Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

PDE and Applied Math SeminarS. Iyer (F), S. Shkoller (W), A. Gopal (S)
Algebra & Discrete MathematicsM. Sherman Bennett (F/S), J. De Loera (W)
Algebraic Geometry and Number TheoryE. Carlsson (W/S), J. Li (F/W)
Geometry/TopologyM. Zhang (F), A. Thompson (W), J. Hass (S)
Mathematical BiologyR. Guy (F), R. Chaudhuri (W), M. Vazquez (S)
Mathematics of Data & DecisionsT. Strohmer, S. Xu, Y. Shi (F)
Optimization(Special topics only)
Mathematical Physics SeminarM. Mulase, A. Waldron, D. Spiegel
ColloquiumD. Romik, G. Kuperberg
GGAM Colloquium
William Thurston LecturesD. Romik, G. Kuperberg
Faculty Research Seminar
Graduate Success Seminar
Student-Run Research SeminarS. Kim, I. Sullivan
Student-Run Geometry/Topology SeminarT. Oliveira-Smith, A. Simons
Student-Run Combinatorics & AlgebraS. Kim, J. Erickson, L. Johnston
Student-Run Analysis & PDE
Featured Campus Seminars
Special Events

Past Talks

View past talks or upcoming talks for this series.

QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Ranard, Caltech
Mon, Mar 10 2025, 4:10PMWorking toward a classification of 2D topological phases
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Spiegel, UC Davis
Mon, Feb 24 2025, 4:10PMA Classifying Space for Phases of Matrix Product States
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarOliver Siebert, UC Davis
Mon, Feb 10 2025, 4:10PMLieb-Robinson bounds for a class of continuum fermions
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSvetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Berkeley
Mon, Feb 3 2025, 4:10PMDual Lyapunov exponents and the robust ten martini problem
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarDan-Virgil Voiculescu, UC Berkeley
Mon, Jan 13 2025, 4:10PMA hydrodynamic exercise in free probability: free Euler equations
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarSam Blitz, Brno
Mon, Dec 9 2024, 3:10PMHigher Fundamental Forms and Warped Products
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAbi Gopal, UC Davis
Mon, Dec 2 2024, 3:10PMA numerical procedure for computing Wannier functions for one-dimensional crystalline systems
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Chen, Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Mon, Nov 25 2024, 3:10PMThe Yamabe flow on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarBruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis
Mon, Nov 18 2024, 3:10PMThe charge gap is greater than the neutral gap in fractional quantum Hall systems
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, Davis
Mon, Nov 4 2024, 3:10PMRenormalized Yang-Mills Energy
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarStephen McKeown, UT Dallas
Mon, Oct 28 2024, 2:30PMVolume renormalization of higher-dimensional singular Yamabe metrics
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAnton Kapustin, Caltech
Mon, Oct 21 2024, 3:10PMAn anomaly index for locality-preserving symmetries of spin chains
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAtakan Hilmi Firat, UC Davis
Mon, Sep 30 2024, 2:10PMString Field Theory: An Introduction
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAlex Elgart, Virginia Tech
Thu, Sep 19 2024, 11:00AMLocalization properties of the random XXZ spin chain
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarJess Riedel, NTT Research
Mon, Jun 3 2024, 4:10PMThe $\hbar\to 0$ limit of open quantum systems with general Lindbladians: vanishing noise ensures classicality beyond the Ehrenfest time
PSEL/QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarMaciej Kolanowski, UCSB
Mon, May 20 2024, 4:10PMBreakdown of effective field theory near cool black holes
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarGang Zhou, Binghamton
Mon, May 13 2024, 4:10PMETH approach of quantum measurement
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarIsrael Michael Sigal, University of Toronto
Mon, May 6 2024, 3:10PMTBA
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarIsrael Klich, University of Virginia
Fri, May 3 2024, 2:10PMQuantum wakes, stirring by staring and other non-equilibrium problems.
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarLin Lin, Berkeley
Mon, Apr 22 2024, 4:10PMExact ground state of interacting electrons in magic angle graphene
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Spiegel, UC Davis
Mon, Apr 15 2024, 4:10PMContracting Families of Pure States on an Infinite Lattice
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarTzu-Mo Kuo, Santa Cruz
Mon, Apr 8 2024, 4:10PMConformal circles, local diffeomorphisms, and their holographic interpretation
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarMarkus Pflaum, University of Colorado Boulder
Mon, Mar 11 2024, 3:10PMDeformation Quantization and Homological Reduction of a Lattice Gauge Model
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Chen, Berkeley
Mon, Mar 4 2024, 3:00PMThe CR Neumann problem on the domain in S^3 bounded by the Clifford torus
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarColleen Delaney, UC Berkeley
Mon, Feb 26 2024, 3:10PMOn the classification of (2+1)D topological order via modular fusion categories
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarChristian Ferko, U.C. Davis
Mon, Feb 12 2024, 3:10PMDuality-Invariant Non-linear Electrodynamics and Stress Tensor Flows
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarConstantin Teleman, UC Berkeley
Mon, Feb 5 2024, 3:10PMQuantization commutes with reduction again
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, U.C. Davis
Mon, Jan 29 2024, 3:10PMQuantum mechanics from classical mechanics with restricted set of observables
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSubho Chatterjee, UC Davis
Mon, Jan 22 2024, 3:10PMProbabilities and Supergeometry: Measurement theory for dynamical discrete systems
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarJared Marx-Kuo, Stanford
Mon, Dec 11 2023, 3:10PMAn Inverse Problem for Renormalized Area/Entanglement Entropy
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarNilin Abrahamsen, UC Berkeley
Mon, Nov 27 2023, 3:10PMAnti-symmetric Barron functions and their approximation with sums of determinants
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarAdam Artymowicz, Caltech
Mon, Nov 20 2023, 3:10PMResults on some invariants of parametrized quantum systems
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarSiddharth Vadnerkar, UC Davis
Mon, Nov 13 2023, 3:10PMQuantum double models in the infinite volume have finitely many anyon types
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarSven Bachmann, University of British Columbia
Mon, Nov 6 2023, 3:10PMClassifying loops of symmetry-protected states
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarMukund Rangamani, UC Davis
Mon, Oct 30 2023, 3:10PMThermal correlators and Fuchsian ODEs
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarColleen Delaney, UC Berkeley
Mon, Oct 23 2023, 3:10PMOn the classification of (2+1)D topological order via modular fusion categories
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarPetr Vlachopolus, Brno
Mon, Oct 9 2023, 3:10PMEigenvalue flow on minimal hypersurfaces in S^n
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarOtis Chodosh, Stanford
Mon, Oct 2 2023, 3:10PMThe p-widths of a surface
QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UC Davis
Mon, Sep 25 2023, 3:10PMConformally Compact Yang--Mills
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAlex Thomson, UC Davis
Tue, Jun 6 2023, 4:10PMThe dramatic effect of spin-orbit coupling in correlated graphene
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAngelo Lucia, U Complutense de Madrid
Wed, May 31 2023, 3:10PMSpectral gap of decorated AKLT models
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarIan Jauslin, Rutgers U
Tue, May 30 2023, 4:10PMNon-perturbative behavior of interacting Bosons at intermediate densities
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Spiegel, U Colorado, Boulder
Tue, May 23 2023, 4:10PMPhases of Parametrized Quantum Spin Systems in One Spatial Dimension
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarIlya Kachkovskiy, Michigan State U
Tue, May 16 2023, 4:10PMAnderson localization for quasiperiodic operators with monotone potentials: perturbative and non-perturbative methods
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSandy Irani, UC Irvine and Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
Tue, May 9 2023, 4:10PMComputational Complexity of Quantum Systems
Zoom Mathematical Physics SeminarNikita Sopenko, Caltech
Tue, May 2 2023, 4:10PMChiral topologically ordered states on a lattice from vertex operator algebra
QMAP/PSEL 3204 Mathematical Physics SeminarYasha Naiman, OIST
Fri, Apr 28 2023, 12:10PMLocality of higher-spin gravity in de Sitter vs. Anti-de Sitter space.
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarNicholas Sherman, UC Berkeley
Tue, Apr 25 2023, 4:10PM*CANCELED* Dynamical signatures for triangular lattice quantum spin liquids
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAlex Bols, Caltech
Tue, Apr 18 2023, 4:10PMThe double semion state in infinite volume
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarMartin Fraas, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 11 2023, 4:10PMA classification of G-charge Thouless pumps in 1D invertible states
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSanjay Moudgalya, Caltech
Tue, Apr 4 2023, 4:10PMUnconventional Symmetries in Quantum Many-Body Physics
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarJoel Fine, ULB
Fri, Mar 17 2023, 12:00PMKnots, minimal surfaces and J-holomorphic curves
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarTristan Benoist, Institute of Mathematics Toulouse
Fri, Mar 10 2023, 12:10PMRepeated quantum measurements: Vanishing of entropy production and quantum detailed balance
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarPenelope Gehring
QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarYonah Borns-Weil, UC Berkeley
Fri, Feb 17 2023, 12:00PMObservable Trotter error bounds in the semiclassical regime
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAaron Tyrell, Texas Tech.
Fri, Feb 10 2023, 12:10PMRenormalized Area for Minimal Hypersurfaes of 5-dimensional Poincare--Einstein Manifolds
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarJared Marx-Kuo, Stanford
Fri, Oct 7 2022, 11:00AMVariations of Renormalized Volume for Minimal Submanifolds of Poincare-Einstein Spaces
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarGeorge Zahariade, Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Fri, Sep 16 2022, 12:10PMQuantum formation of topological defects
THE INTERNET ZOOMMathematical Physics SeminarVasileio Lestos, York University
Fri, Aug 12 2022, 11:00AMThe gravitino field theory in N-dimensional de Sitter space is not unitary unless N=4
PSEL/QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarVictor Py, U.C. Davis
Fri, May 27 2022, 12:10PM2D T\bar{T}-deformed Conformal Field Theories from 4D Chern-Simons Theory
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarAmir Sagiv, Colombia University
Fri, May 20 2022, 12:10PMFloquet Hamiltonians - effective gaps and resonant decay
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarJacob Shapiro, Princeton University
Fri, May 13 2022, 12:10PMMonotonicity theorems for integer-valued fields and delocalization in two-dimensions
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarCem Yetişmişoğlu, Koç University
Fri, Apr 22 2022, 12:10PMScale covariant theories of gravity and three dimensional examples
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarJaroslav Kopinski, Warsaw
Fri, Apr 15 2022, 12:10PMConformal fundamental forms and asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
PSEL/QMAP + ZOOM 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarEmanuele Latini, Bologna
Fri, Apr 8 2022, 12:10PMQuantum principal bundles and non commutative differential calculus
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarThomas Weber, Bologna
Fri, Apr 1 2022, 12:10PMStar products induced by Drinfel'd twists
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarEmanuele Latini, Bologna
Wed, Mar 30 2022, 12:07PMQuantum principal bundles and non commutative differential calculus
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSimone Warzel, Technical University Munich
Fri, Mar 25 2022, 11:00AMPOSTPONED
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarThomas Weber, University of Bologna
Fri, Mar 11 2022, 11:00AMPOSTPONED -- Star products induced by Drinfel'd twists
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarThomas Weber, University of Bologna
Fri, Mar 11 2022, 11:00AMStar products induced by Drinfel'd twists
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarMaciej Zworski, UC Berkeley
Fri, Feb 25 2022, 11:00AMMagic angles for a model of twisted bilayer graphene
QMAP/PSEL 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSvetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Irvine
Fri, Feb 25 2022, 11:00AMPOSTPONED
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarJie Qing, Santa Cruz
Fri, Feb 18 2022, 11:00PMAsymptotically hyperbolic Einstein manifolds and conformal geometry
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarRoberto Bonezzi, Humboldt University, Berlin
Fri, Feb 11 2022, 11:00AMThe quantum O(D,D) string and its anomalies
ZOOMMathematical Physics SeminarBenjamin McMillan, University of Adelaide
Fri, Jan 28 2022, 3:00PMCalabi operators for locally symmetric spaces
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarThomas Weber, Bologna
Mon, Jan 24 2022, 11:00AMTBA
QMAP/PSEL+ZOOM 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAndreas Cap, Vienna
Fri, Jan 14 2022, 11:00AMTractors and AH-mass
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarJie Qing, Santa Cruz
Thu, Jan 13 2022, 11:00PMTBA
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarJie Qing, Santa Cruz
Thu, Jan 13 2022, 11:00PMTBA
PSEL/QMAP 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarJie Qing, Santa Cruz
Wed, Jan 12 2022, 11:00AMTBA
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarSourav Chatterjee, Stanford University
Wed, Jan 5 2022, 1:10PMSome progress on 3D Yang-Mills
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarMichele Schiavina, ETH Zurich
Fri, Dec 3 2021, 11:00AMBV-BFV approach to General Relativity
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarMartin Fraas, UC Davis
Fri, Nov 19 2021, 11:00AMStability against large perturbations of invertible, frustration-free ground states
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UC Davis
Fri, Nov 12 2021, 11:00AMQuantization of Contact Structures
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarRoger Casals, UC Davis
Fri, Nov 5 2021, 11:00AMAn overview on h-principles: what was, is and might be
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarGabriel Herzceg, Brown
Fri, Oct 29 2021, 11:00AMThe Newman-Penrose Map and the Classical Double Copy
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarIsaac Kim, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 22 2021, 11:00AMEntropy scaling law and the quantum marginal problem
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSam Blitz, Davis
Fri, Oct 15 2021, 11:00AMConformal Fundamental Forms
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarAmanda Young, Technical University Munich
Fri, Oct 8 2021, 11:00AMA bulk gap in the presence of edge states for a Haldane pseudopotential
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarTudor Dimofte, UC Davis - U Edinburgh
Fri, Oct 1 2021, 11:00AMQFT's for non-semisimple TQFT's
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarAnton Kapustin, Caltech
Fri, Sep 24 2021, 11:00AMLocal Noether theorem for quantum lattice systems and applications
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarYves de Verdiere, Grenoble
Fri, Jun 4 2021, 11:10AMSpirally Reebs--postponed
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarMichael Entov, Technion
Thu, May 27 2021, 9:00AMContact topology and non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarSean Curry, Oklahoma State
Fri, May 21 2021, 11:00AMObstruction Flat Rigidity of the CR 3-Sphere
Zoom o verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarKirill Krasnov, Nottingham
Fri, May 14 2021, 11:00AMChiral connection formalism for GR and a new local rigidity result for Einstein 4-manifolds
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarStephen McKeown, UT Dallas
Fri, Apr 30 2021, 11:00AMRenormalized volume of half-bounded regions in Einstein spaces
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarTatsuki Kuwagaki, Osaka University
Fri, Apr 23 2021, 4:10PMSheaf quantization and exact WKB analysis
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarFei Yan, Rutgers
Fri, Apr 16 2021, 11:00AMNetworks and the quantum trace map
Zoom 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarSpyros Alexakis, University of Toronto
Fri, Apr 2 2021, 11:00AMMetric reconstruction from minimal surface areas
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258 ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarJennifer Brown, UC Davis
Fri, Mar 12 2021, 11:00AMRacks and Quantum Invariants
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258 Mathematical Physics SeminarLaura Fredrickson, University of Oregon
Fri, Mar 5 2021, 11:00AMALG Gravitational Instantons and Hitchin Moduli Spaces
9Mathematical Physics Seminar
Tue, Mar 2 2021, 9:18PMTBA
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarTatsuki Kuwagaki
Tue, Mar 2 2021, 9:18PMTBA
Zoom-o-verse 918 3509 0938Mathematical Physics SeminarFei Yan, Rutgers
Tue, Mar 2 2021, 11:00AMTBA
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258Mathematical Physics SeminarAnne Schilling, UC Davis
Fri, Feb 26 2021, 11:00AMCrystals: Inspiration from physics to mathematics ... and vice versa
PSEL/QMAP 3024Mathematical Physics SeminarSvetlana Jitomirskaya, UC Irvine
Thu, Feb 25 2021, 11:00AMTBA
Meeting ID: 951 6481 0258Mathematical Physics SeminarRoger Casals, UC Davis
Fri, Feb 19 2021, 11:00AMLagrangian Fillings of Legendrian links--how learning some physics paid off for me
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarRenata Picciotto, Columbia University
Fri, Feb 12 2021, 11:00AMStable maps with fields
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarLara B. Anderson, Virginia Tech
Fri, Feb 5 2021, 11:00AMString Compactifications and Hitchin Systems
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarVincent Bouchard, University of Alberta
Fri, Jan 29 2021, 11:00AMThe topological recursion/quantum curve correspondence for spectral curves with essential singularities
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarChiara Esposito, University of Salerno
Fri, Dec 4 2020, 11:00AMFormality and Twisting
Zoom-o-sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarPierre Bieliavsky, Universite Catholique de Louvain
Fri, Nov 20 2020, 11:00AMHigher spin algebras, Drinfel'd twists and Rankin-Cohen brackets
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarNiklas Garner, U.C. Davis
Fri, Nov 13 2020, 11:00AMTwisting 3d Gauge Theories
Zoom o sphere Zoom room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarMichele Schiavina, ETH Zurich
Fri, Nov 6 2020, 11:00AMRuelle zeta function from field theory
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarMatt Gursky, Notre Dame
Fri, Oct 30 2020, 11:00AMRenormalized volume in dimension four
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarNathan Haouzi, Simons Center
Fri, Oct 23 2020, 11:00AMOn the Quantization of Seiberg-Witten Geometry
Zoom o sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarVarious, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 16 2020, 11:00AMMeet and Greet
Zoom-o-sphere Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarPavel Mnev, Notre Dame
Fri, Oct 9 2020, 11:00AMTwo-dimensional perturbative scalar field theory with polynomial potential and cutting-gluing
Zoom o sphere Zoom room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarPavel Mnev, Notre Dame
Fri, Oct 9 2020, 11:00AMTwo-dimensional perturbative scalar field theory with polynomial potential and cutting-gluing
Zoom Room 975 4218 6104Mathematical Physics SeminarMatt Gursky, Notre Dame
Mon, Oct 5 2020, 11:00AMTBA
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarEugene Skvortsov, AEI Potsdam
Fri, Oct 2 2020, 11:00AMQuantum Higher Spin Gravity and three-dimensional bosonization duality
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarRoberto Bonezzi, Humboldt University, Berlin
Fri, May 29 2020, 11:00AMA worldline theory for gravity
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarMinhyong Kim, Warwick
Fri, May 22 2020, 11:00AMArithmetic topological quantum field theory: some examples and speculations
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarAnton Mellit, Vienna
Fri, May 15 2020, 11:00AMCell decompositions of character varieties and motivification of knot invariants
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarMelissa Sherman-Bennett, UC Berkeley & Harvard University
Fri, May 8 2020, 11:00AMMany cluster structures on Schubert varieties in the Grassmannian
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarOri Ganor, UC Berkeley
Fri, May 1 2020, 11:00AMSix-dimensional Curvepoles - Conjectures and Challenges
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarEric Sharpe, U. Virginia
Fri, Apr 24 2020, 11:00AMDevelopments in the Bagger-Witten and Hodge line bundles
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarMiroslav Rapcak, Berkeley
Fri, Apr 17 2020, 11:00AMExtensions of Kac-Moody Algebras and Calabi-Yau Singularities
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAdrien Brochier -- postponed, Jussieu
Fri, Apr 10 2020, 1:10PMTBA
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarDavid Jordan, Edinburgh
Fri, Apr 10 2020, 11:00AMCluster quantization from stratified factorization homology
ZoomMathematical Physics SeminarThomas Creutzig, Univ. of Alberta
Fri, Apr 3 2020, 11:00AMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAzat Gainutdinov, Institut Denis Poisson
Fri, Mar 13 2020, 12:00PM3-Dimensional Topological QFTs from Non-Semisimple Modular Categories
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJames Tener, Australian National University
Fri, Mar 6 2020, 12:00PMThin cobordisms in conformal field theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarIvan Losev, Yale University
Fri, Feb 21 2020, 12:10PMHarish-Chandra bimodules over quantized symplectic singularities
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarChris Fraser, University of Minnesota
Fri, Feb 14 2020, 12:00PMBraiding for Grassmannian cluster algebras
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPavel Etingof, MIT
Tue, Feb 4 2020, 4:10PMShort star-products for filtered quantizations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarTudor Dimofte, UC Davis
Fri, Jan 31 2020, 12:00PMBoundary chiral algebras
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarHarold Williams, UC Davis
Fri, Jan 24 2020, 12:00PMCanonical Bases for Coulomb Branches
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJie Qing, UC Santa Cruz
Fri, Jan 17 2020, 12:00PMOn asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein manifolds
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarConstantin Teleman, UC Berkeley
Fri, Jan 10 2020, 12:00PMCoulomb branches for quaternionic representations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPietro Longhi, ETH
Fri, Dec 13 2019, 11:00AMPhysics and geometry of the knots-quivers correspondence
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Neitzke, Yale University and University of Texas, Austin
Fri, Dec 6 2019, 11:00AMAbelianization and its $q$-deformation
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Douglas, University of Southern California
Fri, Nov 22 2019, 11:00AMClassical and quantum traces coming from SL_n(C) and U_q(sl_n)
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarVladimir Fock, Université de Strasbourg and CNRS
Fri, Nov 15 2019, 11:10AMTau-function on Riemann surfaces
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAnna Wienhard, Universität Heidelberg
Fri, Nov 8 2019, 11:00AMHigher Teichmüller spaces and positivity
MAB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRichard A. Wentworth, University of Maryland
Fri, Nov 1 2019, 11:00AMWKB, Opers, and Limiting Configurations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDavid R. Morrison, UC Santa Barbara
Fri, Oct 25 2019, 11:00AMThe Kähler Cone of the Mirror Quintic
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSara Venkatesh, Stanford University
Fri, Oct 18 2019, 11:00AMClosed-string mirror symmetry for subdomains
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPeter Merkx, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 11 2019, 11:00AM$F$-theory and a duality in the string landscape
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRoger Casals, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 4 2019, 11:10AMSpectral Legendrians and the Non-Abelianization Map
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlexander Goncharov, Yale University and MSRI
Fri, Sep 27 2019, 11:00AMQuantum geometry of moduli spaces of flat connections and representation theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarThomas Dumitrescu, UCLA
Fri, May 31 2019, 12:10PMAspects of Adjoint QCD in Four Dimensions (joint FSG/QMAP seminar)
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarStephen Shenker, Stanford
Fri, May 24 2019, 3:10PMColloquium: Black holes, random matrices, topological recursion and D-branes
Mathematical Physics Seminar
Fri, May 24 2019, 12:10PM~moved: see 3pm colloquium~
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEugene Rabinovich, UC Berkeley
Fri, May 10 2019, 12:10PMRenormalization of Gauge Theories on Manifolds with Boundary
MSB 2112 Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Fri, May 3 2019, 12:10PMGeometric approach to quantum theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarBenjamin Gammage, Berkeley
Thu, May 2 2019, 3:30PMMirror symmetry and K-theoretic Coulomb branches
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRoland van der Veen, Groningen
Fri, Apr 26 2019, 12:10PMFrom rec-tangles to Gaussians
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarNatalie Paquette, Caltech
Fri, Apr 12 2019, 12:10PMDuality Interfaces and the 4-simplex
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarCurtis Porter, North Carolina State
Fri, Mar 15 2019, 11:00AMSpinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSakura Schaefer-Nameki, Oxford
Fri, Mar 8 2019, 11:00AM--Rescheduled!--
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDan Berwick-Evans, UI Urbana-Champagn
Mon, Mar 4 2019, 2:10PMElliptic cohomology and quantum field theory
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarNathan Seiberg, IAS
Fri, Mar 1 2019, 4:10PMQMAP Colloquium: Symmetries, Duality, and the Unity of Physics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarNathan Haouzi, Simons Center
Fri, Mar 1 2019, 11:00AMWilson Lines, Instantons, and Deformed W-algebras
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarVivek Shende, Berkeley
Fri, Feb 22 2019, 11:00AMSkeins on Branes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJunya Yagi, Perimeter Institute
Fri, Feb 15 2019, 11:00AMUnification of integrability in supersymmetric gauge theories
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJustin Hilburn, U Penn
Fri, Feb 1 2019, 11:00AMSymplectic duality is mirror symmetry of loop spaces
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarNathan Geer, Utah State
Tue, Jan 22 2019, 12:30PMRe-normalized Link invariants
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarNezhla Aghaei, Universitaet Bern
Fri, Jan 11 2019, 11:00AMQuantisation of Chern Simons theory with super gauge group
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarConstantin Teleman, UC Berkeley
Thu, Jan 10 2019, 2:11AMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMartin Luu, UC Davis
Fri, Dec 7 2018, 12:00PMFeigin-Frenkel image of the generalized Witten-Kontsevich point
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMartin Luu, U.C. Davis
Fri, Dec 7 2018, 12:00PMTBA
Mathematical Physics SeminarVladimir Chernov, Dartmouth
Fri, Nov 30 2018, 12:00PMCausality and Legendrian linking
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarXiaomeng Xu, MIT
Fri, Nov 16 2018, 12:00AMStokes phenomenon, Yang-Baxter equations and Frobenius manifolds.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPeter Koroteev, Davis
Fri, Nov 9 2018, 12:00PMQ-opers and Quantum/Classical duality
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAzeem Hasan, CUNY
Fri, Nov 2 2018, 12:00PMGraded Quivers, Toric Calabi Yaus and B-Branes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSteve Carlip, U.C. Davis
Fri, Oct 26 2018, 12:00PMA Crazy Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSaebyeok Jeong, SUNY Stony Brook/Simons Center
Fri, Oct 19 2018, 12:00PMOpers, surface defects, and Yang-Yang functional
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarCurtis Porter, NCSU
Fri, Oct 12 2018, 12:00PMSpinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDmitri Galakhov, UC Berkeley
Fri, Oct 5 2018, 12:00AMKnot invariants from A-branes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPavel Mnev, Chicago
Fri, May 25 2018, 12:10PM2d Yang-Mills on surfaces with corners in BV formalism
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAnindya Dey, Rutgers University
Fri, May 18 2018, 12:10PM't Hooft Defects, Monopole Bubbling and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMartin Gebert, King's College London
Fri, Apr 27 2018, 12:10AMA bound on the averaged spectral shift function and a lower bound on the density of states for random Schrödinger operators on R^d
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarYoshihiko Matsumoto, Osaka
Fri, Apr 13 2018, 12:10PMCR geometry and ACH-Einstein metrics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAnton Zeitlin, Louisiana State University
Fri, Apr 6 2018, 12:10PMSuper-Teichmueller Theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDongmin Gang, IPMU
Fri, Mar 16 2018, 11:00AMThe 3d Index and Compact 3-Manifolds
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarBen Davison, Glasgow & Edinburgh
Fri, Mar 9 2018, 11:00AMBPS cohomology and Yangians
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarStephen McKeown, Princeton
Fri, Mar 2 2018, 11:00AMCornered Asymptotically Hyperbolic Einstein Metrics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarStephen McKeown, Princeton
Fri, Mar 2 2018, 11:00AMCornered Asymptotically Hyperbolic Einstein Metrics
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarSergei Gukov, Caltech
Tue, Feb 27 2018, 3:10PMColloquium: Conformal symmetry and 4-manifiolds
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarShlomo Razamat, Technion
Wed, Feb 21 2018, 11:00AMThe Eight field way
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarTheo Johnson-Freyd, Perimeter Institute
Fri, Feb 9 2018, 11:00AMMoonshine Anomalies
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDylan Butson, Perimeter Institute
Fri, Feb 2 2018, 11:00AMBoundary Chiral Algebras for 3d N=4 Theories
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarVIctor Mikhaylov, Simons Center
Fri, Jan 26 2018, 11:00AMTeichmuller TQFT vs Chern-Simons Theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarLaura Fredrickson, Stanford
Fri, Jan 19 2018, 11:00AMThe ends of the Hitchin moduli space
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRyan Thorngren, Berkeley
Fri, Jan 12 2018, 11:00AMTime Reversal Anomalies and Topological Phase transitions in the Gauged Linear Sigma Models
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlex Postnikov, MIT
Fri, Dec 8 2017, 1:30PMPolypositroids and membranes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Fri, Dec 1 2017, 1:30PMQuantum deformation of planar amplitudes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarArnav Tripathy, Harvard
Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:30PMSpecial cycles and BPS jumping loci
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMiroslav Rapcak, Perimeter Institute
Fri, Nov 10 2017, 1:30PMVertex Operator Algebras via Topological Vertex Like Construction
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarIngmar Saberi, Heidelberg
Fri, Nov 3 2017, 1:30PMLattice field theories, hierarchy, and holography
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDmitry Tonkonog, UC Berkeley
Fri, Oct 27 2017, 1:30PMLagrangian mutations and enumerative geometry
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJames Dilts, San Diego
Fri, Oct 20 2017, 1:30PMWhen do spacetimes have constant mean curvature slices?
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarNima Arkani-Hamed, IAS
Tue, Oct 17 2017, 2:00PMSpacetime, Quantum Mechanics and Positive Geometry Continued
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, Davis
Fri, Oct 13 2017, 1:30PMContact Geometry and Quantum Mechanics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRichard Derryberry, UT Austin
Fri, Oct 6 2017, 1:30PMSelf-Dual Hitchin Systems from Theories of Class S
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarShawn Cui, Stanford
Fri, Sep 29 2017, 1:30PMHigher Categories and Topological Quantum Field Theories
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarA. Turbiner, UNAM
Tue, Jul 11 2017, 4:10PM3-body problem: ground state.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarChristos Mantoulidis, Stanford
Fri, May 26 2017, 1:15PMFill-ins, extensions, scalar curvature, and quasi-local mass
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMykola Dedushenko, Caltech
Fri, May 19 2017, 1:15PM4-manifold invariants and 2d CFT
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMichele Schiavina, UC Berkeley
Fri, Apr 28 2017, 12:15PMBV-BFV formalism and General Relativity
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarClay Córdova, IAS
Fri, Apr 21 2017, 1:00PMBPS States and Chiral Algebras
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSean Curry, UCSD
Fri, Apr 14 2017, 1:15PMThe geometry of CR submanifolds in CR manifolds
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAnton Zeitlin, Columbia
Fri, Mar 17 2017, 12:15PMQuantum equivariant K-theory and quantum spin chains
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarIan Anderson, Utah State
Fri, Mar 10 2017, 12:15PMThe Many Faces Of the Exceptional Lie Algebra G_2
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarStephan Stolz, Notre Dame
Fri, Feb 24 2017, 12:15PMFrom factorization algebras to functorial field theories
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarNicolai Reshetikhin
Tue, Feb 21 2017, 12:00PMLimit shapes and correlation functions in dimer models
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Zaslow, Northwestern
Fri, Feb 17 2017, 12:15PMOpen Gromov-Witten invariants via cluster theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarErik Carlsson, UC Davis
Fri, Feb 10 2017, 12:15PMAGT and the Segal-Sugawara construction
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPiotr Sulkowski, University of Warsaw
Tue, Jan 31 2017, 12:30PMKnots and quivers
1147 MSBMathematical Physics SeminarPieter Naaijkens, UCD
Fri, Jan 27 2017, 12:15PMThe mathematics of topologically ordered phases
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJohn Francis, Northwestern
Fri, Jan 13 2017, 12:15PMFactorization Homology
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarHarold Williams, UT Austin
Fri, Dec 9 2016, 12:15PMThe Affine Grassmannian and 4d N=2 Gauge Theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDavid Jordan, Edinburgh
Fri, Dec 2 2016, 12:15PMThe quantum character topological field theory
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarPhilsang Yoo, Northwestern
Thu, Nov 17 2016, 11:00AMPhysics of Langlands Dualities
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarMaxim Grigoriev, Lebedev
Wed, Nov 9 2016, 4:10PMSupergeometry of gauge PDE and (presymplectic) AKSZ models
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarCallum Quigley, Toronto
Fri, Nov 4 2016, 12:15PM​Second quantized MSW strings on K3 fibrations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJacob Bourjailly, Neils Bohr
Fri, Oct 28 2016, 12:15PMStratifying On-Shell Cluster Varieties
MSB 2112 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarIan Anderson, Utah State
Mon, Oct 24 2016, 12:00AMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarLev Rozansky, UNC, Chapel Hill
Fri, Oct 21 2016, 12:15PMFlag varieties, Gukov-Witten defect and HOMFLY-PT link homology II
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarLotte Hollands, Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh)
Fri, Oct 14 2016, 12:15PMSpectral networks, Strebel differentials, and non-Lagrangian QFT's
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarOri Ganor, Berkeley
Fri, Oct 7 2016, 12:15PMRay Operators in 5d Super Conformal Field Theories
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarArnab Rudra, Davis
Fri, Sep 30 2016, 12:15PMMass renormalization in string theory and decomposition of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarNatalie Paquette, Stanford
Fri, Sep 23 2016, 12:15PMMoonshine, Automorphy, and String Theory
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarSebastian Franco, City College of New York, CUNY
Thu, Jun 9 2016, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniele Galloni, University of Durham, UK
Thu, Jun 2 2016, 3:10PMTBA
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarLaura Fredirickson, University of Texas, Austin
Thu, May 26 2016, 3:10PMFrom the Hitchin component to opers
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPeter Koroteev, UC Davis
Thu, May 19 2016, 3:10PMOn Elliptic Algebras and Large-n Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarFelix Haehl, University of Durham, UK
Thu, May 12 2016, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarChi-Ming Chang, Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, UC Berkeley
Thu, May 5 2016, 3:10PMTBA
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarNima Lashkari, Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT
Thu, Apr 28 2016, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMichael Gutperle, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA
Thu, Apr 21 2016, 3:10PMHolographic entanglement entropy for surface operators and defects
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarKohei Iwaki, Nagoya University and the University of Toronto
Thu, Apr 14 2016, 3:10PMExact WKB analysis and spectral networks
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarErik Tonni, SISSA
Fri, Apr 8 2016, 1:10PMSome geometrical aspects of entanglement in CFT & Holography
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAleksey Cherman, University of Washington
Thu, Apr 7 2016, 3:10PMLarge N emergent symmetries in confining gauge theories
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarArnab Rudra, University of Cambridge
Thu, Mar 31 2016, 3:10PMType I/Heterotic Duality and M-theory amplitudes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSasha Zhiboedov, Harvard Univ
Thu, Mar 24 2016, 3:10PMThe S-matrix bootstrap and leading Regge trajectory
Phys Dept 432Mathematical Physics SeminarAhmed Almheiri, Stanford Univ
Thu, Mar 17 2016, 3:10PMLinearity of Holographic Entanglement Entropy​​
MSB 2112 Mathematical Physics SeminarNing Bao, Caltech
Wed, Mar 9 2016, 2:30PMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarNing Bao, Caltech
Wed, Mar 9 2016, 2:30PMHolographic Entanglement Inequalities
Phys Dept 432Mathematical Physics SeminarVyacheslav Lysov, Caltech
Thu, Mar 3 2016, 3:10PMAsymptotic Fermionic Symmetry From Soft Gravitino Theorem
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Perlmutter, IAS
Thu, Feb 25 2016, 3:10PMBounding the Space of Holographic CFTs with Chaos
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSteve Carlip, UC Davis, Phys. Dept
Thu, Feb 11 2016, 3:10PMFour-dimensional entropy from three-dimensional gravity
Phys Dept 432Mathematical Physics SeminarXi Dong, IAS
Thu, Feb 4 2016, 3:10PMEntanglement, Spacetime, and Quantum Error Correction
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEugene Gorsky, UC Davis, Math Dept
Thu, Jan 28 2016, 3:10PMRefined Chern-Simons theory and invariants of torus knots
Phys Dept 432Mathematical Physics SeminarDavid Poland, Yale Univ
Thu, Jan 21 2016, 3:10PMMysteries in the Bootstrap
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UC Davis, Math. Dept
Thu, Jan 14 2016, 3:10PMQuantization of Hitchin's spectral curves and "opers"
Phys Dept 432Mathematical Physics SeminarAdam Jacob, UC Davis, Math. Dept
Thu, Jan 7 2016, 3:10PMSpecial Lagrangians, deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills, and stability.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarShamil Shakirov, Harvard
Thu, Dec 10 2015, 3:10PMRefined Chern-Simons theory in genus two
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarShamit Kachru, Stanford
Thu, Dec 3 2015, 3:10PMWhich quantum field theories have emergent gravity?
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSwapnamay Mondal, HRI
Thu, Nov 19 2015, 3:10PMBlack Hole microstate counting using pure D brane systems
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarRobin Graham, University of Washington, Seattle
Thu, Nov 12 2015, 3:10PMHigher-dimensional Willmore energies via minimal submanifold asymptotics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJohn Fuini, University of Washington, Seattle
Thu, Nov 5 2015, 3:10PMFar-from-equilibrium dynamics of a strongly coupled non-Abelian plasma with non-zero charge density or external magnetic field
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarVarious, U.C. Davis
Fri, Oct 30 2015, 10:30AMQuantum Mathematics and Physics
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarVarious, U.C. Davis
Thu, Oct 29 2015, 3:00PMQuantum Mathematics and Physics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRamalingam Loganayagam, Princeton
Thu, Oct 22 2015, 3:10PMThe Fluid Manifesto: Schwinger Keldysh and the emergence of fluid dynamics
Physics 432 Mathematical Physics SeminarRafe Mazzeo, Stanford
Thu, Oct 15 2015, 3:10PMThe Kapustin-Witten equations with Nahm pole boundary conditions
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Thu, Oct 8 2015, 3:10PMAxiomatic conformal field theory and AdS/ CFT correspondence.
Physics 432Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UC Davis
Thu, Oct 1 2015, 3:10PMThe Singular Yamabe Problem and Conformal Hypersurface Invariants
MSB 1147 Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Sharpe, Virginia Tech
Mon, May 11 2015, 4:10PMSome recent developments in 2d (0,2) theories
MSB 2112 Mathematical Physics SeminarPeter Koroteev
Thu, Apr 9 2015, 3:10PMDefects and Quantum Seiberg-Witten Geometry
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarTudor Dimofte, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Fri, Dec 12 2014, 4:10PMBoundary conditions and symplectic duality in 3d N=4 theories
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarDerek Wise, University of Erlangen
Thu, Nov 20 2014, 4:10PMThe Erlangen Program and General Relativity: Spacetime, Geometrodynamics, and Observers.
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarAlexander Turbiner, UNAM
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, Math Dept UC Davis
Thu, Oct 9 2014, 4:10PMIs Quantum Gravity a Chern-Simons Theory?
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAnton Zeitlin, Colombia
Tue, May 27 2014, 1:10PMSigma models and Beltrami-Courant differentials
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarHovhannes KHUDAVERDIAN, Manchester
Thu, May 22 2014, 4:10PMDifferential operators on the extended manifolds and operator pencils on the algebra of densities.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPavel Putrov, Caltech
Thu, May 15 2014, 4:10PMExact Solutions of 2d SQCDs
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSebastian Franco, Durham
Thu, Apr 17 2014, 4:10PM A New Class of QFTs: from D-branes to the Geometry of Scattering Amplitudes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarVasilisa Shramchenko, Sherbrooke, Canada
Thu, Apr 3 2014, 4:10PMPoncelet theorem and Painlevé VI
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMarkus Luty, UC Davis, Phys Dept
Thu, Mar 6 2014, 4:10PMScale without Conformal Invariance: Destructive Quantum Field Theory?
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarVincent Bouchard, University of Alberta
Thu, Feb 20 2014, 4:10PMQuantum curves and Hitchin systems
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEkaterina Amerik, HSE, Moscow
Thu, Feb 13 2014, 4:10PMRational curves on hyperkahler manifolds.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAnatoly Preygel, UC Berkeley
Thu, Feb 6 2014, 4:10PMThe "microlocalization" of coherent sheaves
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlexei Oblomkov, University of Massachusetts
Thu, Jan 30 2014, 4:10PMTopological vertex, colored knot invariants and plane curve singularities.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarLaura Schaposnik, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Thu, Jan 16 2014, 4:10PMReal slices of the moduli space of Higgs bundles
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UC Davis
Thu, Jan 9 2014, 4:10PMThe quantum curve for CP^1
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Thu, Dec 5 2013, 4:10PMA von Neumann approach to quantum metrics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Thu, Nov 21 2013, 4:10PMInfinite-dimensional determinants, tau and theta
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRakibur Rahman, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Thu, Nov 14 2013, 4:10PMGravitational Interactions of Higher-Spin Fermions
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRod Gover, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Tue, Nov 12 2013, 4:10PMCompactification and Einstein metrics (joint meeting with Geometry/Topology seminar)
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarNigel Higson, Penn State
Mon, Oct 28 2013, 4:10PMOn the Dirac operator approach to the quantization commutes with reduction problem
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRoberto Bonezzi, University of Bologna, Italy
Thu, Oct 17 2013, 4:10PMWorldline approach to noncommutative field theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Thu, Oct 10 2013, 4:10PMDiscrete quantum curves
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UC Davis
Thu, Oct 3 2013, 4:10PMQuantum curves, Hitchin fibrations, and the Eynard-Orantin theory
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UC Davis Mathematics
Thu, May 30 2013, 3:10PMMassive gravity?
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJohannes Walcher, McHill University (Toronto, Canada)
Thu, May 16 2013, 3:10PMMirror symmetry for open strings, geometry and arithmetic
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCDavis
Thu, May 9 2013, 3:10PMQuantization and holomorphic anomaly
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCDavis
Tue, Apr 16 2013, 4:10PMQuantum curves.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UCDavis
Tue, Apr 9 2013, 4:10PMTopological recursion
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCDavis
Thu, Mar 7 2013, 4:10PMAlgebraic K-theory and integrality in the theory of topological strings.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics Seminar Darren Shih, UCBerkeley
Thu, Feb 28 2013, 4:10PMFreudenthal gauge theories
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarProf. Alexander Turbiner, UNAM, Mexico City
Wed, Feb 13 2013, 4:10PM A new family of planar solvable and integrable Schroedinger operators
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Krefl, UC Berkeley
Thu, Feb 7 2013, 4:10PMOrbifolded vs. refined partition functions
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJerry Kaminker, UC Davis
Thu, Jan 31 2013, 4:10PMAlgebraic K-theory, regulators and the volume conjecture in knot theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UCDavis
Thu, Jan 17 2013, 3:10PMThe Borot-Eynard-Orantin theory and the Bloch regulators in K-theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarOmid Saremi, UC Berkeley
Thu, Dec 6 2012, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarLiam Fitzpatrick, Stanford
Thu, Nov 29 2012, 3:10PMAdS Locality and Conformal Field Theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarLiam Fitzpatrick, Stanford
Thu, Nov 29 2012, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRenjung Xu, UC Davis
Thu, Nov 15 2012, 3:10PM Integral invariants in flat superspace
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Bergshoeff, Groningen
Thu, Nov 1 2012, 3:10PMA Different Look at Massive Gravity
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlessandro Vichi, UC Berkeley
Thu, Oct 25 2012, 3:10PMSolving the 3D Ising model with conformal bootstrap
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Krefl, UC Berkeley
Thu, Oct 18 2012, 3:10PMThe deformation space of topological string theories
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UC Davis
Thu, Oct 4 2012, 3:10PMHigher Form Problems and Almost Riemannian Geometry
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Bergshoeff, Groningen
Mon, Oct 1 2012, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarEric ergshoeff, Groningen
Mon, Oct 1 2012, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarPasha Mnev, MSB
Tue, Jun 12 2012, 4:10PMTopological quantum field theory on triangulated manifolds coming from BV integrals
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRoberto Bonezzi, Bologna University
Tue, Jun 5 2012, 4:10PMQuantum theories of (p,q)-forms
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAntonino Marciano, Haverford Coll. & Princeton U.
Tue, May 29 2012, 4:10PMTowards a spin-foam unification of gravity and Yang-Mills interactions.
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarMassimo Porrati, New York U., CCPP
Wed, May 23 2012, 5:10PMOn the Unitarity of Critical Gravity, Other Higher-Derivative Theories, and High Spin Randall-Sundrum Theories.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarStephen Kwok, UCLA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarHai Siong Tan, UC Berkeley
Tue, May 8 2012, 4:10PMAspects of Three-dimensional Higher-Spin Gravity
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDouglas Stanford, Stanford
Tue, May 1 2012, 4:10PMBubbles and Fractal Flows
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarBianca Letizia Cerchiai, Milano University
Tue, Apr 24 2012, 4:10PMMagic coset decompositions for groups of type E7
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJoshua Cooperman, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 17 2012, 4:10PMExploring quantum Horava-Lifshitz gravity with causal dynamical triangulations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJeremie Bouttier, Saclay
Tue, Apr 10 2012, 4:10PMThe nested loop approach to the O(n) model on random lattices
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAnton Khoroshkin, stony brook
Tue, Apr 3 2012, 4:10PMInclusion-exclusion principle in homological algebra
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UCDavis, Math. Dept
Tue, Mar 13 2012, 4:10PM From topological string theory to algebraic geometry
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCDavis, Math Dept
Tue, Mar 6 2012, 4:10PMClosed string field theory and its generalizations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCDavis, Math.Dept
Tue, Feb 28 2012, 4:10PMEquivariant cohomology of Sato Grassmannian and shifted symmetric functions.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarHenrique Gomes, Phys Dept, UCDavis
Tue, Feb 21 2012, 4:10PMAn introduction to Shape Dynamics
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics Seminar Rita Fioresi, University of Bologna, Italy
Tue, Feb 14 2012, 4:10PMThe Minkowski and conformal superspaces
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSteven Duplij, Karazin Kharkov National University, Ukraine
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarBruno Nachtergaele, UCDavis, Math. Dept
Tue, Jan 31 2012, 12:00AMAutomorphic equivalence of gapped ground states and the classification of gapped phases
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAndreas Albrecht, Physics Dept, UCDavis
Tue, Jan 24 2012, 4:10PMCosmological puzzles for mathematicians
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMisha Kapovich, UCDavis, Math.Dept
Tue, Jan 17 2012, 4:10PMAffine Buildings
Physics 416Mathematical Physics SeminarJorge Santos, Santa Barbara
Wed, Nov 16 2011, 3:10PMGravitational turbulent instability of Anti-de Sitter space
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarMisha Kapovich, Davis
Wed, Nov 9 2011, 3:10PM What are buildings?
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Berwick-Evans, UCBerkeley
Wed, Nov 2 2011, 3:10PMSupersymmetric field theories and topology
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarDavid Cherney, U.C. Davis
Wed, Oct 26 2011, 3:10PMCosmological Bubble Correlations and p-adic Conformal Symmetree.
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarDaniel Harlow, Stanford
Wed, Oct 19 2011, 3:10PMEternal Symmetree
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarCharles Melby-Thompson, UC Berkeley
Wed, Oct 12 2011, 3:10PMGauge Symmetry and Dynamics in Anisotropic Gravity
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics Seminar Andrade, Santa Barbara
Wed, Oct 5 2011, 3:10PMBeyond the unitarity bound in AdS/CFT
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJeffrey Case, UCSB
Wed, May 18 2011, 3:10PMQuasi-Einstein Metrics and Conformal Geometry
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UCDavis, Math.Dept
Wed, May 11 2011, 3:10PMTractors, Gravity, Two Times and Higher Spins
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJohannes Broedel, Physics Dept, Stanford University
Wed, Apr 27 2011, 3:10PMMaximally supersymmetric path integrals
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarKevin Schaeffer, UCBerkeley
Wed, Apr 13 2011, 3:10PMWall Crossing, Quivers, and Dimers
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarFrank Liou, UCDavis, Math.Dept
Wed, Apr 6 2011, 3:10PMInfinite-dimensional Grassmannian and moduli spaces.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarOri Ganor, UCBerkeley
Wed, Mar 2 2011, 3:10PMS-duality-a new twist
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UCDavis
Wed, Feb 23 2011, 3:10PMIntroduction to super Yang-Mills theory and S-duality
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarPatrick Dragon, Math Dept, UCDavis
Wed, Feb 16 2011, 3:10PMIntegrality in Kac-Moody algebras.
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJian Zhou, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Wed, Feb 9 2011, 3:10PMIntegrality properties of local mirror maps
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSteve Carlip, Phys Dept, UCDavis
Wed, Jan 26 2011, 3:10PM Extremal and Nonextremal Kerr/CFT Correspondences
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarSteve Carlip, Phys Dept, UCDavis
Wed, Jan 26 2011, 3:10PM Extremal and Nonextremal Kerr/CFT Correspondences
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCDavis
Wed, Jan 19 2011, 3:10PMInfinite-dimensional Grassmannian and string theory
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarRenjun XU, Dept of Physics, UCDavis
Wed, Dec 1 2010, 4:10PMHomology of Lie algebra of supersymmetries
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarEmanuele Latini, UCDavis
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarRoberto Bonezzi, Bologna Univ (Italy)
Wed, Oct 20 2010, 4:10PMU(N) spinning particles and higher spin fields on Kaehler backgrounds
MSB 2240Mathematical Physics SeminarGiuseppe Torri, Imperial College, London
Thu, May 27 2010, 3:10PMBrane tilings, M2-branes and Chern-Simons Theories
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDerek Wise, UCD
Wed, Apr 21 2010, 3:10PMExtended Topological Gauge Theory
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDavid Cherney, UC Davis
Wed, Apr 7 2010, 3:10PMDetour Quantization of a SUGRA Minisuperspace Model
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarKarl Hallowell
Wed, Mar 3 2010, 4:10PMDiscussion of an information-theoretic model of gravity, derived by Erik Verlinde
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarKarl Hallowell
Wed, Mar 3 2010, 4:10PMDiscussion of an information-theoretic model of gravity, derived by Erik Verlinde
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarSergey Cherkis, Dublin
Thu, Jan 7 2010, 12:10PMYang-Mills Instantons in Curved Backgrounds from String Theory
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarPat Dragon, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 25 2009, 4:10PMTwisted de Rham Cohomology and Physics Over a Ring
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarGuido Festuccia, uc santa cruz
Wed, Nov 18 2009, 4:10PMa bound on the Superpotential
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarGuido Festuccia, Santa Cruz California University
Wed, Nov 11 2009, 4:10PMA Bound on the Superpotential
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 4 2009, 4:10PMBatalin-Vilkovisky formalism, L-infinity and A-infinity algebras, and deformations
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 28 2009, 4:10PMBatalin-Vilkovisky formalism, L-infinity and A-infinity algebras, and deformations
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarFrank Liou, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 21 2009, 4:10PMThe topology of Sato-Grassmannian
MSB 2106Mathematical Physics SeminarEmanuele Orazi, Turin polytechnic institute and INFN, italy
Wed, Oct 7 2009, 4:10PMintroduction to FDA
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarCatherine Meusburger, Hamburg
Tue, Jun 9 2009, 2:10PMObservables in Three Dimensional Quantum Gravity
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarCatherine Meusburger, Hamburg
Mon, Jun 8 2009, 2:10PMIntroduction to Observables in Three Dimensional Quantum Gravity
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarChris Rogers, UC Riverside
Thu, May 28 2009, 3:10PMLie 2-algebras from 2-plectic geometry
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarRajesh Kommu, UCD Physics
Thu, May 21 2009, 3:10PMCausal Dynamical Triangulations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarOri Ganor, Berkeley
Thu, Apr 30 2009, 3:10PMFrom S-Duality to Chern-Simons via Minimal Strings
MSB 2240Mathematical Physics SeminarMarcus Afshar, UCD Physics
Tue, Apr 21 2009, 3:10PMQuasilocal Energy in FRW Cosmology
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMarc Rieffel, UC Berkeley
Thu, Apr 2 2009, 3:10PMDirac operators for compact coadjoint orbits (and for matrix algebras that converge to them?)
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics Seminar Hans Jockers, SITP, Stanford
Thu, Mar 12 2009, 3:10PMTowards open-string mirror symmetry for compact Calabi-Yau geometries
MSB 1147Mathematical Physics SeminarVincent Bouchard, Harvard University
Tue, Mar 3 2009, 3:10PMAn algebraic geometry perspective on heterotic string phenomenology
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCD
Thu, Feb 19 2009, 3:30PMQuantum mechanics and homological algebra
MSB 2122Mathematical Physics SeminarBianca Cerchiai, UC Berkeley
Thu, Feb 12 2009, 3:10PMMapping the geometry of exceptional Lie groups
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Thu, Feb 5 2009, 3:10PMSpace and Time From Translation Symmetry
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarCatherine Williams, Stanford
Thu, Jan 29 2009, 3:10PMAsymptotic behavior of marginally trapped tubes
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDerek Wise, UCD
Thu, Jan 22 2009, 12:00AM2-groups and their representations (II)
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDerek Wise, UCD
Thu, Jan 15 2009, 3:00PM2-groups and their representations
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics Seminar
Thu, Jan 8 2009, 3:10PMQuantum Geometry Organizational Meeting
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarDmitri Fuchs, UCD
Thu, Dec 4 2008, 3:10PMA Lie Algebra Cohomology Primer
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMithat Unsal, Stanford
Tue, Nov 18 2008, 2:30PMDeformed Type IIB matrix models, lattice supersymmetry and twisting
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarA. Waldron, Davis
Thu, Nov 13 2008, 3:10PM280 -- Geometry and Gauge Theory
MSB 2117Mathematical Physics SeminarD Wise, UC Davis
Thu, Nov 6 2008, 3:10PMPonzano Regge Discussion Group
MSB 2115Mathematical Physics SeminarShannon McCurdy and Anthony Tagliaferro, UC Berkeley
Thu, Oct 30 2008, 3:10PMStar Products for Differential Forms on Symplectic Manifolds
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Waldron, UCD
Thu, Oct 23 2008, 3:10AMTractors, Weyl Invariance and Mass
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics Seminar
Thu, Oct 2 2008, 3:10PMReading/Discussion on the Ponzano-Regge model of 3d quantum gravity
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UCD
Thu, May 8 2008, 11:00AMRecent Developments in Topological String Theory and Virasoro Constraints
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarDon Marolf, UCSB
Thu, May 1 2008, 11:00AMSetting the boundary free in AdS/CFT
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarJeffrey Morton, University of Western Ontario
Fri, Mar 14 2008, 3:10PMExtended TQFT's and Quantum Gravity
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarGarrett Lisi
Fri, Mar 7 2008, 3:10PM
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarJason Hole, UC Davis
Fri, Feb 29 2008, 3:10PMAn introduction to some models of gravity
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarSteve Carlip, UC Davis, Physics
Fri, Feb 22 2008, 3:10PMBlack hole entropy and the problem of universality
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarDavid Cherney, UC Davis
Fri, Feb 15 2008, 3:10PMIntroduction to BRST quantization
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarBen Freivogel, UC Berkeley
Fri, Feb 8 2008, 3:10PMAsymptotics of eternal inflation
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarJerry Kaminker
Fri, Feb 1 2008, 3:10PMK-theory, K-homology, and duality
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics Seminar(Group)
Fri, Jan 25 2008, 3:10PM(Discussion/reading of Lee Smolin's paper)
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarAbrar Shaukat, UC Davis
Fri, Jan 18 2008, 3:10PMConformal Geometry, Tractors, and Physics
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarDerek Wise, UC Davis
Fri, Jan 11 2008, 3:10PMParticles and Strings in BF Theory and Gravity
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarKarl Hallowell, UC Davis
Wed, Dec 12 2007, 3:10PMNon-commutative Geometry and String Field Theory
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarEmanule Latini, University of Bologna
Fri, Dec 7 2007, 3:10PMCounting states with BRST Path Integrals
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarMatthew Headrick, Stanford
Fri, Nov 30 2007, 3:10PMHedgehog black holes and the deconfinement transition
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarEmanuele Latini, U. Bologna
Fri, Nov 23 2007, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarDerek Wise, UC Davis
Fri, Nov 16 2007, 3:10PMGravity and Cartan Geometry
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarBayram Tekin, University of Ankara
Fri, Nov 9 2007, 3:10PMConserved charges in generic gravity theories
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarKirill Saraikin, Caltech
Fri, Nov 2 2007, 3:10PMExtremal black holes and refined topological strings
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarDavid Cherney, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 26 2007, 3:10PMT Duality
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarAlberto Iglesias, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 19 2007, 3:10PMThe clock ambiguity and the emergence of physical laws
MSB 3240 0Mathematical Physics SeminarKarl Hallowell, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 12 2007, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 3240Mathematical Physics SeminarGroup Discussion, UC Davis
Fri, Oct 5 2007, 3:10PMDiscuss the clcok ambiguity paper
MSB 0Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UCD
Fri, Apr 20 2007, 3:10PMThe Hitchin Integrable Systems, Geometric Langlands,and Homological Mirror Symmetry
MSB 0Mathematical Physics SeminarAndrew Neitzke, Princeton
Fri, Apr 13 2007, 3:10PMQuaternionic geometry, supersymmetric black holes and topological string theory
MSB 0Mathematical Physics SeminarMotohico Mulase, UCD
Fri, Apr 6 2007, 12:00AMFrom Galois representations to homologicalmirror symmetry via integrable systems
MSB 2240Mathematical Physics SeminarJonathon Block, U Penn
Tue, Nov 28 2006, 12:10PMDeformations of Fourier-Mukai transforms and noncommutative geometry.
MSB 2240Mathematical Physics SeminarAlessandro Tomasiello, Stanford
Fri, Nov 17 2006, 3:10PMSupersymmetric black holes from internal dimensions in string theory
MSB 2112 0Mathematical Physics SeminarSergey Prokushkin, Toronto
Tue, May 30 2006, 4:10PMGeometric Model for Complex Non-Kaehler Manifolds with SU(3) Structure
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarMisha Movshev, Princeton
Mon, Apr 10 2006, 2:00PMOdd Chern-Simons theory on pure spinors
MSB 3106Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbert Schwarz, UCD
Wed, Feb 8 2006, 11:10AMIntegrality of Instanton Numbers and the p-adic B-model
MSB 2112Mathematical Physics SeminarAlbion Lawrence, Brandeis
Wed, Dec 14 2005, 1:10PMClosed string tachyon dynamics and worldsheet RG
Kerr 693Mathematical Physics SeminarAnke Knauf, DESY
Wed, Dec 7 2005, 1:10PMGeometric Transitions on non-Kaehler manifolds
Kerr 693Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Sharpe, Utah
Wed, Oct 12 2005, 1:10AMHeterotic generalizations of 2d topological field theories
Kerr 0Mathematical Physics Seminar
Tue, May 31 2005, 12:00AM
Kerr 0Mathematical Physics SeminarSergei Gukov, Harvard
Thu, May 12 2005, 12:00AMTBA
Phys Geo 416Mathematical Physics SeminarAndreas Karch, University of Washington
Tue, May 10 2005, 4:10PMHologravity
Phys Geo 416Mathematical Physics SeminarTom Banks, UC Santa Cruz
Fri, May 6 2005, 4:10PMThoughts on the Quantum Theory of Stable de Sitter Space
Kerr 693Mathematical Physics SeminarMichael Movshev, Institut Mittag Leffler
Thu, Apr 28 2005, 4:10PM Supersymmetric deformations of Yang-Mills theory in dimension 10 -new results
PhysGeo 416Mathematical Physics SeminarMaulik Parikh, Columbia
Thu, Dec 16 2004, 2:00PMDe Sitter's Dual: Finite Fuzzy Fermionic Fock Space
PhysGeo 512Mathematical Physics SeminarEric Gimon, Berkeley
Tue, Dec 7 2004, 1:10PMDomain Walls, Godel and Hypertubes.
Kerr 593Mathematical Physics SeminarIndrajit Mitra, Berkeley
Tue, Nov 30 2004, 1:10PMA Strong Quantum Effect on the Dynamics of Moduli
Kerr 593 0Mathematical Physics SeminarRadu Tatar, Berkeley
Tue, Nov 23 2004, 1:10PMGeometric Transitions, Non-Kahler manifolds and Effective Field Theories
Kerr 593Mathematical Physics SeminarElie Garbatov, UC San Diego
Tue, Nov 9 2004, 1:10PMSupersymmetry and the Landscape
PhysGeo 512Mathematical Physics SeminarVeronika Hubeny, Stanford
Tue, Oct 26 2004, 1:10PMProbing bulk via correlators
Kerr 593Mathematical Physics SeminarHenriette Elvang, UC Santa Barbara
Tue, Oct 19 2004, 1:00PMBlack rings and supertubes
Phys-Geo 416Mathematical Physics SeminarKlaus Behrndt, Potsdam
Tue, Oct 12 2004, 4:15PMFixing of moduli by fluxes in type IIA string theory
Kerr 693Mathematical Physics SeminarJan Plefka, MPI Potsdam
Fri, Sep 17 2004, 2:10PMOn the integrability of plane wave matrix theory
QMAP/PSEL 3204Mathematical Physics SeminarIan Anderson, Utah State
Thu, May 20 1976, 4:10PMTBA