, Davis |
| Thu, Nov 13 2008, 3:10PM | 280 -- Geometry and Gauge Theory |
MSB 2117 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | D Wise, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 6 2008, 3:10PM | Ponzano Regge Discussion Group |
MSB 2115 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Shannon McCurdy and Anthony Tagliaferro, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Oct 30 2008, 3:10PM | Star Products for Differential Forms on Symplectic Manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UCD |
| Thu, Oct 23 2008, 3:10AM | Tractors, Weyl Invariance and Mass |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | |
| Thu, Oct 2 2008, 3:10PM | Reading/Discussion on the Ponzano-Regge model of 3d quantum gravity |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UCD |
| Thu, May 8 2008, 11:00AM | Recent Developments in Topological String Theory and Virasoro Constraints |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Don Marolf, UCSB |
| Thu, May 1 2008, 11:00AM | Setting the boundary free in AdS/CFT |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jeffrey Morton, University of Western Ontario |
| Fri, Mar 14 2008, 3:10PM | Extended TQFT's and Quantum Gravity |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Garrett Lisi |
| Fri, Mar 7 2008, 3:10PM | |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jason Hole, UC Davis |
| Fri, Feb 29 2008, 3:10PM | An introduction to some models of gravity |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Steve Carlip, UC Davis, Physics |
| Fri, Feb 22 2008, 3:10PM | Black hole entropy and the problem of universality |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David Cherney, UC Davis |
| Fri, Feb 15 2008, 3:10PM | Introduction to BRST quantization |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ben Freivogel, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Feb 8 2008, 3:10PM | Asymptotics of eternal inflation |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jerry Kaminker |
| Fri, Feb 1 2008, 3:10PM | K-theory, K-homology, and duality |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | (Group) |
| Fri, Jan 25 2008, 3:10PM | (Discussion/reading of Lee Smolin's paper) |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Abrar Shaukat, UC Davis |
| Fri, Jan 18 2008, 3:10PM | Conformal Geometry, Tractors, and Physics |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Derek Wise, UC Davis |
| Fri, Jan 11 2008, 3:10PM | Particles and Strings in BF Theory and Gravity |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Karl Hallowell, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 12 2007, 3:10PM | Non-commutative Geometry and String Field Theory |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Emanule Latini, University of Bologna |
| Fri, Dec 7 2007, 3:10PM | Counting states with BRST Path Integrals |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Matthew Headrick, Stanford |
| Fri, Nov 30 2007, 3:10PM | Hedgehog black holes and the deconfinement transition |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Emanuele Latini, U. Bologna |
| Fri, Nov 23 2007, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Derek Wise, UC Davis |
| Fri, Nov 16 2007, 3:10PM | Gravity and Cartan Geometry |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Bayram Tekin, University of Ankara |
| Fri, Nov 9 2007, 3:10PM | Conserved charges in generic gravity theories |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Kirill Saraikin, Caltech |
| Fri, Nov 2 2007, 3:10PM | Extremal black holes and refined topological strings |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | David Cherney, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 26 2007, 3:10PM | T Duality |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alberto Iglesias, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 19 2007, 3:10PM | The clock ambiguity and the emergence of physical laws |
MSB 3240 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Karl Hallowell, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 12 2007, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 3240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Group Discussion, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 5 2007, 3:10PM | Discuss the clcok ambiguity paper |
MSB 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UCD |
| Fri, Apr 20 2007, 3:10PM | The Hitchin Integrable Systems, Geometric Langlands,and Homological Mirror Symmetry |
MSB 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andrew Neitzke, Princeton |
| Fri, Apr 13 2007, 3:10PM | Quaternionic geometry, supersymmetric black holes and topological string theory |
MSB 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UCD |
| Fri, Apr 6 2007, 12:00AM | From Galois representations to homologicalmirror symmetry via integrable systems |
MSB 2240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jonathon Block, U Penn |
| Tue, Nov 28 2006, 12:10PM | Deformations of Fourier-Mukai transforms and noncommutative geometry. |
MSB 2240 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Alessandro Tomasiello, Stanford |
| Fri, Nov 17 2006, 3:10PM | Supersymmetric black holes from internal dimensions in string theory |
MSB 2112 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sergey Prokushkin, Toronto |
| Tue, May 30 2006, 4:10PM | Geometric Model for Complex Non-Kaehler Manifolds with SU(3) Structure |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Misha Movshev, Princeton |
| Mon, Apr 10 2006, 2:00PM | Odd Chern-Simons theory on pure spinors |
MSB 3106 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albert Schwarz, UCD |
| Wed, Feb 8 2006, 11:10AM | Integrality of Instanton Numbers and the p-adic B-model |
MSB 2112 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Albion Lawrence, Brandeis |
| Wed, Dec 14 2005, 1:10PM | Closed string tachyon dynamics and worldsheet RG |
Kerr 693 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Anke Knauf, DESY |
| Wed, Dec 7 2005, 1:10PM | Geometric Transitions on non-Kaehler manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Sharpe, Utah |
| Wed, Oct 12 2005, 1:10AM | Heterotic generalizations of 2d topological field theories |
Kerr 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | |
| Tue, May 31 2005, 12:00AM | |
Kerr 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Sergei Gukov, Harvard |
| Thu, May 12 2005, 12:00AM | TBA |
Phys Geo 416 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Andreas Karch, University of Washington |
| Tue, May 10 2005, 4:10PM | Hologravity |
Phys Geo 416 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Tom Banks, UC Santa Cruz |
| Fri, May 6 2005, 4:10PM | Thoughts on the Quantum Theory of Stable de Sitter Space |
Kerr 693 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Michael Movshev, Institut Mittag Leffler |
| Thu, Apr 28 2005, 4:10PM | Supersymmetric deformations of Yang-Mills theory in dimension 10 -new results |
PhysGeo 416 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Maulik Parikh, Columbia |
| Thu, Dec 16 2004, 2:00PM | De Sitter's Dual: Finite Fuzzy Fermionic Fock Space |
PhysGeo 512 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Eric Gimon, Berkeley |
| Tue, Dec 7 2004, 1:10PM | Domain Walls, Godel and Hypertubes. |
Kerr 593 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Indrajit Mitra, Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 30 2004, 1:10PM | A Strong Quantum Effect on the
Dynamics of Moduli |
Kerr 593 0 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Radu Tatar, Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 23 2004, 1:10PM | Geometric Transitions, Non-Kahler manifolds and Effective Field Theories |
Kerr 593 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Elie Garbatov, UC San Diego |
| Tue, Nov 9 2004, 1:10PM | Supersymmetry and the Landscape |
PhysGeo 512 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Veronika Hubeny, Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 26 2004, 1:10PM | Probing bulk via correlators |
Kerr 593 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Henriette Elvang, UC Santa Barbara |
| Tue, Oct 19 2004, 1:00PM | Black rings and supertubes |
Phys-Geo 416 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Klaus Behrndt, Potsdam |
| Tue, Oct 12 2004, 4:15PM | Fixing of moduli by fluxes in type IIA string theory |
Kerr 693 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Jan Plefka, MPI Potsdam |
| Fri, Sep 17 2004, 2:10PM | On the integrability of plane wave matrix theory |
QMAP/PSEL 3204 | Mathematical Physics Seminar | Ian Anderson, Utah State |
| Thu, May 20 1976, 4:10PM | TBA |