MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Today's talk is canceled |
| Tue, Mar 11 2025, 2:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Terrin Warren, Cal Poly |
| Tue, Mar 4 2025, 2:10PM | Corks for exotic diffeomorphisms |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 25 2025, 2:10PM | Gordian Knots and Links |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Erik Carlsson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 18 2025, 2:10PM | Hessenberg varieties and diagonal coinvariants |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nicki Magill, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 11 2025, 2:10PM | Ellipsoid embeddings into convex toric domains |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Adam Jacob, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 4 2025, 2:10PM | Graphs on the level sets of harmonic polynomials |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Rob Kirby, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 28 2025, 2:10PM | Approaches to the smooth 4-dimensional Poincare ́ Conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Danny Ruberman, Brandeis University |
| Tue, Jan 21 2025, 2:10PM | Exotic aspherical 4-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Haihan Wu, Johns Hopkins University |
| Mon, Jan 13 2025, 3:00PM | Central elements in the Sp(2n) skein algebra |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Hutchings, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Dec 3 2024, 2:10PM | Quantitative closing lemmas |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nicki Magill, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 19 2024, 2:10PM | (POSTPONED) Ellipsoid embeddings into convex toric domains |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Qianhe Qin, Stanford University |
| Tue, Nov 12 2024, 2:10PM | Obstructing k-Sliceness |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Gary Guth, Stanford University |
| Tue, Nov 5 2024, 2:10PM | Immersed Curves and Satellite Surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jared Krandel, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 29 2024, 2:10PM | Densities and mass transport in uniformly rectifiable metric spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joseph Breen, University of Iowa |
| Tue, Oct 22 2024, 2:10PM | On regular Lagrangian cobordisms |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Paige Hillen, UC Santa Barbara |
| Tue, Oct 15 2024, 2:10PM | Lattices of Large Systole Containing a Fixed 3-Manifold |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shanon Rubin, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 8 2024, 2:10PM | Homotopical aspects of a dg-categorical invariant of Weinstein surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Anna Parlak, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 1 2024, 2:10PM | Pseudo-Anosov flows via veering triangulations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alex Zupan, University of Nebraska |
| Tue, Jun 4 2024, 2:10PM | The square knot bounds infinitely many ribbon disks |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Longzhi Lin, UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, May 28 2024, 2:10PM | Modified mean curvature flow and CMC foliation conjecture in almost Fuchsian manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Roger Casals, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 21 2024, 2:10PM | A Lagrangian filling for every cluster seed |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jaroslaw Kopinski, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 14 2024, 2:10PM | New spinorial approach to mass inequalities for black holes in general relativity |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joshua Green, Boston College |
| Tue, May 7 2024, 2:10PM | Floer homology and square pegs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Chao-Ming Lin, Ohio State University |
| Tue, Apr 30 2024, 2:00PM | On the solvability of general inverse $\sigma_k$ equations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Connor Mooney, UC Irvine |
| Tue, Apr 23 2024, 2:10PM | The Lawson-Osserman conjecture for the minimal surface system |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 16 2024, 2:10PM | Knotted surfaces and their profile curves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Adam Jacob, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 9 2024, 2:10PM | Mean curvature flow of totally real submanifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Catherine Cannizzo, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Mar 12 2024, 2:10PM | Semi-orthogonal decompositions in Fukaya-Seidel mirrors |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Qiuyu Ren, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Mar 5 2024, 2:10PM | Khovanov skein lasagna module detects exotic 4-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Richard Bamler, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 27 2024, 2:10PM | On the Multiplicity One Conjecture for Mean Curvature Flows of surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Vardan Oganesyan, UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Feb 20 2024, 2:10PM | Homotopy theory of symplectic and complex manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Linh Truong, University of Michigan |
| Tue, Feb 13 2024, 2:10PM | Four-genus bounds from the 10/8+4 theorem |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Sullivan, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 6 2024, 2:10PM | Kirby Belts and Skein Lasagna Modules |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jikang Wang, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 30 2024, 2:10PM | The local and global fundamental group of Ricci limit spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Addie Chan, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 23 2024, 2:10PM | Singularity Formation along the Line Bundle Mean Curvature Flow |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Richard Bamler, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 16 2024, 2:00PM | [POSTPONED] |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yu-Shen Lin, Boston University |
| Tue, Jan 9 2024, 2:10PM | New Special Lagrangians in Calabi-Yau 3-folds with K3-Fibrations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Marco Marengon, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics |
| Tue, Dec 12 2023, 4:10PM | Smoothly slice links in some 4-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Dec 5 2023, 2:10PM | Ribbon concordance of knots is a partial order |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Romik, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 28 2023, 2:10PM | A new proof of Viazovska's modular form inequalities for sphere packing in dimension 8 |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UCSB |
| Tue, Nov 21 2023, 2:10PM | Powell's Conjecture on the Goeritz group of the 3-sphere is stably true |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Beibei Liu, Ohio State University |
| Thu, Nov 16 2023, 2:00PM | Torus links and colored Heegaard Floer homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Brian Harvey, National Taiwan University |
| Tue, Nov 14 2023, 2:10PM | The static Minkowski inequality in general relativity and its applications |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 7 2023, 2:10PM | A new look at the classic Jordan-Schoenflies theorem |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alex Rasmussen, Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 31 2023, 2:10PM | Disintegrating curve graphs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kenji Fukaya, Stony Brook University |
| Tue, Oct 24 2023, 2:10PM | A few examples and discussions on family Floer theory |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nick Castro, Rice |
| Tue, Oct 17 2023, 2:10PM | Obstructing sliceness from genus bounds in definite 4-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Laura Starkston, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 10 2023, 2:10PM | Decomposing symplectic manifolds |
QMAP 3204 | Geometry/Topology | Otis Chodosh, Stanford |
| Mon, Oct 2 2023, 3:10PM | The p-widths of a surface (Joint Seminar with QMAP) |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Maggie Miller, Stanford University |
| Thu, Jun 8 2023, 1:10PM | Splitting spheres in $S^4$ |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Puttipong Pongtanapaisan, University of Saskatchewan |
| Thu, Jun 1 2023, 1:10PM | Complexities of complex curves from curve complexes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Mattman, CSU Chico |
| Thu, May 25 2023, 1:10PM | Boundary slopes (nearly) bound exceptional slopes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shintaro Fushida-Hardy, Stanford University |
| Thu, May 18 2023, 1:10PM | Pseudo-trisections and their diagrams |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Stefan Mihajlovic |
| Wed, May 17 2023, 2:10PM | Removing double points of surfaces in 4-manifolds via multi-tubing |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Melissa Zhang, UC Davis |
| Thu, May 11 2023, 1:10PM | Khovanov homology and the Involutive Heegaard Floer homology of branched double covers |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Klug, University of Chicago |
| Thu, May 4 2023, 1:10PM | How not to study low-dimensional topology? |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Luya Wang, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Apr 27 2023, 1:10PM | Fixed point-free pseudo-Anosovs and the cinquefoil |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Robert Lipshitz, University of Oregon |
| Thu, Apr 20 2023, 1:10PM | Strongly invertible knots, Khovanov homology, and surfaces |
MSB MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Enrique Alvarado, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 13 2023, 1:10PM | CANCELLED: Partial Plateau’s Problem with H-mass |
MSB 2112 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nic Brody, UC Santa Cruz |
| Thu, Apr 6 2023, 1:10PM | Subgroups of SO(3,Q) |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Schultens, UC Davis |
| Sun, Mar 12 2023, 1:10PM | Flipping Heegaard splittings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Chi Cheuk Tsang, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Mar 7 2023, 1:10PM | Dilatations of pseudo-Anosov maps and standardly embedded train tracks |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Hiro Tanaka, Texas State University |
| Thu, Mar 2 2023, 1:10PM | Universal properties in symplectic geometry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Abby Thompson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 28 2023, 1:10PM | Knots, Graphs and Surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tahl Nowik, Bar Ilan University |
| Tue, Feb 21 2023, 1:10PM | Multi-parameter models for random simplicial complexes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Mounir Nisse |
| Tue, Feb 14 2023, 1:10PM | Topology of the moment map's fibers and beyond |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass |
| Tue, Feb 7 2023, 1:10PM | Random Knots and Random Submanifolds from Random vertex coloring |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Geunho Lim, UC Santa Barbara |
| Tue, Jan 31 2023, 1:10PM | Bounds on rho-invariants and simplicial complexity of triangulated manifolds |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Kejia Zhu, University of Illinois Chicago |
| Tue, Jan 24 2023, 1:10PM | Relatively geometric actions of complex hyperbolic lattices on CAT(0) cube complexes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Danny Ruberman, Brandeis University |
| Tue, Jan 10 2023, 1:10PM | Diffeomorphism groups of 4-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yu-Shen Lin, Boston University |
| Mon, Jan 9 2023, 2:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Sergei Tabachnikov, Penn State |
| Thu, Jan 5 2023, 1:10PM | Projective evolutes of pentagons |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ailsa Keating, Cambridge |
| Thu, Dec 1 2022, 2:10PM | CANCELLED |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Homin Lee, Northwestern University |
| Tue, Nov 29 2022, 11:00AM | Actions on n-manifolds by lattices in SL(n,R) |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eduardo Oregon Reyes, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Nov 17 2022, 2:10PM | The space of metric structures on hyperbolic groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ivan Smith, Cambridge |
| Thu, Nov 10 2022, 2:10PM | Lagrangian links in four-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Anna Parlak, UC Davis |
| Thu, Nov 3 2022, 2:10PM | Dynamics on 3-manifolds and twisted Alexander polynomials |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lisa Traynor, Bryn Mawr College & MSRI/SLMath |
| Thu, Oct 27 2022, 2:10PM | The geography of immersed Lagrangian fillings of Legendrian knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim, KIAS |
| Thu, Oct 20 2022, 2:10PM | Convexity of energy functions of harmonic maps homotopic to covering maps of the product of surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Juanita Pinzon Caicedo, Notre Dame |
| Thu, Oct 13 2022, 2:10PM | Satellite Operations that are not homomorphisms |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jacob Russell, Rice |
| Thu, Oct 6 2022, 2:10PM | Geometric finiteness and surface group extensions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Andras Stipsicz, Renyi Institute |
| Thu, Sep 29 2022, 2:10PM | Surfaces in four-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 31 2022, 1:10PM | Conformal Geometry (and Physics) |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Catherine Searle, Wichita State University |
| Thu, May 26 2022, 1:10PM | Positive Curvature and Discrete Abelian Symmetries |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Yi Lai, Stanford |
| Tue, May 24 2022, 1:10PM | O(2)-symmetry of 3D steady gradient Ricci solitons |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Siu-Cheong Lau, Boston University |
| Tue, May 17 2022, 1:10PM | Quiver stacks and mirror symmetry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Insung Park, Brown University |
| Tue, May 10 2022, 1:10PM | Julia sets with Ahlfors-regular conformal dimension one |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim, KIAS, Seoul, Korea |
| Tue, May 3 2022, 1:10PM | Signature, Toledo invariant, and rho-invariant for flat unitary bundles over surfaces with boundary |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jackson Van Dyke, UT Austin |
| Tue, Apr 26 2022, 1:10PM | Spin/Metaplectic extensions for finite 3-dimensional TFTs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Chen, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Apr 19 2022, 1:10PM | Integral curvature pinching and the Ricci flow |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Otis Chodosh, Stanford |
| Tue, Apr 12 2022, 1:10PM | Stability of minimal hypersurfaces in 4-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dylan Thurston, Indiana University |
| Tue, Apr 5 2022, 1:10PM | Currents and intersections |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Elizabeth Denne, Washington & Lee University |
| Tue, Mar 8 2022, 1:10PM | Ribbonlength of folded ribbon knots |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Mattman, California State University, Chico |
| Tue, Mar 1 2022, 1:10PM | Two-bridge knots admit no purely cosmetic surgeries |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Beibei Liu, Georgia Tech |
| Tue, Feb 22 2022, 1:10PM | Heegaard Floer homology and plane curves with non-cuspidal singularities |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Bruno Martelli, Università di Pisa |
| Tue, Feb 15 2022, 1:10PM | Hyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over the circle |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Sebastian Hensel, LMU |
| Tue, Feb 8 2022, 1:10PM | Parabolics in the Fine Curve Graph |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Schultens, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 1 2022, 1:10PM | RGB Geometry in Van Gogh's Sunflowers |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Kolpakov, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland |
| Tue, Jan 25 2022, 1:10PM | Space vectors forming rational angles |
Zoom Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Sungwoon Kim, Jeju National University (Korea), visiting UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 18 2022, 1:10PM | Weakly positive and directed Anosov representations |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Didac Martinez Granado, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 11 2022, 1:10PM | Small actions and geodesic currents |
zoom | Geometry/Topology | Helen Wong, Claremont McKenna |
| Tue, Nov 30 2021, 4:10PM | Topological descriptions of protein folding |
2112 & Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Jeffrey Meier, Western Washington University |
| Tue, Nov 23 2021, 4:10PM | Classifying fibered, homotopy-ribbon disks |
2112! also zoom. | Geometry/Topology | Josh Howie, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 16 2021, 4:10PM | Geography of spanning surfaces |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Margaret Nichols, Fields Institute |
| Tue, Nov 9 2021, 4:10PM | Surface embeddings in R^3 through the lens of the crease set |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Orsola Capovilla-Searle, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 2 2021, 4:10PM | Infinitely many Lagrangian Tori in Milnor fibers constructed via Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian links |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UCSB |
| Tue, Oct 26 2021, 4:10PM | Generating the Goeritz group |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Gabriel Islambouli, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 19 2021, 4:10PM | 4-manifolds seen as loops of Morse functions on a surface and loops in the pants complex |
zoom | Geometry/Topology | Honghao Gao, Michigan State University |
| Tue, Oct 12 2021, 4:10PM | A voyage into the space of augmentations |
zoom | Geometry/Topology | McDonald; Capovilla-Searle; Jacob; Casals |
| Tue, Oct 5 2021, 4:10PM | Intro to research topics |
zoom | Geometry/Topology | Starkston; Islambouli; Howie; Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Tue, Sep 28 2021, 4:10PM | Intro to research topics |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim, Korea Institute of Advanced Study |
| Tue, Jun 1 2021, 1:10PM | Degree of a virtual covering map and harmonic map to the circle |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Siddhi Krishna, Georgia Tech |
| Tue, May 25 2021, 1:10PM | Taut foliations, Dehn surgery, and braid positivity |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Samantha Allen, Dartmouth College |
| Tue, May 18 2021, 1:10PM | Using surgery to study unknotting with a single twist |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Neil Hoffman, Oklahoma State University |
| Tue, May 11 2021, 1:10PM | Recovering knot diagrams from triangulations |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Kindred, University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
| Tue, May 4 2021, 1:10PM | Definite surfaces and Murasugi sums: new geometric proofs of two classical theorems |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Christine Ruey Shan Lee, University of South Alabama |
| Tue, Apr 27 2021, 1:10PM | Normal surface theory and colored Khovanov homology |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | John Chae, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 20 2021, 1:10PM | Knot complements, series invariants and categorification |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | David Gabai, Princeton University |
| Tue, Apr 13 2021, 1:10PM | Knotted 3-balls in the 4-sphere |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Ahmad Issa, University of British Columbia |
| Tue, Apr 6 2021, 1:10PM | Symmetric knots and the equivariant 4-ball genus |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Schultens, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 30 2021, 1:10PM | A new proof of Scharlemann’s Strong Haken theorem |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Lisa Picirillo, MIT |
| Tue, Mar 9 2021, 1:10PM | Knot concordance and exotica |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Mike Freedman, Microsoft Station Q |
| Tue, Mar 2 2021, 1:10PM | Controlled Mather Thurston theorems |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Cameron Gordon, U. Texas Austin |
| Tue, Feb 23 2021, 1:10PM | Toroidal 3-manifolds and properties NLS, LO and CTF |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UC Sanata Barbara |
| Tue, Feb 16 2021, 1:10PM | The Strong Haken Theorem |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Laura Starkston, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 9 2021, 1:10PM | Unexpected fillings, singularities, and plane curve arrangements |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Marc Lackenby, Oxford University |
| Tue, Feb 2 2021, 1:10PM | Unknot recognition in quasi-polynomial time |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Nathan Dunfield, U. Illinois Urbana Champaign |
| Tue, Jan 26 2021, 1:10PM | Harmonic 1-forms on hyperbolic 3-manifolds: connections and computations |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Colin Adams, Williams College |
| Tue, Jan 19 2021, 1:10PM | Lower Bounds on Volumes of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds or What We Did During the Summer of Covid |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Clayton Shonkwiler, Colorado State University |
| Tue, Jan 12 2021, 1:10PM | Generating and computing with very large ensembles of random polygonal knots |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Maria Trnkova, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 5 2021, 1:10PM | Approximating isosurfaces by triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Duke University |
| Tue, Dec 8 2020, 1:10PM | Weinstein handle decompositions of complements of toric divisors in toric 4 manifolds |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Jeff Meier, Western Washington University |
| Tue, Dec 1 2020, 1:10PM | Trisections as singular branched covers |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Alex Zupan, University of Nebraska |
| Tue, Nov 24 2020, 1:10PM | Handle-ribbon knots, derivative links, and Morse-2 functions |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Alexandra Kjuchukova, Max Planck Institut |
| Tue, Nov 17 2020, 1:10PM | Knot group quotients and an old conjecture |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Kyle Hayden, Columbia University |
| Tue, Nov 10 2020, 1:10PM | Surfaces in 4-manifolds behaving badly |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Juanita Pinzón Caicedo, University of Notre Dame |
| Tue, Nov 3 2020, 1:10PM | Comparing the topological and the smooth 4-genus of satellite knots. |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Didac Martinez-Granado, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 27 2020, 1:10PM | Geodesic currents and the smoothing property |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Beibei Liu, Max Planck Institute |
| Tue, Oct 20 2020, 1:10PM | Discrete subgroups of small critical exponent |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Sarah Rasmussen, Cambridge and IAS |
| Tue, Oct 13 2020, 1:10PM | Taut foliations from left orders in Heegaard genus 2. |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | TBA |
| Tue, Oct 6 2020, 1:10PM | Meet some UCD faculty! |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Yanwen Luo, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jun 11 2020, 1:00PM | GGAM PhD Exit Seminar: The space of geodesic triangulations on surfaces |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Priyam Patel, University of Utah |
| Tue, Jun 2 2020, 1:40PM | Isometry groups of infinite-genus hyperbolic surfaces |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Jessica Purcell, Monash University |
| Tue, May 26 2020, 3:10PM | Geometric triangulations and highly twisted links |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Francisco Arana Herrera, Stanford |
| Tue, May 19 2020, 1:40PM | Counting hyperbolic multi-geodesics with respect to the lengths of individual components |
| Geometry/Topology | Tejas Kalelkar, IISER, India |
| Thu, May 14 2020, 1:40AM | POSTPONED |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Andy Sanders, Heidelberg University |
| Tue, May 12 2020, 1:40PM | Towards Uniformization of Anosov representations |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Andrew Yarmola, Princeton University |
| Tue, May 5 2020, 3:10PM | Searching for marked Kleinian groups |
| Geometry/Topology | Robert Meyerhoff, Boston College |
| Mon, May 4 2020, 1:40PM | POSTPONED |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Subhadip Dey, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 28 2020, 1:40PM | Stein property of complex-hyperbolic manifolds |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Matthew Hedden, Michigan State University |
| Tue, Apr 21 2020, 1:40PM | Corks, Involutions, and Heegaard Floer Homology |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim, KIAST |
| Tue, Apr 7 2020, 1:40PM | Systole growth under congruence coverings of locally symmetric arithmetic manifolds |
Zoom ID: TBA (Online) | Geometry/Topology | Vardan Oganesyan, Stony Brook |
| Tue, Mar 31 2020, 11:30AM | Lagrangian Delzant Theorem and its applications |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Nicholas Miller, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Mar 10 2020, 3:10PM | Finiteness theorems for totally geodesic submanifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Stefan Stadler, LMU, Munich |
| Thu, Mar 5 2020, 10:00AM | Morse quasiflats |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Marion Campisi, San Jose State University |
| Tue, Mar 3 2020, 3:10PM | Kirby-Thompson distance for trisections of knotted surfaces |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Steve Trettel, Stanford University |
| Tue, Feb 25 2020, 3:10PM | Riemannian limits of the product geometries $\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}$ and $S^2\times\mathbb{R}$ |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Sean Curry, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 18 2020, 3:10PM | The embeddability problem for deformations of the unit sphere in $\mathbb{C^2}$ |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Tye Lidman, North Carolina State University |
| Thu, Feb 13 2020, 3:10PM | Homology cobordisms with no 3-handles |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Richard Bamler, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 4 2020, 3:10PM | Uniqueness of Weak Solutions to the Ricci Flow and Topological Applications |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Schultens, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 28 2020, 3:10PM | Heegaard splittings of Seifert fibered spaces |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Antoine Song, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 21 2020, 3:10PM | Local min-max theory and existence of minimal Heegaard surfaces |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Colin Adams, Williams College |
| Sun, Jan 19 2020, 1:10PM | Lower Bounds on Volumes of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds or What We Did During the Summer of Covid |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Mattman, CSU Chico |
| Tue, Jan 14 2020, 3:10PM | Alternating knots with large boundary slope diameter |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Maria Trnkova, UC Davis |
| Sun, Jan 5 2020, 1:10PM | Approximating isosurfaces by triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Maria Trnkova, UC Davis |
| Sun, Jan 5 2020, 1:10PM | Approximating isosurfaces by triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity |
Zoom | Geometry/Topology | Maria Trnkova, UC Davis |
| Sun, Jan 5 2020, 1:10PM | Approximating isosurfaces by triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Marco Golla, Universite de Nantes |
| Tue, Dec 10 2019, 1:30PM | Möbius bands and the square peg problem |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner, UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Dec 3 2019, 1:30PM | Two or infinity |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Francesco Lin, Columbia |
| Tue, Nov 26 2019, 1:30PM | Indefinite Stein fillings and Pin(2)-monopole Floer homology |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University |
| Tue, Nov 19 2019, 1:30PM | Cross-ratio dynamics on ideal polygons |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Laura Fredrickson |
| Tue, Nov 12 2019, 1:30PM | The asymptotic geometry of the Hitchin moduli space |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Xin Dong, UC Irvine |
| Tue, Nov 5 2019, 1:30PM | The Bergman metric and the Cauchy-Riemann equations |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Joshua Greene, Boston College |
| Tue, Oct 29 2019, 1:30PM | On loops intersecting at most once |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Renato Vianna, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
| Tue, Oct 22 2019, 1:30PM | On flux of Lagrangian isotopies and applications |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Josh Howie, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 15 2019, 1:30PM | Alternating genera of torus knots |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Austin Christian, UCLA |
| Tue, Oct 8 2019, 1:30PM | Symplectic fillings of virtually overtwisted torus bundles |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Diaaeldin Taha, University of Washington |
| Tue, Oct 1 2019, 1:30PM | On Farey Statistics for Quotients by Hecke Triangle Groups |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Daniel Martin, University of Colorado, Boulder |
| Tue, Sep 24 2019, 1:30PM | The geometry of imaginary quadratic fields |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Brian Benson, UC Riverside |
| Tue, Jun 4 2019, 1:30PM | Computing the Cheeger Constants of Finite-Area Hyperbolic Surfaces |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Tye Lidman, North Carolina State University |
| Tue, May 21 2019, 1:30PM | Spineless four-manifolds |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Nikon Kurnosov, University of Georgia |
| Thu, May 16 2019, 1:30PM | Automorphisms of hyperkähler manifolds and groups acting on CAT(0) spaces. |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Antonio De Rosa, Courant Institute |
| Tue, May 14 2019, 1:30PM | Elliptic integrands in geometric analysis. |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Scott, University of Michigan |
| Tue, Apr 30 2019, 1:30PM | A Relative Algebraic Torus Theorem |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim, KIAS |
| Tue, Apr 23 2019, 1:30PM | Kahler metrics on Teichmuller space and beyond |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Slaven Jabuka, University of Nevada, Reno |
| Tue, Apr 16 2019, 1:30PM | The non-orientable 4-genus of knots |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Jeff Danciger, University of Texas, Austin |
| Tue, Apr 9 2019, 1:30PM | Exotic real projective Dehn surgery space |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Cornelia Van Cott, USF |
| Tue, Apr 2 2019, 1:30PM | Non-orientable three- and four- genus of torus knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Beibei Liu, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 12 2019, 1:30PM | Some geometric applications of the link Floer homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Erica Flapan, Pomona College |
| Tue, Feb 26 2019, 1:30PM | New Invariants of Spatial Graphs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Linh Truong, Columbia |
| Tue, Feb 19 2019, 1:30PM | An infinite rank summand of the homology cobordism group |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Matthew Stoffregen, MIT |
| Tue, Feb 12 2019, 1:30PM | Localization in Khovanov Homology |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Morgan Weiler, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 5 2019, 1:30PM | Mean action of periodic orbits of area-preserving annulus diffeomorphisms |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nur Saglam, UC Riverside |
| Tue, Jan 29 2019, 1:30PM | Constructions of Lefschetz fibrations using cyclic group actions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Umut Varolgunes, Stanford |
| Tue, Jan 22 2019, 1:30PM | Floer theory on nodal Lagrangian fibrations - Second Part |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Jo Nelson, Rice University |
| Tue, Jan 15 2019, 1:30PM | Equivariant and nonequivariant contact homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Farber, Queen Mary - University of London |
| Tue, Dec 11 2018, 1:40PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ciprian Manolescu, UCLA |
| Thu, Nov 29 2018, 11:00AM | Sheaf-theoretic SL(2,C) Floer homologies for knots and three-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Allison H. Moore, University of California Davis |
| Tue, Nov 27 2018, 1:40PM | Heegaard Floer d-invariants and integral surgery |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University |
| Tue, Nov 13 2018, 1:40PM | Introducing symplectic billiards |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Scott, University of Michigan |
| Thu, Nov 8 2018, 1:40PM | CANCELLED |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim, KIAS (Seoul, Korea) |
| Tue, Nov 6 2018, 1:40PM | Plurisubharmonicity and geodesic convexity of energy function on Teichmuller space |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Marco Golla, Université de Nantes |
| Tue, Oct 30 2018, 1:00PM | Smooth concordance bounds on wrapping numbers |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Miriam Kuzbary, Rice University |
| Tue, Oct 23 2018, 1:40PM | Link Concordance and Groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Olga Plamenevskaya, Stony Brook University |
| Tue, Oct 16 2018, 1:30PM | Links of surface singularities and planar open books |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Oct 9 2018, 1:30PM | On Kronheimer and Mrowka’s deformed instanton Floer invariant of planar graphs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Hannah Schwartz, Bryn Mawr |
| Tue, Oct 2 2018, 1:30PM | Using 2-torsion to obstruct topological isotopy |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Maria Trnkova, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 5 2018, 1:10PM | Ideal Triangulations of Closed 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Carson Rogers, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 29 2018, 1:10PM | Extending unknotting operations to Seifert surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kevin Lamb, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 22 2018, 1:10PM | A Distance for Circular Heegaard Splittings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Henry Segerman, OSU |
| Tue, May 15 2018, 1:10PM | From veering triangulations to pseudo-Anosov flows |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Song Sun, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, May 10 2018, 1:10PM | Singularities of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections and reflexive sheaves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Larson, MIT |
| Tue, May 8 2018, 1:10PM | The maximal rank conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Wai Yeung Lam, Brown |
| Tue, May 1 2018, 1:10PM | Discrete holomorphic quadratic differentials |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Sara Tukachinsky, MSRI |
| Tue, Apr 24 2018, 1:10PM | A_infty structures in open Gromov-Witten theory |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim |
| Tue, Apr 17 2018, 1:10PM | Minimum covolume lattices in quaternionic hyperbolic space |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Carolyn Abbott, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Apr 10 2018, 1:10PM | Ordering actions on hyperbolic metric spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Franco Vargas Pallete, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Apr 3 2018, 1:10PM | On Renormalized Volume |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UCSB |
| Tue, Mar 13 2018, 1:10PM | Uniqueness in Waldhausen’s theorem (joint with M. Freedman) |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Claudius Zibrowius, University of Sherbrooke |
| Tue, Mar 6 2018, 1:10PM | Peculiar modules for 4-ended tangles |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Bill Menasco, University of Buffalo |
| Thu, Mar 1 2018, 1:10PM | Distance and Intersection number in the curve complex |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Yo'av Rieck, University of Arkansas |
| Tue, Feb 27 2018, 1:10PM | Embeddability in R^3 is NP-hard |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Ken Baker, University of Miami |
| Mon, Feb 26 2018, 1:10PM | Constructions of asymmetric L-space knots |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | M.Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 13 2018, 1:10PM | Discrete isometry groups of symmetric spaces |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Daniel Ruberman, Brandeis University |
| Tue, Feb 6 2018, 1:10PM | Seiberg-Witten invariants of 4-dimensional homology circles |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Carolyn Abbot, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 30 2018, 1:10PM | Cancelled |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Schultens, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 23 2018, 1:10PM | The bridge index of a knot |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Gerig, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 16 2018, 1:10PM | Seiberg-Witten and Gromov invariants for non-symplectic 4-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Or Hershkovits, Stanford University |
| Tue, Dec 5 2017, 1:10PM | The Mean Curvature flow and its applications. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bo'az Klartag, Tel Aviv University |
| Tue, Nov 28 2017, 1:10PM | Complex waist inequalities |
2112 MSB | Geometry/Topology | Siqi He, Caltech |
| Tue, Nov 21 2017, 1:10PM | The extended Bogomolny equations and generalized Nahm pole solutions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bruno Benedetti, University of Miami |
| Tue, Nov 14 2017, 1:10PM | Extending two properties of trees to higher dimensions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shiri Artstein, Tel Aviv University |
| Tue, Nov 7 2017, 1:10PM | Around Godbersen's conjecture for mixed volumes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Gardiner, UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Oct 31 2017, 1:10PM | Higher dimensional symplectic embeddings and the Fibonacci numbers |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Longzhi Lin, UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Oct 24 2017, 1:10PM | Modified mean curvature flow of locally Lipschitz entire radial graphs in hyperbolic space |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jeffrey Meier, University of Georgia |
| Thu, Oct 19 2017, 1:10PM | Bridge trisections of knotted surfaces in four-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Diana Hubbard, University of Michigan |
| Tue, Oct 17 2017, 1:10PM | On the braid index of highly twisted braid closures |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ved Datar, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Oct 10 2017, 1:10PM | Constant scalar curvature metrics on blow-ups of Kahler surfaces. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tye Lidman, North Carolina State University |
| Thu, Oct 5 2017, 3:10PM | Concordance in homology cobordisms |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Arkady Berenstein, University of Oregon |
| Mon, Jun 12 2017, 10:00AM | Hecke-Hopf algebras and new solutions of QYBE |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tejas Kalelkar, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research |
| Mon, Jun 5 2017, 1:10PM | Taut foliations in compact manifolds with constrained boundary slopes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Banfield, Boston College |
| Mon, May 15 2017, 1:10PM | Does annular Khovanov homology detect knots which induce the tight contact structure on S^3? |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Feng Luo, Rutgers University |
| Thu, May 11 2017, 12:10PM | Discrete uniformization conjecture for non-compact simply connected polyhedral surfaces |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Dylan Thurston, Indiana University |
| Thu, May 4 2017, 12:10PM | Towards an exceptional knot polynomial |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Hom, Georgia Tech |
| Mon, May 1 2017, 1:10PM | Satellite L-space knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Vassily Gorbunov, University of Aberdeen |
| Thu, Apr 27 2017, 4:10PM | New feature of the Schubert calculus |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Daniel Cohen |
| Mon, Apr 24 2017, 1:10PM | Topological complexity of the Klein bottle |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Inkang Kim, KIAS (Seoul, Korea) |
| Thu, Apr 20 2017, 12:10PM | Moduli space of real projective structures on surface |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kevin Kordek, Texas A&M |
| Mon, Apr 17 2017, 1:10PM | Picard groups of moduli spaces of curves with symmetry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Katie Mann, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Apr 6 2017, 12:10PM | Ordering groups and group actions on 1-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | James Conway, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Apr 3 2017, 1:10PM | Tight Contact 3-Manifolds from Surgery |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Robert Haraway, University of Sydney |
| Wed, Mar 29 2017, 1:10PM | Mom 1.5 Structures |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Lambert-Cole, Indiana University |
| Wed, Mar 15 2017, 9:00AM | Conway mutation and knot Floer homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | |
| Mon, Mar 13 2017, 10:00AM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Chaim Even-Zohar, UC Davis |
| Mon, Mar 6 2017, 10:00AM | Random Knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | |
| Mon, Feb 27 2017, 10:00AM | Cancelled |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Maria Trnkova, UC Davis |
| Mon, Feb 13 2017, 10:00AM | Rigorous length spectrum from approximate Dirichlet domain |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Mon, Feb 6 2017, 10:00AM | Isoperimetric regions in negatively curved spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kevin Walker, Microsoft Station Q |
| Mon, Jan 30 2017, 10:00AM | Higher Temperley-Lieb categories, orthogonal polynomials, and (3+ε)-dimensional TQFTs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Adam Jacob, UC Davis |
| Mon, Jan 23 2017, 10:00AM | Tangent cones of Yang-Mills connections with isolated singularities |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Saul Schleimer, Warwick University/MSRI |
| Fri, Dec 2 2016, 3:10PM | EXTRA SEMINAR! Circular orderings from veering triangulations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ailsa Keating, Columbia University |
| Wed, Nov 30 2016, 3:10PM | On two-variable singularities, planar graphs and mapping class groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Evgeny Gorsky, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 23 2016, 3:10PM | Splitting numbers for links and Heegaard Floer homology |
| Geometry/Topology | |
| Sat, Nov 19 2016, 1:30PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Mark Feighn, Rutgers University/ MSRI |
| Wed, Nov 16 2016, 3:10PM | CTs and applications |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Mark Bell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
| Wed, Nov 2 2016, 3:10PM | Nielsen--Thurston classification via the curve graph |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Tuffley, Massey University, New Zealand |
| Tue, Nov 1 2016, 4:10PM | Intrinsic linking in higher dimensions, and with linking numbers divisible by q |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tudor Dimofte, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 26 2016, 3:00PM | Basics of Complex Chern-Simons Theory |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | John Sullivan, TU Berlin/UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 19 2016, 3:10PM | Ropelength Criticality for Knots and Links |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitriy Morozov, Lawrence Labs |
| Thu, Oct 13 2016, 2:00PM | Persistent Homology and its Extensions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nickolas Castro, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 12 2016, 3:10PM | Relative Trisection Diagrams of Smooth 4-manifolds with Boundary |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University/University of Warwick/MSRI |
| Wed, Oct 5 2016, 3:10PM | Finding infinity inside Outer space |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Allison Moore, UC Davis |
| Wed, Sep 28 2016, 3:10PM | Cosmetic crossing changes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Matthias Goerner, Pixar Animation Studios |
| Tue, May 24 2016, 1:10PM | A census of Platonic manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Feller, Boston Univ |
| Tue, May 17 2016, 1:10PM | Upper bounds on the topological four-ball genus using classical knot invariants |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alex Zupan, Univ of Nebraska |
| Tue, May 10 2016, 1:10PM | Generalized Property R and trisections of the 4-sphere |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dorothy Buck, Imperial College London |
| Tue, May 3 2016, 1:10PM | Band Surgeries and Crossing Changes between Fibered Links |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Mattman, CSU Chico |
| Tue, Apr 26 2016, 1:10PM | There are too many knotted graphs! |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Misha Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 19 2016, 1:10PM | Fundamental groups of projective varieties |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ursula Hamenstadt, Uni Bonn / MSRI |
| Tue, Apr 12 2016, 1:10PM | Geometric invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Richard Montgomery, UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Apr 5 2016, 1:10PM | Geometric and topological problems arising in the N-body problem |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bo Berndtsson, Chalmers University of Technology |
| Tue, Mar 8 2016, 1:10PM | Singular metrics on vector bundles and some applications |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Heather Macbeth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
| Tue, Mar 1 2016, 1:10PM | Kaehler-Einstein metrics and higher alpha-invariants |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yanir Rubinstein, University of Maryland |
| Tue, Feb 23 2016, 1:10PM | Tian's properness conjectures |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Davi Maximo, Stanford University |
| Tue, Feb 16 2016, 1:10PM | Minimal surfaces with bounded index |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Christine Breiner, Fordham University |
| Tue, Feb 9 2016, 1:10PM | Gluing Constructions for Constant Mean Curvature Hypersurfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Zhiqin Lu, UC Irvine |
| Tue, Feb 2 2016, 1:10PM | On the L2 estimates on moduli space of Calabi-Yau manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eleonora Di Nezza, Imperial College |
| Tue, Jan 26 2016, 1:10PM | Monge-Ampère equations on quasi-projective varieties |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Adam Jacob, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 19 2016, 1:10PM | Prescribing the angle of Lagrangian graphs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ved Datar, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 12 2016, 1:10PM | Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Neil R Hoffman, University of Melbourne |
| Tue, Jan 5 2016, 1:10PM | Normal Surfaces and the 3D index |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Tue, Dec 1 2015, 1:10PM | Algorithmic homeomorphism of 3-manifolds as a corollary of geometrization |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Adam Jacobs, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 24 2015, 1:10PM | EDIT : POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT QUARTER: Prescribing the angle of Lagrangian graphs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 17 2015, 1:10PM | Discreteness is undecidable |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jo Nelson, Columbia and IAS |
| Tue, Nov 10 2015, 1:10PM | An Integral lift of contact homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kenji Kozai, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 3 2015, 1:10PM | Hyperbolic structures from Sol |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Cornelia Van Cott, University of San Francisco |
| Tue, Oct 27 2015, 1:10PM | The four-genus of connected sums of torus knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tye Lidman, IAS (Princeton) |
| Tue, Oct 20 2015, 1:10PM | Floer homotopy and covering spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Anastasiia Tsvietkova, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 13 2015, 1:10PM | The number of surfaces of fixed genus in an alternating link complement |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eugene Gorsky, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 6 2015, 1:10PM | Heegaard Floer homology of L-space links |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tian Yang, Stanford |
| Tue, Sep 29 2015, 1:10PM | On type-preserving representations of the four-punctured sphere group |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jun 16 2015, 3:10PM | Minimal Fibrations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Scott, University of Michigan |
| Thu, Jun 11 2015, 3:10PM | The JSJ decomposition of 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Anastasiia Tsvietkova |
| Tue, Jun 2 2015, 3:10PM | Crossing geodesics in alternating links |
2112 MSB | Geometry/Topology | Rob Kirby, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, May 26 2015, 3:10PM | An introduction to pseudo-holomorphic curves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Maria Trnkova, Cal Tech |
| Tue, May 19 2015, 3:10PM | Length and ortho-length spectra |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Nathan Dunfield, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
| Thu, May 14 2015, 3:10PM | Random knots: their properties and algorithmic challenges |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Suhyoung Choi |
| Tue, May 5 2015, 3:10PM | The deformation spaces of convex real projective structures on manifolds or orbifolds with ends: openness and closedness |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Suhyoung Choi |
| Tue, Apr 28 2015, 3:10PM | The ends of convex real projective manifolds and orbifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Erica Flapan, Pomona College |
| Tue, Apr 21 2015, 3:10PM | Topological Symmetry Groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 14 2015, 3:10PM | The Cartan-Hadamard Problem and the Little Prince |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Sean Cleary, CUNY |
| Tue, Apr 7 2015, 3:10PM | Some metric properties of Houghton's groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Wolf, Rice University |
| Tue, Mar 17 2015, 3:10PM | Polynomial Pick forms for affine spheres and real projective polygons |
| Geometry/Topology | Dan Ramras,, Mathematics Department, IUPUI |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Francis Bonahon, USC |
| Tue, Mar 3 2015, 3:10PM | Kauffman brackets on surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kei Nakamura, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 24 2015, 4:10PM | New Examples Related to Thurston’s Congruence Link |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ronald G. Douglas, Texas A&M University |
| Thu, Feb 19 2015, 3:10PM | An Analytic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Vitaly Kapovitch, University of Toronto |
| Tue, Feb 17 2015, 3:10PM | Higher homotopy groups of spaces of nonnegatively curved metrics and pseudoisotopies |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Richard Bamler, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 10 2015, 3:10PM | On the scalar curvature blow up conjecture in Ricci flow |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Pawel Dlotko, University of Pennsylvania |
| Thu, Jan 8 2015, 4:10PM | Computational topology, the new frontier. |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Pawel Dlotko, University of Pennsylvania |
| Thu, Jan 8 2015, 4:10PM | Computational topology, the new frontier. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Neil R Hoffman, University of Melbourne |
| Mon, Jan 5 2015, 1:10PM | Normal Surfaces and the 3D index |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ruifang Song, UC Davis |
| Tue, Dec 9 2014, 3:10PM | Period integrals and tautological systems |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Vinicius Ramos, University of Nantes, France |
| Tue, Dec 2 2014, 3:10PM | Embedded contact homology and symplectic embeddings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bernhard Leeb, LMU Munchen |
| Tue, Nov 25 2014, 3:10PM | A Morse Lemma for quasigeodesics in symmetric spaces and euclidean buildings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Seon Hee Lim, Seoul National University |
| Tue, Nov 18 2014, 3:10PM | Spectrum of Laplacian and boundaries of hyperbolic manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford University |
| Thu, Nov 13 2014, 3:10PM | Degenerating solutions of some gauge field equations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Arkady Berenstein, University of Oregon |
| Thu, Oct 30 2014, 3:10PM | Noncommutative marked surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Charles Siegel, The University of Tokyo |
| Tue, Oct 21 2014, 3:10PM | A Modular Operad of Embedded Curves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Fiebig, Erlangen University |
| Tue, Oct 14 2014, 3:10PM | Sheaves on moment graphs and Lusztig's conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Pranab Sardar, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 7 2014, 3:10PM | Packing Subgroups in Countable Groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Pranab Sardar, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jul 10 2014, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Scott, University of Michigan |
| Tue, Jun 3 2014, 3:10PM | The homeomorphism problem for closed 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ciprian Manolescu, UCLA |
| Tue, May 13 2014, 3:10PM | The triangulation conejcture |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | John Millson, University of Maryland |
| Thu, May 8 2014, 3:10PM | The Hodge conjecture for complex ball quotients |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lizhen Ji, University of Michigan |
| Tue, May 6 2014, 3:10PM | Spines of symmetric spaces and Teichmuller spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jessica Banks, UQAM |
| Tue, Apr 29 2014, 3:10PM | Seifert surfaces and point-pushing |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Satyan Devadoss , Williams College |
| Thu, Apr 24 2014, 3:10PM | Phylogenetic networks and the real moduli space of curves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Igor Rivin, Temple University |
| Tue, Apr 15 2014, 3:10PM | Random 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Axel Saenz, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 15 2014, 2:10PM | On the Generalized Catalan Numbers and the Eynard Orantin Topological Recursion |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Misha Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 8 2014, 3:10PM | Quasihomomorphisms with noncommutative targets |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | David Kirszenblat, University of Melbourne |
| Tue, Mar 18 2014, 3:10PM | Flexibility and the Steiner ratio conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Paul Johnson, Colorado State University, Fort Collins |
| Tue, Mar 11 2014, 4:10PM | Topology and combinatorics of Hilbert schemes of points on orbifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kei Nakamura, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 25 2014, 4:10PM | Geometry and Number Theory of Orthoplicial Apollonian sphere packings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dragos Oprea, University of California, San Diego |
| Tue, Feb 18 2014, 4:10PM | The Chern classes of the Verline bundle |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jeffrey Meier, University of Texas, Austin |
| Tue, Feb 11 2014, 4:10PM | Distinguishing topologically and smoothly doubly slice knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Anastasiia Tsvietkova, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 4 2014, 4:10PM | Hyperbolic links: diagrams, volume and the colored Jones polynomial |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alexei Oblomkov, University of Massachusetts |
| Tue, Jan 28 2014, 4:10PM | Plane curve singularities, knot homology and Hilbert scheme of points on plane |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Laura Schaposnik, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
| Tue, Jan 14 2014, 4:10PM | Spectral data for G-Higgs bundles |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Tue, Dec 3 2013, 4:10PM | New results on recognizing the 3-sphere |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | David Glickenstein, University of Arizona |
| Tue, Nov 19 2013, 4:10PM | Discrete conformal geometry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Rod Gover, University of Auckland |
| Tue, Nov 12 2013, 4:10PM | Compactification and Einstein metrics |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Sean Cleary, CUNY |
| Tue, Nov 5 2013, 4:10PM | Behold the wonders that are Thompson's groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Max Neumann-Coto, UNAM |
| Tue, Oct 29 2013, 4:10PM | Some questions about geodesics on surfaces. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lukas Lewark, Durham |
| Tue, Oct 22 2013, 4:10PM | Khovanov-Rozansky homologies, knotted weighted webs and the slice genus |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Christine Lescop, Institut Fourier |
| Tue, Oct 15 2013, 4:10PM | On a cube of the equivariant link pairing |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kei Nakamura, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 8 2013, 4:10PM | On isosystolic inequalities and Z/2Z homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Hutchings, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, May 28 2013, 3:10PM | Obstructions to symplectic embeddings in four dimensions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Moon Duchin, Tufts University |
| Tue, May 21 2013, 3:10PM | Heisenberg geometry: Growth and other statistics |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shravan Kumar, UNC Chapel Hill |
| Tue, May 14 2013, 3:10PM | Positivity in T-equivariant K-theory of flag varieties associated to Kac-Moody groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Adam Sikora, SUNY Buffalo |
| Tue, Apr 30 2013, 3:10PM | Complete integrability of character varieties of surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Banchoff, Brown University |
| Mon, Apr 22 2013, 4:10PM | Folds, Intersections, and Inflections for Smooth and Polyhedral Surfaces: Distinguishing Cylinders from Moebius Bands |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 16 2013, 3:10PM | Character varieties of 3-manifold groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Harry Baik, Cornell University |
| Tue, Apr 9 2013, 3:10PM | Thurston's view on the space of complex polynomials |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Friedrich Wagemann, University of Nantes |
| Tue, Mar 19 2013, 3:10PM | Generators for Gelfand-Fuchs cohomology on surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nathan Ilten, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Mar 12 2013, 3:10PM | Toric degenerations of Fano varieties and connections with mirror symmetry |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Igor Rivin, Temple University |
| Mon, Mar 11 2013, 4:10PM | What are random group elements like, and how do you find one? |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Harry Baik, UC Davis and Cornell University |
| Tue, Mar 5 2013, 3:10PM | Groups acting on the circle with dense invariant laminations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Matthew Gill, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 26 2013, 3:10PM | The Chern-Ricci flow |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | János Kollár, Princeton University |
| Tue, Feb 19 2013, 4:10PM | The Nash problem for families of arcs |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Denis Auroux, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 12 2013, 3:10PM | Mirror symmetry in complex dimension 1 |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alex Coward, University of Sydney, Australia |
| Tue, Feb 5 2013, 3:10PM | Fast normal surface theory |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jerry Kaminker, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 31 2013, 4:10PM | Algebraic K-theory, regulators and the volume conjecture in knot theory |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Piotr Sułkowski, California Institute of Technology (Physics) and University of Amsterdam |
| Tue, Dec 4 2012, 3:10PM | Super A-Polynomials: the Quantized and Categorified Knot Invariants |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Duco van Straten, University of Mainz, Germany, and UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Nov 27 2012, 3:10PM | Calabi-Yau conifold expansions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | John Millson, University of Maryland, College Park |
| Tue, Nov 20 2012, 3:10PM | The toric geometry of triangulated polygons in Euclidean space |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Yoshizawa |
| Tue, Nov 13 2012, 3:10PM | High Distance Heegaard Splittings via Dehn Twists |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bruce Fontaine, MSRI and Cornell University |
| Tue, Nov 6 2012, 3:10PM | Rotation and the Satake fiber |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Pranab Sardar, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 30 2012, 3:10PM | Metric Bundles |
McHenry 4130 | Geometry/Topology | Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar, Fall 2012 Meeting |
| Sat, Oct 6 2012, 10:00AM | Held at UC Santa Cruz |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bruno Benedetti |
| Tue, Oct 2 2012, 3:10PM | Metric geometry and the Hirsch conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shinpei Baba, Cal Tech |
| Tue, Sep 25 2012, 3:10PM | 2π-graftings and complex projective structures |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Igor Rivin, Temple University |
| Tue, Jun 19 2012, 11:00AM | The mysteries of (thin and otherwise) groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tao Li, Boston College |
| Tue, Jun 5 2012, 3:10PM | Rank vs. Genus |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Scott, University of Michigan |
| Tue, Jun 5 2012, 1:10PM | A combinatorial approach to harmonic maps |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ryan Derby-Talbot, Quest University |
| Tue, May 29 2012, 1:10PM | Essential surfaces and Dehn filling |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Stanislav Jabuka, University of Nevada, Reno |
| Tue, May 22 2012, 3:10PM | Dehn surgery obstructions from Heegaard Floer homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Julian Gold, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 15 2012, 3:10PM | A bound for orderings of Reidemeister moves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Swatee Naik, University of Nevada, Reno |
| Tue, May 8 2012, 3:10PM | Knot concordance and symmetries |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Coward, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 1 2012, 3:10PM | tba |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Apr 24 2012, 3:10PM | The virtual Haken conjecture |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 17 2012, 3:10PM | Hyperbolic orbifolds and topology of projective varieties |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nicolaos Kapouleas, Brown University |
| Tue, Apr 10 2012, 3:10PM | Gluing constructions for minimal surfaces and self-shrinkers |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | David Hoffman, Stanford University |
| Tue, Mar 13 2012, 3:10PM | Higher-genus helicoids in S² × ℝ and in ℝ³ |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Swatee Naik, UN Reno |
| Tue, Mar 6 2012, 3:10PM | Knot concordance and symmetries |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yanir Rubinstein, Stanford |
| Tue, Feb 28 2012, 3:10PM | Einstein metrics on Kahler manifolds |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 21 2012, 3:10PM | Virtually special square complexes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Benoit Kloeckner, University of Grenoble |
| Tue, Feb 14 2012, 3:10PM | Geometry of Wasserstein spaces: Hadamard spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yanir Rubinstein, Stanford |
| Sun, Feb 12 2012, 3:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | John Pardon, Stanford University |
| Tue, Feb 7 2012, 3:10PM | Totally disconnected groups (not) acting on three-manifolds |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Scott Morrison, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Jan 31 2012, 3:10PM | Invariants of 4-manifolds from Khovanov homology |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 24 2012, 3:10PM | What is an odd Vassiliev invariant, and do they exist? |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Misha Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 10 2012, 3:10PM | Polyhedral complexes and algebraic geometry |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Fri, Dec 2 2011, 2:10PM | Knottedness is in NP, modulo GRH |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Cornelia Drutu, University of Oxford/MSRI |
| Tue, Nov 29 2011, 3:10PM | Equivalent notions of rank for the mapping class groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shmuel Weinbrger, University of Chicago/MSRI |
| Tue, Nov 22 2011, 3:10PM | Poincare duality, aspherical manifolds, and group actions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Zupan, University of Iowa |
| Tue, Nov 15 2011, 3:10PM | The pants complex, the dual curve complex, and bridge splittings of knots. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Coward, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 8 2011, 3:10PM | Crossing changes and circular Heegaard splittings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jessica Banks, University of Oxford |
| Tue, Oct 25 2011, 3:10PM | The Kakimizu complex of a link |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Cornelia Van Cott, University of San Francisco |
| Tue, Oct 18 2011, 3:10PM | Surfaces and iterated Bing doubles |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alain Valette, Unversity of Neuchatel, Switzerland |
| Fri, Oct 14 2011, 3:10PM | L^p-compression and equivariant compression for Baumslag-Solitar groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | John Stillwell, University of San Francisco |
| Tue, Oct 11 2011, 3:10PM | History of 3-manifolds: Poincaré, Tietze, and Dehn |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Candice Price, University of Iowa |
| Tue, Oct 4 2011, 3:10PM | Oriented skein relation and a biological application |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Tony Tromba, UC Santa Cruz |
| Tue, Sep 27 2011, 4:10PM | On the Branch Point Problem for Minimal Surfaces |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Hyam Rubinstein, University of Melbourne |
| Tue, May 24 2011, 3:10PM | CANCELLED |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | David Dumas, University of Illinois at Chicago |
| Thu, May 12 2011, 2:10PM | Intersections in the character variety |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Craig Benham, UC Davis |
| Tue, May 3 2011, 3:10PM | DNA Topology and its Roles in Biology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alex Coward, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 26 2011, 3:10PM | TBA |
Stanford 380 | Geometry/Topology | Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar, UCB, UC Davis, SFSU, UCSC, Stanford |
| Sat, Apr 23 2011, 10:00AM | Talks by Guofang Wei (Santa Barbara), David Hoffman (Stanford), Misha Kapovich (UC, Davis). |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Babson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 12 2011, 3:10PM | Random Fundamental Groups |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Rida Farouki, Engineering, UC Davis |
| Tue, Mar 29 2011, 3:10PM | Rational rotation-minimizing frames on space curves: theory, algorithms, applications |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kasra Rafi, University of Oklahoma |
| Mon, Mar 14 2011, 4:10PM | Hyperbolic properties of the Teichmüller space |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Misha Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Mon, Mar 7 2011, 4:10PM | RAAGs in Ham |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Samuel Krushkal, Bar Ilan University |
| Mon, Feb 28 2011, 4:10PM | The Grunsky operator, Ahlfors' question and geometry of Teichmuller spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitry Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Mon, Feb 14 2011, 4:10PM | Billiards in regular polygons |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jesse Johnson, Oklahoma State University |
| Mon, Feb 7 2011, 4:10PM | Common stabilizations of Heegaard splittings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jian Zhou, Tsinghua University |
| Mon, Jan 31 2011, 4:10PM | Local mirror curves and holomorphic disc invariants |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Claudiu Raicu, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Jan 24 2011, 4:10PM | 3x3 Minors of Catalecticants |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Brian Clarke, Stanford |
| Mon, Jan 10 2011, 4:10PM | Geodesic distance on the manifold of Riemannian metrics |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Misha Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Mon, Jan 10 2011, 3:10PM | Polyhedral complexes and algebraic geometry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bernd Sturmfels |
| Wed, Dec 1 2010, 4:10PM | Quartic Curves and their Bitangents |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Bahuaud |
| Wed, Nov 17 2010, 4:10PM | Ricci flow for asymptotically hyperbolic metrics |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bruno Benedetti |
| Wed, Nov 10 2010, 4:10PM | Shellings, (local) constructions and handle decompositions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dave Auckly |
| Wed, Oct 27 2010, 4:10PM | Two-fold branched covers |
MSRI 0 | Geometry/Topology | Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar at MSRI in Berkeley |
| Sat, Oct 23 2010, 10:00AM | Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jonathan Williams |
| Wed, Oct 20 2010, 4:10PM | A Reidemeister-Singer conjecture for surface diagrams |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Christian Zickert |
| Wed, Oct 13 2010, 4:10PM | The extended Bloch group and representations of 3-manifold groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kate Poirier |
| Wed, Oct 6 2010, 4:10PM | String topology & compactified moduli space of Riemann surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Hyam Rubinstein |
| Tue, Sep 28 2010, 4:10PM | Thin position for incompressible surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Moore and Rathbun |
| Tue, May 11 2010, 4:10PM | |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Hao Xu |
| Tue, Apr 13 2010, 4:10PM | Mirror symmetry of singularities |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Ozsvath, Columbia University, MSRI |
| Tue, Mar 9 2010, 4:10PM | Bordered Heegaard Floer homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | John Etnyre, Georgia Institute of Technology/MSRI |
| Tue, Mar 2 2010, 4:10PM | Transverse knots in topology and contact geometry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Burak Ozbagci, MSRI |
| Tue, Feb 23 2010, 4:10PM | A bridge from surface singularities to contact 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dylan Thurston, Columbia University, MSRI |
| Tue, Feb 16 2010, 4:10PM | Bordered Heegaard Floer Homology: A Toy Model |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Vera Vertesi, MSRI |
| Tue, Feb 9 2010, 4:10PM | Legendrian and Transverse Classification of twist knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Leonid Polterovich, Tel Aviv University, U Chicago and MSRI |
| Tue, Feb 2 2010, 4:10PM | Lie quasi-states Abstract: |
MSRI 0 | Geometry/Topology | MSRI Introductory Workshop: Homology Theories of Knots and Links |
| Tue, Jan 26 2010, 4:10PM | A highly recommended one week program at MSRI |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Petra Schwer, Universitaet Muenster |
| Tue, Jan 19 2010, 4:10PM | Generalized affine buildings and Base change |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Hyam Rubinstein, the hyperbolic dodecahedral space - answering a computational challenge of Thurs |
| Tue, Nov 10 2009, 4:10PM | |
MSB 0 | Geometry/Topology | Denis Auroux |
| Tue, Oct 20 2009, 4:10PM | Fukaya categories of symmetric products and bordered Heegaard-Floer homology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Babson, UCDavis |
| Tue, Jun 2 2009, 4:10PM | The fundamental groups of random 2-complexes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Rob Kirby, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, May 28 2009, 12:10PM | Existence and Uniqueness of Broken Fibrations on all Smooth 4-Manifolds III |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Sergei Merenkov, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
| Tue, May 19 2009, 4:10PM | Quasi-isometric co-Hopficity for non-topological reasons |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Rob Kirby, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, May 14 2009, 12:10PM | Existence and Uniqueness of Broken Fibrations on all Smooth 4-Manifolds II |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ailana Fraser, Univ. British Columbia and Stanford |
| Tue, May 12 2009, 4:10PM | Conformal geometry, minimal surfaces, and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Rob Kirby, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, May 7 2009, 12:10PM | Existence and Uniqueness of Broken Fibrations on all Smooth 4-Manifolds I |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Teichner, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, May 5 2009, 4:10PM | Intersection theory for Whitney towers |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jerry Kaminker, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 30 2009, 12:10PM | "C*-algebras in topology and geometry III |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Boris Botvinnik, University of Oregon |
| Tue, Apr 28 2009, 4:10PM | Concordance and isotopy of positive scalar curvature metrics |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jerry Kaminker, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 23 2009, 12:10PM | "C*-algebras in topology and geometry II |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | John Lott, UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Apr 21 2009, 4:10PM | Locally collapsed 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jerry Kaminker, UC Davis |
| Thu, Apr 16 2009, 12:10PM | C*-algebras in topology and geometry I |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Sean Cleary, City College, CUNY |
| Tue, Apr 14 2009, 4:10PM | Almost convexity and tame combing conditions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Tue, Apr 7 2009, 4:10PM | Coherence vs noncoherence |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Abigail Thompson, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 12 2009, 12:10PM | Curves and Coincidences III |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Mattman, Chico State University |
| Tue, Mar 10 2009, 4:10PM | Commensurability classes of (-2,3,n) -pretzel knots |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Abigail Thompson, UC Davis |
| Thu, Mar 5 2009, 12:10PM | Curves and Coincidences II |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Abigail Thompson, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 26 2009, 4:10PM | Curves and Coincidences |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Burak Ozbagci |
| Mon, Feb 23 2009, 4:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Marion Moore, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 19 2009, 12:10PM | Thin Position |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Marion Moore, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 12 2009, 12:10PM | Thin Position |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Vera Vertesi, MSRI |
| Mon, Feb 9 2009, 4:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Marion Moore, UC Davis |
| Thu, Feb 5 2009, 12:10PM | Thin Position |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Coward, UC Davis |
| Tue, Feb 3 2009, 4:10PM | Unknotting genus one knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dongseok Kim, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 27 2009, 4:10PM | Various seifert surfaces of links |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Tue, Jan 20 2009, 4:10PM | Lower bounds on the number of Reidemeister moves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Rohit Thomas, UC Davis |
| Thu, Jan 15 2009, 12:10PM | Quantum topology |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Adrian Butscher, Stanford University |
| Tue, Jan 13 2009, 4:10PM | Condensing Constant Mean Curvature surfaces in Riemannian manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lucas Sabalka, UC Davis |
| Fri, Dec 5 2008, 12:10PM | Braids |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shinpei Baba, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 25 2008, 4:10PM | Complex projective structures with Schottky holonomy |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lucas Sabalka, UC Davis |
| Fri, Nov 21 2008, 12:10PM | Braids |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alice Stevens, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 18 2008, 4:00PM | K-stable equivalence for knots in Heegaard surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lucas Sabalka, UC Davis |
| Fri, Nov 14 2008, 12:10PM | Braids |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Loretta Bartolini, Oklahoma State University |
| Wed, Nov 5 2008, 4:10PM | One-sided Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dorothy Buck, Imperial College, London |
| Tue, Oct 28 2008, 4:10PM | The Topology of DNA-Protein Interactions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Coward, UC Davis |
| Tue, Oct 21 2008, 4:10PM | Algorithmically detecting the bridge number of a hyperbolic knot |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jeff Brock, Brown University |
| Tue, Oct 14 2008, 4:10PM | Heegaard splittings and hyperbolic geometry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | David Gay, Cape Town University |
| Tue, Oct 7 2008, 4:10PM | Convexity of negative definite symplectic plumbings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Elon Rimon, Technion |
| Wed, Jul 9 2008, 4:10PM | C-Space Characterization of Contact Preserving Paths
with Application to Tactile-Sensor Based Mobile Robot Navigation |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ken Bromberg, University of Utah |
| Wed, May 28 2008, 4:10PM | The convexity of length functions on Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates for
Teichmuller space |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lucas Sabalka, Univ Cal Davis |
| Wed, May 21 2008, 4:10PM | Navigating blindly |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Zoran Sunic, Texas A&M |
| Thu, May 15 2008, 11:00AM | Easy bounds on the growth of Grigorchuk group |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | BATS at Davis, Peter Scott, Univ of Michigan |
| Tue, May 13 2008, 4:00PM | Relative JSJ decompositions |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | BATS at Davis, Feng Luo, Rutgers Univ |
| Tue, May 13 2008, 2:30PM | Volume and angle structures on 3-manifolds |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Tullia Dymarz, Yale University |
| Mon, May 12 2008, 4:10PM | Tukia's theorem and the large scale geometry certain solvable groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Elizabeth Gasparim, University of Edinburgh and UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 30 2008, 4:10PM | Nekrasov conjecture for toric varieties |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Joan Licata, Stanford University |
| Wed, Apr 23 2008, 4:10PM | Constructing Seifert surfaces from n-bridge link projections |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Schultens, Univ Cal Davis |
| Wed, Apr 16 2008, 4:10PM | Width complexes of knots and 3-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jason Behrstock, Columbia University |
| Wed, Apr 9 2008, 4:10PM | Geometry and rigidity of mapping class groups |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Jaejeong Lee, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 12 2008, 4:10PM | Fundamental domains of convex projective structures |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Richard Montgomery, UC Santa Cruz |
| Wed, Mar 5 2008, 4:10PM | A new way to resolve singularities |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Moon Duchin, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 27 2008, 4:10PM | Stars at infinity in Teichmuller space |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Jerry Kaminker, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 20 2008, 4:10PM | Duality for hyperbolic dynamical systems |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 13 2008, 4:10PM | Ends of groups and harmonic functions |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Brian Osserman, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 6 2008, 4:10PM | Components of Hurwitz spaces |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Hass, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 23 2008, 4:10PM | Stabilizations of Heegaard Splittings |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Alexei Zhubr, Komi Science Center, Syktyvkar |
| Wed, Jan 16 2008, 4:10PM | On a direct construction of the "exotic" invariant for 6-manifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ilesanmi Adeboye, USC |
| Wed, Dec 5 2007, 4:10PM | Volumes of hyperbolic 4-orbifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Shinpei Baba, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 28 2007, 4:10PM | Admissible Decomposition of Complex Projective Structures |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Mike Williams, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 7 2007, 4:10PM | Lens space surgeries and tunnel number one knots |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | David Futer, Michigan State University and MSRI |
| Wed, Oct 31 2007, 4:10PM | The volume and Jones polynomial of hyperbolic links |
MSB 2212 | Geometry/Topology | Kei Nakamura, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 24 2007, 4:10PM | Fox reimbedding and Bing submanifolds |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Pallavi Dani, University of Oklahoma |
| Wed, Oct 17 2007, 4:10PM | Super-exponential $2$-dimensional Dehn functions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nathan Geer, Georgia Tech |
| Wed, Oct 10 2007, 4:10PM | Renormalized quantum invariants |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yvonne Lai, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 3 2007, 4:10PM | An Effective Compactness Theorem |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Jason Starr, Stony Brook University |
| Mon, Jul 30 2007, 2:10PM | Rational simple connectedness and Serre's "Conjecture II" |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Mohan Ramachandran, SUNY Buffallo |
| Wed, May 30 2007, 4:10PM | Relative ends of Kahler groups and L^2 holomorphic forms |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Robion Kirby, Univ Cal Berkeley |
| Wed, May 23 2007, 4:10PM | 4-Manifolds are Broken, Achiral, Lefschetz Fibrations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Anne Thomas, University of Chicago |
| Wed, May 16 2007, 4:10PM | Lattices acting on symmetric polygonal complexes |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Joe Masters, SUNY Buffalo |
| Tue, May 8 2007, 11:00AM | 1-relator groups and Heegaard splittings |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michel Boileau, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse |
| Wed, May 2 2007, 4:10PM | On sequences of Riemannian metrics on closed aspherical 3-manifolds |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | BATS at Davis: Craig Hodgson, University of Melbourne |
| Tue, Apr 24 2007, 4:10PM | Enumeration and classification of knotted graphs using hyperbolic invariants |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | BATS at Davis: Dmitry Fuchs, UCDavis |
| Tue, Apr 24 2007, 2:30PM | decomposition of front diagrams and generating families of functions |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Knopf, University of Texas, Austin |
| Wed, Apr 18 2007, 4:10PM | Local singularities of Ricci flow |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Sema Salur, SUNY Rochester |
| Wed, Apr 11 2007, 4:10PM | Manifolds with Special Holonomy, Calibrations and Dualities |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Igor Rivin, Temple University |
| Wed, Apr 4 2007, 4:10PM | Geometry of Polyhedra |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Juan Souto, University of Chicago |
| Wed, Mar 7 2007, 4:10PM | Thick hyperbolic 3-manifold whose fundamental group is generated by 3 elements |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Rains, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 21 2007, 4:10PM | The cohomology ring of the real locus of the moduli space of punctured spheres |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitry Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 14 2007, 4:10PM | Invariants of Legendrian knots and generating families of functions |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Damian Osajda, Wroclaw University |
| Tue, Jan 23 2007, 3:10PM | Boundaries of systolic groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Knopf, University of Texas, Austin |
| Thu, Jan 18 2007, 4:10PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lucas Sabalka, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 17 2007, 4:10PM | The isomorphism problem for tree braid groups |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 10 2007, 4:10PM | Triangles in path-metric spaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 6 2006, 4:10PM | From the Mahler conjecture to Gauss linking integrals |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Babson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 29 2006, 4:10PM | A configuration space of representations |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Mariel Vazquez, San Francisco State University |
| Wed, Nov 15 2006, 4:10PM | Topological analysis of Xer site-specific recombination |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Lucas Sabalka, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 8 2006, 4:10PM | Graph braid groups |
STANFORD 383 | Geometry/Topology | Ciprian Manolescu, Columbia |
| Tue, Nov 7 2006, 4:15PM | A combinatorial description of knot Floer homology |
STANFORD 383 | Geometry/Topology | Eric Babson, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 7 2006, 2:40PM | TBA |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Nadya Shirokova, Stanford |
| Wed, Nov 1 2006, 4:10PM | On the categorification of Vassiliev theory |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Robion Kirby, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Oct 25 2006, 4:10PM | The projective plane, Boy's surface, and everting the 2-sphere. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Matt Kahle, University of Washington |
| Wed, Oct 18 2006, 4:10PM | The fundamental group of random 2-dimensional simplicial complexes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Ken Brown, Cornell |
| Wed, Oct 11 2006, 4:10PM | The homology of Richard Thompson's group F |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Bronek Wajnryb, Univ Cal Davis |
| Wed, May 31 2006, 4:10PM | Diffeomorphism of Complex Algebraic Surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yves Benoist, Ecole Normale Superieure |
| Wed, May 24 2006, 4:10PM | Periodic tilings in real projective geometry |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Uwe Kaiser, Boise State University |
| Wed, May 17 2006, 4:10PM | State sums, mapping classes and bracket deformation |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Constantin Teleman, Cambridge University |
| Wed, May 10 2006, 4:10PM | The Structure of 2D field Theories |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Brian Munson, Stanford University |
| Wed, May 3 2006, 5:10PM | Link maps and linking number |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Henry Segerman, Stanford University |
| Wed, Apr 26 2006, 4:10PM | Incompressible Surfaces in Punctured Torus Bundles, and the Ideal Points
They Come From |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Jesse Johnson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 19 2006, 4:10PM | Bridge Number and the Curve Complex |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Helmut Pottman, Vienna University of Technology |
| Wed, Apr 12 2006, 4:10PM | Conical Meshes |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Margalit, University of Utah |
| Wed, Apr 5 2006, 4:10PM | The Johnson filtration, pseudo-Anosov dilatation, and curve complex
translation |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Francois Gueritaud, USC and ENS |
| Tue, Apr 4 2006, 4:00PM | Triangulating the convex core of quasifuchsian once-punctured torus groups |
MSB 1147 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Margalit, University of Utah |
| Tue, Apr 4 2006, 2:30PM | Dimension of the Torelli group for Out(F_n) |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kasra Rafi, University of Connecticut |
| Wed, Mar 8 2006, 4:10PM | Teichmuller geodeiscs and non-uniquely ergodic foliations. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Kasra Rafi, University of Connecticut |
| Wed, Mar 8 2006, 4:10AM | Teichmuller geodeiscs and non-uniquely ergodic foliations. |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Abigail Thompson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 1 2006, 4:10PM | 2-parameter width for knots in the 3-sphere |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Swatee Naik, University of Nevada - Reno |
| Wed, Feb 22 2006, 4:10PM | Torsion in knot concordance |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Constance Leidy, University of Pennsylvania |
| Wed, Feb 15 2006, 4:10PM | Higher-order Alexander invariants of knots, 3-manifolds, and plane algebraic curves |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Yitwah Cheung, San Francisco State University |
| Wed, Feb 8 2006, 4:10PM | A genus 2 characterisation of Veech surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Paul Norbury, University of Melbourne |
| Wed, Feb 1 2006, 1:10PM | Volumes of moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Mattman, CSU Chico |
| Wed, Jan 25 2006, 4:10PM | Boundary slopes (nearly) bound cyclic slopes |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Sean Cleary, CCNY, CUNY |
| Wed, Jan 18 2006, 4:10PM | Complexity of languages of geodesics |
MSB 3106 | Geometry/Topology | Christopher Tuffley, U.C. Davis |
| Wed, Jan 11 2006, 4:10PM | Branched covers of S^3 and level structures on the Weierstrass family of cubics |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Motohico Mulase, U.C. Davis |
| Wed, Jan 4 2006, 4:10PM | Gromov-Witten invariants, representation theory, and geometry of KdV equations |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | David Futer, Michigan State |
| Wed, Dec 14 2005, 4:10PM | Links with no exceptional surgeries |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Rutherford, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 7 2005, 4:10PM | Bennequin numbers, Kauffman polynomials, and rulings |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Robin Wilson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 30 2005, 4:10PM | Knots with infinitely many distinct Seifert surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Robert Lipshitz, Stanford University |
| Wed, Nov 16 2005, 4:10PM | Heegaard-Floer homology for manifolds with (parametrized) boundary |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Liz Stanhope, Lewis and Clark College |
| Wed, Nov 9 2005, 4:10PM | You can't hear the isotropy type of an orbifold |
0 | Geometry/Topology | BATS: Bay Area Topology Seminar, Fall Meeting at Stanford |
| Tue, Nov 8 2005, 3:15PM | Speakers: Soren Galatius and Walter Neumann |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | David Cimasoni, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 2 2005, 4:10PM | Generalized Seifert surfaces and signatures of colored links |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Ken Baker, U Georgia |
| Wed, Oct 26 2005, 4:10PM | Small genus knots in lens spaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Brad Safnuk, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 19 2005, 4:10PM | Intersection Theory on the Moduli Space of Curves |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Young Choi |
| Wed, Oct 12 2005, 4:10PM | Comparison of Teichmuller and Lipschitz metrics |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Moon Duchin, UCDavis |
| Wed, Oct 5 2005, 4:10PM | Geodesics track random walks in Teichmuller space |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Maggy Tomova, UCD |
| Wed, Jun 8 2005, 3:10PM | Alternate Heegaard genus bounds distance |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jesse Johnson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 1 2005, 4:10PM | Heegaard Splittings and the Pants Complex |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | John Lott, University of Michigan |
| Wed, May 11 2005, 4:10PM | Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Scott, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Apr 27 2005, 4:10PM | Generalizations of the JSJ decomposition of a 3-manifold |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Tao Li, Oklahoma State University |
| Wed, Apr 20 2005, 4:10PM | Heegaard surfaces and measured laminations |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Kamnitzer, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Apr 14 2005, 3:10PM | Mirkovic-Vilonen cycles and polytopes |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jason Manning, Cal Tech |
| Wed, Apr 6 2005, 4:10PM | A coarse geometric Dehn surgery theorem |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | William Jaco, Oklahoma State University |
| Wed, Mar 16 2005, 4:10AM | Efficient triangulations and finiteness of surfaces in 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Misha Belolipetsky, Hebrew University |
| Wed, Mar 9 2005, 4:10PM | Finite groups and hyperbolic manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jennifer Schultens, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 2 2005, 4:10PM | Thin position of knots and 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Pete Storm, Stanford University |
| Wed, Feb 23 2005, 4:10PM | An application of tameness to group theory |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Nathan Dunfield, CalTech |
| Wed, Feb 16 2005, 4:10PM | Does a random 3-manifold fiber over the circle? |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | J. Hyam Rubinstein, University of Melbourne |
| Wed, Feb 9 2005, 5:10PM | `Most' irreducible 3-manifolds contain incompressible surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | J. Hyam Rubinstein, Melbourne University, Australia |
| Wed, Feb 2 2005, 4:10PM | Taut and Angle structures for ideal triangulations of 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Julia Viro, Uppsala universitet |
| Wed, Jan 26 2005, 3:10PM | Lines and circles meeting links |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Danny Calegari, CalTech |
| Wed, Jan 19 2005, 4:10PM | Shrinkwrapping, and the tameness of hyperbolic 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Suhyoung Choi, KAIST, Korea |
| Fri, Jan 14 2005, 4:10PM | Marden's conjecture for hyperbolic 3-manifolds and 2-convexity |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle |
| Wed, Dec 8 2004, 4:10PM | Rank and Heegaard genus of arithmetic 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Elizabeth Klodginski, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 1 2004, 4:10PM | Totally Geodesic Surfaces and Hyperbolic Knot Complements |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mikhail Khovanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 24 2004, 4:10PM | Rasmussen's combinatorial proof of the Milnor conjecture |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Genevieve Walsh, University of Texas, Austin |
| Wed, Nov 17 2004, 4:10PM | Virtually Haken fillings of knot complements |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Mattman, CSU Chico |
| Tue, Nov 16 2004, 2:10PM | Exceptional Surgery and Boundary Slopes |
Stanford Mat 383 | Geometry/Topology | Bay Area Topology Seminar, Fall meeting at Stanford |
| Tue, Nov 9 2004, 2:30PM | Speakers: Brian Munson, Stanford and Tim Cochran, Rice University |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Kapovich, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 3 2004, 4:10PM | Cohomological dimension and critical exponent of Kleinian groups |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UCSB |
| Tue, Oct 26 2004, 2:10PM | Proximity in the curve complex: boundary reduction and bicompressible surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitry Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 20 2004, 4:10PM | Legendrian Knots |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitry Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 20 2004, 4:10PM | Legendrian Knots |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Carol Gee, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 13 2004, 4:10PM | Strong S-equivalence of ordered links |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Weimin Chen, Tulane |
| Wed, Jun 9 2004, 2:10PM | Smooth s-cobordisms of elliptic 3-manifolds. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Kasra Rafi, UC Santa Barbara |
| Wed, Jun 2 2004, 4:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Lewis Bowen, UC DAVIS |
| Wed, May 26 2004, 4:10PM | On the Gromov Norm |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Oleg Viro, MSRI and Uppsala Universitet, Sweden |
| Wed, May 19 2004, 4:10PM | Real algebraic link theories |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jon Wolfson, Stanford University and Michigan State University |
| Wed, May 12 2004, 4:10PM | Area Minimizers and Calibrated Surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Sergio Fenley, Florida State University |
| Wed, May 5 2004, 4:10PM | 3-manifolds, essential laminations and group actions |
Mathematics 693 | Geometry/Topology | Bay Area Topology Seminar, Spring meeting in Davis |
| Tue, May 4 2004, 2:30PM | Speakers: 2:30 Darren Long, UCSB and 4:10 Howard Masur, Univ. Illinois at Chicago |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Nabutovsky, Penn State University and University of Toronto |
| Wed, Apr 28 2004, 4:10PM | The length of a shortest closed geodesic and related problems |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas Fiedler, MSRI |
| Wed, Apr 14 2004, 4:10PM | A new approach to knot theory |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Joel Kamnitzer, UC Berkeley |
| Mon, Apr 12 2004, 12:00AM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Selman Akbulut, MSRI and Michigan State University |
| Wed, Apr 7 2004, 4:10PM | Calibrated Manifolds and Gauge Theory |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Yo'av Rieck, University of Arkansas |
| Wed, Mar 10 2004, 4:10PM | Simple geodesics on a hyperbolic surface (a
new proof of McShane's Theorem) |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Yuanan Diao, UNC Charlotte |
| Wed, Mar 3 2004, 4:10PM | The Additivity of Crossing Numbers |
Mathematics 0 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol and Francis Bonahon, Stanford Meeting |
| Tue, Feb 24 2004, 2:00PM | Bay Area Topology Seminar |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mark Sapir, Vanderbilt University |
| Wed, Feb 18 2004, 3:10AM | Asymptotic cones and relatively hyperbolic groups |
Kerr 0 | Geometry/Topology | Mark Sapir, Vanderbilt University |
| Wed, Feb 18 2004, 3:10AM | Asymptotic cones and relatively hyperbolic groups |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Charlie Frohman, University of Iowa |
| Wed, Feb 4 2004, 3:10PM | Natural Volumes on Character Varieties and the Turaev-Viro invariant at level Infinity |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | John Millson, University of Maryland |
| Wed, Jan 21 2004, 3:10PM | The cohomology with local coefficients of compact hyperbolic
manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Jerdonek, UCD |
| Wed, Jan 14 2004, 5:10PM | A Canonical Euclidean Metric for Hyperbolic Surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Robert Scharein, Simon Fraser University |
| Thu, Dec 11 2003, 4:10PM | On Knotting with KnotPlot |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Anton Petrunin, Penn State University |
| Wed, Nov 26 2003, 4:10PM | Some applications of the method of "gradient push" |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Elizabeth Klodginski, UCD |
| Wed, Nov 19 2003, 4:10PM | Essential surfaces in 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Paul Norbury, University of Melbourne |
| Wed, Nov 12 2003, 4:10PM | Closed geodesics on incomplete surfaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Rob Kusner, U of Massachusetts at Amherst |
| Wed, Nov 5 2003, 4:10PM | Criticality for Ropelength of Knots and Links |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Saul Schleimer, U of Illinois, Chicago |
| Wed, Oct 29 2003, 4:10PM | The disjoint curve property |
Evans Hall, 939 | Geometry/Topology | BATS (Bay Area Topology Seminar), Fall Meeting at UC Berkeley |
| Tue, Oct 21 2003, 2:30PM | Speakers: Michael Kapovich and Dev Sinha |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Misha Kapovich, UCD |
| Wed, Oct 15 2003, 4:10PM | Geometrization conjecture and Ricci flow, after Hamilton and Perelman |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Aaron Abrams, University of Georgia |
| Wed, Oct 8 2003, 4:10PM | Configurations, Coordination, and Curvature |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Tuffley, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 1 2003, 4:10PM | Connectivity of finite subset spaces |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Hugh Howards, Wake Forest University |
| Wed, Sep 24 2003, 4:10PM | Round Brunnian Links |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Herbert Edelsbrunner, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University |
| Wed, Jun 11 2003, 4:10PM | Jacobi sets for multiple Morse functions |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Lewis Bowen, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 4 2003, 4:10PM | Periodicity and Circle Packing in the Hyperbolic Plane |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Slava Matveyev, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 28 2003, 4:10PM | Fillable Contact Structures |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Lewis Bowen, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 21 2003, 4:10PM | Periodicity and Circle Packing in the Hyperbolic Plane |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mikhail Khovanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 14 2003, 4:10PM | Homological Algebra and Braid Group Actions |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UC Santa Barbara |
| Wed, May 7 2003, 4:10PM | Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Bernardo Uribe, Max Planck Institut fuer Mathematik Bonn |
| Wed, May 7 2003, 12:10PM | Gerbes over orbifolds and twisted K-theory |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Gunnar Carlsson, Stanford University |
| Tue, May 6 2003, 4:30PM | Homology as a tool for shape description and feature recognition |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UC Santa Barbara |
| Tue, May 6 2003, 3:10PM | 3-manifolds with planar presentations and the width of satellite knots |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Slava Matveyev, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 30 2003, 4:10PM | Fillable Contact Structures |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Peter Scott, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Apr 23 2003, 4:10PM | Canonical Decompositions of groups and manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Thomas W. Mattman, Cal. State Chico |
| Wed, Apr 16 2003, 4:10PM | Finite and cyclic surgeries on pretzel knots |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Kasra Rafi, UC Santa Barbara |
| Fri, Apr 11 2003, 4:10PM | Cobounded geodesics in Tiechmuller space |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Tuffley, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Apr 9 2003, 4:10PM | Finite subset spaces of the circle |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Genevieve Walsh, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 5 2003, 4:10PM | Incompressible surfaces in dihedral link complements |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Liat Kessler, Hebrew University (visiting UCD) |
| Wed, Feb 5 2003, 4:10PM | Holomorphic shadows in the eyes of model theory |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Sean Cleary, City College of New York |
| Thu, Jan 23 2003, 3:10PM | Some metric properties of Thompson's group F |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Tuffley, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 1 2003, 4:10PM | |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Khovanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 4 2002, 4:10PM | SL_3 homology |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitry Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 20 2002, 4:10PM | Quillenizations and Bordisms |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Hutchings, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 13 2002, 4:10PM | Rounding corners of polygons and the embedded contact homology of T^3 |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Jerdonek, UC Davis |
| Tue, Nov 5 2002, 4:10PM | Algebraic and Geometric Girth |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Herald, University of Nevada, Reno |
| Wed, Oct 30 2002, 4:10PM | The integer valued SU(3) Casson invariant for Brieskorn spheres. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Lewis Bowen, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 23 2002, 4:10PM | Probabilistic techniques in packing theory |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Lewis Bowen, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 23 2002, 12:00AM | Probabilistic techniques in packing theory |
Evans Hall, 0 | Geometry/Topology | Bay Area Topology Seminar - Jt with Berkeley and Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 15 2002, 12:00AM | |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Motohico Mulase, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 9 2002, 4:10PM | Counting the number of representations of a surface group |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Robin Endelman, University of Cincinnati |
| Mon, Jun 10 2002, 4:10PM | Degenerations of elliptic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 29 2002, 4:10PM | Fat cellulations of the 3-sphere
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | G. Walsh, K. Hartshorn, UC Davis |
| Mon, May 13 2002, 1:10PM | BATS warm-up talks |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitry Fuchs, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 8 2002, 4:10PM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Rostislav Matveyev, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 1 2002, 4:10PM | On Stein Fillings of a Contact 3-Manifold |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Brad Ballinger, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 24 2002, 4:10PM | Convexifying Polygons in R^2 |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Biao Wang, UC Davis |
| Wed, Mar 6 2002, 4:10PM | 3-dimensional orbifolds and cone manifolds V |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Terk Patel, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 20 2002, 4:10PM | 3-dimensional manifolds and cone manifolds IV |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Sunny Fawcett, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 13 2002, 4:10PM | 3-dimensional manifolds and cone manifolds III |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Gregor Masbaum, Institut de Math |
| Tue, Feb 12 2002, 2:10PM | Alexander-Conway Polynomial, Milnor numbers, and a new Matrix-Tree Theorem |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Genevieve Walsh, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 23 2002, 4:10PM | 3-dimensional orbifolds & cone manifolds, II |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Abby Thompson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 16 2002, 4:10PM | Reading seminar/ 3-dimensional orbifolds & cone manifolds part 1 |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | A. Thompson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jan 9 2002, 4:10PM | Topology/Geometry Seminar Organizational Meeting |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Krystyna Kuperberg, Auburn University |
| Fri, Jan 4 2002, 4:10PM | Knotted Minimal Trees |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Jerdonek, UC Davis |
| Wed, Dec 5 2001, 4:10PM | Low complexity Heegaard splittings |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Charles Livingston, Indiana University and UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 28 2001, 4:10PM | A second order linking invariant |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Abby Thompson, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 14 2001, 4:10PM | Invariants of immersed curves in the projective plane |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Peter J. Giblin, University of Liverpool |
| Fri, Nov 9 2001, 3:10PM | Variants of the Symmetry Set and Medial Axis |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Tom Coates, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 7 2001, 4:10PM | A new proof of the mirror theorem |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Genevieve Walsh, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 31 2001, 4:10PM | The Window of a Hyperbolic Manifold |
Evans, UCB 334 | Geometry/Topology | Edward Goldstein, Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 23 2001, 4:15PM | Construction and global properties of minimal Lagrangian sub-manifolds in Kahler-Einstein manifolds |
Evans,UCB 334 | Geometry/Topology | Ralph Cohen, Stanford |
| Tue, Oct 23 2001, 2:30PM | Conformal field theory and duality properties of loop spaces |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Allen Knutson, UC Berkeley |
| Thu, Oct 18 2001, 3:10PM | Puzzles compute (equivariant) Schubert calculus on Grassmanians |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Andrew Waldron, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 10 2001, 4:10PM | Supermembranes and Exceptional Theta Series |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Dror Bar-Natan |
| Mon, Aug 13 2001, 2:00PM | Algebraic Structures on Spaces of Knots |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Mueger, MSRI |
| Wed, May 30 2001, 4:10PM | On quantum doubles and Frobenius algebras |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Movshev, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 23 2001, 4:10PM | Combinatorics of moduli space of holomorphic curves |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Paul Seidel, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris |
| Fri, May 11 2001, 2:10PM | Real and complex Morse theory in dimension 2 |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Albert Schwarz, UC Davis |
| Wed, May 9 2001, 4:10PM | Theta-functions on noncommutative tori |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Justin Roberts, UC San Diego |
| Tue, Apr 24 2001, 3:10PM | Rozansky-Witten theory |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UCD |
| Wed, Apr 18 2001, 4:10PM | The theta invariant of homology 3-spheres |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mikhail Khovanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 11 2001, 4:10PM | A functor-valued invariant of tangles II |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mikhail Khovanov, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 4 2001, 4:10PM | A functor-valued invariant of tangles I |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jorgen Andersen, MSRI |
| Tue, Mar 13 2001, 2:10PM | The gauge theory construction of TQFT's and
the asymptotic expansion conjecture. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Alexander Postnikov, University of California, Berkeley |
| Tue, Feb 27 2001, 2:10PM | Littlewood-Richardson coefficients via Yang-Baxter equation |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Hutchings, Stanford University |
| Tue, Feb 20 2001, 2:10PM | Periodic Floer homology |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Hutchings, Stanford University |
| Tue, Feb 20 2001, 2:10AM | TBA |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mikhail Khovanov |
| Tue, Jan 30 2001, 2:10AM | The McKay correspondence II |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mikhail Khovanov |
| Tue, Jan 30 2001, 2:10AM | The McKay correspondence II |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Mikhail Khovanov |
| Tue, Jan 23 2001, 2:10AM | The McKay correspondence |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Jerdonek, UCD Mathematics |
| Tue, Dec 5 2000, 2:10PM | Automating the Braid Groups |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Genevieve Walsh, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Nov 21 2000, 2:00PM | Incompressible surfaces and algebraic
varieties after Culler and Shalen, I |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Alex Barchechat,, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Nov 14 2000, 2:00PM | Introduction to trees and how they relate to 3-manifolds |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Dongseok Kim, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Nov 7 2000, 2:00PM | Property P |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Daciana Bochis, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain |
| Tue, Oct 31 2000, 2:00PM | On the number of faces of three-dimensional Dirichlet stereohedra |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, UC Davis Mathematics |
| Tue, Oct 24 2000, 2:00PM | Defining optimal packings and coverings
with the aid of topology |
Kerr 593 | Geometry/Topology | Kevin Hartshorn |
| Tue, Oct 10 2000, 2:00PM | TBA |
Kerr 493 | Geometry/Topology | Aaron Abrams, U.C.Berkeley |
| Wed, Jun 14 2000, 4:10PM | Configuration spaces and braid groups of graphs
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dmitry Fuchs, UC Davis, Mathematics |
| Wed, May 31 2000, 4:10PM | New invariants of Legendrian knots: a diagrammatic approach. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jason Ribando |
| Wed, May 24 2000, 4:10PM | Gale Transform Techniques for Efficient Triangulations of $n$-Cubes |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Hyam Rubinstein, AIM, Stanford and University of Melbourne |
| Tue, May 2 2000, 4:15PM | Constructing singular incompressible surfaces from Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Howard Masur, University of Illinois at Chicago and UC Berkeley |
| Tue, May 2 2000, 2:30PM | Word processing in the mapping class group of a surface |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jeff Brock, Mathematics, Stanford University |
| Thu, Apr 13 2000, 4:10PM | The Weil-Petersson metric, pairs of pants, and convex core volume. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Selman Akbalut, MSRI and Michigan State University |
| Fri, Apr 7 2000, 4:10PM | |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Isabella Novik, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Mar 8 2000, 4:10PM | Upper Bound Theorems for simplicial manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Stephen Bigelow, University of California, Berkeley |
| Mon, Feb 28 2000, 4:10PM | Representations of braid groups |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dr. Mikhail Khovanov, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 23 2000, 4:10PM | [continued] Braid group actions in homotopy categories. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Dr. Mikhail Khovanov, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 16 2000, 4:10PM | Braid group actions in homotopy categories. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Stephen Bigelow, Mathematics, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Jan 26 2000, 4:10PM | A faithful representation of the braid groups |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Tao Li, Cal Tech |
| Wed, Jan 12 2000, 3:10PM | Immersed surfaces in 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Diane Maclagan, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Dec 8 1999, 4:10PM | Combinatorics of the toric Hilbert scheme |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Yael Karshon, Hebrew University and UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Dec 1 1999, 4:10PM | Hamiltonian torus actions |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Chris Jerdonek, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 17 1999, 4:10PM | Length and the Gromov Norm of a 3-manifold |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Serkan Hosten, George Mason University |
| Wed, Nov 10 1999, 4:10PM | Associated primes of toric initial ideals |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Greg Kuperberg, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Nov 3 1999, 4:10PM | Perturbative 3-manifold invariants by cut-and-paste topology |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Frank Sottile, Univ of Massachussettes Amherst-Univ of Wisconsin Madison |
| Wed, Oct 27 1999, 4:10PM | Maximally inflected real rational curves |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Rida Farouki, Dept of Mech Engr, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 20 1999, 4:10PM | Designing curves with complex numbers |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jesus De Loera, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 13 1999, 4:10PM | Minimal and Maximal triangulations of Convex Polytopes. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Rita Gitik, Michigan |
| Wed, Oct 6 1999, 4:10PM | Tameness and the Geodesic Cores of Subgroups. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Maike Meyer, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 9 1999, 4:10PM | Chekanov-Eliashberg Invariants and Transverse Approximations of Legendrian Knots |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Vinay Kathotia, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Jun 2 1999, 4:10PM | The Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff Formula, A Graphical Calculus, and Iterated Integrals. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | B. Dubrovin, SISSA, Trieste and MSRI, Berkeley |
| Wed, May 26 1999, 4:10PM | Coxeter groups and Frobenius manifolds. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Hiroshi Goda, UCD and Kobe University |
| Wed, May 19 1999, 4:10PM | Almost alternating diagrams and fibered links in the 3-sphere. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Sean Cleary, CSU Fresno |
| Wed, May 12 1999, 4:10PM | Quasisometric Embedding Properties of Various Thompson's Groups. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Nathan Dunfield, University of Chicago |
| Tue, May 11 1999, 4:15PM | Cyclic surgery and volume rigidity for hyperbolic manifolds. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Hutchings, Stanford University |
| Tue, May 11 1999, 2:45PM | Elementary dynamics related to 3-dimensional Seiberg-Witten theory. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Jeff Brock, Stanford University |
| Wed, May 5 1999, 4:10PM | Boundaries of Teichmuller spaces and end-invariants for hyperbolic 3-manifolds. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Apr 21 1999, 4:10PM | Volumes of hyperbolic Haken 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Bryan Mosher, University of Michigan |
| Wed, Feb 24 1999, 4:10PM | Automatic groups and displacement estimates for hyperbolic manifolds. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Feb 17 1999, 4:10PM | Subgroup separablility for the Bianchi groups. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Martin Scharlemann, UCSB |
| Wed, Feb 10 1999, 4:10PM | The structure of a solvmanifold's Heegaard splittings (Joint with Daryl Cooper) |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | David Bachman, UT Austin |
| Wed, Jan 20 1999, 4:10PM | Toward a PL Theory of Higher Index Minimal Surfaces. |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Michael Sullivan, Stanford University |
| Wed, Jan 6 1999, 4:10PM | Whitehead Torsion for Floer Homology |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Lorraine Farrell, . |
| Wed, Dec 2 1998, 4:10PM | The Lickorish Twist Theorem |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Prof. Jennifer Taback, UC Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 11 1998, 4:10PM | Quasi-isometric rigidity and the geometry of PSL2(Z[1/p]) |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | D. Calegari, U C Berkeley |
| Wed, Nov 4 1998, 4:10PM | R-covered foliations of 3-manifolds |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Ian Agol, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 21 1998, 4:10PM | Bounds on Dehn filling and handle addition |
Kerr 693 | Geometry/Topology | Professor Hiroshi Goda, Mathematics, UC Davis |
| Wed, Oct 14 1998, 4:10PM | On tangle decompositions of tunnel number one links |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Dan Romik, UC Davis |
MSB 2112 | Geometry/Topology | Beibei Liu, Georgia Tech |
| Wed, Dec 31 1969, 2:10PM | TBA |