Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

PDE and Applied Math SeminarS. Iyer (F), S. Shkoller (W), A. Gopal (S)
Algebra & Discrete MathematicsM. Sherman Bennett (F/S), J. De Loera (W)
Algebraic Geometry and Number TheoryE. Carlsson (W/S), J. Li (F/W)
Geometry/TopologyM. Zhang (F), A. Thompson (W), J. Hass (S)
Mathematical BiologyR. Guy (F), R. Chaudhuri (W), M. Vazquez (S)
Mathematics of Data & DecisionsT. Strohmer, S. Xu, Y. Shi (F)
Optimization(Special topics only)
Mathematical Physics SeminarM. Mulase, A. Waldron, D. Spiegel
ColloquiumD. Romik, G. Kuperberg
GGAM Colloquium
William Thurston LecturesD. Romik, G. Kuperberg
Faculty Research Seminar
Graduate Success Seminar
Student-Run Research SeminarS. Kim, I. Sullivan
Student-Run Geometry/Topology SeminarT. Oliveira-Smith, A. Simons
Student-Run Combinatorics & AlgebraS. Kim, J. Erickson, L. Johnston
Student-Run Analysis & PDE
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MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyToday's talk is canceled
Tue, Mar 11 2025, 2:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTerrin Warren, Cal Poly
Tue, Mar 4 2025, 2:10PMCorks for exotic diffeomorphisms
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 25 2025, 2:10PMGordian Knots and Links
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyErik Carlsson, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 18 2025, 2:10PMHessenberg varieties and diagonal coinvariants
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNicki Magill, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 11 2025, 2:10PMEllipsoid embeddings into convex toric domains
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAdam Jacob, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 4 2025, 2:10PMGraphs on the level sets of harmonic polynomials
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRob Kirby, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 28 2025, 2:10PMApproaches to the smooth 4-dimensional Poincare ́ Conjecture
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDanny Ruberman, Brandeis University
Tue, Jan 21 2025, 2:10PMExotic aspherical 4-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHaihan Wu, Johns Hopkins University
Mon, Jan 13 2025, 3:00PMCentral elements in the Sp(2n) skein algebra
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Hutchings, UC Berkeley
Tue, Dec 3 2024, 2:10PMQuantitative closing lemmas
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNicki Magill, UC Berkeley
Tue, Nov 19 2024, 2:10PM(POSTPONED) Ellipsoid embeddings into convex toric domains
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyQianhe Qin, Stanford University
Tue, Nov 12 2024, 2:10PMObstructing k-Sliceness
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyGary Guth, Stanford University
Tue, Nov 5 2024, 2:10PMImmersed Curves and Satellite Surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJared Krandel, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 29 2024, 2:10PMDensities and mass transport in uniformly rectifiable metric spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoseph Breen, University of Iowa
Tue, Oct 22 2024, 2:10PMOn regular Lagrangian cobordisms
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPaige Hillen, UC Santa Barbara
Tue, Oct 15 2024, 2:10PMLattices of Large Systole Containing a Fixed 3-Manifold
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShanon Rubin, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 8 2024, 2:10PMHomotopical aspects of a dg-categorical invariant of Weinstein surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAnna Parlak, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 1 2024, 2:10PMPseudo-Anosov flows via veering triangulations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlex Zupan, University of Nebraska
Tue, Jun 4 2024, 2:10PMThe square knot bounds infinitely many ribbon disks
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLongzhi Lin, UC Santa Cruz
Tue, May 28 2024, 2:10PMModified mean curvature flow and CMC foliation conjecture in almost Fuchsian manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRoger Casals, UC Davis
Tue, May 21 2024, 2:10PMA Lagrangian filling for every cluster seed
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJaroslaw Kopinski, UC Davis
Tue, May 14 2024, 2:10PMNew spinorial approach to mass inequalities for black holes in general relativity
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoshua Green, Boston College
Tue, May 7 2024, 2:10PMFloer homology and square pegs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyChao-Ming Lin, Ohio State University
Tue, Apr 30 2024, 2:00PMOn the solvability of general inverse $\sigma_k$ equations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyConnor Mooney, UC Irvine
Tue, Apr 23 2024, 2:10PMThe Lawson-Osserman conjecture for the minimal surface system
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 16 2024, 2:10PMKnotted surfaces and their profile curves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAdam Jacob, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 9 2024, 2:10PMMean curvature flow of totally real submanifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCatherine Cannizzo, UC Berkeley
Tue, Mar 12 2024, 2:10PMSemi-orthogonal decompositions in Fukaya-Seidel mirrors
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyQiuyu Ren, UC Berkeley
Tue, Mar 5 2024, 2:10PMKhovanov skein lasagna module detects exotic 4-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRichard Bamler, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 27 2024, 2:10PMOn the Multiplicity One Conjecture for Mean Curvature Flows of surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVardan Oganesyan, UC Santa Cruz
Tue, Feb 20 2024, 2:10PMHomotopy theory of symplectic and complex manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLinh Truong, University of Michigan
Tue, Feb 13 2024, 2:10PMFour-genus bounds from the 10/8+4 theorem
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIan Sullivan, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 6 2024, 2:10PMKirby Belts and Skein Lasagna Modules
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJikang Wang, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 30 2024, 2:10PMThe local and global fundamental group of Ricci limit spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAddie Chan, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 23 2024, 2:10PMSingularity Formation along the Line Bundle Mean Curvature Flow
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRichard Bamler, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 16 2024, 2:00PM[POSTPONED]
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYu-Shen Lin, Boston University
Tue, Jan 9 2024, 2:10PMNew Special Lagrangians in Calabi-Yau 3-folds with K3-Fibrations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMarco Marengon, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Tue, Dec 12 2023, 4:10PMSmoothly slice links in some 4-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, UC Berkeley
Tue, Dec 5 2023, 2:10PMRibbon concordance of knots is a partial order
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDan Romik, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 28 2023, 2:10PMA new proof of Viazovska's modular form inequalities for sphere packing in dimension 8
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UCSB
Tue, Nov 21 2023, 2:10PMPowell's Conjecture on the Goeritz group of the 3-sphere is stably true
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBeibei Liu, Ohio State University
Thu, Nov 16 2023, 2:00PMTorus links and colored Heegaard Floer homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBrian Harvey, National Taiwan University
Tue, Nov 14 2023, 2:10PMThe static Minkowski inequality in general relativity and its applications
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 7 2023, 2:10PMA new look at the classic Jordan-Schoenflies theorem
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlex Rasmussen, Stanford
Tue, Oct 31 2023, 2:10PMDisintegrating curve graphs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKenji Fukaya, Stony Brook University
Tue, Oct 24 2023, 2:10PMA few examples and discussions on family Floer theory
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNick Castro, Rice
Tue, Oct 17 2023, 2:10PMObstructing sliceness from genus bounds in definite 4-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLaura Starkston, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 10 2023, 2:10PMDecomposing symplectic manifolds
QMAP 3204Geometry/TopologyOtis Chodosh, Stanford
Mon, Oct 2 2023, 3:10PMThe p-widths of a surface (Joint Seminar with QMAP)
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMaggie Miller, Stanford University
Thu, Jun 8 2023, 1:10PMSplitting spheres in $S^4$
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPuttipong Pongtanapaisan, University of Saskatchewan
Thu, Jun 1 2023, 1:10PMComplexities of complex curves from curve complexes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyThomas Mattman, CSU Chico
Thu, May 25 2023, 1:10PMBoundary slopes (nearly) bound exceptional slopes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShintaro Fushida-Hardy, Stanford University
Thu, May 18 2023, 1:10PMPseudo-trisections and their diagrams
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyStefan Mihajlovic
Wed, May 17 2023, 2:10PMRemoving double points of surfaces in 4-manifolds via multi-tubing
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMelissa Zhang, UC Davis
Thu, May 11 2023, 1:10PMKhovanov homology and the Involutive Heegaard Floer homology of branched double covers
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Klug, University of Chicago
Thu, May 4 2023, 1:10PMHow not to study low-dimensional topology?
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLuya Wang, UC Berkeley
Thu, Apr 27 2023, 1:10PMFixed point-free pseudo-Anosovs and the cinquefoil
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRobert Lipshitz, University of Oregon
Thu, Apr 20 2023, 1:10PMStrongly invertible knots, Khovanov homology, and surfaces
MSB MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEnrique Alvarado, UC Davis
Thu, Apr 13 2023, 1:10PMCANCELLED: Partial Plateau’s Problem with H-mass
MSB 2112 2112Geometry/TopologyNic Brody, UC Santa Cruz
Thu, Apr 6 2023, 1:10PMSubgroups of SO(3,Q)
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJennifer Schultens, UC Davis
Sun, Mar 12 2023, 1:10PMFlipping Heegaard splittings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyChi Cheuk Tsang, UC Berkeley
Tue, Mar 7 2023, 1:10PMDilatations of pseudo-Anosov maps and standardly embedded train tracks
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyHiro Tanaka, Texas State University
Thu, Mar 2 2023, 1:10PMUniversal properties in symplectic geometry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAbby Thompson, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 28 2023, 1:10PMKnots, Graphs and Surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTahl Nowik, Bar Ilan University
Tue, Feb 21 2023, 1:10PMMulti-parameter models for random simplicial complexes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMounir Nisse
Tue, Feb 14 2023, 1:10PMTopology of the moment map's fibers and beyond
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass
Tue, Feb 7 2023, 1:10PMRandom Knots and Random Submanifolds from Random vertex coloring
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyGeunho Lim, UC Santa Barbara
Tue, Jan 31 2023, 1:10PMBounds on rho-invariants and simplicial complexity of triangulated manifolds
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologyKejia Zhu, University of Illinois Chicago
Tue, Jan 24 2023, 1:10PMRelatively geometric actions of complex hyperbolic lattices on CAT(0) cube complexes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDanny Ruberman, Brandeis University
Tue, Jan 10 2023, 1:10PMDiffeomorphism groups of 4-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYu-Shen Lin, Boston University
Mon, Jan 9 2023, 2:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySergei Tabachnikov, Penn State
Thu, Jan 5 2023, 1:10PMProjective evolutes of pentagons
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAilsa Keating, Cambridge
Thu, Dec 1 2022, 2:10PMCANCELLED
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyHomin Lee, Northwestern University
Tue, Nov 29 2022, 11:00AMActions on n-manifolds by lattices in SL(n,R)
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEduardo Oregon Reyes, UC Berkeley
Thu, Nov 17 2022, 2:10PMThe space of metric structures on hyperbolic groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIvan Smith, Cambridge
Thu, Nov 10 2022, 2:10PMLagrangian links in four-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAnna Parlak, UC Davis
Thu, Nov 3 2022, 2:10PMDynamics on 3-manifolds and twisted Alexander polynomials
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLisa Traynor, Bryn Mawr College & MSRI/SLMath
Thu, Oct 27 2022, 2:10PMThe geography of immersed Lagrangian fillings of Legendrian knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyInkang Kim, KIAS
Thu, Oct 20 2022, 2:10PMConvexity of energy functions of harmonic maps homotopic to covering maps of the product of surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJuanita Pinzon Caicedo, Notre Dame
Thu, Oct 13 2022, 2:10PMSatellite Operations that are not homomorphisms
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJacob Russell, Rice
Thu, Oct 6 2022, 2:10PMGeometric finiteness and surface group extensions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAndras Stipsicz, Renyi Institute
Thu, Sep 29 2022, 2:10PMSurfaces in four-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAndrew Waldron, UC Davis
Tue, May 31 2022, 1:10PMConformal Geometry (and Physics)
MSB 2112 Geometry/TopologyCatherine Searle, Wichita State University
Thu, May 26 2022, 1:10PMPositive Curvature and Discrete Abelian Symmetries
ZoomGeometry/TopologyYi Lai, Stanford
Tue, May 24 2022, 1:10PMO(2)-symmetry of 3D steady gradient Ricci solitons
ZoomGeometry/TopologySiu-Cheong Lau, Boston University
Tue, May 17 2022, 1:10PMQuiver stacks and mirror symmetry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyInsung Park, Brown University
Tue, May 10 2022, 1:10PMJulia sets with Ahlfors-regular conformal dimension one
ZoomGeometry/TopologyInkang Kim, KIAS, Seoul, Korea
Tue, May 3 2022, 1:10PMSignature, Toledo invariant, and rho-invariant for flat unitary bundles over surfaces with boundary
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJackson Van Dyke, UT Austin
Tue, Apr 26 2022, 1:10PMSpin/Metaplectic extensions for finite 3-dimensional TFTs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEric Chen, UC Berkeley
Tue, Apr 19 2022, 1:10PMIntegral curvature pinching and the Ricci flow
ZoomGeometry/TopologyOtis Chodosh, Stanford
Tue, Apr 12 2022, 1:10PMStability of minimal hypersurfaces in 4-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDylan Thurston, Indiana University
Tue, Apr 5 2022, 1:10PMCurrents and intersections
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologyElizabeth Denne, Washington & Lee University
Tue, Mar 8 2022, 1:10PMRibbonlength of folded ribbon knots
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologyThomas Mattman, California State University, Chico
Tue, Mar 1 2022, 1:10PMTwo-bridge knots admit no purely cosmetic surgeries
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologyBeibei Liu, Georgia Tech
Tue, Feb 22 2022, 1:10PMHeegaard Floer homology and plane curves with non-cuspidal singularities
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologyBruno Martelli, Università di Pisa
Tue, Feb 15 2022, 1:10PMHyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over the circle
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologySebastian Hensel, LMU
Tue, Feb 8 2022, 1:10PMParabolics in the Fine Curve Graph
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologyJennifer Schultens, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 1 2022, 1:10PMRGB Geometry in Van Gogh's Sunflowers
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologyAlexander Kolpakov, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Tue, Jan 25 2022, 1:10PMSpace vectors forming rational angles
Zoom ZoomGeometry/TopologySungwoon Kim, Jeju National University (Korea), visiting UC Davis
Tue, Jan 18 2022, 1:10PMWeakly positive and directed Anosov representations
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyDidac Martinez Granado, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 11 2022, 1:10PMSmall actions and geodesic currents
zoomGeometry/TopologyHelen Wong, Claremont McKenna
Tue, Nov 30 2021, 4:10PM​Topological descriptions of protein folding
2112 & ZoomGeometry/TopologyJeffrey Meier, Western Washington University
Tue, Nov 23 2021, 4:10PMClassifying fibered, homotopy-ribbon disks
2112! also zoom.Geometry/TopologyJosh Howie, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 16 2021, 4:10PM​Geography of spanning surfaces
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMargaret Nichols, Fields Institute
Tue, Nov 9 2021, 4:10PMSurface embeddings in R^3 through the lens of the crease set
ZoomGeometry/TopologyOrsola Capovilla-Searle, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 2 2021, 4:10PMInfinitely many Lagrangian Tori in Milnor fibers constructed via Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian links
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UCSB
Tue, Oct 26 2021, 4:10PMGenerating the Goeritz group
ZoomGeometry/TopologyGabriel Islambouli, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 19 2021, 4:10PM4-manifolds seen as loops of Morse functions on a surface and loops in the pants complex
zoomGeometry/TopologyHonghao Gao, Michigan State University
Tue, Oct 12 2021, 4:10PMA voyage into the space of augmentations
zoomGeometry/TopologyMcDonald; Capovilla-Searle; Jacob; Casals
Tue, Oct 5 2021, 4:10PMIntro to research topics
zoomGeometry/TopologyStarkston; Islambouli; Howie; Kuperberg, UC Davis
Tue, Sep 28 2021, 4:10PMIntro to research topics
Zoom Geometry/TopologyInkang Kim, Korea Institute of Advanced Study
Tue, Jun 1 2021, 1:10PMDegree of a virtual covering map and harmonic map to the circle
Zoom Geometry/TopologySiddhi Krishna, Georgia Tech
Tue, May 25 2021, 1:10PMTaut foliations, Dehn surgery, and braid positivity
Zoom Geometry/TopologySamantha Allen, Dartmouth College
Tue, May 18 2021, 1:10PMUsing surgery to study unknotting with a single twist
Zoom Geometry/TopologyNeil Hoffman, Oklahoma State University
Tue, May 11 2021, 1:10PMRecovering knot diagrams from triangulations
ZoomGeometry/TopologyThomas Kindred, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tue, May 4 2021, 1:10PMDefinite surfaces and Murasugi sums: new geometric proofs of two classical theorems
Zoom Geometry/TopologyChristine Ruey Shan Lee, University of South Alabama
Tue, Apr 27 2021, 1:10PMNormal surface theory and colored Khovanov homology
Zoom Geometry/TopologyJohn Chae, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 20 2021, 1:10PMKnot complements, series invariants and categorification
Zoom Geometry/TopologyDavid Gabai, Princeton University
Tue, Apr 13 2021, 1:10PMKnotted 3-balls in the 4-sphere
Zoom Geometry/TopologyAhmad Issa, University of British Columbia
Tue, Apr 6 2021, 1:10PMSymmetric knots and the equivariant 4-ball genus
Zoom Geometry/TopologyJennifer Schultens, UC Davis
Tue, Mar 30 2021, 1:10PMA new proof of Scharlemann’s Strong Haken theorem
ZoomGeometry/TopologyLisa Picirillo, MIT
Tue, Mar 9 2021, 1:10PMKnot concordance and exotica
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMike Freedman, Microsoft Station Q
Tue, Mar 2 2021, 1:10PMControlled Mather Thurston theorems
ZoomGeometry/TopologyCameron Gordon, U. Texas Austin
Tue, Feb 23 2021, 1:10PMToroidal 3-manifolds and properties NLS, LO and CTF
Zoom Geometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UC Sanata Barbara
Tue, Feb 16 2021, 1:10PMThe Strong Haken Theorem
ZoomGeometry/TopologyLaura Starkston, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 9 2021, 1:10PMUnexpected fillings, singularities, and plane curve arrangements
Zoom Geometry/TopologyMarc Lackenby, Oxford University
Tue, Feb 2 2021, 1:10PMUnknot recognition in quasi-polynomial time
Zoom Geometry/TopologyNathan Dunfield, U. Illinois Urbana Champaign
Tue, Jan 26 2021, 1:10PMHarmonic 1-forms on hyperbolic 3-manifolds: connections and computations
ZoomGeometry/TopologyColin Adams, Williams College
Tue, Jan 19 2021, 1:10PMLower Bounds on Volumes of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds or What We Did During the Summer of Covid
ZoomGeometry/TopologyClayton Shonkwiler, Colorado State University
Tue, Jan 12 2021, 1:10PMGenerating and computing with very large ensembles of random polygonal knots
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMaria Trnkova, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 5 2021, 1:10PMApproximating isosurfaces by  triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity
ZoomGeometry/TopologyOrsola Capovilla-Searle, Duke University
Tue, Dec 8 2020, 1:10PMWeinstein handle decompositions of complements of toric divisors in toric 4 manifolds
ZoomGeometry/TopologyJeff Meier, Western Washington University
Tue, Dec 1 2020, 1:10PMTrisections as singular branched covers
ZoomGeometry/TopologyAlex Zupan, University of Nebraska
Tue, Nov 24 2020, 1:10PMHandle-ribbon knots, derivative links, and Morse-2 functions
ZoomGeometry/TopologyAlexandra Kjuchukova, Max Planck Institut
Tue, Nov 17 2020, 1:10PMKnot group quotients and an old conjecture
ZoomGeometry/TopologyKyle Hayden, Columbia University
Tue, Nov 10 2020, 1:10PMSurfaces in 4-manifolds behaving badly
ZoomGeometry/TopologyJuanita Pinzón Caicedo, University of Notre Dame
Tue, Nov 3 2020, 1:10PMComparing the topological and the smooth 4-genus of satellite knots.
ZoomGeometry/TopologyDidac Martinez-Granado, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 27 2020, 1:10PMGeodesic currents and the smoothing property
ZoomGeometry/TopologyBeibei Liu, Max Planck Institute
Tue, Oct 20 2020, 1:10PMDiscrete subgroups of small critical exponent
ZoomGeometry/TopologySarah Rasmussen, Cambridge and IAS
Tue, Oct 13 2020, 1:10PMTaut foliations from left orders in Heegaard genus 2.
Tue, Oct 6 2020, 1:10PMMeet some UCD faculty!
ZoomGeometry/TopologyYanwen Luo, UC Davis
Thu, Jun 11 2020, 1:00PMGGAM PhD Exit Seminar: The space of geodesic triangulations on surfaces
ZoomGeometry/TopologyPriyam Patel, University of Utah
Tue, Jun 2 2020, 1:40PMIsometry groups of infinite-genus hyperbolic surfaces
Zoom Geometry/TopologyJessica Purcell, Monash University
Tue, May 26 2020, 3:10PMGeometric triangulations and highly twisted links
ZoomGeometry/TopologyFrancisco Arana Herrera, Stanford
Tue, May 19 2020, 1:40PMCounting hyperbolic multi-geodesics with respect to the lengths of individual components
Geometry/TopologyTejas Kalelkar, IISER, India
Thu, May 14 2020, 1:40AMPOSTPONED
Zoom Geometry/TopologyAndy Sanders, Heidelberg University
Tue, May 12 2020, 1:40PMTowards Uniformization of Anosov representations
ZoomGeometry/TopologyAndrew Yarmola, Princeton University
Tue, May 5 2020, 3:10PMSearching for marked Kleinian groups
Geometry/TopologyRobert Meyerhoff, Boston College
Mon, May 4 2020, 1:40PMPOSTPONED
Zoom Geometry/TopologySubhadip Dey, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 28 2020, 1:40PMStein property of complex-hyperbolic manifolds
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMatthew Hedden, Michigan State University
Tue, Apr 21 2020, 1:40PMCorks, Involutions, and Heegaard Floer Homology
Zoom Geometry/TopologyInkang Kim, KIAST
Tue, Apr 7 2020, 1:40PMSystole growth under congruence coverings of locally symmetric arithmetic manifolds
Zoom ID: TBA (Online)Geometry/TopologyVardan Oganesyan, Stony Brook
Tue, Mar 31 2020, 11:30AMLagrangian Delzant Theorem and its applications
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyNicholas Miller, UC Berkeley
Tue, Mar 10 2020, 3:10PMFiniteness theorems for totally geodesic submanifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyStefan Stadler, LMU, Munich
Thu, Mar 5 2020, 10:00AMMorse quasiflats
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyMarion Campisi, San Jose State University
Tue, Mar 3 2020, 3:10PMKirby-Thompson distance for trisections of knotted surfaces
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologySteve Trettel, Stanford University
Tue, Feb 25 2020, 3:10PMRiemannian limits of the product geometries $\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}$ and $S^2\times\mathbb{R}$
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologySean Curry, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 18 2020, 3:10PMThe embeddability problem for deformations of the unit sphere in $\mathbb{C^2}$
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyTye Lidman, North Carolina State University
Thu, Feb 13 2020, 3:10PMHomology cobordisms with no 3-handles
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyRichard Bamler, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 4 2020, 3:10PMUniqueness of Weak Solutions to the Ricci Flow and Topological Applications
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyJennifer Schultens, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 28 2020, 3:10PMHeegaard splittings of Seifert fibered spaces
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyAntoine Song, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 21 2020, 3:10PMLocal min-max theory and existence of minimal Heegaard surfaces
Zoom Geometry/TopologyColin Adams, Williams College
Sun, Jan 19 2020, 1:10PMLower Bounds on Volumes of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds or What We Did During the Summer of Covid
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyThomas Mattman, CSU Chico
Tue, Jan 14 2020, 3:10PMAlternating knots with large boundary slope diameter
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMaria Trnkova, UC Davis
Sun, Jan 5 2020, 1:10PMApproximating isosurfaces by  triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMaria Trnkova, UC Davis
Sun, Jan 5 2020, 1:10PMApproximating isosurfaces by  triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity
ZoomGeometry/TopologyMaria Trnkova, UC Davis
Sun, Jan 5 2020, 1:10PMApproximating isosurfaces by  triangular meshes with guaranteed regularity
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyMarco Golla, Universite de Nantes
Tue, Dec 10 2019, 1:30PMMöbius bands and the square peg problem
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyDan Cristofaro-Gardiner, UC Santa Cruz
Tue, Dec 3 2019, 1:30PMTwo or infinity
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyFrancesco Lin, Columbia
Tue, Nov 26 2019, 1:30PMIndefinite Stein fillings and Pin(2)-monopole Floer homology
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologySergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University
Tue, Nov 19 2019, 1:30PMCross-ratio dynamics on ideal polygons
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyLaura Fredrickson
Tue, Nov 12 2019, 1:30PMThe asymptotic geometry of the Hitchin moduli space
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyXin Dong, UC Irvine
Tue, Nov 5 2019, 1:30PMThe Bergman metric and the Cauchy-Riemann equations
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyJoshua Greene, Boston College
Tue, Oct 29 2019, 1:30PMOn loops intersecting at most once
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyRenato Vianna, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Tue, Oct 22 2019, 1:30PMOn flux of Lagrangian isotopies and applications
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyJosh Howie, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 15 2019, 1:30PMAlternating genera of torus knots
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyAustin Christian, UCLA
Tue, Oct 8 2019, 1:30PMSymplectic fillings of virtually overtwisted torus bundles
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyDiaaeldin Taha, University of Washington
Tue, Oct 1 2019, 1:30PMOn Farey Statistics for Quotients by Hecke Triangle Groups
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyDaniel Martin, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tue, Sep 24 2019, 1:30PMThe geometry of imaginary quadratic fields
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyBrian Benson, UC Riverside
Tue, Jun 4 2019, 1:30PMComputing the Cheeger Constants of Finite-Area Hyperbolic Surfaces
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyTye Lidman, North Carolina State University
Tue, May 21 2019, 1:30PMSpineless four-manifolds
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyNikon Kurnosov, University of Georgia
Thu, May 16 2019, 1:30PMAutomorphisms of hyperkähler manifolds and groups acting on CAT(0) spaces.
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyAntonio De Rosa, Courant Institute
Tue, May 14 2019, 1:30PMElliptic integrands in geometric analysis.
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyPeter Scott, University of Michigan
Tue, Apr 30 2019, 1:30PMA Relative Algebraic Torus Theorem
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyInkang Kim, KIAS
Tue, Apr 23 2019, 1:30PMKahler metrics on Teichmuller space and beyond
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologySlaven Jabuka, University of Nevada, Reno
Tue, Apr 16 2019, 1:30PMThe non-orientable 4-genus of knots
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyJeff Danciger, University of Texas, Austin
Tue, Apr 9 2019, 1:30PMExotic real projective Dehn surgery space
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyCornelia Van Cott, USF
Tue, Apr 2 2019, 1:30PMNon-orientable three- and four- genus of torus knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBeibei Liu, UC Davis
Tue, Mar 12 2019, 1:30PMSome geometric applications of the link Floer homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyErica Flapan, Pomona College
Tue, Feb 26 2019, 1:30PMNew Invariants of Spatial Graphs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLinh Truong, Columbia
Tue, Feb 19 2019, 1:30PMAn infinite rank summand of the homology cobordism group
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMatthew Stoffregen, MIT
Tue, Feb 12 2019, 1:30PMLocalization in Khovanov Homology
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyMorgan Weiler, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 5 2019, 1:30PMMean action of periodic orbits of area-preserving annulus diffeomorphisms
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNur Saglam, UC Riverside
Tue, Jan 29 2019, 1:30PMConstructions of Lefschetz fibrations using cyclic group actions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyUmut Varolgunes, Stanford
Tue, Jan 22 2019, 1:30PMFloer theory on nodal Lagrangian fibrations - Second Part
MSB 3106 Geometry/TopologyJo Nelson, Rice University
Tue, Jan 15 2019, 1:30PMEquivariant and nonequivariant contact homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Farber, Queen Mary - University of London
Tue, Dec 11 2018, 1:40PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCiprian Manolescu, UCLA
Thu, Nov 29 2018, 11:00AMSheaf-theoretic SL(2,C) Floer homologies for knots and three-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAllison H. Moore, University of California Davis
Tue, Nov 27 2018, 1:40PMHeegaard Floer d-invariants and integral surgery
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University
Tue, Nov 13 2018, 1:40PMIntroducing symplectic billiards
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Scott, University of Michigan
Thu, Nov 8 2018, 1:40PMCANCELLED
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyInkang Kim, KIAS (Seoul, Korea)
Tue, Nov 6 2018, 1:40PMPlurisubharmonicity and geodesic convexity of energy function on Teichmuller space
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMarco Golla, Université de Nantes
Tue, Oct 30 2018, 1:00PMSmooth concordance bounds on wrapping numbers
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMiriam Kuzbary, Rice University
Tue, Oct 23 2018, 1:40PMLink Concordance and Groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyOlga Plamenevskaya, Stony Brook University
Tue, Oct 16 2018, 1:30PMLinks of surface singularities and planar open books
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, UC Berkeley
Tue, Oct 9 2018, 1:30PMOn Kronheimer and Mrowka’s deformed instanton Floer invariant of planar graphs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHannah Schwartz, Bryn Mawr
Tue, Oct 2 2018, 1:30PMUsing 2-torsion to obstruct topological isotopy
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMaria Trnkova, UC Davis
Tue, Jun 5 2018, 1:10PMIdeal Triangulations of Closed 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCarson Rogers, UC Davis
Tue, May 29 2018, 1:10PMExtending unknotting operations to Seifert surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKevin Lamb, UC Davis
Tue, May 22 2018, 1:10PMA Distance for Circular Heegaard Splittings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHenry Segerman, OSU
Tue, May 15 2018, 1:10PMFrom veering triangulations to pseudo-Anosov flows
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySong Sun, UC Berkeley
Thu, May 10 2018, 1:10PMSingularities of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections and reflexive sheaves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEric Larson, MIT
Tue, May 8 2018, 1:10PMThe maximal rank conjecture
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyWai Yeung Lam, Brown
Tue, May 1 2018, 1:10PMDiscrete holomorphic quadratic differentials
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySara Tukachinsky, MSRI
Tue, Apr 24 2018, 1:10PMA_infty structures in open Gromov-Witten theory
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyInkang Kim
Tue, Apr 17 2018, 1:10PMMinimum covolume lattices in quaternionic hyperbolic space
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCarolyn Abbott, UC Berkeley
Tue, Apr 10 2018, 1:10PMOrdering actions on hyperbolic metric spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyFranco Vargas Pallete, UC Berkeley
Tue, Apr 3 2018, 1:10PMOn Renormalized Volume
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UCSB
Tue, Mar 13 2018, 1:10PMUniqueness in Waldhausen’s theorem (joint with M. Freedman)
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyClaudius Zibrowius, University of Sherbrooke
Tue, Mar 6 2018, 1:10PMPeculiar modules for 4-ended tangles
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyBill Menasco, University of Buffalo
Thu, Mar 1 2018, 1:10PMDistance and Intersection number in the curve complex
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyYo'av Rieck, University of Arkansas
Tue, Feb 27 2018, 1:10PMEmbeddability in R^3 is NP-hard
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyKen Baker, University of Miami
Mon, Feb 26 2018, 1:10PMConstructions of asymmetric L-space knots
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyM.Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 13 2018, 1:10PMDiscrete isometry groups of symmetric spaces
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyDaniel Ruberman, Brandeis University
Tue, Feb 6 2018, 1:10PMSeiberg-Witten invariants of 4-dimensional homology circles
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyCarolyn Abbot, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 30 2018, 1:10PMCancelled
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyJennifer Schultens, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 23 2018, 1:10PMThe bridge index of a knot
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyChris Gerig, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 16 2018, 1:10PMSeiberg-Witten and Gromov invariants for non-symplectic 4-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyOr Hershkovits, Stanford University
Tue, Dec 5 2017, 1:10PMThe Mean Curvature flow and its applications.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBo'az Klartag, Tel Aviv University
Tue, Nov 28 2017, 1:10PMComplex waist inequalities
2112 MSBGeometry/TopologySiqi He, Caltech
Tue, Nov 21 2017, 1:10PMThe extended Bogomolny equations and generalized Nahm pole solutions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBruno Benedetti, University of Miami
Tue, Nov 14 2017, 1:10PMExtending two properties of trees to higher dimensions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShiri Artstein, Tel Aviv University
Tue, Nov 7 2017, 1:10PMAround Godbersen's conjecture for mixed volumes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDan Gardiner, UC Santa Cruz
Tue, Oct 31 2017, 1:10PMHigher dimensional symplectic embeddings and the Fibonacci numbers
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLongzhi Lin, UC Santa Cruz
Tue, Oct 24 2017, 1:10PMModified mean curvature flow of locally Lipschitz entire radial graphs in hyperbolic space
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJeffrey Meier, University of Georgia
Thu, Oct 19 2017, 1:10PMBridge trisections of knotted surfaces in four-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDiana Hubbard, University of Michigan
Tue, Oct 17 2017, 1:10PMOn the braid index of highly twisted braid closures
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVed Datar, UC Berkeley
Tue, Oct 10 2017, 1:10PMConstant scalar curvature metrics on blow-ups of Kahler surfaces.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTye Lidman, North Carolina State University
Thu, Oct 5 2017, 3:10PMConcordance in homology cobordisms
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyArkady Berenstein, University of Oregon
Mon, Jun 12 2017, 10:00AMHecke-Hopf algebras and new solutions of QYBE
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTejas Kalelkar, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Mon, Jun 5 2017, 1:10PMTaut foliations in compact manifolds with constrained boundary slopes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIan Banfield, Boston College
Mon, May 15 2017, 1:10PMDoes annular Khovanov homology detect knots which induce the tight contact structure on S^3?
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyFeng Luo, Rutgers University
Thu, May 11 2017, 12:10PMDiscrete uniformization conjecture for non-compact simply connected polyhedral surfaces
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyDylan Thurston, Indiana University
Thu, May 4 2017, 12:10PMTowards an exceptional knot polynomial
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJennifer Hom, Georgia Tech
Mon, May 1 2017, 1:10PMSatellite L-space knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVassily Gorbunov, University of Aberdeen
Thu, Apr 27 2017, 4:10PMNew feature of the Schubert calculus
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDaniel Cohen
Mon, Apr 24 2017, 1:10PMTopological complexity of the Klein bottle
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyInkang Kim, KIAS (Seoul, Korea)
Thu, Apr 20 2017, 12:10PMModuli space of real projective structures on surface
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKevin Kordek, Texas A&M
Mon, Apr 17 2017, 1:10PMPicard groups of moduli spaces of curves with symmetry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKatie Mann, UC Berkeley
Thu, Apr 6 2017, 12:10PMOrdering groups and group actions on 1-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJames Conway, UC Berkeley
Mon, Apr 3 2017, 1:10PMTight Contact 3-Manifolds from Surgery
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRobert Haraway, University of Sydney
Wed, Mar 29 2017, 1:10PMMom 1.5 Structures
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Lambert-Cole, Indiana University
Wed, Mar 15 2017, 9:00AMConway mutation and knot Floer homology
MSB 2112Geometry/Topology
Mon, Mar 13 2017, 10:00AMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyChaim Even-Zohar, UC Davis
Mon, Mar 6 2017, 10:00AMRandom Knots
MSB 2112Geometry/Topology
Mon, Feb 27 2017, 10:00AMCancelled
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMaria Trnkova, UC Davis
Mon, Feb 13 2017, 10:00AMRigorous length spectrum from approximate Dirichlet domain
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass, UC Davis
Mon, Feb 6 2017, 10:00AMIsoperimetric regions in negatively curved spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKevin Walker, Microsoft Station Q
Mon, Jan 30 2017, 10:00AMHigher Temperley-Lieb categories, orthogonal polynomials, and (3+ε)-dimensional TQFTs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAdam Jacob, UC Davis
Mon, Jan 23 2017, 10:00AMTangent cones of Yang-Mills connections with isolated singularities
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySaul Schleimer, Warwick University/MSRI
Fri, Dec 2 2016, 3:10PMEXTRA SEMINAR! Circular orderings from veering triangulations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAilsa Keating, Columbia University
Wed, Nov 30 2016, 3:10PMOn two-variable singularities, planar graphs and mapping class groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEvgeny Gorsky, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 23 2016, 3:10PMSplitting numbers for links and Heegaard Floer homology
Sat, Nov 19 2016, 1:30PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMark Feighn, Rutgers University/ MSRI
Wed, Nov 16 2016, 3:10PMCTs and applications
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMark Bell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wed, Nov 2 2016, 3:10PMNielsen--Thurston classification via the curve graph
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyChris Tuffley, Massey University, New Zealand
Tue, Nov 1 2016, 4:10PMIntrinsic linking in higher dimensions, and with linking numbers divisible by q
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTudor Dimofte, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 26 2016, 3:00PMBasics of Complex Chern-Simons Theory
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJohn Sullivan, TU Berlin/UC Davis
Wed, Oct 19 2016, 3:10PMRopelength Criticality for Knots and Links
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyDmitriy Morozov, Lawrence Labs
Thu, Oct 13 2016, 2:00PMPersistent Homology and its Extensions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNickolas Castro, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 12 2016, 3:10PMRelative Trisection Diagrams of Smooth 4-manifolds with Boundary
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKaren Vogtmann, Cornell University/University of Warwick/MSRI
Wed, Oct 5 2016, 3:10PMFinding infinity inside Outer space
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAllison Moore, UC Davis
Wed, Sep 28 2016, 3:10PMCosmetic crossing changes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMatthias Goerner, Pixar Animation Studios
Tue, May 24 2016, 1:10PMA census of Platonic manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Feller, Boston Univ
Tue, May 17 2016, 1:10PMUpper bounds on the topological four-ball genus using classical knot invariants
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlex Zupan, Univ of Nebraska
Tue, May 10 2016, 1:10PMGeneralized Property R and trisections of the 4-sphere
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDorothy Buck, Imperial College London
Tue, May 3 2016, 1:10PMBand Surgeries and Crossing Changes between Fibered Links
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyThomas Mattman, CSU Chico
Tue, Apr 26 2016, 1:10PMThere are too many knotted graphs!
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMisha Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 19 2016, 1:10PMFundamental groups of projective varieties
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyUrsula Hamenstadt, Uni Bonn / MSRI
Tue, Apr 12 2016, 1:10PMGeometric invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRichard Montgomery, UC Santa Cruz
Tue, Apr 5 2016, 1:10PMGeometric and topological problems arising in the N-body problem
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBo Berndtsson, Chalmers University of Technology
Tue, Mar 8 2016, 1:10PMSingular metrics on vector bundles and some applications
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHeather Macbeth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tue, Mar 1 2016, 1:10PMKaehler-Einstein metrics and higher alpha-invariants
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYanir Rubinstein, University of Maryland
Tue, Feb 23 2016, 1:10PMTian's properness conjectures
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDavi Maximo, Stanford University
Tue, Feb 16 2016, 1:10PMMinimal surfaces with bounded index
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyChristine Breiner, Fordham University
Tue, Feb 9 2016, 1:10PMGluing Constructions for Constant Mean Curvature Hypersurfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyZhiqin Lu, UC Irvine
Tue, Feb 2 2016, 1:10PMOn the L2 estimates on moduli space of Calabi-Yau manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEleonora Di Nezza, Imperial College
Tue, Jan 26 2016, 1:10PMMonge-Ampère equations on quasi-projective varieties
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAdam Jacob, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 19 2016, 1:10PMPrescribing the angle of Lagrangian graphs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVed Datar, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 12 2016, 1:10PMKahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNeil R Hoffman, University of Melbourne
Tue, Jan 5 2016, 1:10PMNormal Surfaces and the 3D index
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Tue, Dec 1 2015, 1:10PMAlgorithmic homeomorphism of 3-manifolds as a corollary of geometrization
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAdam Jacobs, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 24 2015, 1:10PMEDIT : POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT QUARTER: Prescribing the angle of Lagrangian graphs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 17 2015, 1:10PMDiscreteness is undecidable
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJo Nelson, Columbia and IAS
Tue, Nov 10 2015, 1:10PMAn Integral lift of contact homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKenji Kozai, UC Berkeley
Tue, Nov 3 2015, 1:10PMHyperbolic structures from Sol
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCornelia Van Cott, University of San Francisco
Tue, Oct 27 2015, 1:10PMThe four-genus of connected sums of torus knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTye Lidman, IAS (Princeton)
Tue, Oct 20 2015, 1:10PMFloer homotopy and covering spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAnastasiia Tsvietkova, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 13 2015, 1:10PMThe number of surfaces of fixed genus in an alternating link complement
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEugene Gorsky, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 6 2015, 1:10PMHeegaard Floer homology of L-space links
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTian Yang, Stanford
Tue, Sep 29 2015, 1:10PMOn type-preserving representations of the four-punctured sphere group
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass, UC Davis
Tue, Jun 16 2015, 3:10PMMinimal Fibrations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Scott, University of Michigan
Thu, Jun 11 2015, 3:10PMThe JSJ decomposition of 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAnastasiia Tsvietkova
Tue, Jun 2 2015, 3:10PMCrossing geodesics in alternating links
2112 MSB Geometry/TopologyRob Kirby, UC Berkeley
Tue, May 26 2015, 3:10PMAn introduction to pseudo-holomorphic curves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMaria Trnkova, Cal Tech
Tue, May 19 2015, 3:10PMLength and ortho-length spectra
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyNathan Dunfield, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thu, May 14 2015, 3:10PMRandom knots: their properties and algorithmic challenges
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySuhyoung Choi
Tue, May 5 2015, 3:10PMThe deformation spaces of convex real projective structures on manifolds or orbifolds with ends: openness and closedness
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySuhyoung Choi
Tue, Apr 28 2015, 3:10PMThe ends of convex real projective manifolds and orbifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyErica Flapan, Pomona College
Tue, Apr 21 2015, 3:10PMTopological Symmetry Groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 14 2015, 3:10PMThe Cartan-Hadamard Problem and the Little Prince
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySean Cleary, CUNY
Tue, Apr 7 2015, 3:10PMSome metric properties of Houghton's groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Wolf, Rice University
Tue, Mar 17 2015, 3:10PMPolynomial Pick forms for affine spheres and real projective polygons
Geometry/TopologyDan Ramras,, Mathematics Department, IUPUI
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyFrancis Bonahon, USC
Tue, Mar 3 2015, 3:10PMKauffman brackets on surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKei Nakamura, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 24 2015, 4:10PMNew Examples Related to Thurston’s Congruence Link
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRonald G. Douglas, Texas A&M University
Thu, Feb 19 2015, 3:10PMAn Analytic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVitaly Kapovitch, University of Toronto
Tue, Feb 17 2015, 3:10PMHigher homotopy groups of spaces of nonnegatively curved metrics and pseudoisotopies
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRichard Bamler, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 10 2015, 3:10PMOn the scalar curvature blow up conjecture in Ricci flow
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyPawel Dlotko, University of Pennsylvania
Thu, Jan 8 2015, 4:10PMComputational topology, the new frontier.
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyPawel Dlotko, University of Pennsylvania
Thu, Jan 8 2015, 4:10PMComputational topology, the new frontier.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNeil R Hoffman, University of Melbourne
Mon, Jan 5 2015, 1:10PMNormal Surfaces and the 3D index
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRuifang Song, UC Davis
Tue, Dec 9 2014, 3:10PMPeriod integrals and tautological systems
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVinicius Ramos, University of Nantes, France
Tue, Dec 2 2014, 3:10PMEmbedded contact homology and symplectic embeddings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBernhard Leeb, LMU Munchen
Tue, Nov 25 2014, 3:10PMA Morse Lemma for quasigeodesics in symmetric spaces and euclidean buildings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySeon Hee Lim, Seoul National University
Tue, Nov 18 2014, 3:10PM Spectrum of Laplacian and boundaries of hyperbolic manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRafe Mazzeo, Stanford University
Thu, Nov 13 2014, 3:10PMDegenerating solutions of some gauge field equations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyArkady Berenstein, University of Oregon
Thu, Oct 30 2014, 3:10PMNoncommutative marked surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCharles Siegel, The University of Tokyo
Tue, Oct 21 2014, 3:10PMA Modular Operad of Embedded Curves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Fiebig, Erlangen University
Tue, Oct 14 2014, 3:10PMSheaves on moment graphs and Lusztig's conjecture
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPranab Sardar, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 7 2014, 3:10PMPacking Subgroups in Countable Groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPranab Sardar, UC Davis
Thu, Jul 10 2014, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Scott, University of Michigan
Tue, Jun 3 2014, 3:10PMThe homeomorphism problem for closed 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCiprian Manolescu, UCLA
Tue, May 13 2014, 3:10PMThe triangulation conejcture
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJohn Millson, University of Maryland
Thu, May 8 2014, 3:10PMThe Hodge conjecture for complex ball quotients
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLizhen Ji, University of Michigan
Tue, May 6 2014, 3:10PMSpines of symmetric spaces and Teichmuller spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJessica Banks, UQAM
Tue, Apr 29 2014, 3:10PMSeifert surfaces and point-pushing
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySatyan Devadoss , Williams College
Thu, Apr 24 2014, 3:10PMPhylogenetic networks and the real moduli space of curves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIgor Rivin, Temple University
Tue, Apr 15 2014, 3:10PMRandom 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAxel Saenz, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 15 2014, 2:10PMOn the Generalized Catalan Numbers and the Eynard Orantin Topological Recursion
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMisha Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 8 2014, 3:10PMQuasihomomorphisms with noncommutative targets
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDavid Kirszenblat, University of Melbourne
Tue, Mar 18 2014, 3:10PMFlexibility and the Steiner ratio conjecture
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPaul Johnson, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Tue, Mar 11 2014, 4:10PMTopology and combinatorics of Hilbert schemes of points on orbifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKei Nakamura, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 25 2014, 4:10PMGeometry and Number Theory of Orthoplicial Apollonian sphere packings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDragos Oprea, University of California, San Diego
Tue, Feb 18 2014, 4:10PMThe Chern classes of the Verline bundle
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJeffrey Meier, University of Texas, Austin
Tue, Feb 11 2014, 4:10PMDistinguishing topologically and smoothly doubly slice knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAnastasiia Tsvietkova, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 4 2014, 4:10PMHyperbolic links: diagrams, volume and the colored Jones polynomial
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlexei Oblomkov, University of Massachusetts
Tue, Jan 28 2014, 4:10PMPlane curve singularities, knot homology and Hilbert scheme of points on plane
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLaura Schaposnik, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Tue, Jan 14 2014, 4:10PMSpectral data for G-Higgs bundles
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass, UC Davis
Tue, Dec 3 2013, 4:10PMNew results on recognizing the 3-sphere
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDavid Glickenstein, University of Arizona
Tue, Nov 19 2013, 4:10PMDiscrete conformal geometry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRod Gover, University of Auckland
Tue, Nov 12 2013, 4:10PMCompactification and Einstein metrics
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologySean Cleary, CUNY
Tue, Nov 5 2013, 4:10PMBehold the wonders that are Thompson's groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMax Neumann-Coto, UNAM
Tue, Oct 29 2013, 4:10PMSome questions about geodesics on surfaces.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLukas Lewark, Durham
Tue, Oct 22 2013, 4:10PMKhovanov-Rozansky homologies, knotted weighted webs and the slice genus
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyChristine Lescop, Institut Fourier
Tue, Oct 15 2013, 4:10PMOn a cube of the equivariant link pairing
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKei Nakamura, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 8 2013, 4:10PMOn isosystolic inequalities and Z/2Z homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Hutchings, UC Berkeley
Tue, May 28 2013, 3:10PMObstructions to symplectic embeddings in four dimensions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMoon Duchin, Tufts University
Tue, May 21 2013, 3:10PMHeisenberg geometry: Growth and other statistics
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShravan Kumar, UNC Chapel Hill
Tue, May 14 2013, 3:10PMPositivity in T-equivariant K-theory of flag varieties associated to Kac-Moody groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAdam Sikora, SUNY Buffalo
Tue, Apr 30 2013, 3:10PMComplete integrability of character varieties of surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyThomas Banchoff, Brown University
Mon, Apr 22 2013, 4:10PMFolds, Intersections, and Inflections for Smooth and Polyhedral Surfaces: Distinguishing Cylinders from Moebius Bands
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 16 2013, 3:10PMCharacter varieties of 3-manifold groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHarry Baik, Cornell University
Tue, Apr 9 2013, 3:10PMThurston's view on the space of complex polynomials
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyFriedrich Wagemann, University of Nantes
Tue, Mar 19 2013, 3:10PMGenerators for Gelfand-Fuchs cohomology on surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNathan Ilten, UC Berkeley
Tue, Mar 12 2013, 3:10PMToric degenerations of Fano varieties and connections with mirror symmetry
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyIgor Rivin, Temple University
Mon, Mar 11 2013, 4:10PMWhat are random group elements like, and how do you find one?
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHarry Baik, UC Davis and Cornell University
Tue, Mar 5 2013, 3:10PMGroups acting on the circle with dense invariant laminations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMatthew Gill, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 26 2013, 3:10PMThe Chern-Ricci flow
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJános Kollár, Princeton University
Tue, Feb 19 2013, 4:10PMThe Nash problem for families of arcs
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDenis Auroux, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 12 2013, 3:10PMMirror symmetry in complex dimension 1
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlex Coward, University of Sydney, Australia
Tue, Feb 5 2013, 3:10PMFast normal surface theory
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJerry Kaminker, UC Davis
Thu, Jan 31 2013, 4:10PMAlgebraic K-theory, regulators and the volume conjecture in knot theory
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPiotr Sułkowski, California Institute of Technology (Physics) and University of Amsterdam
Tue, Dec 4 2012, 3:10PMSuper A-Polynomials: the Quantized and Categorified Knot Invariants
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDuco van Straten, University of Mainz, Germany, and UC Berkeley
Tue, Nov 27 2012, 3:10PMCalabi-Yau conifold expansions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJohn Millson, University of Maryland, College Park
Tue, Nov 20 2012, 3:10PMThe toric geometry of triangulated polygons in Euclidean space
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Yoshizawa
Tue, Nov 13 2012, 3:10PMHigh Distance Heegaard Splittings via Dehn Twists
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBruce Fontaine, MSRI and Cornell University
Tue, Nov 6 2012, 3:10PMRotation and the Satake fiber
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPranab Sardar, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 30 2012, 3:10PMMetric Bundles
McHenry 4130Geometry/TopologyBay Area Differential Geometry Seminar, Fall 2012 Meeting
Sat, Oct 6 2012, 10:00AMHeld at UC Santa Cruz
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBruno Benedetti
Tue, Oct 2 2012, 3:10PMMetric geometry and the Hirsch conjecture
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShinpei Baba, Cal Tech
Tue, Sep 25 2012, 3:10PM2π-graftings and complex projective structures
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIgor Rivin, Temple University
Tue, Jun 19 2012, 11:00AMThe mysteries of (thin and otherwise) groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTao Li, Boston College
Tue, Jun 5 2012, 3:10PMRank vs. Genus
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Scott, University of Michigan
Tue, Jun 5 2012, 1:10PMA combinatorial approach to harmonic maps
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRyan Derby-Talbot, Quest University
Tue, May 29 2012, 1:10PMEssential surfaces and Dehn filling
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyStanislav Jabuka, University of Nevada, Reno
Tue, May 22 2012, 3:10PMDehn surgery obstructions from Heegaard Floer homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJulian Gold, UC Davis
Tue, May 15 2012, 3:10PMA bound for orderings of Reidemeister moves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySwatee Naik, University of Nevada, Reno
Tue, May 8 2012, 3:10PMKnot concordance and symmetries
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlexander Coward, UC Davis
Tue, May 1 2012, 3:10PMtba
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, UC Berkeley
Tue, Apr 24 2012, 3:10PMThe virtual Haken conjecture
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 17 2012, 3:10PMHyperbolic orbifolds and topology of projective varieties
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNicolaos Kapouleas, Brown University
Tue, Apr 10 2012, 3:10PMGluing constructions for minimal surfaces and self-shrinkers
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDavid Hoffman, Stanford University
Tue, Mar 13 2012, 3:10PMHigher-genus helicoids in S² × ℝ and in ℝ³
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologySwatee Naik, UN Reno
Tue, Mar 6 2012, 3:10PMKnot concordance and symmetries
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYanir Rubinstein, Stanford
Tue, Feb 28 2012, 3:10PMEinstein metrics on Kahler manifolds
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, UC Berkeley
Tue, Feb 21 2012, 3:10PMVirtually special square complexes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBenoit Kloeckner, University of Grenoble
Tue, Feb 14 2012, 3:10PMGeometry of Wasserstein spaces: Hadamard spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYanir Rubinstein, Stanford
Sun, Feb 12 2012, 3:10PMTBA
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyJohn Pardon, Stanford University
Tue, Feb 7 2012, 3:10PMTotally disconnected groups (not) acting on three-manifolds
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyScott Morrison, UC Berkeley
Tue, Jan 31 2012, 3:10PMInvariants of 4-manifolds from Khovanov homology
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 24 2012, 3:10PMWhat is an odd Vassiliev invariant, and do they exist?
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMisha Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 10 2012, 3:10PMPolyhedral complexes and algebraic geometry
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Fri, Dec 2 2011, 2:10PMKnottedness is in NP, modulo GRH
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCornelia Drutu, University of Oxford/MSRI
Tue, Nov 29 2011, 3:10PMEquivalent notions of rank for the mapping class groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShmuel Weinbrger, University of Chicago/MSRI
Tue, Nov 22 2011, 3:10PMPoincare duality, aspherical manifolds, and group actions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlexander Zupan, University of Iowa
Tue, Nov 15 2011, 3:10PMThe pants complex, the dual curve complex, and bridge splittings of knots.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlexander Coward, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 8 2011, 3:10PMCrossing changes and circular Heegaard splittings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJessica Banks, University of Oxford
Tue, Oct 25 2011, 3:10PMThe Kakimizu complex of a link
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCornelia Van Cott, University of San Francisco
Tue, Oct 18 2011, 3:10PMSurfaces and iterated Bing doubles
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlain Valette, Unversity of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Fri, Oct 14 2011, 3:10PML^p-compression and equivariant compression for Baumslag-Solitar groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJohn Stillwell, University of San Francisco
Tue, Oct 11 2011, 3:10PMHistory of 3-manifolds: Poincaré, Tietze, and Dehn
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCandice Price, University of Iowa
Tue, Oct 4 2011, 3:10PMOriented skein relation and a biological application
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyTony Tromba, UC Santa Cruz
Tue, Sep 27 2011, 4:10PMOn the Branch Point Problem for Minimal Surfaces
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyHyam Rubinstein, University of Melbourne
Tue, May 24 2011, 3:10PMCANCELLED
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyDavid Dumas, University of Illinois at Chicago
Thu, May 12 2011, 2:10PMIntersections in the character variety
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyCraig Benham, UC Davis
Tue, May 3 2011, 3:10PMDNA Topology and its Roles in Biology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlex Coward, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 26 2011, 3:10PMTBA
Stanford 380Geometry/TopologyBay Area Differential Geometry Seminar, UCB, UC Davis, SFSU, UCSC, Stanford
Sat, Apr 23 2011, 10:00AMTalks by Guofang Wei (Santa Barbara), David Hoffman (Stanford), Misha Kapovich (UC, Davis).
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEric Babson, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 12 2011, 3:10PMRandom Fundamental Groups
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyRida Farouki, Engineering, UC Davis
Tue, Mar 29 2011, 3:10PMRational rotation-minimizing frames on space curves: theory, algorithms, applications
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKasra Rafi, University of Oklahoma
Mon, Mar 14 2011, 4:10PMHyperbolic properties of the Teichmüller space
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMisha Kapovich, UC Davis
Mon, Mar 7 2011, 4:10PMRAAGs in Ham
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySamuel Krushkal, Bar Ilan University
Mon, Feb 28 2011, 4:10PMThe Grunsky operator, Ahlfors' question and geometry of Teichmuller spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDmitry Fuchs, UC Davis
Mon, Feb 14 2011, 4:10PMBilliards in regular polygons
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJesse Johnson, Oklahoma State University
Mon, Feb 7 2011, 4:10PMCommon stabilizations of Heegaard splittings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJian Zhou, Tsinghua University
Mon, Jan 31 2011, 4:10PMLocal mirror curves and holomorphic disc invariants
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyClaudiu Raicu, UC Berkeley
Mon, Jan 24 2011, 4:10PM3x3 Minors of Catalecticants
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBrian Clarke, Stanford
Mon, Jan 10 2011, 4:10PMGeodesic distance on the manifold of Riemannian metrics
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMisha Kapovich, UC Davis
Mon, Jan 10 2011, 3:10PMPolyhedral complexes and algebraic geometry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBernd Sturmfels
Wed, Dec 1 2010, 4:10PMQuartic Curves and their Bitangents
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEric Bahuaud
Wed, Nov 17 2010, 4:10PMRicci flow for asymptotically hyperbolic metrics
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBruno Benedetti
Wed, Nov 10 2010, 4:10PMShellings, (local) constructions and handle decompositions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDave Auckly
Wed, Oct 27 2010, 4:10PMTwo-fold branched covers
MSRI 0Geometry/TopologyBay Area Differential Geometry Seminar at MSRI in Berkeley
Sat, Oct 23 2010, 10:00AMBay Area Differential Geometry Seminar
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJonathan Williams
Wed, Oct 20 2010, 4:10PMA Reidemeister-Singer conjecture for surface diagrams
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyChristian Zickert
Wed, Oct 13 2010, 4:10PMThe extended Bloch group and representations of 3-manifold groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKate Poirier
Wed, Oct 6 2010, 4:10PMString topology & compactified moduli space of Riemann surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHyam Rubinstein
Tue, Sep 28 2010, 4:10PMThin position for incompressible surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMoore and Rathbun
Tue, May 11 2010, 4:10PM
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHao Xu
Tue, Apr 13 2010, 4:10PMMirror symmetry of singularities
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Ozsvath, Columbia University, MSRI
Tue, Mar 9 2010, 4:10PMBordered Heegaard Floer homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJohn Etnyre, Georgia Institute of Technology/MSRI
Tue, Mar 2 2010, 4:10PMTransverse knots in topology and contact geometry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBurak Ozbagci, MSRI
Tue, Feb 23 2010, 4:10PMA bridge from surface singularities to contact 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDylan Thurston, Columbia University, MSRI
Tue, Feb 16 2010, 4:10PMBordered Heegaard Floer Homology: A Toy Model
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVera Vertesi, MSRI
Tue, Feb 9 2010, 4:10PMLegendrian and Transverse Classification of twist knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLeonid Polterovich, Tel Aviv University, U Chicago and MSRI
Tue, Feb 2 2010, 4:10PMLie quasi-states Abstract:
MSRI 0Geometry/TopologyMSRI Introductory Workshop: Homology Theories of Knots and Links
Tue, Jan 26 2010, 4:10PMA highly recommended one week program at MSRI
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPetra Schwer, Universitaet Muenster
Tue, Jan 19 2010, 4:10PMGeneralized affine buildings and Base change
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHyam Rubinstein, the hyperbolic dodecahedral space - answering a computational challenge of Thurs
Tue, Nov 10 2009, 4:10PM
MSB 0Geometry/TopologyDenis Auroux
Tue, Oct 20 2009, 4:10PMFukaya categories of symmetric products and bordered Heegaard-Floer homology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEric Babson, UCDavis
Tue, Jun 2 2009, 4:10PMThe fundamental groups of random 2-complexes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRob Kirby, UC Berkeley
Thu, May 28 2009, 12:10PMExistence and Uniqueness of Broken Fibrations on all Smooth 4-Manifolds III
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySergei Merenkov, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tue, May 19 2009, 4:10PMQuasi-isometric co-Hopficity for non-topological reasons
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRob Kirby, UC Berkeley
Thu, May 14 2009, 12:10PMExistence and Uniqueness of Broken Fibrations on all Smooth 4-Manifolds II
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAilana Fraser, Univ. British Columbia and Stanford
Tue, May 12 2009, 4:10PMConformal geometry, minimal surfaces, and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRob Kirby, UC Berkeley
Thu, May 7 2009, 12:10PMExistence and Uniqueness of Broken Fibrations on all Smooth 4-Manifolds I
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPeter Teichner, UC Berkeley
Tue, May 5 2009, 4:10PMIntersection theory for Whitney towers
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJerry Kaminker, UC Davis
Thu, Apr 30 2009, 12:10PM"C*-algebras in topology and geometry III
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyBoris Botvinnik, University of Oregon
Tue, Apr 28 2009, 4:10PMConcordance and isotopy of positive scalar curvature metrics
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJerry Kaminker, UC Davis
Thu, Apr 23 2009, 12:10PM"C*-algebras in topology and geometry II
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyJohn Lott, UC Berkeley
Tue, Apr 21 2009, 4:10PMLocally collapsed 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJerry Kaminker, UC Davis
Thu, Apr 16 2009, 12:10PMC*-algebras in topology and geometry I
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySean Cleary, City College, CUNY
Tue, Apr 14 2009, 4:10PMAlmost convexity and tame combing conditions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Kapovich, UC Davis
Tue, Apr 7 2009, 4:10PMCoherence vs noncoherence
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAbigail Thompson, UC Davis
Thu, Mar 12 2009, 12:10PMCurves and Coincidences III
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyThomas Mattman, Chico State University
Tue, Mar 10 2009, 4:10PMCommensurability classes of (-2,3,n) -pretzel knots
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyAbigail Thompson, UC Davis
Thu, Mar 5 2009, 12:10PMCurves and Coincidences II
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAbigail Thompson, UC Davis
Thu, Feb 26 2009, 4:10PMCurves and Coincidences
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBurak Ozbagci
Mon, Feb 23 2009, 4:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMarion Moore, UC Davis
Thu, Feb 19 2009, 12:10PMThin Position
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMarion Moore, UC Davis
Thu, Feb 12 2009, 12:10PMThin Position
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyVera Vertesi, MSRI
Mon, Feb 9 2009, 4:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMarion Moore, UC Davis
Thu, Feb 5 2009, 12:10PMThin Position
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlexander Coward, UC Davis
Tue, Feb 3 2009, 4:10PMUnknotting genus one knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDongseok Kim, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 27 2009, 4:10PMVarious seifert surfaces of links
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass, UC Davis
Tue, Jan 20 2009, 4:10PMLower bounds on the number of Reidemeister moves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRohit Thomas, UC Davis
Thu, Jan 15 2009, 12:10PMQuantum topology
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAdrian Butscher, Stanford University
Tue, Jan 13 2009, 4:10PMCondensing Constant Mean Curvature surfaces in Riemannian manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLucas Sabalka, UC Davis
Fri, Dec 5 2008, 12:10PMBraids
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShinpei Baba, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 25 2008, 4:10PMComplex projective structures with Schottky holonomy
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLucas Sabalka, UC Davis
Fri, Nov 21 2008, 12:10PMBraids
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlice Stevens, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 18 2008, 4:00PMK-stable equivalence for knots in Heegaard surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLucas Sabalka, UC Davis
Fri, Nov 14 2008, 12:10PMBraids
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyLoretta Bartolini, Oklahoma State University
Wed, Nov 5 2008, 4:10PMOne-sided Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDorothy Buck, Imperial College, London
Tue, Oct 28 2008, 4:10PMThe Topology of DNA-Protein Interactions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAlexander Coward, UC Davis
Tue, Oct 21 2008, 4:10PMAlgorithmically detecting the bridge number of a hyperbolic knot
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJeff Brock, Brown University
Tue, Oct 14 2008, 4:10PMHeegaard splittings and hyperbolic geometry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDavid Gay, Cape Town University
Tue, Oct 7 2008, 4:10PMConvexity of negative definite symplectic plumbings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyElon Rimon, Technion
Wed, Jul 9 2008, 4:10PMC-Space Characterization of Contact Preserving Paths with Application to Tactile-Sensor Based Mobile Robot Navigation
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKen Bromberg, University of Utah
Wed, May 28 2008, 4:10PMThe convexity of length functions on Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates for Teichmuller space
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLucas Sabalka, Univ Cal Davis
Wed, May 21 2008, 4:10PM Navigating blindly
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyZoran Sunic, Texas A&M
Thu, May 15 2008, 11:00AMEasy bounds on the growth of Grigorchuk group
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyBATS at Davis, Peter Scott, Univ of Michigan
Tue, May 13 2008, 4:00PM Relative JSJ decompositions
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyBATS at Davis, Feng Luo, Rutgers Univ
Tue, May 13 2008, 2:30PMVolume and angle structures on 3-manifolds
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyTullia Dymarz, Yale University
Mon, May 12 2008, 4:10PM Tukia's theorem and the large scale geometry certain solvable groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyElizabeth Gasparim, University of Edinburgh and UC Berkeley
Wed, Apr 30 2008, 4:10PMNekrasov conjecture for toric varieties
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJoan Licata, Stanford University
Wed, Apr 23 2008, 4:10PMConstructing Seifert surfaces from n-bridge link projections
MSB 2112Geometry/Topology Jennifer Schultens, Univ Cal Davis
Wed, Apr 16 2008, 4:10PM Width complexes of knots and 3-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJason Behrstock, Columbia University
Wed, Apr 9 2008, 4:10PM Geometry and rigidity of mapping class groups
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyJaejeong Lee, UC Davis
Wed, Mar 12 2008, 4:10PMFundamental domains of convex projective structures
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyRichard Montgomery, UC Santa Cruz
Wed, Mar 5 2008, 4:10PMA new way to resolve singularities
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyMoon Duchin, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 27 2008, 4:10PMStars at infinity in Teichmuller space
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyJerry Kaminker, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 20 2008, 4:10PMDuality for hyperbolic dynamical systems
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyMichael Kapovich, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 13 2008, 4:10PMEnds of groups and harmonic functions
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyBrian Osserman, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 6 2008, 4:10PMComponents of Hurwitz spaces
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyJoel Hass, UC Davis
Wed, Jan 23 2008, 4:10PMStabilizations of Heegaard Splittings
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyAlexei Zhubr, Komi Science Center, Syktyvkar
Wed, Jan 16 2008, 4:10PMOn a direct construction of the "exotic" invariant for 6-manifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyIlesanmi Adeboye, USC
Wed, Dec 5 2007, 4:10PMVolumes of hyperbolic 4-orbifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyShinpei Baba, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 28 2007, 4:10PMAdmissible Decomposition of Complex Projective Structures
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMike Williams, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 7 2007, 4:10PMLens space surgeries and tunnel number one knots
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDavid Futer, Michigan State University and MSRI
Wed, Oct 31 2007, 4:10PMThe volume and Jones polynomial of hyperbolic links
MSB 2212Geometry/TopologyKei Nakamura, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 24 2007, 4:10PMFox reimbedding and Bing submanifolds
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPallavi Dani, University of Oklahoma
Wed, Oct 17 2007, 4:10PMSuper-exponential $2$-dimensional Dehn functions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNathan Geer, Georgia Tech
Wed, Oct 10 2007, 4:10PMRenormalized quantum invariants
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYvonne Lai, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 3 2007, 4:10PMAn Effective Compactness Theorem
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyJason Starr, Stony Brook University
Mon, Jul 30 2007, 2:10PMRational simple connectedness and Serre's "Conjecture II"
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMohan Ramachandran, SUNY Buffallo
Wed, May 30 2007, 4:10PMRelative ends of Kahler groups and L^2 holomorphic forms
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRobion Kirby, Univ Cal Berkeley
Wed, May 23 2007, 4:10PM4-Manifolds are Broken, Achiral, Lefschetz Fibrations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAnne Thomas, University of Chicago
Wed, May 16 2007, 4:10PMLattices acting on symmetric polygonal complexes
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyJoe Masters, SUNY Buffalo
Tue, May 8 2007, 11:00AM1-relator groups and Heegaard splittings
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichel Boileau, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Wed, May 2 2007, 4:10PMOn sequences of Riemannian metrics on closed aspherical 3-manifolds
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyBATS at Davis: Craig Hodgson, University of Melbourne
Tue, Apr 24 2007, 4:10PMEnumeration and classification of knotted graphs using hyperbolic invariants
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyBATS at Davis: Dmitry Fuchs, UCDavis
Tue, Apr 24 2007, 2:30PMdecomposition of front diagrams and generating families of functions
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDan Knopf, University of Texas, Austin
Wed, Apr 18 2007, 4:10PMLocal singularities of Ricci flow
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySema Salur, SUNY Rochester
Wed, Apr 11 2007, 4:10PMManifolds with Special Holonomy, Calibrations and Dualities
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyIgor Rivin, Temple University
Wed, Apr 4 2007, 4:10PMGeometry of Polyhedra
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJuan Souto, University of Chicago
Wed, Mar 7 2007, 4:10PMThick hyperbolic 3-manifold whose fundamental group is generated by 3 elements
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEric Rains, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 21 2007, 4:10PMThe cohomology ring of the real locus of the moduli space of punctured spheres
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDmitry Fuchs, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 14 2007, 4:10PMInvariants of Legendrian knots and generating families of functions
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyDamian Osajda, Wroclaw University
Tue, Jan 23 2007, 3:10PMBoundaries of systolic groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDan Knopf, University of Texas, Austin
Thu, Jan 18 2007, 4:10PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLucas Sabalka, UC Davis
Wed, Jan 17 2007, 4:10PMThe isomorphism problem for tree braid groups
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMichael Kapovich, UC Davis
Wed, Jan 10 2007, 4:10PMTriangles in path-metric spaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Wed, Dec 6 2006, 4:10PMFrom the Mahler conjecture to Gauss linking integrals
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyEric Babson, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 29 2006, 4:10PMA configuration space of representations
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMariel Vazquez, San Francisco State University
Wed, Nov 15 2006, 4:10PMTopological analysis of Xer site-specific recombination
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyLucas Sabalka, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 8 2006, 4:10PMGraph braid groups
STANFORD 383Geometry/TopologyCiprian Manolescu, Columbia
Tue, Nov 7 2006, 4:15PMA combinatorial description of knot Floer homology
STANFORD 383Geometry/TopologyEric Babson, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 7 2006, 2:40PMTBA
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyNadya Shirokova, Stanford
Wed, Nov 1 2006, 4:10PMOn the categorification of Vassiliev theory
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyRobion Kirby, UC Berkeley
Wed, Oct 25 2006, 4:10PMThe projective plane, Boy's surface, and everting the 2-sphere.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMatt Kahle, University of Washington
Wed, Oct 18 2006, 4:10PMThe fundamental group of random 2-dimensional simplicial complexes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKen Brown, Cornell
Wed, Oct 11 2006, 4:10PMThe homology of Richard Thompson's group F
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBronek Wajnryb, Univ Cal Davis
Wed, May 31 2006, 4:10PMDiffeomorphism of Complex Algebraic Surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYves Benoist, Ecole Normale Superieure
Wed, May 24 2006, 4:10PMPeriodic tilings in real projective geometry
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyUwe Kaiser, Boise State University
Wed, May 17 2006, 4:10PMState sums, mapping classes and bracket deformation
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyConstantin Teleman, Cambridge University
Wed, May 10 2006, 4:10PMThe Structure of 2D field Theories
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBrian Munson, Stanford University
Wed, May 3 2006, 5:10PMLink maps and linking number
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHenry Segerman, Stanford University
Wed, Apr 26 2006, 4:10PMIncompressible Surfaces in Punctured Torus Bundles, and the Ideal Points They Come From
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyJesse Johnson, UC Davis
Wed, Apr 19 2006, 4:10PMBridge Number and the Curve Complex
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyHelmut Pottman, Vienna University of Technology
Wed, Apr 12 2006, 4:10PMConical Meshes
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDan Margalit, University of Utah
Wed, Apr 5 2006, 4:10PMThe Johnson filtration, pseudo-Anosov dilatation, and curve complex translation
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyFrancois Gueritaud, USC and ENS
Tue, Apr 4 2006, 4:00PMTriangulating the convex core of quasifuchsian once-punctured torus groups
MSB 1147Geometry/TopologyDan Margalit, University of Utah
Tue, Apr 4 2006, 2:30PMDimension of the Torelli group for Out(F_n)
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKasra Rafi, University of Connecticut
Wed, Mar 8 2006, 4:10PMTeichmuller geodeiscs and non-uniquely ergodic foliations.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyKasra Rafi, University of Connecticut
Wed, Mar 8 2006, 4:10AMTeichmuller geodeiscs and non-uniquely ergodic foliations.
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyAbigail Thompson, UC Davis
Wed, Mar 1 2006, 4:10PM2-parameter width for knots in the 3-sphere
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologySwatee Naik, University of Nevada - Reno
Wed, Feb 22 2006, 4:10PMTorsion in knot concordance
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyConstance Leidy, University of Pennsylvania
Wed, Feb 15 2006, 4:10PMHigher-order Alexander invariants of knots, 3-manifolds, and plane algebraic curves
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyYitwah Cheung, San Francisco State University
Wed, Feb 8 2006, 4:10PMA genus 2 characterisation of Veech surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyPaul Norbury, University of Melbourne
Wed, Feb 1 2006, 1:10PMVolumes of moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyThomas Mattman, CSU Chico
Wed, Jan 25 2006, 4:10PMBoundary slopes (nearly) bound cyclic slopes
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologySean Cleary, CCNY, CUNY
Wed, Jan 18 2006, 4:10PMComplexity of languages of geodesics
MSB 3106Geometry/TopologyChristopher Tuffley, U.C. Davis
Wed, Jan 11 2006, 4:10PMBranched covers of S^3 and level structures on the Weierstrass family of cubics
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyMotohico Mulase, U.C. Davis
Wed, Jan 4 2006, 4:10PMGromov-Witten invariants, representation theory, and geometry of KdV equations
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDavid Futer, Michigan State
Wed, Dec 14 2005, 4:10PMLinks with no exceptional surgeries
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDan Rutherford, UC Davis
Wed, Dec 7 2005, 4:10PMBennequin numbers, Kauffman polynomials, and rulings
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRobin Wilson, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 30 2005, 4:10PMKnots with infinitely many distinct Seifert surfaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRobert Lipshitz, Stanford University
Wed, Nov 16 2005, 4:10PMHeegaard-Floer homology for manifolds with (parametrized) boundary
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLiz Stanhope, Lewis and Clark College
Wed, Nov 9 2005, 4:10PMYou can't hear the isotropy type of an orbifold
0Geometry/TopologyBATS: Bay Area Topology Seminar, Fall Meeting at Stanford
Tue, Nov 8 2005, 3:15PMSpeakers: Soren Galatius and Walter Neumann
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDavid Cimasoni, UC Berkeley
Wed, Nov 2 2005, 4:10PMGeneralized Seifert surfaces and signatures of colored links
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyKen Baker, U Georgia
Wed, Oct 26 2005, 4:10PMSmall genus knots in lens spaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyBrad Safnuk, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 19 2005, 4:10PMIntersection Theory on the Moduli Space of Curves
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyYoung Choi
Wed, Oct 12 2005, 4:10PMComparison of Teichmuller and Lipschitz metrics
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMoon Duchin, UCDavis
Wed, Oct 5 2005, 4:10PMGeodesics track random walks in Teichmuller space
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMaggy Tomova, UCD
Wed, Jun 8 2005, 3:10PMAlternate Heegaard genus bounds distance
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJesse Johnson, UC Davis
Wed, Jun 1 2005, 4:10PMHeegaard Splittings and the Pants Complex
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJohn Lott, University of Michigan
Wed, May 11 2005, 4:10PMRicci curvature for metric-measure spaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyPeter Scott, University of Michigan
Wed, Apr 27 2005, 4:10PMGeneralizations of the JSJ decomposition of a 3-manifold
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyTao Li, Oklahoma State University
Wed, Apr 20 2005, 4:10PMHeegaard surfaces and measured laminations
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJoel Kamnitzer, UC Berkeley
Thu, Apr 14 2005, 3:10PMMirkovic-Vilonen cycles and polytopes
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJason Manning, Cal Tech
Wed, Apr 6 2005, 4:10PMA coarse geometric Dehn surgery theorem
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyWilliam Jaco, Oklahoma State University
Wed, Mar 16 2005, 4:10AMEfficient triangulations and finiteness of surfaces in 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMisha Belolipetsky, Hebrew University
Wed, Mar 9 2005, 4:10PMFinite groups and hyperbolic manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJennifer Schultens, UC Davis
Wed, Mar 2 2005, 4:10PMThin position of knots and 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyPete Storm, Stanford University
Wed, Feb 23 2005, 4:10PMAn application of tameness to group theory
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyNathan Dunfield, CalTech
Wed, Feb 16 2005, 4:10PMDoes a random 3-manifold fiber over the circle?
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJ. Hyam Rubinstein, University of Melbourne
Wed, Feb 9 2005, 5:10PM`Most' irreducible 3-manifolds contain incompressible surfaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJ. Hyam Rubinstein, Melbourne University, Australia
Wed, Feb 2 2005, 4:10PMTaut and Angle structures for ideal triangulations of 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJulia Viro, Uppsala universitet
Wed, Jan 26 2005, 3:10PM Lines and circles meeting links
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDanny Calegari, CalTech
Wed, Jan 19 2005, 4:10PMShrinkwrapping, and the tameness of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySuhyoung Choi, KAIST, Korea
Fri, Jan 14 2005, 4:10PMMarden's conjecture for hyperbolic 3-manifolds and 2-convexity
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
Wed, Dec 8 2004, 4:10PMRank and Heegaard genus of arithmetic 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyElizabeth Klodginski, UC Davis
Wed, Dec 1 2004, 4:10PMTotally Geodesic Surfaces and Hyperbolic Knot Complements
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMikhail Khovanov, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 24 2004, 4:10PMRasmussen's combinatorial proof of the Milnor conjecture
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyGenevieve Walsh, University of Texas, Austin
Wed, Nov 17 2004, 4:10PMVirtually Haken fillings of knot complements
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyThomas Mattman, CSU Chico
Tue, Nov 16 2004, 2:10PMExceptional Surgery and Boundary Slopes
Stanford Mat 383Geometry/TopologyBay Area Topology Seminar, Fall meeting at Stanford
Tue, Nov 9 2004, 2:30PMSpeakers: Brian Munson, Stanford and Tim Cochran, Rice University
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Kapovich, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 3 2004, 4:10PMCohomological dimension and critical exponent of Kleinian groups
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UCSB
Tue, Oct 26 2004, 2:10PMProximity in the curve complex: boundary reduction and bicompressible surfaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDmitry Fuchs, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 20 2004, 4:10PMLegendrian Knots
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDmitry Fuchs, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 20 2004, 4:10PMLegendrian Knots
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyCarol Gee, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 13 2004, 4:10PMStrong S-equivalence of ordered links
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyWeimin Chen, Tulane
Wed, Jun 9 2004, 2:10PM Smooth s-cobordisms of elliptic 3-manifolds.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyKasra Rafi, UC Santa Barbara
Wed, Jun 2 2004, 4:10PMTBA
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLewis Bowen, UC DAVIS
Wed, May 26 2004, 4:10PMOn the Gromov Norm
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyOleg Viro, MSRI and Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Wed, May 19 2004, 4:10PMReal algebraic link theories
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJon Wolfson, Stanford University and Michigan State University
Wed, May 12 2004, 4:10PMArea Minimizers and Calibrated Surfaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySergio Fenley, Florida State University
Wed, May 5 2004, 4:10PM3-manifolds, essential laminations and group actions
Mathematics 693Geometry/TopologyBay Area Topology Seminar, Spring meeting in Davis
Tue, May 4 2004, 2:30PMSpeakers: 2:30 Darren Long, UCSB and 4:10 Howard Masur, Univ. Illinois at Chicago
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAlexander Nabutovsky, Penn State University and University of Toronto
Wed, Apr 28 2004, 4:10PM The length of a shortest closed geodesic and related problems
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyThomas Fiedler, MSRI
Wed, Apr 14 2004, 4:10PMA new approach to knot theory
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJoel Kamnitzer, UC Berkeley
Mon, Apr 12 2004, 12:00AMTBA
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySelman Akbulut, MSRI and Michigan State University
Wed, Apr 7 2004, 4:10PMCalibrated Manifolds and Gauge Theory
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyYo'av Rieck, University of Arkansas
Wed, Mar 10 2004, 4:10PMSimple geodesics on a hyperbolic surface (a new proof of McShane's Theorem)
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyYuanan Diao, UNC Charlotte
Wed, Mar 3 2004, 4:10PMThe Additivity of Crossing Numbers
Mathematics 0Geometry/TopologyIan Agol and Francis Bonahon, Stanford Meeting
Tue, Feb 24 2004, 2:00PMBay Area Topology Seminar
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMark Sapir, Vanderbilt University
Wed, Feb 18 2004, 3:10AMAsymptotic cones and relatively hyperbolic groups
Kerr 0Geometry/TopologyMark Sapir, Vanderbilt University
Wed, Feb 18 2004, 3:10AMAsymptotic cones and relatively hyperbolic groups
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyCharlie Frohman, University of Iowa
Wed, Feb 4 2004, 3:10PMNatural Volumes on Character Varieties and the Turaev-Viro invariant at level Infinity
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJohn Millson, University of Maryland
Wed, Jan 21 2004, 3:10PMThe cohomology with local coefficients of compact hyperbolic manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Jerdonek, UCD
Wed, Jan 14 2004, 5:10PMA Canonical Euclidean Metric for Hyperbolic Surfaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRobert Scharein, Simon Fraser University
Thu, Dec 11 2003, 4:10PMOn Knotting with KnotPlot
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAnton Petrunin, Penn State University
Wed, Nov 26 2003, 4:10PMSome applications of the method of "gradient push"
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyElizabeth Klodginski, UCD
Wed, Nov 19 2003, 4:10PMEssential surfaces in 3-manifolds which fiber over the circle
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyPaul Norbury, University of Melbourne
Wed, Nov 12 2003, 4:10PMClosed geodesics on incomplete surfaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRob Kusner, U of Massachusetts at Amherst
Wed, Nov 5 2003, 4:10PMCriticality for Ropelength of Knots and Links
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySaul Schleimer, U of Illinois, Chicago
Wed, Oct 29 2003, 4:10PMThe disjoint curve property
Evans Hall, 939Geometry/TopologyBATS (Bay Area Topology Seminar), Fall Meeting at UC Berkeley
Tue, Oct 21 2003, 2:30PMSpeakers: Michael Kapovich and Dev Sinha
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMisha Kapovich, UCD
Wed, Oct 15 2003, 4:10PMGeometrization conjecture and Ricci flow, after Hamilton and Perelman
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAaron Abrams, University of Georgia
Wed, Oct 8 2003, 4:10PMConfigurations, Coordination, and Curvature
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Tuffley, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 1 2003, 4:10PMConnectivity of finite subset spaces
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyHugh Howards, Wake Forest University
Wed, Sep 24 2003, 4:10PMRound Brunnian Links
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyHerbert Edelsbrunner, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University
Wed, Jun 11 2003, 4:10PM Jacobi sets for multiple Morse functions
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLewis Bowen, UC Davis
Wed, Jun 4 2003, 4:10PMPeriodicity and Circle Packing in the Hyperbolic Plane
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySlava Matveyev, UC Davis
Wed, May 28 2003, 4:10PMFillable Contact Structures
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLewis Bowen, UC Davis
Wed, May 21 2003, 4:10PMPeriodicity and Circle Packing in the Hyperbolic Plane
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMikhail Khovanov, UC Davis
Wed, May 14 2003, 4:10PMHomological Algebra and Braid Group Actions
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UC Santa Barbara
Wed, May 7 2003, 4:10PMHeegaard splittings of 3-manifolds
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyBernardo Uribe, Max Planck Institut fuer Mathematik Bonn
Wed, May 7 2003, 12:10PMGerbes over orbifolds and twisted K-theory
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGunnar Carlsson, Stanford University
Tue, May 6 2003, 4:30PMHomology as a tool for shape description and feature recognition
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UC Santa Barbara
Tue, May 6 2003, 3:10PM3-manifolds with planar presentations and the width of satellite knots
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySlava Matveyev, UC Davis
Wed, Apr 30 2003, 4:10PMFillable Contact Structures
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyPeter Scott, University of Michigan
Wed, Apr 23 2003, 4:10PMCanonical Decompositions of groups and manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyThomas W. Mattman, Cal. State Chico
Wed, Apr 16 2003, 4:10PMFinite and cyclic surgeries on pretzel knots
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyKasra Rafi, UC Santa Barbara
Fri, Apr 11 2003, 4:10PMCobounded geodesics in Tiechmuller space
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Tuffley, UC Berkeley
Wed, Apr 9 2003, 4:10PMFinite subset spaces of the circle
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGenevieve Walsh, UC Davis
Wed, Mar 5 2003, 4:10PMIncompressible surfaces in dihedral link complements
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLiat Kessler, Hebrew University (visiting UCD)
Wed, Feb 5 2003, 4:10PMHolomorphic shadows in the eyes of model theory
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySean Cleary, City College of New York
Thu, Jan 23 2003, 3:10PMSome metric properties of Thompson's group F
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Tuffley, UC Davis
Wed, Jan 1 2003, 4:10PM
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Khovanov, UC Davis
Wed, Dec 4 2002, 4:10PMSL_3 homology
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDmitry Fuchs, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 20 2002, 4:10PMQuillenizations and Bordisms
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Hutchings, UC Berkeley
Wed, Nov 13 2002, 4:10PMRounding corners of polygons and the embedded contact homology of T^3
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Jerdonek, UC Davis
Tue, Nov 5 2002, 4:10PMAlgebraic and Geometric Girth
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Herald, University of Nevada, Reno
Wed, Oct 30 2002, 4:10PMThe integer valued SU(3) Casson invariant for Brieskorn spheres.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLewis Bowen, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 23 2002, 4:10PMProbabilistic techniques in packing theory
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLewis Bowen, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 23 2002, 12:00AMProbabilistic techniques in packing theory
Evans Hall, 0Geometry/TopologyBay Area Topology Seminar - Jt with Berkeley and Stanford
Tue, Oct 15 2002, 12:00AM
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMotohico Mulase, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 9 2002, 4:10PMCounting the number of representations of a surface group
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRobin Endelman, University of Cincinnati
Mon, Jun 10 2002, 4:10PMDegenerations of elliptic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis
Wed, May 29 2002, 4:10PMFat cellulations of the 3-sphere
Kerr 693Geometry/Topology G. Walsh, K. Hartshorn, UC Davis
Mon, May 13 2002, 1:10PMBATS warm-up talks
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDmitry Fuchs, UC Davis
Wed, May 8 2002, 4:10PMTBA
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRostislav Matveyev, UC Davis
Wed, May 1 2002, 4:10PMOn Stein Fillings of a Contact 3-Manifold
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyBrad Ballinger, UC Davis
Wed, Apr 24 2002, 4:10PMConvexifying Polygons in R^2
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyBiao Wang, UC Davis
Wed, Mar 6 2002, 4:10PM3-dimensional orbifolds and cone manifolds V
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyTerk Patel, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 20 2002, 4:10PM3-dimensional manifolds and cone manifolds IV
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySunny Fawcett, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 13 2002, 4:10PM3-dimensional manifolds and cone manifolds III
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGregor Masbaum, Institut de Math
Tue, Feb 12 2002, 2:10PMAlexander-Conway Polynomial, Milnor numbers, and a new Matrix-Tree Theorem
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGenevieve Walsh, UC Davis
Wed, Jan 23 2002, 4:10PM3-dimensional orbifolds & cone manifolds, II
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAbby Thompson, UC Davis
Wed, Jan 16 2002, 4:10PMReading seminar/ 3-dimensional orbifolds & cone manifolds part 1
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyA. Thompson, UC Davis
Wed, Jan 9 2002, 4:10PMTopology/Geometry Seminar Organizational Meeting
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyKrystyna Kuperberg, Auburn University
Fri, Jan 4 2002, 4:10PMKnotted Minimal Trees
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Jerdonek, UC Davis
Wed, Dec 5 2001, 4:10PMLow complexity Heegaard splittings
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyCharles Livingston, Indiana University and UC Berkeley
Wed, Nov 28 2001, 4:10PMA second order linking invariant
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAbby Thompson, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 14 2001, 4:10PMInvariants of immersed curves in the projective plane
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyPeter J. Giblin, University of Liverpool
Fri, Nov 9 2001, 3:10PMVariants of the Symmetry Set and Medial Axis
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyTom Coates, UC Berkeley
Wed, Nov 7 2001, 4:10PMA new proof of the mirror theorem
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGenevieve Walsh, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 31 2001, 4:10PMThe Window of a Hyperbolic Manifold
Evans, UCB 334Geometry/TopologyEdward Goldstein, Stanford
Tue, Oct 23 2001, 4:15PMConstruction and global properties of minimal Lagrangian sub-manifolds in Kahler-Einstein manifolds
Evans,UCB 334Geometry/TopologyRalph Cohen, Stanford
Tue, Oct 23 2001, 2:30PMConformal field theory and duality properties of loop spaces
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyAllen Knutson, UC Berkeley
Thu, Oct 18 2001, 3:10PMPuzzles compute (equivariant) Schubert calculus on Grassmanians
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAndrew Waldron, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 10 2001, 4:10PMSupermembranes and Exceptional Theta Series
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyDror Bar-Natan
Mon, Aug 13 2001, 2:00PMAlgebraic Structures on Spaces of Knots
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Mueger, MSRI
Wed, May 30 2001, 4:10PMOn quantum doubles and Frobenius algebras
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Movshev, UC Davis
Wed, May 23 2001, 4:10PMCombinatorics of moduli space of holomorphic curves
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyPaul Seidel, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
Fri, May 11 2001, 2:10PMReal and complex Morse theory in dimension 2
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAlbert Schwarz, UC Davis
Wed, May 9 2001, 4:10PMTheta-functions on noncommutative tori
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJustin Roberts, UC San Diego
Tue, Apr 24 2001, 3:10PMRozansky-Witten theory
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UCD
Wed, Apr 18 2001, 4:10PMThe theta invariant of homology 3-spheres
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMikhail Khovanov, UC Davis
Wed, Apr 11 2001, 4:10PMA functor-valued invariant of tangles II
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMikhail Khovanov, UC Davis
Wed, Apr 4 2001, 4:10PMA functor-valued invariant of tangles I
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJorgen Andersen, MSRI
Tue, Mar 13 2001, 2:10PMThe gauge theory construction of TQFT's and the asymptotic expansion conjecture.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyAlexander Postnikov, University of California, Berkeley
Tue, Feb 27 2001, 2:10PMLittlewood-Richardson coefficients via Yang-Baxter equation
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Hutchings, Stanford University
Tue, Feb 20 2001, 2:10PMPeriodic Floer homology
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Hutchings, Stanford University
Tue, Feb 20 2001, 2:10AMTBA
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMikhail Khovanov
Tue, Jan 30 2001, 2:10AMThe McKay correspondence II
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMikhail Khovanov
Tue, Jan 30 2001, 2:10AMThe McKay correspondence II
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMikhail Khovanov
Tue, Jan 23 2001, 2:10AMThe McKay correspondence
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Jerdonek, UCD Mathematics
Tue, Dec 5 2000, 2:10PMAutomating the Braid Groups
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyGenevieve Walsh, UC Davis Mathematics
Tue, Nov 21 2000, 2:00PMIncompressible surfaces and algebraic varieties after Culler and Shalen, I
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyAlex Barchechat,, UC Davis Mathematics
Tue, Nov 14 2000, 2:00PMIntroduction to trees and how they relate to 3-manifolds
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyDongseok Kim, UC Davis Mathematics
Tue, Nov 7 2000, 2:00PMProperty P
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyDaciana Bochis, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Tue, Oct 31 2000, 2:00PMOn the number of faces of three-dimensional Dirichlet stereohedra
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, UC Davis Mathematics
Tue, Oct 24 2000, 2:00PMDefining optimal packings and coverings with the aid of topology
Kerr 593Geometry/TopologyKevin Hartshorn
Tue, Oct 10 2000, 2:00PMTBA
Kerr 493Geometry/TopologyAaron Abrams, U.C.Berkeley
Wed, Jun 14 2000, 4:10PMConfiguration spaces and braid groups of graphs
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDmitry Fuchs, UC Davis, Mathematics
Wed, May 31 2000, 4:10PMNew invariants of Legendrian knots: a diagrammatic approach.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJason Ribando
Wed, May 24 2000, 4:10PMGale Transform Techniques for Efficient Triangulations of $n$-Cubes
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyHyam Rubinstein, AIM, Stanford and University of Melbourne
Tue, May 2 2000, 4:15PMConstructing singular incompressible surfaces from Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyHoward Masur, University of Illinois at Chicago and UC Berkeley
Tue, May 2 2000, 2:30PMWord processing in the mapping class group of a surface
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJeff Brock, Mathematics, Stanford University
Thu, Apr 13 2000, 4:10PMThe Weil-Petersson metric, pairs of pants, and convex core volume.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySelman Akbalut, MSRI and Michigan State University
Fri, Apr 7 2000, 4:10PM
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyIsabella Novik, UC Berkeley
Wed, Mar 8 2000, 4:10PMUpper Bound Theorems for simplicial manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyStephen Bigelow, University of California, Berkeley
Mon, Feb 28 2000, 4:10PMRepresentations of braid groups
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDr. Mikhail Khovanov, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 23 2000, 4:10PM[continued] Braid group actions in homotopy categories.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDr. Mikhail Khovanov, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 16 2000, 4:10PMBraid group actions in homotopy categories.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyStephen Bigelow, Mathematics, UC Berkeley
Wed, Jan 26 2000, 4:10PMA faithful representation of the braid groups
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyTao Li, Cal Tech
Wed, Jan 12 2000, 3:10PMImmersed surfaces in 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDiane Maclagan, UC Berkeley
Wed, Dec 8 1999, 4:10PMCombinatorics of the toric Hilbert scheme
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyYael Karshon, Hebrew University and UC Berkeley
Wed, Dec 1 1999, 4:10PMHamiltonian torus actions
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyChris Jerdonek, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 17 1999, 4:10PMLength and the Gromov Norm of a 3-manifold
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySerkan Hosten, George Mason University
Wed, Nov 10 1999, 4:10PMAssociated primes of toric initial ideals
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyGreg Kuperberg, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Nov 3 1999, 4:10PMPerturbative 3-manifold invariants by cut-and-paste topology
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyFrank Sottile, Univ of Massachussettes Amherst-Univ of Wisconsin Madison
Wed, Oct 27 1999, 4:10PMMaximally inflected real rational curves
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRida Farouki, Dept of Mech Engr, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 20 1999, 4:10PMDesigning curves with complex numbers
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJesus De Loera, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 13 1999, 4:10PMMinimal and Maximal triangulations of Convex Polytopes.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyRita Gitik, Michigan
Wed, Oct 6 1999, 4:10PMTameness and the Geodesic Cores of Subgroups.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMaike Meyer, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Jun 9 1999, 4:10PMChekanov-Eliashberg Invariants and Transverse Approximations of Legendrian Knots
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyVinay Kathotia, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Jun 2 1999, 4:10PMThe Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff Formula, A Graphical Calculus, and Iterated Integrals.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyB. Dubrovin, SISSA, Trieste and MSRI, Berkeley
Wed, May 26 1999, 4:10PMCoxeter groups and Frobenius manifolds.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyHiroshi Goda, UCD and Kobe University
Wed, May 19 1999, 4:10PMAlmost alternating diagrams and fibered links in the 3-sphere.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologySean Cleary, CSU Fresno
Wed, May 12 1999, 4:10PMQuasisometric Embedding Properties of Various Thompson's Groups.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyNathan Dunfield, University of Chicago
Tue, May 11 1999, 4:15PMCyclic surgery and volume rigidity for hyperbolic manifolds.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Hutchings, Stanford University
Tue, May 11 1999, 2:45PMElementary dynamics related to 3-dimensional Seiberg-Witten theory.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyJeff Brock, Stanford University
Wed, May 5 1999, 4:10PMBoundaries of Teichmuller spaces and end-invariants for hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Apr 21 1999, 4:10PMVolumes of hyperbolic Haken 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyBryan Mosher, University of Michigan
Wed, Feb 24 1999, 4:10PMAutomatic groups and displacement estimates for hyperbolic manifolds.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Feb 17 1999, 4:10PMSubgroup separablility for the Bianchi groups.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMartin Scharlemann, UCSB
Wed, Feb 10 1999, 4:10PMThe structure of a solvmanifold's Heegaard splittings (Joint with Daryl Cooper)
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyDavid Bachman, UT Austin
Wed, Jan 20 1999, 4:10PMToward a PL Theory of Higher Index Minimal Surfaces.
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyMichael Sullivan, Stanford University
Wed, Jan 6 1999, 4:10PMWhitehead Torsion for Floer Homology
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyLorraine Farrell, .
Wed, Dec 2 1998, 4:10PMThe Lickorish Twist Theorem
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyProf. Jennifer Taback, UC Berkeley
Wed, Nov 11 1998, 4:10PMQuasi-isometric rigidity and the geometry of PSL2(Z[1/p])
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyD. Calegari, U C Berkeley
Wed, Nov 4 1998, 4:10PMR-covered foliations of 3-manifolds
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyIan Agol, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 21 1998, 4:10PMBounds on Dehn filling and handle addition
Kerr 693Geometry/TopologyProfessor Hiroshi Goda, Mathematics, UC Davis
Wed, Oct 14 1998, 4:10PMOn tangle decompositions of tunnel number one links
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyDan Romik, UC Davis
MSB 2112Geometry/TopologyBeibei Liu, Georgia Tech
Wed, Dec 31 1969, 2:10PMTBA