MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Anouk Brose, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 19 2025, 1:10PM | Lattice Diameter of Lattice Polygons |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tait Weicht, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 12 2025, 12:10PM | Analyzing the robustness of null-initialization for phase retrieval |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kyle Chickering, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 29 2025, 12:10PM | n-TangentProp: A Quasilinear Algorithm for Taking Derivatives of Neural Networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kim Calabrese, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 8 2025, 12:10PM | Rate Independent Computation in Continuous Chemical Reaction Networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Soyeon Kim, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 4 2024, 12:00AM | Splicing map for skew Schubert varieties |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | John Walker, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 20 2024, 12:10PM | Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo Methods |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Greg DePaul, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 30 2024, 12:10PM | Applied topology bootcamp |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lisa Johnston, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 9 2024, 12:10PM | Macdonald polynomials as a sum of affine Demazure characters |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Soyeon Kim, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 2 2024, 12:10PM | Frozen variables for open Richardson varieties |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeshu Dastidar, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 5 2024, 12:10PM | Finding rank-1 tensors via computing intersection of conic varieties and linear subspaces, and further directions |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jake Quinn, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 29 2024, 12:10PM | Introduction to sl_2-modules |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Timothy Paczynski, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 22 2024, 12:10PM | Equivariant Cohomology and the Moment Map |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kelli Loritsch, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 15 2024, 12:10PM | Flagellar Analysis of Microswimmers |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alex Simons, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 8 2024, 12:10PM | Homology of the Legendrian Contact DG-Algebra for the Rainbow Closure of Positive Braids |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Can Görmez, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 1 2024, 1:10PM | Quantization and Homogeneous Spaces |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sanchayan Dutta, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 17 2024, 12:10PM | Topological Field Theories, Tensor Categories and Quantum Groups |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alex Black, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 10 2024, 12:10PM | Smooth Toric Varieties in Flag Varieties |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joshua Turner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 3 2024, 2:10PM | Haiman ideals, affine Springer fibers, and link homology |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tonie Scroggin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 13 2024, 1:10PM | Cluster quasi-homomorphisms associated to two-strand braid varieties |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brian Knight, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 28 2024, 1:10PM | Robust 2D Phase Estimation and Demodulation with the Structure Multivector |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Zachary Ibarra, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 21 2024, 1:10PM | A Gentle Introduction to Nonabelian Hodge Correspondence. |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Peyton Wood, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 14 2024, 12:10PM | Introducing Legendrian Knots and Racks |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Anouk Brose, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 31 2024, 1:10PM | Interior Lattice Points of Lattice Polytopes, Hensley’s Approach |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tait Weicht, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 24 2024, 1:10PM | From tensor decomposition to slicing determinantal varieties |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shanon Rubin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 17 2024, 1:10PM | How to glue categories using homotopy theory: symplectic surfaces via graphs |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | TBA |
| Wed, Dec 13 2023, 12:10PM | TBA |
Mathematical Science Building 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brittney Marsters, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 6 2023, 12:10PM | Generating Conical Semigroups: SOC and PSD |
Mathematical Science Building 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ian Sullivan, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 29 2023, 12:10PM | Kirby Belts and the Skein Lasagna Module of $S^2\times S^2$. |
Mathematical Science Building 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Neetal Neel, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 15 2023, 12:10PM | Minimal Genus Seifert surface of 11 crossing alternating knots |
Mathematical Science Building 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Addie Chan, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 1 2023, 12:10PM | Singularity Formation along the Line Bundle Mean Curvature Flow |
Mathematical Science Building 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Trevor Oliveria-Smith, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 25 2023, 12:10PM | To what extent are 0-surgeries on fibered knots classifying? Or, exotic $S^2\times S^2$ 's and where we probably shouldn't be looking for them. |
Mathematical Science Building 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Arthur Kalb, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 18 2023, 11:00AM | Leaky Rigid Lid Modes in a Nonhydrostatic Atmosphere. |
Mathematical Science Building 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yuze Luan, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 11 2023, 11:00AM | Irreducible components of the Hilbert scheme of points on non-reduced curves |
Mathematical Science Building 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tonie Scroggin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 4 2023, 12:10PM | Cluster Structures on Braid Varieties |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Milo Bechtloff Weising, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jun 1 2023, 12:00PM | Stable-Limit Non-Symmetric Macdonald Functions in Type A |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ashleigh Adams, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 24 2023, 12:00PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Colby Brown, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 17 2023, 12:00PM | The Markoff Equation and Solutions Modulo $p$ |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kevin Hudnall, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 10 2023, 12:00PM | What does the tree of life look like as it grows? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lie Qian, Stanford University |
| Wed, May 3 2023, 12:00PM | Local Compatibility for Trianguline Representations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yixuan Li, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Apr 21 2023, 12:00PM | Towards a geometric proof of the Donkin's tilting tensor product conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Gavin Pandya, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 19 2023, 12:00PM | Divide and Conquer: Decomposition of Multiphase Flows |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Daniel Chupin, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 12 2023, 12:00PM | Descent for sheaves with prescribed singular support |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Darian Sorenson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 5 2023, 12:00PM | Regime Shift Prediction and Metapopulation Persistence: Two Questions in Marine Ecosystems |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | SIAM, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 22 2023, 12:00PM | SIAM special event |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | , UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 15 2023, 12:00PM | SIAM special event |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Elysée Wilson-Egolf, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 8 2023, 1:00PM | Generalization of chordality from graphs to simplices. |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Cazet, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 1 2023, 12:00PM | Stably Irreducible Surface-Knots |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Raaghav Ramani, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 22 2023, 12:00PM | A PDE-based multiscale framework for efficient multi-D gas dynamics simulations |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Hans Oberschelp, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 15 2023, 12:00PM | Using card shuffling to show that nobody can decrypt my hard drive |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joshua Petrack, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 8 2023, 12:00PM | Signal Amplification in Thermodynamic Binding Networks. |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Umut Oktem, UC Davis (QMAP) |
| Wed, Feb 1 2023, 12:00PM | UV Behavior of On-Shell Diagrams in $\mathcal{N} < 3$ |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Umut Oktem, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 1 2023, 12:00PM | TBA |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tonie Scroggin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 25 2023, 12:00PM | Using Cluster Algebras to Compute Homologies on Two-Strand Braid Varieties |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Elise LePage, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 18 2023, 12:00PM | Homological Knot Invariants from Mirror Symmetry: Computations |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Subhobrata Chatterjee, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 11 2023, 11:00AM | Quantization and Geometry |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Daniel Chupin, UC Berkeley |
| Fri, Dec 2 2022, 12:00PM | Cancelled |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Haihan Wu, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 16 2022, 11:00AM | Spiders and representations of quantum groups |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joshua Turner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 9 2022, 11:00AM | Homology of Affine Springer Fibers |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Taro Valentin Brown, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 2 2022, 12:00PM | Poles at Infinity |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ian Sullivan, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 19 2022, 12:00PM | The Skein Lasagna Module and Exotic 4-Manifolds |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Cazet, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 12 2022, 12:00PM | Knot Moves in Higher Dimensions |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yu Hin Chan, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 5 2022, 12:00PM | Special Lagrangian and the deformed Hermitian Yang Mills |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Edgar Jaramillo Rodriguez., UC Davis |
| Wed, Sep 28 2022, 12:00PM | Combinatorial Methods for Barcode Analysis |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jack Wesley, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jun 2 2022, 12:10PM | Ramsey Theory and the Fibonacci Numbers |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Ragone, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 26 2022, 12:10PM | Tensor networks: probing the ground state structure of quantum many-body systems with fun diagrams |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Greg Depaul, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 19 2022, 12:10PM | Using Persistent Homology to understand High Dimensional Point Cloud Datasets |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Art Kalb |
| Thu, May 12 2022, 12:10PM | Asymptotic Analysis via Computer Algebra |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenjun Niu, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 5 2022, 12:10PM | Matrix factorizations in 3d N=4 gauge theories |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Haihan Wu, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 3 2022, 12:10PM | Highest weight projectors for quantum g_2 |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yukun Du, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 24 2022, 12:10AM | Selberg's Bisectors in the Space of Positive Definite Matrices |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jenny Brown, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 17 2022, 12:10PM | On Quantizing the A-polynomial |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenjun Niu, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 18 2021, 11:00AM | Bosonic Ghost VOA via Mirror Symmetry |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Cazet, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 4 2021, 11:00AM | Coloring Surface-Knot Diagrams |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joseph Pappe, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 28 2021, 11:00AM | Dyck Paths and Trees |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kyle Chickering |
| Thu, Oct 21 2021, 11:00AM | Construction of Self-Similar Shocks for Perturbations of Burgers Equation |
MSB 3240 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shanon Rubin, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 7 2021, 11:00AM | Microlocal sheaves on arboreal Weinstein skeleta |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Hughes, UC Davis |
| Thu, Sep 30 2021, 11:00AM | Exact Lagrangian Fillings in A-type and their Kalman Loop Orbits |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Cazet, UC Davis |
| Thu, Sep 23 2021, 11:00AM | Vertex Distortion Detects the Unknot |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Ragone, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jun 3 2021, 11:00AM | Solids, Liquids, and Topological Insulators: Symmetry Protected Topological (SPT) Phases of Quantum Matter |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Cazet, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 13 2021, 11:00AM | Measure Homology |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Hughes, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 6 2021, 11:00AM | Exact Lagrangian fillings of D-type Legendrian Links |
MSB (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jack Wesley, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 22 2021, 11:00AM | Algebraic and Boolean Certificates for Ramsey Numbers |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chengyang Wang, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 8 2021, 11:00AM | Colorful Affine Semigroups. |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Edgar Jaramillo Rodriguez, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 1 2021, 11:00AM | Coupon Collecting, Bird Watching, and other Chronological Sampling Activities: A Random Interval Graph Model |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brittany Leathers, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 25 2021, 11:00PM | A New Immersed Boundary Method for Rigid Bodies |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Black, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 18 2021, 11:00AM | Monotone Paths on Polyhedral Unit Balls |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eric Severson, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 4 2021, 11:00AM | An optimal population protocol to solve majority |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jennifer Brown, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 21 2021, 11:00AM | The Fundamental Quandle and Braiding in Categories |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yiqun Shao, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 5 2020, 1:10PM | The extended Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform and applications |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Colby Brown, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 15 2020, 1:10PM | Math Can't Save Us from the Gerrymander |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ashleigh Adams, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 8 2020, 1:00PM | A colorful Hochster formula and parameters for special face rings |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brian Harvie, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 1 2020, 1:10PM | Mean Curvature Flow vs. Inverse Mean Curvature Flow |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ryan Chris Moreno-Vasquez, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jun 4 2020, 12:10PM | Expanding Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations in One Dimension |
| Student-Run Research Seminar | Christopher Alexander |
| Thu, May 28 2020, 12:10PM | General Relativistic Self-Similar Waves that Induce Cosmic Acceleration |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joseph Pappe, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 21 2020, 12:10PM | A Crystal Structure on Colorings of Unit Interval Graphs |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Raag Ramani, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 14 2020, 12:10PM | TBA |
Zoom (Online) | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wencin Poh, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 30 2020, 12:10PM | Characterization of queer supercrystals and SageMath |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Scherer, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 23 2020, 12:10PM | A criterion for asymptotic sharpness in the enumeration of simply generated trees |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Cazet, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 16 2020, 12:10PM | Vertex Distortions of Lattice Knots |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alvin Moon, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 9 2020, 12:10PM | Automorphic equivalence within gapped phases in the bulk |
Zoom | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jingyang Shu, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 2 2020, 12:10PM | Surface waves on vorticity fronts |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alvin Moon, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 12 2020, 12:10PM | [Rescheduled] Automorphic equivalence within gapped phases in the bulk |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yonggyu Lee, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 3 2020, 10:00AM | On Ehrhart positivity of the Tesler polytopes and it's deformations. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenjun Niu, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 27 2020, 12:10PM | The Affine Grassmannian and Schur Indices |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ander Aguirre, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 20 2020, 12:10PM | CLTs in Circular Ensembles |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joshua Sumpter, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 13 2020, 12:10PM | Linear Statistics for the Circular-Beta Random Matrix Ensembles |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Emily Meyer, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 6 2020, 12:10PM | The Effects of Voltage-Dependent Gap Junction Conductance on Synchrony in the Sinoatrial Node |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brian Harvie, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 30 2020, 12:10PM | An Introduction to (Extrinsic) Geometric Flows |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matthew Litman, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 23 2020, 12:10PM | Error Approximation for Backwards and Simple Continued Fractions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jianping Pan, UC Davis |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yanwen Luo, UC Davis |
| Thu, Dec 5 2019, 1:30PM | The spaces of geodesic triangulations on surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kaela Vogel, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 19 2019, 12:30PM | Seduced by symmetry: Nonnormality and strict-removal pulse perturbations of ecological communities |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Subhadip Dey, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 12 2019, 12:30PM | Hausdorff dimensions of limit sets of Anosov subgroups |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carter Johnson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 5 2019, 12:30PM | Neuromechanical Mechanisms of Locomotion in C. Elegans |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jake Reschke, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 29 2019, 12:30PM | Strongly Continuous Dynamics for a Class of Many-Body Fermion Systems in R^d |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Black, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 22 2019, 12:30PM | The Square Peg Problem for Two Curves |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Black Jiang, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 15 2019, 12:30PM | Fitting smooth functions to data - Whitney's problems and beyond |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eric Severson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 8 2019, 12:30PM | How to Stably Elect a Leader from a Corrupted Population |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jennifer Brown, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 1 2019, 12:30PM | Recursion Properties of Quantum Knot Invariants |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jordan Snyder, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 4 2019, 12:30PM | PhD Exit Seminar: Collective behavior in dynamics on networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Cooper Jacob, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 28 2019, 12:30PM | Equivariant cohomology and the first eigenvalue of a modified Laplacian |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carl Corcoran, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 21 2019, 12:30PM | Analysis of a Low-Dimensional Network-Based SIS Epidemiological Model with Applications to Ecology |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Edouard Strickler, University of Neuchâtel |
| Tue, May 14 2019, 12:30PM | How environmental randomness can reverse the trend? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Hongtao Xue, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 7 2019, 12:30PM | The Initiation of Cytoplasmic Streaming and Locomotion by Mechanochemical Instability |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Scherer, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 30 2019, 12:30PM | Congruence properties of the Taylor coefficients of the Jacobi theta constant \(\theta_3\) |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Zhongruo Wang, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 2 2019, 12:20PM | Nonconvex Multiple Kernel Sparse Spectral Clustering via Proximal Linear Method on Manifold Optimization |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jianping Pan, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 21 2019, 12:40PM | A Crystal Structure on Decreasing Factorizations of the 0-Hecke Monoid |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Christopher Alexander, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 7 2019, 12:30PM | General Relativistic Shock Waves as an Alternative to Dark Energy |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alvin Moon, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 21 2019, 12:30PM | Split states of the quasi-local algebra |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Graham Hawkes, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 24 2019, 12:30PM | Characterization of Queer Supercrystals. |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Fushuai "Black" Jiang, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 17 2019, 12:30PM | Nonnegative \(C^2\) interpolation |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Haotian Li, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 12 2018, 12:10PM | Design natural Graph Wavelet by the ``distance'' between graph Laplacian eigenvectors |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Emily Meyer, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 5 2018, 12:10PM | Model reduction and dynamical systems analysis for neurocardiac signaling |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jordan Snyder, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 29 2018, 12:10PM | Coarse-graining for coupled oscillators: a case study in discovering low-dimensional dynamics |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Emily Meyer |
| Wed, Nov 14 2018, 12:10PM | (Cancelled) Model reduction and dynamical systems analysis for neurocardiac signaling |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eric Severson, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 1 2018, 12:10PM | Composable Molecular Computation with Chemical Reaction Networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jennifer Brown, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 24 2018, 12:10PM | Paired classical and quantum knot invariants and a K-theory clue for Heisenberg quantization. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Colin Hagemeyer, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 17 2018, 12:10PM | Understanding Representations of Lie and Quantum Groups Using Spiders |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yunshen Zhou, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 10 2018, 12:10PM | Application of nonlinear eigenvalue problems on constrained Rayleigh Quotient optimization problems and acceleration cavity design |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Peter Kristel, Greifswald University |
| Wed, Oct 3 2018, 12:10PM | A Fock bundle with fusion on the loop space of a manifold. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Bassett & Kirill Paramanov, UC Davis/Naval Postgraduate School/Youtube |
| Wed, Jun 13 2018, 12:10PM | Joint Exit Seminar: Fused Density Estimation and Lift estimator of graphlet count statistic. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alto Senda, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jun 7 2018, 12:10PM | Mixing time bounds for shuffling |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dmitry Shemetov, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 5 2018, 12:10PM | Towards statistical limits in hierarchical and distributed communication. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carter Johnson, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 31 2018, 12:10PM | Neuromechanics of Locomotion in C. Elegans |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Samuel Fleisher, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 24 2018, 12:10PM | Predator-Prey-Parasite: How Manipulative, Multitrophic Parasites affect Community Dynamics |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joshua Sumpter, UC Davis |
| Fri, May 18 2018, 12:10PM | Generalizations for Strongly Repelling Particles on the Unit Circle and Linear Statistics for Circular Beta-Ensembles |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | , UC Davis |
| Thu, May 10 2018, 12:10PM | CANCELLED |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ka Wai Wong, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 3 2018, 12:10PM | Conformalized Mean Curvature Flow |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Thomas Hogan, UC Davis |
| Fri, Apr 20 2018, 12:10PM | $4m-3$ Lattice Points in the Plane |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Raaghav Ramani, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 12 2018, 12:10PM | PDE methods for the numerical simulation of compressible fluid flow |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yue Zhao, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 5 2018, 12:10PM | General theory of Cherednik algebra |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jamie Haddock, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 15 2018, 12:10PM | The Minimum Euclidean-Norm Point on a Convex Polytope: Wolfe's Combinatorial Algorithm is Exponential |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wencin Poh, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 8 2018, 12:10PM | Axiomatization of Queer Crystals |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Katelyn Jarvis, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 1 2018, 12:10PM | A minimal model for the effects of pH and phosphate on muscle provides a molecular basis for cellular measurements |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Berrian, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 15 2018, 12:10PM | Applying the chirped quilted short-time Fourier transform to audio signal processing |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shuang Ming, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 8 2018, 12:10PM | Quantum representations of mapping class groups and braid groups |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ji Chen, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 1 2018, 12:10PM | Memory-efficient Kernel PCA via Partial Matrix Sampling and Nonconvex Optimization: a Model-free Analysis of Local Minima |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yunshen Zhou, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 25 2018, 12:10PM | An Algorithm for a Large Scale Constrained Eigenvalue Problem |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Captain Ezra W. Akin, Naval Postgraduate School |
| Thu, Jan 18 2018, 12:10PM | A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach to Following a Markov Chain |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bach Nguyen, Louisiana State University |
| Wed, Dec 13 2017, 12:10PM | Noncommutative discriminants via Poisson geometry and representation theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yuanyuan Xu, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 30 2017, 12:10PM | Gaussian Approximation of the Distribution of Strongly Repelling Particles on the Unit Circle |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lily Silverstein, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 16 2017, 12:10PM | Random Monomial Ideals |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alvin Moon, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 9 2017, 12:10PM | Entanglement entropy through representations of quasi-local algebras |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Beibei Liu, UC Davis |
| Fri, Nov 3 2017, 12:10PM | Heegaard Floer homology of L-space links with two components |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Haley, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 26 2017, 12:10PM | Thermodynamic Binding Networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mohamed Hafez, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 19 2017, 12:10PM | Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yiqun Shao, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 12 2017, 12:10PM | The generalized Haar-Walsh transform on graph and further applications on matrices |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tynan Lazarus, UC Davis |
| Thu, Oct 5 2017, 12:10PM | Fractal Geometry and Stepwise-Adjustable Iterated Function Systems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Xiaochen Liu, UC Davis |
| Fri, Sep 29 2017, 12:10PM | Robust periodic solutions in multi-state cellular automata |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dave Doty, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 14 2017, 12:10PM | Slow Molecule Revolution |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yue Zhao, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 30 2017, 12:10PM | Tableaux on Periodic Skew Diagrams and Irreducible Representations of the Double Affine Hecke Algebra of Type A |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carson Rogers, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 24 2017, 12:10PM | Fibered links and Heegaard surfaces. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | John Challenor |
| Tue, May 16 2017, 12:05PM | Linear series on algebraic curves over fields of positive characteristic |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jingyang Shu, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 10 2017, 12:10PM | On the Cauchy Problem for an Approximate SQG Sharp Front Equation |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Beibei Liu |
| Tue, May 9 2017, 12:10PM | Geometrically finite Kleinian group |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bohan Zhou, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 3 2017, 12:10PM | The mixing of two-phase flows by the Rayleigh-Taylor instability |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Zheqing Zhang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 26 2017, 12:10PM | Solving phase retrieval by Douglas Rachford/ADMM method |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alvin Moon |
| Wed, Apr 19 2017, 12:10PM | Spectral gap stability of spin chains |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Oscar Kivinen |
| Wed, Apr 12 2017, 12:10PM | Hilbert schemes of locally planar curves |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Will Wright |
| Wed, Apr 5 2017, 12:10PM | Eigenvalue Optimization with Applications in Image Segmentation |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Weber |
| Wed, Mar 15 2017, 12:10PM | Theory and Applications of Scattering Networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jiawei Wang |
| Wed, Mar 8 2017, 12:10PM | Structure and Interpretation of Dual-Feasible Functions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shawn Witte |
| Wed, Mar 1 2017, 12:10PM | Randomly Sampling Grid Diagrams of a Knot |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dmitry Shemetov |
| Wed, Feb 22 2017, 12:10PM | Two Methods for Inferring Epsilon Machines |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matthew Cha, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 15 2017, 12:10PM | Infinite volume ground states for Kitaev's abelian quantum double models |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Julio Deride |
| Wed, Feb 8 2017, 12:10PM | Approximation of bifunctions via lopsided convergence |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Sanders |
| Wed, Feb 1 2017, 12:10PM | Efficiency of non-locality protocols |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Evan Smothers, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Wed, Jan 25 2017, 12:10PM | Degenerate Dispersive PDE and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Calina Copos, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 30 2016, 12:10PM | Understanding cell locomotion: a mechanical approach |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yang Li, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Wed, Nov 16 2016, 12:10PM | Exact recovery of clusters via k-means SDP relaxation |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Federico Castillo |
| Wed, Nov 9 2016, 12:10PM | What is... an elliptic curve? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yuan Zhou |
| Wed, Nov 2 2016, 12:10PM | Computer-assisted Discovery and Automated Proofs of Cutting Plane Theorems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Henry Kvinge |
| Wed, Oct 26 2016, 12:10PM | Khovanov's Heisenberg category, moments in noncommutative probability, and shifted symmetric functions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ben Schiffman, UCD Math |
| Wed, Oct 19 2016, 12:10PM | Landscape Functions on Optimal Transport Paths |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jordan Snyder, UCD Math |
| Wed, Oct 12 2016, 12:10PM | Entrainment of Coupled Oscillators |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nate Gallup, UCD Math |
| Wed, Oct 5 2016, 12:10PM | Zigzags and Squares |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jordan Snyder, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 1 2016, 11:10AM | Computing Geometric Integrated Information |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Steffen Docken, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 25 2016, 11:10AM | Dynamical mechanisms by which pharmaceutical drugs affect the propensity for cardiac arrhythmias |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ning Liu |
| Wed, May 18 2016, 11:10AM | Analysis and Computations for complex fluids |
| Student-Run Research Seminar | |
| Wed, May 11 2016, 11:10AM | CANCELED |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ben Schiffman, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Wed, May 4 2016, 11:10AM | Ramified Optimal Transport and Landscape Functions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alec Boyd, UC Davis Physics |
| Fri, Apr 22 2016, 11:10AM | Maxwellian Demons: The Role of Deterministic Chaos in Physical Information Processing |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joe Corliss, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Apr 15 2016, 12:10PM | An Introduction to Voting Mechanisms |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Andrew Smith |
| Fri, Apr 8 2016, 11:10AM | Game Theory on Interconnected Networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Patrick Weed, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 30 2016, 12:10PM | What is… persistent homology? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | |
| Wed, Mar 9 2016, 12:10PM | CANCELLED |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chuanbin Li, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 2 2016, 12:10PM | A numerical study on flagellar kinematics in different fluid rheologies |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carson Rogers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 24 2016, 12:10PM | Using surfaces to study knots |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Federico Castillo, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 17 2016, 12:10PM | What is... Semidefinite programming? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dale Koenig, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 10 2016, 12:10PM | Heegaard Splittings of Three Manifolds and the Reidemeister-Singer theorem |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Anthony Caine, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 3 2016, 12:10PM | Voting in Agreeable Societies |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | |
| Wed, Jan 27 2016, 12:10PM | CANCELLED |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jason Barnett, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 20 2016, 12:10PM | BBPH - Using Progressive Hedging inside Branch and Bound nodes to Solve Multi-Stage Stochastic Mixed Integer Programs |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kevin Lamb, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Wed, Jan 13 2016, 12:10PM | I'm not THAT kind of doctor!---An introduction to Dehn surgery |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Will Wright, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 6 2016, 12:10PM | A Story of Equivalences between Two Smoothing Value Functions for Least Squares Problems in Constrained Optimization |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jamie Haddock, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Dec 4 2015, 12:10PM | Motzkin’s Method and the randomized Kaczmarz Method |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kirill Paramonov, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Nov 24 2015, 12:10PM | q,t- Catalan numbers |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Amanda Young, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Nov 20 2015, 12:10PM | Geometry dependent spectral properties of a family of quantum spin systems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | John Murray, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Nov 13 2015, 12:10PM | Moduli of Stable Maps and Gromov-Witten Invariants |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Thomas Chartrand, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Nov 6 2015, 12:10PM | Coupled oscillator models for analysis of neural synchrony |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Julio Deride, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Oct 30 2015, 12:10PM | What is special about Stochastic Programming? Duality and beyond |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Will Wright, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Oct 23 2015, 12:10PM | Finding the Link Between Two Derivations of a Quasi-Newton Method for Quadratic Programs (QPs) with Simple Constraints |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | George Mossessian, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Fri, Oct 16 2015, 12:10PM | The AES-128 encryption standard |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | |
| Fri, Oct 9 2015, 12:15PM | CANCELLED |
MSB 2112 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Swati Patel, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 2 2015, 12:10PM | Persistence in Population Dynamics |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Emily Redelmeier |
| Fri, Jun 5 2015, 12:10PM | Random Matrices and Surface Gluings |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Steffen Docken, UC Davis |
| Fri, May 29 2015, 12:10PM | Modeling Binding of Antiarrhythmic Drugs and Their Affect on Cardiac Rhythms |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Valentin Buciumas, Stanford University |
| Fri, May 22 2015, 12:10PM | Reconstruction theorems for quantum groups and applications |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jake Miller |
| Fri, May 1 2015, 12:10PM | Transportation Polytopes and their Hierarchy of Circuit Diameters |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matthew Cha |
| Fri, Apr 24 2015, 12:10PM | Anyons in topologically ordered phases |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alex Berrian |
| Fri, Apr 17 2015, 12:10PM | The Synchrosqueezing transform and adaptive time-frequency representations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eugene Shvarts, UC Davis |
| Fri, Apr 10 2015, 12:10PM | Harmonic analysis on digraphs via the distance matrix |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eric Samperton |
| Fri, Apr 3 2015, 12:10PM | Computational complexity and 3-manifolds and zombies |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chelsea Weaver, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 4 2015, 12:10PM | Improving Sparse Representation-Based Classification using Local Principal Component Analysis |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Henry Kvinge, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 25 2015, 12:10PM | Khovanov's categorification of the Heisenberg algebra |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Phil Kopel, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 11 2015, 12:10PM | Introduction to Central Limit Theorems for Random Matrices |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | George Mossessian, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 4 2015, 12:10PM | Morse functions and Cerf Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Steffan Borgwardt, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 28 2015, 6:10PM | Data Analysis through Polyhedral Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Stein, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 21 2015, 12:10PM | A flexible, high resolution numerical scheme for the investigation of instabilities and turbulence in viscoelastic fluids in a wide range of geometries |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Bassett, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 14 2015, 12:10PM | Smoothing Techniques in Constrained Stochastic Gradient Descent |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Deanna Needell, Claremont McKenna College |
| Wed, Dec 10 2014, 12:10PM | Compressed sensing and imaging |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brandon Dutra, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 3 2014, 12:10PM | Solving linear mixed integer optimization problems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jordan Snyder, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 26 2014, 12:10PM | Pathwise Information Theory in Two Dimensions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Amanda Back, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 19 2014, 12:10PM | Tropical/Midlatitude Rossby wave coupling in the presence of an overturning meridional circulation |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Axel Saenz, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 5 2014, 12:10PM | On C* action and Morse Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roger Tian, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 29 2014, 12:10PM | Expansion Formulae for Top to Random Shuffling |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eric Brattain, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 22 2014, 12:10PM | Introduction to KPZ Universality and the Tracy-Widom Distribution |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Travis Scrimshaw, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 15 2014, 12:10PM | Rigged configuration model for the crystal basis of Verma modules with highest weight 0 |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Benjamin Young, U Oregon |
| Wed, Oct 8 2014, 12:10PM | Preseminar |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Travis Scrimshaw, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 4 2014, 1:10PM | An Introduction to Crystals - A Combinatorial Perspective |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Federico Castillo, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 28 2014, 1:10PM | Several approaches to Ehrhart theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Bishop, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 21 2014, 1:10PM | The Free Energy of the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shuyang Ling, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 14 2014, 12:10PM | Self-calibrating compressive sensing — a bilinear inverse problem |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dietmar Oelz, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 7 2014, 1:10PM | Multiscale Modeling of Friction Mediated by Protein Linkages |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Maria Monks, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 30 2014, 1:10PM | Macdonald polynomials meet Mahonian statistics |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carson Rogers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 23 2014, 1:10AM | Slice and ribbon knots |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kevin Luli, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 16 2014, 12:10PM | Whitney Extension from 1934 to Present |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Aladin Virmaux, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique |
| Wed, Mar 12 2014, 12:10PM | Towers of j-Trivial Monoids |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brandon Dutra, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 5 2014, 12:10PM | Nonlinear Mixed Integer Optimization |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Erik Slivken, University of Washington |
| Wed, Feb 26 2014, 12:10PM | Dyck Paths, Pattern-Avoiding Permutations, and Other Catalan Objects |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jan Baetens, Ghent University |
| Wed, Feb 12 2014, 12:10PM | A short introduction to cellular automata |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Janko Gravner, University of California, Davis |
| Wed, Jan 29 2014, 1:10PM | Nucleation Scaling in Jigsaw Percolation |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Travis Scrimshaw, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 22 2014, 12:10PM | Introduction to Symmetric Functions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Federico Castillo, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 15 2014, 12:10PM | What is a matriod |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | William Slofstra, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 4 2013, 12:10PM | Root system pattern avoidance, rational smoothness, and inversion arrangements |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeff Irion, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 20 2013, 12:10PM | Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chuan Qin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 13 2013, 12:10PM | An Upper Bound for the Mixing Time of the Random-to-Random Insertion Shuffle |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jessica Striker, North Dakota State University |
| Wed, Nov 6 2013, 12:10PM | Graph flows and partial order polytopes |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roger Tian, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 30 2013, 12:10PM | Generalizing an Expansion Formula in the Algebra of Shuffles |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nate Gallup, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 23 2013, 12:10PM | Schubert Calculus of Flag Manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Henry Kvinge, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 16 2013, 12:10PM | An introduction to KLR algebras and their representation theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kevin Lamb, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 9 2013, 12:10PM | Steady State Behavior of an Insect Outbreak: The use of dynamical systems methods in solving PDEs |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chuan Qin, University of California, Davis |
| Fri, Mar 15 2013, 12:10PM | Uniqueness of the Friend Cluster in the Social Network Model on Non-amenable Regular Graphs |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Stein, University of California, Davis |
| Fri, Mar 1 2013, 12:10PM | Local well-posedness of the free-boundary Navier-Stokes equations in their natural energy space |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matthias Koeppe, University of California, Davis |
| Fri, Feb 15 2013, 12:10PM | Cutting planes in mixed integer optimization |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jun Allard, University of California, Davis |
| Fri, Feb 8 2013, 12:10PM | Traveling waves in crawling cells |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tim Wertz, University of California, Davis |
| Fri, Feb 1 2013, 12:10PM | Off-diagonal decay of matrix factorizations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenjing Liao, University of California, Davis |
| Fri, Jan 25 2013, 12:10PM | Grid independent compressive imaging |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Bremer, University of California, Davis |
| Fri, Jan 18 2013, 12:10PM | When exponential convergence is not sufficient |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roger Tian, UC Davis |
| Mon, Dec 3 2012, 12:10PM | Expansion Formulae in the Algebra of Shuffles |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Henry Kvinge, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 26 2012, 12:10PM | The Vershik-Okounkov approach to the representation theory of the symmetric group |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Florian Block, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Nov 19 2012, 12:10PM | Tropical Curves |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bernard Leclerc, Universite de Caen |
| Mon, Nov 5 2012, 12:10PM | Introduction to finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Paul Ullrich, UC Davis (Dept. of Land, Air and Water Resources) |
| Mon, Oct 29 2012, 12:10PM | Modeling the Climate System: Global approaches for understanding regional climate and extreme weather |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Gregg Musiker, University of Minnesota |
| Mon, Oct 22 2012, 12:10PM | Introduction to Cluster Algebras |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 15 2012, 12:10PM | The Schroedinger Equations, Combinatorics, and Non-Linear PDE's |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tim Wertz, UC Davis Math |
| Wed, May 30 2012, 12:10PM | Wiener's Lemma and Eigenvector Localization |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Charlie Brummitt, UC Davis Math |
| Wed, May 2 2012, 12:10PM | Cascades in multitype, multiplex networks |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Gregory Shinault, GGAM |
| Wed, Apr 11 2012, 12:10PM | Inhomogeneous Tilings of the Aztec Diamond |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Fabina, UC Davis Population Biology Graduate Group |
| Wed, Mar 14 2012, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | William Dawson, UC Davis Cosmology Group |
| Wed, Feb 29 2012, 12:10PM | The Dark Matter of a Cosmic Collision |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | No speaker, GGAM Program Review Site Visit |
| Wed, Feb 22 2012, 12:15PM | GGAM Program Review Site Visit |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bassem Saad, UC Davis Math |
| Wed, Feb 15 2012, 12:10PM | Companionship graphs for knots in the 3-sphere |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ricky Kwok, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 1 2012, 12:10PM | The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process and the Heisenberg-Ising Model |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenjing Liao, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 16 2011, 12:10PM | Introduction to Phase Retrieval |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Owen Lewis, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 9 2011, 12:10PM | Hydrodynamic Contributions to Amoeboid Cell Motility |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Spiros Michalakis, Institute for Quantum Information, Caltech |
| Wed, Nov 2 2011, 12:10PM | Proving reliability of Quantum Computers: A pedagogical preview |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mark Junod, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 26 2011, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nicholas Travers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 19 2011, 12:10PM | Information Theory and Gambling |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Renfrew, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 12 2011, 12:10PM | Introduction to Free Probability |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Waagen, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 1 2011, 12:10PM | Mixing in Multitype Random Graphs |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Craig Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 25 2011, 12:10PM | Turbulent Liquid Crystals, KPZ Universality and the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Hsiao-Chieh (Arcade) Tseng, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 18 2011, 12:10PM | An introduction to scattering and inverse scattering problems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tim Lewis, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 11 2011, 12:10PM | Neural Mechanisms of Coordination Locomotion: Insight from Modeling the Crayfish Swimmeret System as a Network of Coupled Oscillators |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Buban, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 10 2011, 12:10PM | Vector Bundles and Stiefel-Whitney Classes |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Becca Thomases, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 4 2011, 12:10PM | A Stokesian Viscoelastic Flow: Transition to Oscillations and Mixing |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 27 2011, 12:10PM | Spectral Properties of Large Random Matrices |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Anne Schilling, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 20 2011, 12:10PM | Fusion coefficients via crystal bases |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Motohico Mulase, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 13 2011, 12:10PM | From Soliton Theory to Quantum Invariants of Manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Blake Hunter, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 6 2011, 12:10PM | Low dimensional embedding with compressed, incomplete and inaccurate measurements |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alex Mogilner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 30 2011, 12:10PM | Mechanics of cell movements |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeffrey Ferreira, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 9 2011, 12:10PM | Quasisymmetric functions and a Littlewood-Richardson rule |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Janko Gravner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 2 2011, 12:10PM | The one-dimensional Exactly 1 cellular automaton |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eunghyun Lee, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 16 2011, 12:10PM | Transition Probabilities of some Bethe ansatz solvable interacting particle systems on Z |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Patrick Dragon, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 9 2011, 12:10PM | Tensor Products, Reducibility, and Quantum Mechanics |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Greg Shinault, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 2 2011, 12:10PM | An Introduction to Fredholm Determinants and the Airy Process |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 26 2011, 12:10PM | Conformal Geometry and Physics |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joseph Biello, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 19 2011, 12:10PM | Tropical Atmospheric Waves: theory, asymptotic methods and open problems of relevance to the climate system. |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus De Loera, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 12 2011, 12:10PM | Are you ready to solve Ax=b? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Terry Nathan, UC Davis, Dept of Land, Air and Water Resources |
| Wed, Dec 1 2010, 12:10PM | Troposphere-Stratosphere Communication through Local Vertical Wave Guides |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ken Joy, UC Davis, Computer Science Department |
| Wed, Nov 17 2010, 12:10PM | Material Interface Reconstruction and Other Cool Problems in Scientific Visualization |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Neil McRoberts, UC Davis, Plant Pathology |
| Wed, Nov 10 2010, 12:00PM | A new agenda for botanical epidemiology |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Naoki Saito, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 3 2010, 12:10PM | Harmonic/Wavelet Analysis on Graphs and Networks with Applications |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sebastian Schreiber, UC Davis, Department of Evolution and Ecology |
| Wed, Oct 27 2010, 12:10PM | Cycling in space and time: Persistence of rock-paper-scissor communities |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeffrey Anderson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 20 2010, 12:00PM | An Arnoldi Type Algorithm for Higher Order Linear Dynamical Systems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roger Tian, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 13 2010, 12:10PM | On the Diophantine Equation (m+1)^k(m^p -1) = m^q -1 |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brandon Barrette, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 26 2010, 12:10PM | Realizing Keplerian Orbits as Geodesics on a Surface of Revolution |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | TBA |
| Wed, May 19 2010, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Josh Clement, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 12 2010, 12:10PM | The Square Ice Model And Its Relation To Combinatorial Structures |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Zhang and Martha Shott, UCD Civil and Environmental Engineering & Institute of Transportation Studies |
| Wed, May 5 2010, 12:10PM | Modeling Vehicular Traffic Flow |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sebastian Schreiber, UC Davis Department of Evolution & Ecology |
| Wed, Apr 28 2010, 12:10PM | Noncommutativity in Spatial Ecology |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jane-Ling Wang, UC Davis, Department of Statistics |
| Wed, Apr 21 2010, 12:10PM | Smoothing Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography Time Courses Using Functional Principal Components |
MSB 3106 | Student-Run Research Seminar | N. Sukumar, UC Davis Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics |
| Wed, Apr 14 2010, 12:10PM | Maximum-Entropy Meshfree Method |
MSB 1147 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ronald Phillips, UC Davis Chemical Engineering and Materials Science |
| Wed, Apr 7 2010, 12:10PM | The effect of viscoelasticity on the structure of sedimenting suspensions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rida Farouki, UC Davis Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
| Wed, Mar 31 2010, 12:10PM | Spatial Pythagorean hodographs, quaternions, and rotations in R^3 and R^4 |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Anne Smith, UC Davis Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine |
| Wed, Mar 10 2010, 12:10PM | Data Analysis for Neurophysiological Experiments |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | John Mahoney, UC Davis Physics |
| Wed, Mar 3 2010, 12:10PM | Prediction, Retrodiction and the Information Stored in the Present |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Pat Dragon, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Wed, Feb 24 2010, 12:10PM | Quantization of Non-Relativistic Classical Mechanics: Trying on New Hats |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Efrem Rensi, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 10 2010, 12:10PM | Complex expansion points and the PCC-Krylov subspace for projection-based model reduction |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Guy, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Wed, Feb 3 2010, 12:10PM | Modeling Fibrin Gel Formation: Continuous to Discrete |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wolfgang Kollmann, UC Davis Mechanical Engineering |
| Wed, Jan 27 2010, 12:10PM | Numerical Simulation of Vortex Rings |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Patrice Koehl, UC Davis Computer Science and Genome Center |
| Wed, Jan 20 2010, 12:10PM | From Protein Sequence to Structure and Back... |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeff Anderson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 13 2010, 12:10PM | Modeling Financial Networks: A Case Study of UC Davis |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Sheynis, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 2 2009, 12:10PM | Equatorial/Midlatitude teleconnections via nonlinearly coupled KdV equations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roberto Martinez, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 25 2009, 12:00AM | Volume of Fluid Methods for Material Interface Reconstruction |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kathleen O'Reilly, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 18 2009, 12:00AM | Harmonic 1-Cycles in Reflection Tilings |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Luke Grecki, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 4 2009, 12:10PM | Universal AI: A Formal Theory of Artificial General Intelligence |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sean O'Rourke, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 28 2009, 12:10PM | Gaussian Fluctuations of Eigenvalues in Wigner Random Matrices |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bailey Meeker, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 21 2009, 12:10PM | A Mathematical Model of Celiac Disease |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ricky Kwok, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 14 2009, 12:10PM | An age-structured and behavioral model of measles dynamics in the United Kingdom |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Paul Prue, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 7 2009, 12:10PM | The topology of graph configuration spaces |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Paul Pure, UC Davis |
| Mon, Sep 7 2009, 12:10PM | The topology of graph configuration spaces |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jacob Porter, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 3 2009, 12:10PM | |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Richard Watson, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 20 2009, 12:10PM | |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeffrey Anderson, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 13 2009, 12:10PM | Introduction to Mathematical Finance through "Portfolio Selection" |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tasia Raymer, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 6 2009, 12:10PM | Mixing Times of Markov Chains |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nick Travers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 29 2009, 12:10PM | Conjugacy and Symbolic Dynamics: The Logistic Map, An Example |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Frank Liou, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 22 2009, 12:10PM | Holonomy C*algebra. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Guy, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 15 2009, 12:10PM | Channeling Instabilities in Multiphase Flow Models of True Slime Mold |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Explore Math, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 8 2009, 12:10PM | Graduate Student Opportunities in Explore Math |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tom Denton, Uc Davis |
| Wed, Mar 11 2009, 12:10PM | Introduction to Semaphore |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Andrew Port |
| Wed, Mar 4 2009, 12:10PM | An Introduction to Symplectic Geometry |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Naoki Saito, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 25 2009, 12:10PM | Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis in Action |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matt Herman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 18 2009, 12:10PM | Don't be perturbed; come to my talk. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sonya Berg, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 11 2009, 12:10PM | Introduction to quantum algorithms |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Patrick Dragon, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 4 2009, 12:00PM | Feynman Diagrams, Pairing Schemes, and Gaussian Integrals |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Stephen Ng, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 28 2009, 12:10PM | A Graphical Representation of sl(2) |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mohamed Omar, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 21 2009, 12:10PM | Introduction to Algebraic Varieties II - Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nick Travers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 14 2009, 12:10PM | 1D maps and the Li-Yorke theorem |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mathematical Modeling Experience, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 3 2008, 12:10PM | Undergraduate Modeling Projects |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mohamed Omar, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 26 2008, 12:10PM | An Introduction to Tropical Geometry with Applications |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eunghyun Lee, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 19 2008, 12:10PM | Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process(ASEP) and Two-species Exclusion Process. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Fu Liu, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 12 2008, 12:10PM | Introduction to Ehrhart theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sebastian Schreiber, UC Davis - Ecology |
| Wed, Nov 5 2008, 12:10PM | Should I stay or should I go? The ecological and evolutionary implications of dispersal in heterogeneous environments |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Abrar Shaukat, UC Davis Physics |
| Wed, Oct 29 2008, 12:10PM | Scalar Spin Zero and Maxwell/ Proca System in the context of Conformal Geometry |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dale Trockel, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 22 2008, 12:10PM | Boundary Rigidity in Riemannian Geometry |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matthias Koeppe, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 15 2008, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Gabriel Amos, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 8 2008, 12:10PM | Geometry and Topology in Group Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Gabe Amos, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 4 2008, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Paul Mach, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 28 2008, 12:10PM | Exploring Protein Sequence Space |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Pierre Dueck, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 21 2008, 12:10PM | What is Free Probability? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eli Goldwyn, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 14 2008, 12:10PM | When can dispersal synchronize populations? |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matthew Stamps, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 7 2008, 12:10PM | An Introduction to Circle Packings |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rohit Thomas, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 30 2008, 12:10PM | Invariants of Hopf algebra tensors via 3-manifolds, or Why algebra needs topology |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Emi Arima, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 23 2008, 12:10PM | On plane curves and such |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Moritz Reintjes, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 16 2008, 12:10PM | The Dirac equation in flat and curved spacetime |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Pat Dragon, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 9 2008, 12:10PM | Introductory Category Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus DeLoera, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 2 2008, 12:10PM | New Algebraic techniques in Integer Optimization |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Explore Math, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 12 2008, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rida Farouki, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 5 2008, 12:10PM | Cycles Upon Cycles: An Anecdotal History of "Higher Curves" in Science and Engineering |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tami Schlichter, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 27 2008, 12:10PM | Dynamical and Biphysical Modelling of Anesthetic Action |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Gabe Amos, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 20 2008, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Forehand, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 13 2008, 12:10PM | A gentle introduction to hyperbolic groups |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brian Osserman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 6 2008, 12:10PM | A group-theoretic discussion of Hurwitz theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matthew Herman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 30 2008, 12:10PM | High-Resolution Radar via Compressed Sensing |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ritesh Sood, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 23 2008, 12:10PM | Geometric Construction of Pulse Pairs with Small Cross-correlation |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Blake Hunter, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 16 2008, 12:10PM | Diffusion-based Data Clustering |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eva Strawbridge/MME, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 5 2007, 12:10PM | MME Info |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Deanna Needell, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 28 2007, 12:10PM | Sparse Reconstruction via ROMP |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sonya Berg, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 21 2007, 12:10PM | The AKS Algorithm for Determining Primality |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Edward Kim, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 14 2007, 12:10PM | Diameters of axial transportation polytopes |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mike Yan, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 7 2007, 12:10PM | Multi-frequency imaging of multiple targets in Rician fading media: |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Cherney, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 31 2007, 12:10PM | Strings |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 24 2007, 12:10PM | "Help, my computer is a quantum spin chain!" |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yuting Yang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 17 2007, 12:10PM | Almost Euclidean Sections of High Dimensional Convex Bodies |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Craig Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 10 2007, 12:10PM | Combinatorics and Growth Models |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robert Gutierrez, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 6 2007, 12:10PM | Mathemagic and the 3n+1 conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rick West, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 30 2007, 12:10PM | The Correct Answer to a Common Algebra Mistake |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joe Biello, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 23 2007, 12:10PM | PDE's and Asymptotics for the Tropical Troposphere |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | John Hunter, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 16 2007, 12:10PM | Fourier analysis of nonlinear wave interactions |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Damien Pitman, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 9 2007, 12:10PM | Random Pair Incompatibilities: A Fitness Landscape and the 2-SAT Problem |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 2 2007, 12:10PM | Quantum Information, Entanglement, and Quantum Spin Systems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mike Williams, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 25 2007, 12:10PM | Lens space surgeries on knots in the 3-sphere |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Isaiah Lankham, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 18 2007, 12:10PM | Introduction to Stack Sortability and its Generalizations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Anne Schilling, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 11 2007, 12:10PM | Crystal graphs -- what it is all about! |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Craig Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 4 2007, 12:10PM | The Distribution Functions of Random Matrix Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brian Wissman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 14 2007, 12:10PM | An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves and Conservation Laws |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Patrick Dragon, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 7 2007, 12:10PM | Special Relativity and E = mc^2 - A Mathematician's Approach |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rob Gysel, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 6 2007, 12:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Benjamin Schlein, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 28 2007, 12:10PM | Derivation of macroscopic evolution equations from many body quantum mechanics. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eddie Kim, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 21 2007, 12:10PM | A linear bound on the diameter of the transportation polytope |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sarah Williams, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 14 2007, 12:10PM | A multiscale Model of Fluid with Fluctuations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Craig Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 7 2007, 12:10PM | The Distribution Functions of Random Matrix Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Pierre Dueck, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 31 2007, 12:10PM | Some problems on affine semigroups |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 24 2007, 12:10PM | Improved mixing time bounds for the L-reversal chain and Thorp shuffle. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Niels Jensen, UC Davis: Department of Applied Science |
| Wed, Jan 17 2007, 12:10PM | Classical Analysis of anomalous switching behavior in microwave driven Josephson systems |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Blake Hunter, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 16 2007, 12:10PM | Diffusion-based Data Clustering |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roland Freund, UC Davis Department of Mathematics |
| Wed, Jan 10 2007, 12:10PM | Large-Scale Matrix Computations |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus De Loera, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 6 2006, 12:10PM | Computational Convexity |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Math Modeling Experience, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 29 2006, 12:10PM | Introducing Eulerian Cycles to Minimize Snowplow Work and The Bicycle Problem |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matt Herman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 22 2006, 12:10PM | Biorthogonal Wavelets of Maximum Coding Gain through Pseudoframes for Subspaces |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Deanna Needell, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 15 2006, 12:10PM | Isoperimetric Inequalites and Concentration of Measure Phenomenon |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tony Tyson, UC Davis: Department of Physics |
| Wed, Nov 8 2006, 12:10PM | Applied Math and The New Digital Sky |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roy Wright, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 1 2006, 12:10PM | Singular Perturbations in Ecology |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ezra Gouvea, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 25 2006, 12:10PM | The Geometry of Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Gus Wiseman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 18 2006, 12:10PM | Formal Power Series |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sonny Mohammadzadeh, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 11 2006, 12:10PM | Introduction to Voting Theory |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ben-Shan Liao, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 7 2006, 12:10PM | An algebraic multi-level Krylov substructuring method for large-scale eigenvalue computation. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Igor Rumanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 31 2006, 12:10PM | Integrable and Random Together |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | King David Manga, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 24 2006, 12:10PM | The History of Calculus: Archimedes |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brendan Farrell, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 17 2006, 12:10PM | Capacity of the Time-Varying Channel by Way of Pseudodifferential Operators |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesse Johnson, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 10 2006, 12:10PM | Intrinsically Knotted Graphs |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Andrew Hodge, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 3 2006, 12:10PM | The Group Law on Elliptic curves |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robin Wilson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 26 2006, 12:10PM | Knots, Surfaces, and 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Qiang Wang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 19 2006, 12:10PM | Introduction on Grobner basis and How to use Macaulay2 |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Damien Pitman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 12 2006, 12:10PM | Evolution on the Hypercube |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jane-Ling Wang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 15 2006, 12:10PM | Functional and Longitudinal Data Analysis: The Principal Components |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Cherney, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 8 2006, 12:10PM | Adelization in Physics |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Rocke, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 1 2006, 12:10PM | Variability and Data Transformation for Gene Expression, Proteomics, and Metabolomics Data |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eddie Kim, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 22 2006, 12:00AM | Nonstandard Analysis and Applications |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Katia Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 15 2006, 12:10PM | Closed Geodesics on regular Polyhedra. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brandy Wiegers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 8 2006, 12:10PM | Three Dimensional Computational Model of Water Movement in Plant Root Growth |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Philip Sternberg, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 1 2006, 12:10PM | Local properties of simply- and doubly-laced crystals |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ben Morris, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 25 2006, 12:10PM | The spectral gap for the zero range process with constant rate. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sarah Williams, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 7 2005, 12:10PM | Robustness and Accuracy of A Fast Multipole Method-based Poisson Solver |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Patrice Koehl, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 30 2005, 12:10PM | The Geometry of Proteins: Importance for Folding and Drug Design |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brad Safnuk, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 23 2005, 12:10PM | An Introduction to Gromov-Witten Invariants |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joseph Biello, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 16 2005, 12:10PM | PDEs and Asymptotics for the Tropical Atmosphere |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Qinglan Xia, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 9 2005, 12:10PM | The Formation of Tree Leaves |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eva Strawbridge, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 2 2005, 12:10PM | Inverted Repeats and Cruciform Extrusion in DNA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mike Williams, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 26 2005, 12:10PM | Free Differential Calculus |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bernd Hamann, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 19 2005, 12:10PM | Mathematical Methods Applied to the Representation and Visualization of Large Scientific Data Sets |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Isaiah Lankham, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 12 2005, 12:10PM | Combinatorics of the Patience Sorting Algorithm |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Organizational Meeting |
| Wed, Oct 5 2005, 12:10PM | Organizational Meeting |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Philip Sternberg, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 8 2005, 12:10PM | Crystal Methods in Representation Theory |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Qiang Wang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 1 2005, 12:10PM | A Topological Proof of the Compactness Theorem |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Karl Hallowell, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 25 2005, 12:10PM | The Path Integral and Feynman Diagrams |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tim Lewis, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 18 2005, 12:10PM | Propagated Waves in Networks of Neurons |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Thomas Mattman, CSU Chico |
| Wed, May 11 2005, 12:10PM | The Ministry of Silly Walks |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Leonard Choup, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 4 2005, 12:10PM | Perron's Theorem and its applications |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Momar Dieng, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 27 2005, 12:10PM | Van der Waerden's theorem on arithmetic progressions |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Mont Hubbard, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 20 2005, 12:10PM | The Importance of Spin in Sports Ball Performance |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brendan Farrell, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 13 2005, 12:10PM | Time-Frequency Analysis and Boundedness of Pseudodifferential Operators |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Organizational Meeting |
| Wed, Apr 6 2005, 12:10PM | for Student-run Seminar |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Damien Pitman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 9 2005, 12:10PM | Evolution on the Hypercube |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Peter Chesson, UC Davis (Evolution and Ecology Dept) |
| Wed, Mar 2 2005, 12:10PM | The models of interactions between competing species in community ecology |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nello Cristianini, UC Davis (Stats Dept) |
| Wed, Feb 23 2005, 12:10PM | Mathematical Models of Evolution |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sergi Elizalde, MSRI |
| Wed, Feb 16 2005, 12:10PM | Inference functions and sequence alignment |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chris Tuffley, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 9 2005, 12:10PM | Cover tours of graphs and a mathematical theory of drunkenness |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lipika Deka, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 2 2005, 12:10PM | Bailey's lemma and Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Craig Tracy, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 26 2005, 12:10PM | The Airy and Pearcey Processes |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brad Safnuk, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 19 2005, 12:10PM | Gromov's h-Principle and other d-eversions |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ram Puri, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 12 2005, 12:10PM | Differentiating the Determinant Function and Applications |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nat Thiem, Stanford University |
| Wed, Dec 8 2004, 12:10PM | How to multiply matrices the hard way: braid relations for $GL_n(F_q)$ and the RSK-correspondence |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roland W. Freund, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 1 2004, 12:10PM | VLSI circuit simulation --- how mathematics helps to keep Moore's law going |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brian Wissman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 24 2004, 12:10PM | The General Stokes Formula |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yvonne Lai, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 10 2004, 12:10PM | How to get any algebraic set from rods and joints. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brandy Wiegers, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 3 2004, 12:10PM | Growth Sustaining Water Potential Distributions in Plant Roots |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chris Dugaw, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 27 2004, 12:10PM | Stochastic Population and Epidemic Models |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jessica Kuang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 20 2004, 12:10PM | A Nonlinear Multidimensional Seed Bank Model for Desert Annuals |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Karl Hallowell, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 13 2004, 12:10PM | A Look at Matroids |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Terk Patel, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 9 2004, 12:10PM | Re-embedding submanifolds in Non-Haken 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 2 2004, 12:10PM | The Ising model. An introduction for the uninitiated. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Isaiah Lankham, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 26 2004, 12:10PM | Permutation Patterns and the Stanley-Wilf ex-Conjecture: An Overview |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Momar Dieng, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 19 2004, 12:10PM | An introduction to random matrices via the GUE |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kei Nakamura, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 12 2004, 12:10PM | Introduction to principal bundles |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kami Larripa, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 5 2004, 12:10PM | Estimating Forces in the Mitotic Spindle |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rick Danner, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 28 2004, 12:10PM | An introduction to the Generalized Riemann Integral |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | John Steinberger, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 21 2004, 12:10PM | Minimal vanishing sums of roots of unity with large coefficients |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sarah Williams, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 14 2004, 12:10PM | The Fast Multipole Method |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rudy Yoshida, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 7 2004, 12:10PM | Variations on Barvinok's counting algorithm and applications to multiway contingency tables. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesse Johnson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 10 2004, 12:10PM | Morse Functions in Low Dimensional Topology |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yvonne Lai, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 3 2004, 12:10PM | How SU(2) double-covers SO(3) |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Scott Beaver, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 25 2004, 12:10PM | Symmetry and Inverse Closedness of Banach Algebras of Integral Operators Defined by Off-Diagonal Decay of the Kernels |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Scott Beaver, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 18 2004, 12:10PM | Symmetry and Inverse Closedness of Banach Algebras of Integral Operators Defined by Off-Diagonal Decay of the Kernels |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Karl Hallowell, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 11 2004, 12:10PM | An Optimization Problem from Coloring Finite Toroidal Lattices |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Isaiah Lankham, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 4 2004, 12:10PM | A New Look at Patience Sorting |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Maya Ahmed, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 28 2004, 12:00AM | Magic Squares revisited with Algebraic combinatorics |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Richard P. Stanley, MIT |
| Wed, Jan 21 2004, 12:10PM | Recent progress in algebraic combinatorics |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lech Wolowski, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 14 2004, 12:10PM | Cat maps and Weyl quantization. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roman Vershynin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 3 2003, 12:10PM | An introduction to geometric functional analysis |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 26 2003, 12:10PM | What is monodromy |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jennifer Schultens, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 19 2003, 12:00AM | Additivity of Bridge Numbers of Knots |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eric Rains, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 12 2003, 12:10PM | Pfaffian identities |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Monica Vazirani, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 5 2003, 12:10PM | Crystal graphs and the representation theory of S_n |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Larry Pack, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 29 2003, 12:10PM | Bounding the Ground State Entropy in the Ising Model |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brian Wissman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 22 2003, 12:10PM | Introduction to Tensors |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Isaiah Lankam, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 15 2003, 12:10PM | A User's Guide for Fixing Elections with Discrete Mathematics |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Peirce, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 8 2003, 12:10PM | Results on the anisotropic Lagrangian averaged Navier-Stokes
equations. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Becky Honeyfield, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 4 2003, 12:10PM | Blood Flow in the Abdominal Aorta |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | TBA |
| Wed, May 28 2003, 12:10PM | |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Heath Miller, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 21 2003, 12:10PM | Reduced Order Modeling of Large Dynamical Systems |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Nigie Shi, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 14 2003, 12:10PM | Marine Ecology |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Momar Dieng, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 7 2003, 12:10PM | Matrix integrals and map enumeration: a gentle introduction |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chris Dugaw, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 5 2003, 12:10PM | Parasitic Worms, Stochastic Models, and Other Fun Stuff. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rory Kinoshita, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 26 2003, 12:10PM | |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Robin Endelman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 19 2003, 12:10PM | Yang-Baxter Equation for Operators on Function Spaces |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Angela Gallegos, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 12 2003, 12:00AM | |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chan-Ho Suh, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 5 2003, 12:10PM | The Method of Archimedes |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Yvonne Lai, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 29 2003, 12:10PM | The Kakeya Needle Problem |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Matt Hubbard, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 22 2003, 12:10PM | Minimal Spanning Trees - an overview |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenlong Jin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 4 2002, 1:10PM | An instantaneous kinematic wave theory of diverging traffic |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dongseok Kim, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 27 2002, 1:10PM | Embedding of tensor product of fundamental representations of sl(n,C). |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Genevieve Walsh, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 13 2002, 1:10PM | Dihedral covers of rational knot complements. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Raymond Hemmecke, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 6 2002, 1:10PM | Counting Lattice Points in Polyhedra |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeff Housman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 30 2002, 1:10PM | Fast Poisson Solvers |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Youn-Sha Chan, Oakridge National Laboratory |
| Wed, Oct 23 2002, 1:10PM | Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sarah Williams, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 16 2002, 1:10PM | Exploiting Information in Statistical Estimation |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 9 2002, 1:10PM | Isoperimetric Inequalities |
Kerr 493 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Michael Casey, UC Davis |
| Mon, Aug 12 2002, 3:30PM |
Non-parametric statistical estimates with limited data |
Kerr 493 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Adib Bagh, UC Davis |
| Mon, Aug 12 2002, 2:30PM | Multi-objective problems and variational convergence |
Kerr 493 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Roger Wets, UC Davis |
| Mon, Aug 12 2002, 1:30PM | Non-cooperative games in an uncertain environment |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | unknown |
| Wed, Jun 5 2002, 1:10PM | The film 'Outside In' |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Piotr Wojdyllo, UC Davis |
| Mon, Jun 3 2002, 11:00AM | Representation on affine(wavelet) frame operator |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ruriko Yoshida, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Thu, May 23 2002, 4:10PM | Algorithms for testing Feasibility of Integer Programs |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Momar Dieng, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 22 2002, 1:10PM | Generating the Symmetric Group |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jessica Kuang, UC Davis Math |
| Mon, May 20 2002, 11:00AM | Models for coexistance of competing species. |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Jon Lee, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
| Thu, May 16 2002, 4:10PM | Integer-Programming Methods for Treating Some Nonlinearities. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Raymond Hemmecke, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 15 2002, 1:10PM | Integer Fourier-Motzkin Elimination |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Peirce, UC Davis Mathematics Dept. |
| Mon, May 13 2002, 11:00AM | Stability of Stationary Solutions of the Lagrangian averaged Euler Equations in 2D. |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | unknown |
| Thu, May 9 2002, 4:10PM | READING SEMINAR (Combinatorial Optimization) |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lan Hong, UC Davis Mathematics Dept. |
| Mon, May 6 2002, 11:00AM | Singularities and instabilities of the unsteady inviscid and viscous Prandlt equations. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tigran Ishkanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 1 2002, 1:10PM | Invariants of Legendrian Knots |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Aaron King, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 29 2002, 11:00AM | Origin of spatio-temporal pattern in a predator-prey system |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | unknown |
| Thu, Apr 25 2002, 4:10PM | Combinatorial Optimization (READING SEMINAR) |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brad Ballinger, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 24 2002, 1:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Justin Abbott, UC Davis Mathematics Dept. |
| Mon, Apr 22 2002, 11:00AM | The Ising Model and Peierls' Argument |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | unknown |
| Thu, Apr 18 2002, 4:10PM | Combinatorial Optimization Methods (READING seminar) |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ruriko Yoshida, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 17 2002, 1:10PM | Hilbert basis and integer feasibility problem |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Justin Abbott, UC Davis Mathematics Dept. |
| Mon, Apr 15 2002, 11:00AM | The Ising Model and Peierls' Argument |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Shmuel Onn, Technion Haifa Israel, visiting UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 9 2002, 4:10PM | Computing Universal Groebner Bases in Polynomial Time |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Wolfgang Spitzer, UC Davis Mathematics Dept. |
| Mon, Apr 8 2002, 11:00AM | From atoms to stars: the stability of matter |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ruriko Yoshida, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 14 2002, 3:10PM | Lattice Basis Reduction and its applications |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sunny Fawcett, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 13 2002, 12:00PM | Introduction to Algorithmic topology |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Scott Beaver, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Mon, Mar 11 2002, 11:00AM | Gabor Frames, OFDM Systems, and Lowdin Orthogonalization
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Brown, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 6 2002, 12:00PM | Stochastic Spatial Models of Plant Diseases |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Cetin C. Kiris, Ph.D., NASA Ames Research Center |
| Mon, Mar 4 2002, 11:00AM | Blood Pump Development Using Rocket Engine Simulation
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carmeliza Navasca, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 27 2002, 12:00PM | Local Stable Manifold Theorems for Maps |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Michael McCay, UC Davis |
| Mon, Feb 25 2002, 11:00AM | The evolution of gliding in tree frogs |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 20 2002, 12:00PM | Filliman duality |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Soshnikov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 13 2002, 12:00PM | Introduction to Wigner Random Matrices |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenlong Jin, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Mon, Feb 11 2002, 11:00AM | The inhomogeneous kinematic wave traffic flow model as a
resonant nonlinear system |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Maya Ahmed, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 7 2002, 3:10PM | A survey of Birkhoff polytopes |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brad Ballinger, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 6 2002, 12:00PM | Computational Complexity |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Brown, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 6 2002, 12:00PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Eric Cytrynbaum, UC Davis |
| Mon, Feb 4 2002, 11:00AM | Periodic Stimulus and the Single Cell |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Francisco Santos, Univ.Cantabria, UC Davis and MSRI |
| Wed, Jan 30 2002, 12:00PM | Toric Hilbert schemes |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. David Brown, UC Davis |
| Mon, Jan 28 2002, 11:00AM | Stochastic Spatial Models of Plant Diseases |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Michael McCay, UC Davis |
| Fri, Jan 25 2002, 11:00AM | The evolution of gliding in tree frogs |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tamon Stephen, University of Michigan |
| Thu, Jan 24 2002, 3:10PM | Distributions of Values in Combinatorial Optimization Problems |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Maya Ahmed, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 23 2002, 12:00PM | Hilbert functions of graded rings |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Anne Schilling, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 16 2002, 12:00PM | Crystal graphs: What it is all about! |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Fawcett Jennifer Sunny, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 5 2001, 12:00AM | Lickorish Twists |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeffrey Housman, UC Davis |
| Mon, Dec 3 2001, 10:00AM | Wavelets: Through the Eyes of an Interpolating Polynomial |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus De Loera, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 29 2001, 10:00AM | Reading Seminar |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lipika Deka, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 28 2001, 12:00PM | Young Tableaux and Symmetric groups. |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Maya Ahmed, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 27 2001, 10:00AM | Reading Seminar |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis Mathematics Dept. |
| Mon, Nov 26 2001, 10:00AM | Bose Condensation, Wonder of the Quantum World |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shmuel Onn, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 21 2001, 12:00PM | On Tverberg's Partition Theorem |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Claudia Neuhauser, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 19 2001, 10:00AM | Does Space Matter? |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ruriko Yoshida, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 15 2001, 12:00AM | Reading seminar |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kevin Hartshorn, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 14 2001, 12:00PM | A Brief Overview of Triangulating Polytopes |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jerry de Groot, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 8 2001, 10:00AM | Reading Seminar |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Brad Ballinger, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 7 2001, 12:00PM | An Introduction to the Theory of Computation |
Kerr 0 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Fawcett Jennifer Sunny, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 5 2001, 12:00PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Kenshi Sakai, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology |
| Mon, Nov 5 2001, 10:00AM | Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Agricultural Systems - Call for Agricultural World to Applied Mathematician - |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 31 2001, 12:00PM | Exceptional Theta Series |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Angela Cheer, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 29 2001, 10:00AM | Aortic Flow Simulations |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rudy Yoshida, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 24 2001, 12:00PM | Stochastic Network Interdiction Problem |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Mon, Oct 22 2001, 10:00AM | Relativistic Higher Spin Wave Equations in Cosmological Backgrounds |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jed Mihalisin, Dept. of Mathematics UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Oct 18 2001, 10:00AM | Polytopal Digraphs and the Gale transform |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Francisco Santos, Univ. Cantabria/ UC Davis/ MSRI |
| Wed, Oct 17 2001, 12:00PM | The space of triangulations of a finite point set |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carmeliza Navasca, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 15 2001, 10:00AM | Local Solution of the Dynamics Programming Equations in Discrete-Time |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shmuel Onn, Technion Haifa Israel and UCD |
| Thu, Oct 11 2001, 10:00AM | Vector Partitions and Optimization (PART I) |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Raymond Hemmecke, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 10 2001, 12:00PM | Computation of Hilbert Bases |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lech Wolowski, UC Davis Math Dept. |
| Mon, Oct 8 2001, 10:00AM | Noise Induced dissipation in Discrete Dynamical Systems. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bernd Sturmfels, Dept. of Mathematics UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Oct 4 2001, 10:00AM | Toric Geometry of statistical graphical models |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Bernd Sturmfels, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Sep 4 2001, 10:00AM | Toric Geometry of Statistical Graphical Model |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jeff Housman, UC Davis Math Dept. |
| Wed, Jun 6 2001, 1:10PM | Numerical Solutions of Cauchy Riemann Equations for Two Dimensional Flows |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Greg Kuperberg, Mathematics UC Davis |
| Wed, May 30 2001, 1:10PM | Filliman duality and the volume of the Birkhoff polytope |
Hutchison 115 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lech Wolowski, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 30 2001, 1:10PM | Dissipation Time in Discrete Dynamical Systems |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Tsu-Shuan Chang, ECE UC Davis |
| Wed, May 23 2001, 1:10PM | On the Use of Linear Bounding Functions for Parameter Optimization |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sergio Lucera, UC Davis Math Dept. |
| Wed, May 23 2001, 1:10PM | stochastic optimization, pde's and a bagful of numerical tricks |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Martin Cook, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 23 2001, 12:10PM | Simple Groups |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Alper Atamturk, OR & IE UC Berkeley |
| Wed, May 16 2001, 1:10PM | Polyhedral valid inequalities for mixed integer programming |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Karin Gatermann, FU Berlin, ZIB, DFG |
| Wed, May 9 2001, 1:10PM | Sparse polynomial systems given by graphs |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Youn-Sha Chan, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 9 2001, 1:10PM | Integral Equation Method in Crack Problems |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Maya Ahmed, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 9 2001, 12:10PM | Magic squares and Grobner bases. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chris Dugaw, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 2 2001, 1:10PM | A mechanistic model of entomopathogenic nematodes and their hosts
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Pablo Parrilo, CalTech. |
| Wed, May 2 2001, 1:10PM | Convex relaxations for semialgebraic problems, and their applications. |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Pablo Parrilo, CalTech. |
| Wed, May 2 2001, 12:00AM | Convex relaxations for semialgebraic problems, and their applications. |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Igor Pak, MIT |
| Wed, Apr 25 2001, 1:10PM | Mixing of Markov chains and optimal liftings |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Carmeliza Navasca, UC Davis Math Dept |
| Wed, Apr 25 2001, 1:10PM | Local Solution of the Dynamic Programming Equations |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | James Peirce, UCD Math Dept. |
| Wed, Apr 18 2001, 1:10PM | Global attractors for the 3D Lagrangian Averaged Navier-Stokes
equations(LANS) on bounded domain.
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Debbie Hill, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 18 2001, 12:10PM | Embedding in Musical Scales |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Francis Su, Harvey Mudd College |
| Mon, Apr 16 2001, 1:10PM | Fair division of cakes, chores, or rent: new algorithms via combinatorial topology |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Roger Wets, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 11 2001, 1:10PM | Pricing Contingent Claims: A Stochastic Programming Perspective |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Roger Wets, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 11 2001, 1:10PM | Pricing Contingent Claims: A Stochastic Programming Perspective |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Roger Wets, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 11 2001, 1:10PM | Pricing Contingent Claims: A Stochastic Programming Perspective |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Steve Shkoller, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 8 2001, 10:00AM | A new method for averaging fluid motion |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Momar Dieng, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Wed, Mar 7 2001, 12:10PM | Braids, Representations, and all that |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Alper Atamturk, Dept. of IEOR, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Mar 6 2001, 12:10PM | Polyhedral valid inequalities for mixed integer programming |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Jesus De Loera, University of California, Davis |
| Thu, Mar 1 2001, 10:00AM | Combinatorics of Contingency tables. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Scott, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 28 2001, 12:10PM | Introduction to LaTex |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Raymond Hemmecke, Universitat Duisburg |
| Tue, Feb 27 2001, 12:00AM | Decomposition of Test Sets in Stochastic Integer Programming |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tamara G. Kolda, Sandia National Labs, Livermore, CA |
| Thu, Feb 22 2001, 10:00AM | Optimization, Engineering, and Cluster Computing
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Diana W. Verzi, UC Davis |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Joel Smoller, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Feb 14 2001, 12:10PM | Black-Hole and Particle-Like Solutions of the Einstein-Dirac-Yang/Mills Equations. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Grant Galbraith, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 8 2001, 10:00AM | Viability, Invariance, and Nonsmooth PDEs. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tyler Evans, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 7 2001, 12:10PM | On the cubic formula. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Lior Pachter, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 6 2001, 12:10PM | Finding genes in large genomes |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Bruno Nachtergaele, UC Davis Mathematics Dept. |
| Fri, Jan 26 2001, 10:00AM | Bose Condensation, Wonder of the Quantum World |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Student presentations |
| Mon, Dec 4 2000, 2:10PM | 3 short presentations |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Heath Miller, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Dec 4 2000, 11:00AM | TBA |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Laurent El-Ghaoui |
| Mon, Nov 27 2000, 2:10PM | Robust Semidefinite Programming |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Wets, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 27 2000, 11:00AM | From 1350 to 2000! |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Mogilner, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Nov 20 2000, 11:00AM | Is this sperm crawling, or is it just my sick imagination: mathematical model of motility of the crawling sperm cells |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bernd Sturmfels, Mathematics UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Nov 13 2000, 2:10PM | Convex
Optimization and Real Algebraic Geometry |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Javier Pen~a, School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University. |
| Mon, Nov 6 2000, 2:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Branko Kosovic, University of California at Davis Department of Mathematics |
| Mon, Nov 6 2000, 11:00AM | Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus De Loera, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 30 2000, 2:10PM | Integral Flows in Networks (Part III) |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Saito, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 30 2000, 11:00AM | Sparsity, Statistical Independence, and Geometric Invariance in adaptive image representations |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus De Loera, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 23 2000, 2:10PM | Integral Flows in Networks (Part II) |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shannon Starr, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 23 2000, 11:00AM | TBA |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Joerg Rambau, Optimization group, Konrad Zuse Zentrum Berlin |
| Mon, Oct 16 2000, 2:10PM | ``Where is the elevator? The hard life of combinatorial online-algorithms for transportation problems'' |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dongseok Kim, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 16 2000, 12:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Krener, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 16 2000, 11:00AM | Normal Forms and Bifurcations of Control Systems |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Chip Martel, CS, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 9 2000, 2:10PM | When is a Team Eliminated? |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shannon Starr, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 9 2000, 12:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Puckett, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 9 2000, 11:00AM | Research Opportunities at the National Laboratories and Industry, An Example: The Development of a High-Order Accurate Numerical Method for Modeling Problems that Arise in the Development of Ink Jet Printers |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus A. De Loera, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Oct 2 2000, 2:10PM | Integral Flows in Networks (part I). |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kent Wilken, ECE, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 6 2000, 3:10PM | Optimal Register Allocation Using Integer Programming |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Casey, Math, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 30 2000, 3:10PM | A Cosmic Central Limit Theorem for Random Compact Sets |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dan Gusfield, CS, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 23 2000, 3:10PM | Complexity and Algorithms for optimally deducing haplotypes from diploid population data -- a combinatorial optimization problem in biology. |
MSB 2112 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Joshua Sumpter, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 17 2000, 12:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jinde Wang, Nanjiang Univ, China |
| Tue, May 16 2000, 3:10PM | Approximate Representation of Statistical Estimators for Stochastic Programming |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Rekha Thomas, UC San Diego- Texas A & M Univ. |
| Tue, May 9 2000, 3:10PM | Optimal Solutions of Integer Programs |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Adib Bagh, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, May 2 2000, 3:10PM | Duality theory for Walras equilibria problems |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Andrew Waldron, Physics, Brandeis University |
| Wed, Apr 26 2000, 4:10PM | Index Theorems for Manifolds with Torsion and Boundary: A Quantum
Mechanical Approach |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Adib Bagh, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Apr 25 2000, 3:10PM | Nash equilibrium for discontinuous games |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alexander Barvinok,, Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor |
| Tue, Apr 18 2000, 3:10PM | Efficient counting of integer points in rational polytopes and integer programming |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Wenlong Jin, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Fri, Apr 14 2000, 4:10PM | A new algorithm to compute the extended Brunovsky form of linearly controllable quadratic system with single input
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jim Burke, Univ. of Washington, Seattle |
| Tue, Apr 11 2000, 3:10PM | Eigenvalue optimization: the nonsymmetric case |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Roger Wets, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Apr 4 2000, 3:10PM | TBA |
ITD conf roo 0 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bryan Grenfell, Cambridge Univ. |
| Tue, Apr 4 2000, 12:10PM | Capturing epidemic non-stationarity in the time and frequency domains. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Luc Machiels, Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory |
| Wed, Mar 15 2000, 2:10PM | A Posteriori Finite Element Bounds for Output Functionals
of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Rekha Thomas, Texas A&M University / UC San Diego. |
| Thu, Mar 9 2000, 3:10PM | Optimal Solutions to Integer Programs |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sergio Lucero, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 2 2000, 3:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Marshall Bern, Xerox Research |
| Wed, Mar 1 2000, 2:10PM | Document Processing |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus A. De Loera, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Thu, Feb 24 2000, 3:10PM | Integer hulls and feasibility testing for integer programs. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Prof. Peter Chesson, UC Davis, Section of Evolution and Ecology |
| Wed, Feb 23 2000, 2:10PM | Stochastic models in ecology: competition between species in a variable environment |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shogo Shiode Kobe, University/ITD Davis |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Naoki Saito, UCDavis |
| Wed, Feb 16 2000, 2:10PM | Sparsity and Statistical Independence in Image Representation |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Serkan Hosten, Mathematics, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Feb 10 2000, 3:10PM | Group theory relaxation of integer programming |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Evi Dube, Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
| Wed, Feb 9 2000, 2:10PM | What are some open questions facing the scientific simulation field? |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Grant Galbraith, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 3 2000, 3:10PM | Cosmic Lipschitz Mappings, Necessary Conditions, and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation (part II) |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | John Hunter, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 2 2000, 2:10PM | Mixed type PDE's and transonic flow. |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Kent Wilken, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 27 2000, 3:10PM | Fast Optimal Instruction Scheduling |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Zhaojun Bai, Math/Computer Science, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 19 2000, 2:10PM | Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms and Tools -- For Fun and Profit |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Grant Galbraith, UC Davis, Mathematics |
| Thu, Jan 13 2000, 3:10PM | Cosmic Lipschitz Mappings, Necessary Conditions, and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bruno Nachtergaele, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 1 1999, 1:10PM | What is Bose condensation? |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Michael Scott, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 24 1999, 1:10PM | Systems of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Differential Equations |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jesus De Loera, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 18 1999, 9:00AM | An useful integer programming problem arising in linear complementarity problems |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Jin Wenlong, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 17 1999, 1:10PM | Godunov's schemes for PW model of non-equilibrium traffic flow |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Janko Gravner, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 10 1999, 1:10PM | Growth in a field of obstacles |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sergio Lucero, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 3 1999, 1:10PM | Point Methods for Linear and Quadratic Programming |
Kerr Hall 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Tigran Ishkanov, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 29 1999, 12:10PM | Symplectic and contact topology |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dongseok Kim, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 22 1999, 12:10PM | Seifert algorithm and minimal genus surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Shannon Starr, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Fri, Oct 15 1999, 12:10PM | Bound on the spectral gap for interface states of the quantum XXZ
model of magnetism. |
Kerr 657 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Jean-Marc Bonnisseau, Universite de Paris |
| Sat, Jul 17 1999, 11:00AM | Existence of Marginal Pricing Equilibria in Economies with Increasing Returns and Infinitely Many Commodities |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Martine Quinzii, Economics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 9 1999, 4:10PM | Equity, options and efficiency in the presence of Moral Hazard |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Sergio Lucero, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 26 1999, 4:10PM | The Lagrangian Finite Generation Algorithm and an application to a problem in hydrology. |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Michael Zhang, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 20 1999, 4:10PM | Topics in Traffic Flow Theory |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Bori Mazzag, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 20 1999, 1:10PM | A mathematical model of bacterial aerotaxis. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Youn-Sha Chan, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 13 1999, 1:10PM | A Mode III Crack Problem in Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alejandro Jofre, Universidad de Chile |
| Wed, May 12 1999, 4:10PM | Critical Points for Nonsmooth Mappings (Part II) |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Alejandro Jofre, Universidad de Chile |
| Wed, May 5 1999, 4:10PM | Critical Points for Nonsmooth Mappings |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | David Raske, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 29 1999, 1:10PM | Lie Symmetries of PDE's, Similarity Solutions, and Conservation Laws (or: why you should know about the isovector theory of differential ideals) |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | MingQing Xiao, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 28 1999, 4:10PM | Center Manifold of a Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation that models Compressor Systems |
Kerr 593 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Halina Frankowska, Universite de Paris |
| Wed, Apr 14 1999, 4:10PM | Lipschitz dependence of solutions on the initial conditions for constrained problems, applications to HJB equations under state constraints. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | A Krener, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 5 1999, 3:30PM | Control Theory |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | N. Saito, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 5 1999, 3:00PM | Generating 'New Faces' Using Wavelets |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | C. Tracy, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 5 1999, 2:30PM | Random Matrices? |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | E. G. Puckett, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Apr 5 1999, 2:00PM | Overview of the Graduate Program in Applied Math |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Craig Tracy, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Mon, Mar 8 1999, 1:10PM | Combinatorics and Random Matrix Theory |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Claudio De Persis, Ph.D, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 25 1999, 12:10PM | An introduction to methods of nonlinear control theory for fault detection |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Ronald J. Phillips, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 11 1999, 12:10PM | The Motion of Small Particles in Viscoelastic Fluids |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Adib Bagh, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 4 1999, 12:10PM | Stability of equilibria in incomplete markets |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Thomas Strohmer, Mathematics, UCDavis |
| Fri, Jan 22 1999, 12:10PM | Mathematical Methods in Digital Signal Processing |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Angela Cheer, UCD Mathematics |
| Wed, Dec 2 1998, 1:10PM | Smorgasbord of delightful problems in Biofluiddynamics |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Youn-Sha Chan, UCD Mathematics |
| Wed, Nov 25 1998, 1:10PM | GGAM research presentation |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Pierluigi Contucci, UCD Mathematics |
| Wed, Nov 18 1998, 1:10PM | The Statistical Mechanics Approach to Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems. |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Steve Carlip |
| Wed, Nov 11 1998, 1:10PM | Topology and Geometry in Quantum Gravity |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Harry Dwyer, GGAM |
| Wed, Nov 4 1998, 1:10PM | Some applications of overset grid systems in scientific computing |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Oscar Bolina, UCD Mathematics |
| Wed, Oct 28 1998, 1:10PM | Spin Systems |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Dr. Gerry Puckett, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 21 1998, 1:10PM | Research Presentation |
Kerr 693 | Student-Run Research Seminar | Professor Arthur Krener, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 14 1998, 1:10PM | Systems Theory |